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In Video: Ukrainian Refugees “Thank” Their Host Countries

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“I want to share with you the observation that Bulgaria is an absolutely unfriendly country and it is absolutely pro-Russian. And the population of this country is very fond of Russia and very supportive of Russia.

A certain number of people can even come up to you and say:
– Are you from Ukraine?
– Yes.
– And, well, thank God that Putin is killing you!

They are absolutely stupid and limited gypsies who don’t know how to work. And when they realized that our population came here and started working normally, serving much better than the Bulgarian… Bulgarian poverty and limita, they started to get mad at our people! They are just so stupid that they don’t realize that it’s not Bulgaria that pays hoteliers for us, it’s the European Union that allocates money to beggar Bulgaria to host us!

I was just sharing my impressions of what people are like here.
Of course, every country has its freaks, but here there are especially many.”

The speech was edited in an attempt to make it more clear, because the woman cursed like a sailor.

“I want to address the Estonians and Russians who are here in Tallinn in Estonia, guys.

No one claims your country. No one is going to stay here, live has, claim for housing.

What you publish there on Google, Facebook, what you read, I really worry, and I’m ashamed of you. Are you guys serious?! Do you think Estonia is the coolest country where you can live? No, you have the poorest, beggar country.

People come here to settle with relatives for a while, survive, live and go to their homeland. Are you serious?! Are you kidding me or what?! I read your posts damn I’m ashamed, Estonians, Russians, who are here. Are you serious?! No one wants to live here with you. Why does anyone need you?! … Don’t worry. Nobody’s going to fucking live here. Are you sick?!

What is Estonia?! This is the poorest fucking country. People come here to survive the war, stress, depression, children. What the fuck. Are you serious ?! You’ve pissed me off, I’m here, *** Are you insolent ***?! Have fear of God ***! Take care of yourself, seriously guys. ***

“Ukrainians have arrived, fucked up everything ***. There is no work, everything is allowed to them.” Nothing is allowed. What is allowed ***? 60 euros for a child ***. When the apartment *** costs 650-800! Are you *** serious?! *** Shut up ***. Stay here in Estonia *** fuck up***. I’m *** sitting here, *** I get only 1000 euros *** when the apartment *** costs 650.

Shut up, fucking Estonians, Russians ***. If this had happened to you, you would have gone *** to Ukraine ***. And we would not have fucked up, but accepted you as normal people ***, and would have helped and given you everything ***. That’s when Putin steps on you ***, when the war is going to Finland, you will be like beetles, cockroaches, ants * ** running away, in Ukraine, scattered *** and in the hole * **. I want to see it.

Seriously people, you **** me. With these posts and the whole ***. Sorry *** for being blunt ***. But you really *** me. “Ukrainians are nothing”.

Get out of here ***. *** Why are you leaving for the Netherlands, Norway, Finland *** leaving to work?! Yes, because you in Estonia *** do not want to work for such a salary ***. Ukrainians come and *** work for your salary. Yes, if there were no Ukrainians, you would suck ***. Just suck your ***. And you wouldn’t have anything. *** I’ll tell you this, you guys, my dear Russians, Estonians ***. Shut up *** and say thank you that *** Ukraine is here*** working *** for 5 euros per hour at your factories and at all enterprises ***. Shut up *** please ***. If you don’t like something, *** leave Estonia *** for Finland, Norway, somewhere further ***. Stop bothering Ukraine.

No one is going to live with you ***. No one will live here. Everyone has Ukraine, their own home. We came here, nowhere, someone have their relatives, sit there one out and everyone is going home now. *** Nobody needs you?! Poor people with poor Estonia! *** “Estonia is the richest country in the world”. The poorest country ***. Good luck to you, thank you for your attention ***.”


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Sorry but GDP-PPP per capita of Ukraine was in 2021 lower than that of Bulgaria. Actually it was lower than that of Indonesia and Sri Lanka. According IMF rank list number 128 nation.


What was the Shlomos GDP-PPP (per capita?!) in Titus Vespasianus time?

Last edited 2 years ago by jorge

But surely rent and cost of life was not as inflated as in the EU, which is more and more impossible to survive. 600+ € rent is mainstream everywhere, except maybe in Germanic countries with a reasonable welfare state. All the rest is the wild west (literally: a US clone o real estate speculation). Worse: the almost non eistent public housing sets are now being given to Ukrainians preferentially.

Apartment rent in Ukraine is half or less as it is in the EU (otherwise cost of life is 40% lower), so no surprised about what the second woman says on this respect.

That’s the secret of cheap labor, in Ukraine, China, Mexico or even (relatively speaking) Germany and Denmark: low cost of life. This may be due to generalized poverty or to a social state (or a mix of both), what is never caused is by wild capitalist affluence, which only generates “gentrification” (speculation) everywhere.


areyou fckng crazy, rent in England is £850 for a two bedroom chalet 25 squre meters. I pay it and comes more insolent niggers every day.

Tom Bombastadillo

Ogre test ….

Tom Bombastadillo

I feel for ya man. I bugged out to the ‘poverty zone’ a long time ago where housing is affordable. No insolents out here either. Just many months per year of very hot dry weather is all. But I like that. No dreary pea soup.

Tom Bombastadillo

Turns out the ogre would not let me post L O L.

Petar Mrkonjic

As in James West? https://wildwildwest.fandom.com/wiki/James_West

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

They are just annoyed that no one wants to buy their sexual services.


Funny, but not nice. I think both ladies could make a comfortable living as sex workers in any country.


Not a chance.

Peppe il Sicario

Are you kidding me? I wouldn’t screw neither of those 2 cow skanks with your limp dick.


With those faces and amount of lard hanging, one has to be too drunk to fancy one of those.

Lol, one can get better going into the farmers Field at night.


Now you see how much of a heaven is EU.

Tom Bombastadillo

Exactly. Oh the West is just paradise, no?


HAHAHHAHA you’re welcome to them EU. You deserve them.


Two dumb Ukrainian cows that probably belonged under a cluster bomb.


Hey dumb Ukrainian cows, your country, Ukraine, is one of the poorest and definitely most corrupt in all of Europe!


The Russians are even dumber. Yeah sure there are Nazis in Ukraine but it’s so damn stupid of the Russians for thinking that they can eliminate them all.


They did it once, they’ll do it again.


No love lost, no appreciation. Mass movements of people only work when they are of short duration or VERY well planned out.

Tom Bombastadillo

The good side of this is that they may want to go home as soon as possible.


The puppet governments of Europe gush over these losers while their citizens are learning fast to detest these ukies.


I’m really looking forward to the continued and increasing influx of PO’d Ukes into EU countries to join the millions of previous refugees from other recent US regime change schemes that have blown up in Europes face, and the Euros keep signing up for more. These Ukrainians are going to be the most disagreeable population of them all, especially when the extremely butt-hurt neo-Nazis start pouring in. Enjoy your idiocy, Europe! Thumbs up (your nether regions)!


Some of us are (almost) old enough to remember when the Goths came begging and nagging from the very same place. They behave eactly like the Goths did, soon they will besiege Brussels, the modern version of Constantinople or Rome, and loot it to the last euro.

Chris Gr

Descendants of Goths are the Baltics in my opinion.


Not really, you could argue that (some) Slavs may be based on geography but genetics does not support they left much a of descendant legacy, maybe a tiny thread in Spain at best. The Baltic peoples historically (and archaeologically extended from Prussia to (part of) Latvia and surely into what is now Belarus but were not present in Poland (old Gothic and other Eastern Germanic homeland) nor Ukraine and Romania, which the Goths conquered in part before being forced to migrate by the Huns.

The Slavs expanded (from NW Ukraine and nearby areas of Belarus surely) under the clout of Hunnic (and derived Turkic, like the original Avars and Bulgars) expansions, however genetics again does not support massive migrations and population replacements but rather that Slavs were good at assimilating others, while the more aristocratic Turkic elites were not so good at that (the ethno-cultural fact of Slavs being originally European, while the Turkics were ultimately from East Asia may also played a role, unsure).

Chris Gr

The second paragraph is correct. The first so and so. Goths were in Ukraine though but Tatars were also in Ukraine.


Sequentially so: the Goths were expelled by the Huns, who are the precursors of the Bulgars and other Turkics (much later called “Tatars”). The “Tatar” (Turkic, much later under Mongol elites) rule of the European steppe basically spans between the expulsion of the Goths and the Russian conquest of the region in the 16th to 18th centuries. That’s more than a thousand years. Sure: some groups like the Magyars may not have been Turkic but they were part of that same Turkic-dominated nomadic landscape that replaced the Scythians and towards the western end the Goths.

Chris Gr

Weren’t Scythians also Turkic? Magyars were Turkic but now they look Slavic.


No. Scythians were the last Indoeuropeans of the steppe, the original Indoeuropean homeland. They were Iranic and distinct branches of them were the Sarmathians, the Cimmerians (which lend their name to Crimea, where they created a Greco-Cimmerian realm known as Bosporus Kingdom) and the Alans (from whom the Ossetians derive somehow and who were part of the great migrations that destroyed the Western Roman Empire).

The “stay behind” core Indoeuropeans of late Yamna culture are almost certainly ancestral (at least linguistically and culturally) to indo-Iranians in general. They remained a purely steppe people until the Bronze Age (Indo-Aryan invasion of IVC and a branch heading west and forming, along with the local Hurrians, Mittani Kingdom), those who stayed behind until the Iron Age were the Iranics, who conquered what is now Iran and Kurdistan as Medes (Persians were a branch of Mede-ized Elamites probably, although maybe Persians were originally distinct from Medes somehow, unclear). Some Iranics (broadly known as Scythians) stayed behind in the steppe until China dislodged the Xiongnu (Huns), who are with all likelihood ancestral (again linguistically and culturally, genetic influence is in some cases very negligible or even invsible) to the Turkics historical and modern.

These Turkics replaced the Scythians in all the Eurasian steppe and formed several realms, some of the older ones called Hunnic, incl. the White Huns or Hephtalite realm in the Afghanistan area (which used Bactrian, an Iranic language, as official language, they are surely ancestral to the Hazara people). Later, already in the Middle Ages we see the formation of various Turkic polities in the steppe such as the huge Gökturk Khaganate in Central Asia, the Bulgar Khaganate in approx. modern Ukraine, the Khazar Khaganate in Southern Russia, etc. The so-called “Genghis Khan” patrilineage is probably a Turkic founder effect a thousand years older than the Mongol Empire.

Chris Gr

I don’t believe in the Indo-European theory. Those “Indo-Europeans” were in fact Turkic. Scythians were a catch all term. You are correct. Sarmatians, Cimmerians and Alans were a mix of Turkic and Caucasian aka white Mongols.

Elamites were ancestors of Mesopotamians and Dravidians.


At this point. much like General Relativity, it’s not just a theory: it is ***scientific fact***, the evidence is just massive and any competing theory of the past has died by drowning under its overwhelming weight. I could explain but why bother: you are clearly a big mouthed ignoramus who knows just enough to babble about this matter (sorry to be blunt but seriously…)

Turkics are the Huns, there were no Turkics or Huns or even genetic evidence of them west of Altai Mts. before the Bronze Age (and in the Iron Age it’s almost exclusive female exchange between the two regions) and there’s lots of other evidence, huge amounts of it, archaeological, linguistic, genetic, you name it!

Elamites are probably related to Dravidians in a Neolithic timeline but Persians show up in that region as a branch of the Medes, so probably pretty much Indoeuropeanized Elamites. Sumerians are IMO rather related to Hurrians and NE Caucasian peoples in terms linguistic but more research is needed.

Last edited 2 years ago by Maju
Chris Gr

Sarmatians come from the word Sauromates which means lizard eyed. So what people do they have lizard/slanted eyes?


Highly speculative the etymology and anyhow, East Asians correctly object to the “slanted eyes” attribution, you may say “narrow eyes” or “high eyebrows” but slanted eyes is not a thing (unless it’s individual variation in any population).

What is clear is that Scythian and Sarmathian genetics were West Eurasian, discussion closed, facts trump speculation.


Could be made anywhere any time.


Ukes have to be the dumbest people on the planet. To vote in a corrupt Jew and then fight to the death for a Jew that instigates a war. What complete dumb fucks.

Chris Gr

Again, the Jews…


Yeah, visiting the EU always feels like you just landed some place in the developing world, just with a lot more crime, rules and insane bureaucracy stacked on top of it. I know, i’m European and i’m always shocked landing in Europe despite knowing what to expect. That being said, for the Ukrainians who are basically throwing away their country for the prospect that they *might* eventually be allowed to join that dysfunctional union, reality most be a very unpleasant surprise.

Suck Zamfir Klaus

EU : run by FM crooks for the benefit of themselves. They’re going to reset alright, they intend to remove all human beings from the entire earth. Particularly European peoples. Start doxxing them all so people know where to visit. They like to make people tremble with fear, let them enjoy the same experience.

Tom Bombastadillo

It would be wonderful to see a great big missile land smack dab in the middle of a WEF global gathering (blathering?) and thereby eliminate about half of the worst ones. Oh, one can dream ….

Chris Gr

Unfortunately, leaders of every country work with them.

Tom Bombastadillo

Putin will give them a better deal when it is all over with.

Chris Gr

EU is not that bad, however, it is becoming worse.


that reminds me when the central american migrants arrived to Mexico, they behaved like a super stars asking for pizza because they dislike black beans, and have some encounters with law enforcers who were near to the so called caravans, “finest” people


No, they didn’t.

Also piza is cheap junk food. Nobody should eat that: makes you fat and diabetic.

Tom Bombastadillo

Nearly all of the migrants from central America were already obese.

Mordecai Vanunu

Whore, from Village


1000€ salary and 700€ rent? Sure, welcome to the European Union, you beggar Goths, do not take everything this time, OK?

You know what? People from Senegal or Honduras complain much much less, they know they come as guests, sometimes they become one of us but it takes time.

Also the first woman is a total nazi.

Porc halal

As far as I know, ukros are slavs, probably the worst of them…

Last edited 2 years ago by Porc halal

fck shtskns of any kind. are their shtskn in porn? does anybody want it?


Slav is a linguistic term, I have nothing against Slavs, do you? If so why? Maybe you are a Germano-centrist type of Nazi?

Porc halal

Actually, I am against NAZI of any kind! The original one (german, which btw considered slavs to be an inferior species) or any other copy including the slavic one, which by extention is a joke cancelling what the original nazi ideology states vis-a-vis slavs) … but, jews are always masters of manipulation …

Chris Gr

Nazis exists in every people. Hugo Banzer and Omar Bashir were examples of its tropical version.


These people will never be allowed home again, not even with a tourist visa. US-Canada-EU are going to have an ignorant neo-Nazi problem for decades.


anglo nazis like these idiots


what about the sea axes? we are the master race. you speak our language. we dont speak yours.


we couldn’t get far enough away from you. you would rather die than live without us


O.k. lets go to the beginning.. When did things started to go wrong???


They didn’t kill all of the Amalekites?


толстая курва !!! Иди на хуям дебеловеждое плашило! Fat slut ! GFY uni-brow scarecrow!

Tom Bombastadillo

She gets 1000 Euros per month? That’s 1000 Euros per month more than I get.

1000/month and 650 rent. Much fairier on housing than California is. Welcome to the West, pottymouth lady!


Bulgaria is on my bucket list to visit now!


The real battle is not between Russia and Ukraine, but between Russia and EU. The operation in Ukraine is meant to unleash those hordes of apes into the EU, which so far has been successful.

Watching her, I had this comical vision of an advertising shot, while she’s getting all packed up and excited, a bullet would cross her head, bringing all to a halt, followed by some sitcom studio laughter in the background


i was in bulgaria the past 7 months. guess who drives the most expensive SUVs there? u can bet they are UA. cars up to 200k EURO. and they get 40 eur/day per person from bulgaria/EU. not the bulgarians but the rich crooked UA fucktards. bulgarians don’t fuck around. watch carefully. tensions rising


lol, nice to see our Bulgarian neighbors treating Ukis the correct way.


I call Unibrow on that ugly racist whore in the first video. She shave that middle 2 inches, I’d bet my house on it. What classy women are found in Yuk-kraine. A gross society which won’t be around much longer, may they rot in hell.

Last edited 2 years ago by Thraxite
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