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MARCH 2025

In Video: Ukrainian Servicemen Addressed President Zelensky

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A video appeal of Ukrainian prisoners of war to Ukrainian President Zelensky was shared online.


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Mu Mu

Where’s Mohammad et al. lol!!!

hunter bidé lab pork !

he went to see more nazi fake merdia and catch a monkey in is anus !!!


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Last edited 2 years ago by Dorothy

in his anus.. with his anus… what’s the diff..

Gina Turner

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Last edited 2 years ago by Gina Turner


Elohim Kosher Bar

Cokehead jew Ze has more value now as a martyr. Donbas will fall soon and his masters are about to flush him down the toilet.


Times are hard. Muhammad is back at work selling watermelons for his boss Erdogan, inflation ~70% in Turkey right now.



Ali Ibn Abu Talib

The Rasool of Allah is on vacation to the Land of Chi-khen al-Tendiyyas. R.A.!




Behind you take a deep breath he’s coming 💥💥💥🤡


Interesting op Ed on Putin and Zelinsky

Zelenskyy shows the courage Putin doesn’t have

While Putin issues inconsequential sanctions against U.S. officials, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy made a dangerous trip to the war’s frontlines in support of his troops. Fmr. Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes tells MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell that Zelenskyy is showing the world what courage is while Putin “is a guy that rides around a horse with his shirt off. You don’t do that unless you have some kind of complex.” June 6, 2022


Last edited 2 years ago by Rasputin

MSNBC is considered fake news, even in the US. You are embarrassing yourself.

Zelensky is a criminal and will pay for his crimes. He doesn’t care for Ukrainians, he never did. He betrayed his country and sold Ukraine down the river. He is the last crook in charge of what was once a country. Ukraine will be torn apart soon.


Jewlenski is a marionette.


Also true.


All it takes for jewlenski to get to the front lines is a vest and a green screen. That’s the closest he’s ever been out every will be to the front lines. Most likely it is filmed at the Warsaw Marriott hotel.


and i still hate to see his face, and i’m still waiting for a missile on him


When it all falls apart the puppet’s NATO guardians will escort him to Tel Aviv or Miami, where all Jewish mafia bosses live

Last edited 2 years ago by Richebourg
Mu Mu

He will enjoy the same fate as Gaddafi


Only gentiles get what Gaddafi got. Jews are special. They get a one way ticket to Israel.



hunter bidé lab pork !

i hope some ukro put a big missil in zelonsky anus till the head !!!


Yup that’s what always winds up happening. If Bojo is still around he might end up in the UK.


I don’t know they do need a warm body to be thrown under the bus. No one would miss him.

Michael Petrovich

I don´t like this. I agree with everything they say but this is not good. These men are POW and they should not be infront of a camera and this could hurt their families back home.

Russia please stop with this.

Mu Mu

This is made by Donbas militias, not RF (RF is not allowed to do this because it is bound by the Geneva Conventions — Donbas are not. They are the victims of these godless thugs).

Are the Ukrainian troops winning from the boilers?

What are you fighting for, a soldier of Ukraine? Your commanders treat you like cattle. So that you can’t retreat, bridges are blowing up in front of your nose. You are thrown by commanders without equipment into the fire. You get caught on the street and in kindergartens when you come for a child. You get caught at gas stations. Your grain is exported from Ukraine. Everything has already been decided, from Odessa with the mediation of the UN, but the harvest is usually in the fall, the sowing is taken out of your country. Your families, children and wives are doomed to starve. You’re shedding blood for the sake of drug addict Zeliboba and his Beads Arestovich. So what are you fighting for, a soldier of Ukraine?


They are fighting being tortured to death by Jew Zelensky and his Jewish Nazi thugs in Kiev.

Donald Moore

Zenlensky has a plan for his soldiers, medals for ones that die and bullets to the ones that surrender, great plan!

Hans raus

cheap russian propaganda, they were forced to say this BS. Try harder SF

Mu Mu

And what do you have to say about how the Ukrainians shot Russian POWs in legs and filmed it?


The same as every single western guy every time. “It’s fine when we do it cause we are the white men and we need to teach the barbarians.”

Or they will just call it “whataboutism”.


Cheap and dumb NATO propaganda. You were brainwashed into writing this imbecile comment. Try harder next time dimwit.


Every single word uttered by these Ukrainian soldiers is the truth. Just a few minutes ago a U.S. top former official Hugh De Santis stated that victory for Ukraine is not in the cards. Even the west is admitting this war is unwinnable by Ukraine and the Zelensky regime keeps using their men as cannon fodder. Because of the criminal deeds by the Zelensky crime gang, none of them will keep their positions after the war is over. Every single member of the Zelensky regime will escape to Poland and the UK otherwise the very people of whatever is left of the new rump state of Ukraine will jail them or even worse execute them. It is over. Zelensky will be the new Guaido and claim to still be the leader of Ukraine from the UK. This may set off a huge domino effect. I would not be surprised if leaders from other European nations begin to get toppled. Supposedly Bojo the clown has a vote of confidence coming up next week. Would be funny to see Bojo kicked out of office as well.


And think about all the time MSM was brainwashing all their audiences to believe Ukies are winning. Did anyone in the west learned something from that? No, they will not get this until someone drops a nuke on their ass. Only then they will be ready to realize what is/was going on all the time.

West is mostly inapt and clueless. They all deserve to be pushed into utter poverty as what is coming to them end of this year. They sill haven’t realized that and keep quiet.


I live in the U.S. and honestly do not believe a single word that comes out of the MSM. I know people that live in Europe and they tell me the exact same thing you are writing. The level of brainwashing that Ukraine was winning the war and the worshiping of the criminal Zelensky regime by every MSM outlet from Europe, the US, Canada etc. is so blatantly biased, and many people actually believe this BS without even questioning anything.


Sadly this is true. My best friends, which by the way are all smart people, believe every word that is coming from MSM. I think they all grew tired over time looking for the truth. Today they accept everything and simply “go with the flow”. They will have their awakening and will not like it. I told them many times that the west is in great danger beyond any possibility to overcome the looming financial, economic and social crisis. They are all stating that this is not happening and that everything is ok. Even now with prices for most essential goods almost doubling they still refuse to **even** acknowledge the possibility of something being not ok. They seem really brainwashed to me.


If they send Zelensky’s head to his family, I wouldn’t care.


Why?? Why to address anything to the clown resident?? Hi is a puppet! He decides nothing! He is just parroting what he is told! Apart from sniffing cocaine that is..


It’s true. If Zelensky was a decent human he would have negotiated with Russia before this war. I’m amazed few people understand that.


NATO just needed to pass him the copium and a blank checkbook and the little thief sacrificed his entire country. Bans all political parties, dissenting press, assassinating or disappearing politicians and journalists calling for peace so the big lie can go on. Billions and billions siphoned from citizens of the West struggling with energy prices, inflation, and how to proceed with their economies post-COVID and deposited directly to the oligarchs and their Pinocchio politicians that control the defense and domestic energy corporations. Six months – Raytheon +15% ConocoPhillips +57% Lockheed Martin +30% Northrop Grumman +32% meanwhile the rest of US markets(along with 401k retirement accounts) just shed a third of their value and Americans can’t even find baby formula. You think Muhammad, jens holm, hans raus, etc post here for free? The managers at NATO troll farms are getting pressed to squeeze every single dollar to the last Ukrainian, the return on investment is impressive.


Zelensky aka Saakashvili aka US puppet. A liquidator for Black Rock and other Jewish bankers

Last edited 2 years ago by Carlo

White helmuts put on ice in Ukraine; as it’s the Russians that are picking up the deceased Ukrainian, Natostan troops. They just leave them for the Russians to take care of. You can’t make this stuff up. The Western leaders have fallen into rot.


Time after time, or everything in the right moment.

Peter Jennings

Maybe Kiev needs another Maidan. This time for Ukrainians. Things could get very interesting now that some soldiers are finding their voices. I hope you saved some popcorn.


I’m Italian and honestly I have to say that this kind of video is what I supposed to watch in 2014. Russia and Ukraine should never be at a war one against the other: they’re brothers. What has happened in the last 8 years is simply the brainwashing of thousands of people for the money and power of just a few. Poroshenko then, Zelensky now. I expected the Armed Forces of Ukraine to fight against the president instead of fighting against their own people, as these soldiers admit. It’s the same tragedy we have unfortunately seen every time NATO and US have tried to make a “revolution”, as in Syria, Libya, Cuba… The bastard americans keep on talking about “hate”, “racism”, “democracy” and all this kind of empty words because hate, racism and totalitarism is what they have exported throughout the world in the last 80 years. Russian heros, once again, are fighting to save the world, like they did against Carl XII of Sweden, Napoleon and Hitler. And even if my government is behaving like a cradle of shit (sorry for the image) the Italians, those who can still think, will always thank Russia and its wonderful people. May Russia and the people of Ukraine get rid of all evil doers.


Too bad Russia can’t send one Calibr to Brussels. This already would solve a lot of problems the EU has. Many people would be thankful too and all the other brainwashed num-nuts out there would only cry out for one more time and forget if after a while like they do with everything else.

We can only hope. Russia’s approach to knock out decision making centers is mostly welcomed on my part thou.


US nazis—grunter, no think, Sawyer and senile vassals, Jens Hans etc all traumatized by obvious Russian victory….your LGBT social workers are very busy now


LOL, LGBT social workers. I am dying.


I predict a surge in Ukrainian anti-Semitism

Johny B G

The big difference between the Russians and Ukrainian military is that the Russian Generals fight in the front lines with their men, while the Ukrainian Generals fight from under their beds in their 1 or 2 miles deep bunkers. Maybe a good way of combating the evil and lying western media and press will be by dropping millions of leaflets over Ukraine. Explaining all the western deceptions, lies and manipulations. And how we the west deceivingly and secretly really provoked the Ukraine war. And how the Nazi Ukraine regime was created and funded by American and EU Zionist Bankers and Oligarchs. And last telling them to stop fighting for rich American and EU rich bankers and Oligarchs, while their children and families are dying and they all have their families safe and sound.


Letting people know is our job now. I do it at any given occasion. People can’t just walk around spreading that BS from MSM. I always find plenty of good arguments to shut them up. Recent history is full of examples and evidence who really spreads terror and tries to control the entire world. 400’000 people from Yemen murdered over the past few years and no-one cares. But a few Ukie-Nazis kick the bucket and all of the sudden the hell breaks loose? Not with me on one side of the topic. It’s called brain-un-washing :-)


Wow. You were elected to bring peace to Ukraine. You brought war instead. Fuck the Clown of Kiev.


He was chosen to act his part and he is doing a great job at it. The actor is not responsible for the plot that’s written in hollywood.


Unless the actor has a conscience. But some people are really easy to buy of. Zelensky is more than a puppet. He is a real b**ch and lets NATO and US use him every way around.

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