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MARCH 2025

In Video: Ukrainian Senior Lieutenant Confirms War Crimes Against Civilians In Mariupol

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So far, almost all residential areas in the city of Mariupol have been moped up by the joint LPR and Russian forces. Thousands of civilians were evacuated from their basements in dangerous areas, thousands became victims of the hostilities. Hundreds of civilians who survived were interview in the city of Mariupol. Almost all of them claimed to have witnessed how Ukrainian militants deliberately killed civilians. According to the testimonies of the civilians, who survived without food and water, a lot of civilians were killed on the road to the wells and water sources. 

After hundreds of Ukrainian servicemen surrendered in the city of Mariupol, they provided a lot of details on the actions and war crimes of the Ukrainian military, including mass killing of civilians. The interview with one of the Ukrainian senior lieutenants confirmed the testimonies of civilians who were evacuated from Mariupol. A lot of Ukrainian soldiers confirm that numerous war crimes are the result of the criminal tactics of the Ukrainian military command.

Correspondent: “What’s your name?”

Serviceman: “Vadim.”

Correspondent: “Your last name?”

Serviceman: “Bondarenko.”

Correspondent: “Vadim Bondarenko, position, rank, regiment?”

Serviceman: “Chief of Communications, platoon commander management of the self-propelled artillery division of the Independent 36th Marine Brigade. Rank – senior lieutenant.”

Correspondent: “Have you seen any actions towards civilians?”

Serviceman: “Once we were in position in the city when we were told: take up defense along the avenue. To the right of us was positioned the Independent 501st Marine battalion, which at that time was still in place, they shot at civilians who passed by their positions.”

Correspondent: “Tell me about it. Tell me how it was, just describe it.”

Serviceman: “People were walking along the avenue, with containers for water and with packages to find food, because I understand they were running out of food. When they entered the area of responsibility of the 501st battalion, those servicemen fired a warning shot upwards, if people did not pay attention further, then they fired at them.”

Correspondent: “And did they shoot from covered positions or what?”

Serviceman: “Yes, from hidden locations”

Correspondent: “And what happened to these people they shot at?”

Serviceman: “They stayed on the avenue, died.. those who died remained on the avenue.”

Correspondent: “Why did they do it?”

Serviceman: “I went to find out why they were shooting at civilians and I was told that they were shooting at men because they could either discover our positions or could be servicemen of the Russian Federation disguised as civilians”

Correspondent: “And what did you say to that?”

Serviceman: “I asked: why? You can’t know for sure.. But  no one answered my question”

Correspondent: “And how many people did they kill in this way?”

Serviceman: “Eight or nine people.”

Correspondent: “For how long did this happen?”

Serviceman: “From 8 am to 2 pm.”

Correspondent: “Why did they then stop doing it?”

Serviceman: “Then came the shift that replaced me, I do not know what happened next. Whether they continued to kill people or not, I can’t say, I don’t know.”

Correspondent: “Everything looks so terrible, to be honest… it doesn’t fit in my head.. You told about 8 or 9 killed. Also testified to two murders from a neighboring battalion, two were also killed by servicemen… Why so? Here, explain. Just explain.”

Serviceman: “Hmm.. probably because the higher authorities don’t care! And junior officers won’t be able to do anything.”

Correspondent: “Well, the higher authorities don’t care, junior officers can’t do anything, the president in general … the feeling that he has served on that comedy show the “95 quarter” and so it serves (note: “95 quarter” is a team in a humorous show in which Vladimir Zelensky was an actor). His advisor Arrestovich tells fables.  So what happened to the country?”

Serviceman: “I do not know. I don’t understand anything anymore…” he lowers his head and cries.


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Clown of Kiev

He better pray he’s never part of a prisoner swap.

Ashok Varma

These Ukrainian Nazi racist scum need to be eliminated as they are a bigger cancer than ISIS even which has been contained by brave Russians, Syrians, Iranians and Shia militias in Syria and Iraqi deserts. These Ukrainian Nazi bastards will contaminate all of Europe. Indian and foreign students were first to experience and witness their brutality and racism, funny enough they don’t even look “white ” since they are Khazars and pass for any middle eastern people.


If he asks nicely the Russian’s might do him a favor and exclude him from such a deal. :P

Michel LeBlanc

We know your nazi asses would shoot him.

Now your gloating about it.


I am sure the Western, Nazis trolls are proud of their comrades.


Yes, commie jews are mopers.


Putin takes a MASSIVE Shit on JHK

The Nazi trash will be eliminated, I think you should be on the list as well.

Ashok Varma

Russian military has done very well and Indian generals belief in Russian military prowess has been vindicated. Interesting the Jew media is also blaming Iranians for inflicting this humiliating defeat on the Ukrainian Nazis. The Zionists are advocating another suicidal war, as if the hiding from Russia is not enough.

NATO must come to Iran too. The country that can afford weapons and militia manpower to take Kharkiv or Dnipro.

Bit of history: Persians reached Dieper river and Danube multiple times. Reportedly Darius chased unruly Iranic Scythian tribes up to Danube river. Now the Scythian and Russian Vikings have united again against their mutual enemies.




The True Life of a Commie:

1. A Fucking Moper


Special Olympics Moping Operation


John Tosh

Zelenskyy is the Last Action Hero

Zelenskyy has been paid over $20 million and has signed contracts to act in big Hollywood movies as soon as Ukraine is completely destroyed.

Zelenskyy has been waiting for a long time to get into Hollywood. All he needs to do is get Ukrainians to die (he does not personally know those dumb Ukrainian Soldiers or Azov)

Put yourself in Zelenskyy’s shoes. Twenty million Dollars plus a chance to keep acting in Hollywood movies. A nice Dacha in Florida !! All you need to do is encourage a few stupid Ukrainians you don’t know to die !

Talk about a deal with the devil!

Last edited 2 years ago by John Tosh
Clown of Kiev

Heh, that’s peanuts compared to what the Anglo warmongers pay me. Refer to the Pandora Papers simpleton.

John Tosh

I agree they got Zelenskyy real cheap!!! To allow the deaths of children!! Wow that’s like selling your entire generation to the devil.

Maybe we should call him. CHEAP Zelenskyy!!!


Zelenski has $540 million in his bank account, and if you really believe he will just leave this war and become an actor while he murdered his own people, released rapists on his people, openly support and implement nazi’s in his government..Zelenski is a dictator war criminal, there is no chance for him to come out of this alive and he knows it, that is why he wants to fight to the last Ukrainian, to save his pervert coke sniffing hobbit ass, he doesn’t give a shit about the Ukrainian people, i hope this is very obvious by now.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zerofucksgiven
hans raus

Ukranian cocks and only cocks, i suck, eat shit and drink piss


You guys keep writing ‘moped’ instead of ‘moped’… C’mon, it’s not that difficult…

Aunt Polly

It certainly seem so.

hans raus

hahahahahaahah russian propaganda at its best….only crackheads will believe in this cheap russian story :D

hans raus

but i love sucking cocks


And again to the question of the shooting of civilians, “friendly fire”, pogroms and murders in the Kiev region.

Ukrainians accuse each other of killing civilians and their own comrades-in-arms “for no reason.”

Once again: UKRAINIANS THEMSELVES! Sergei Bondar, a member of the right-wing radical organization Foundations of the Future, accused territorial defense fighters of killing

many civilians and Ukrainian servicemen in Kiev. His Facebook post.https://www.facebook.com/100009701772065/posts/1634969593503084/


I wanted to post a comment from facebook in English, but for some reason the copied text does not always pass. Site administration fix it.


There is too much evidence, including from the Ukrainian side, so that the “drug addict with cheap propaganda” will not be able to cover up the topic.

Muhammad your Prophet

In a real world when a human cockroach launches artillery against residential building with the people still living in it all across Mariupol, that’s a war crime. The Putin cockroaches still want to pretend as if destroying the entire city is still somehow justfied under the Orwellian law of the cockroaches. As if it doesn’t count.


Well that’s exactly what the Azov terrorists hiding in Mariupol did against the people of Donbass for 7 years. So if you were consistent with your accusation then the same would have been applied against Ukrainians since a long time ago. But since you are a troll and a CIA propagandist you are NOT consistent with your “values” so you will only speak against Russia like a pathetic bot that you are.

hans raus

Another two russian helicopters has been destroyed in kharkiv region ^^

Today is good day for ukr- two russian fighter jets and two helicopters ^^


hans raus

i am delusional, can’t seem to be differentiate whats real and fake, but sucking ukrops cock is the best ^^.

I am renowned cock sucking gay ^^

Muhammad your Prophet

The British Startreak is causing mayhem. It’s almost inmune to drone target system due to its manueverability, which makes it a lot faster than the drones. The Ukranian forces are picking the Russian drones off like flies.


LOL, on playstation?


The anti air weapons are arriving despite the Russian cuckoos .


2 haze in the distance is that what you think is proof?))) Cheap German propaganda from drug addict Hans?)))


RUBBISH, 90% of Uki claims are sheer lies and fabrications.


It’s a good day for “ukr”? What does a bad day look like, you fucking imbecile?


Brilliant testimony, spoiled by a correspondant who inexplicably launches into some demented lost in translation narrative. Defeat, snatched from the jaws of victory…



Lone Ranger

we will soon find the atomic bomb ss terrorists were building in Mariupol and present it to the world! I swear!

hans raus

#Ukraine: Rare footage from #Zaporizhzhia Oblast today showing a Russian Ka-52 attack helicopter taken out by a Ukrainian 9K38 Igla MANPADS.


russobots will cry today


I fuck*d Irina Shayk. Not realy but I locked my door for here and declared I did. So that is solved and anybody contradicting this = 15 years in the Gulags. I still wonder how people can believe those Russian propaganda, they openly tell and command idiotic statements and the Russian slaves knick and continue to slave. Some of the parents and wives of the drown sailors had some remarques but could not vent them because out of fear of repercussions and jail. The war is not between #Ukraine & #Russia but between civilisations. One that wants to cure cancer & go into space & the other only interested restoring a Soviet past.” “Watch #Russia propaganda & understand that everything is backwards: they fight fascism by bringing fascism; they liberate by enslaving. When they say #Ukraine is planning a chemical weapons attack you know that’s what they are planning.”


Yes, the society run by Blackrock and Vanguard and Goldman Sachs really has the long-term vision for humanity. Derp.

stephan williams

“So what happened to the country?”

Serviceman: “I do not know. I don’t understand anything anymore…” he lowers his head and cries.”

When I read the words written by those who support the criminals who have stolen Ukraine from its peoples I will remember this unfortunate man’s words and his helpless tears.

Senior Lieutenant Vadim Bondarenko is a man – not a killer. He is sane – not a psychopath like so many of you repulsive trolls who glorify violence.

I weep for this man and his country.


It’s absolutely terrible. The Anglo empire played these people off against one another, using the same ethno-rubbish template that they used in Yugoslavia, and the damage will affect many generations.

Al Doobie

The CIA plans to offer jobs to the remaining AZOV nationalists and SBU. Then they will bring some patsies to the USA for some operations and training (like they did with paperclip, Kennedy and 911, etc). Maybe even flying lessons again is on the table, who knows? Next, to the Middle East, where they can combine with the White Helmets and be known as White people in White Helmets (supporting established narratives in a country near you) and become real journalists speaking truth to power. Pulitzer prize material there, bucko. Category: Historical Friction


We all regret our actions when we lose, he’s no different to any of us.

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