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In Video: Ukrainian Sniper Watches Ukrainian Positions Being Stormed By Russians Near Bakhmut

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Ukrainian sources shared a video filmed by Ukrainian sniper on the front lines near the city of Bakhmut (also known as Artyomovsk). According to the author, the video was filmed about two weeks ago.

The video shows the ongoing heavy battles between the Ukrainian units and fighters of Russian Wagner PMC. Immediately after the artillery shelling, Russian forces stormed  Ukrainian military positions. The sniper watches as his comrades got into a shootout and judging by his face, the initiative was on the Russian side.

Both Ukrainian and foreign sources confirm that the AFU are suffering heavy losses in battles in the Bakhmut area. Hundreds of Ukrainian servicemen are wounded or killed on a daily basis.


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Can anyone translate whats being said?

Dick Von D'Astard

I think he is saying something along the lines of “Fuck!”

Last edited 2 years ago by Dick Von D'Astard

O.K, dicono sempre SUKA ed hanno tutte le ragioni per farlo. Non è piacevole stare sotto il tiro dei 122 e dei 152 russi.


And once muttered under the breath about a mother (F’er).

Florian Geyer

I think that the gist of the conversation between the Ukie sniper and his handler is ” Come here and snipe yourself and just let me surrender “.


Ciao Cromwell, ci siamo già parlati in altra sede, tempo fa. Avevo un altro nick name sempre in latino. Purtroppo non conosco il russo ma dall’espressione del volto del cecchino, si evince che le cose si stanno mettendo male per AFU ed i suoi mercenari NATO. Anch’io avrei preferito una buona traduzione. Comunque l’uomo era sotto tiro dell’artiglieria russa e non aveva nessun possibile obiettivo nel mirino. L’arma da sniper era ssicuramente occidentale ed era piuttosto nuova. Ciao, a presto.


Esistono ancora Italiani con un cervello?! Wow mi sorprende.

Quella puttana Meloni era una volta molto amicosa con la Russia, adesso ha venduto l anima al diavolo per il potere come tutti gli altri, soltanto uno o due come Orban e Vucic esistono nell’Europa oggi con le palle


Suka = Shyt




I found an example of this video on YouTube, this has a built in subtitle / auto translate feature but it firstly thought it was in Russian not Ukrainian and didn’t pick up much when set to translate to English except “Go ahead single.” Trying the video on veed, it gave 2 lines: “на якій відстані 50 на 50 ціна Осадча” / “холосан блядь заїбав стала картина такое 6341” which in Yandex translate gives : “at what distance is the Osadchaya price 50-50” / “holoxan fucking fucked up became a picture such 6341” There was also some міна (“meena”) ie mines, incoming shells, that seems to be someone else who is there but not shown saying that as a warning to get down. сука есть probably means something like “This is a bitch / It’s a bitch” as есть is either part of “to be” or “eat”



Here watch this, intelligent russian men and women know the truth.

See: http://rlu.ru/39CuX

Also the old Chechens they know it. Just the young brainwashed russian generation, same as the young european generation, they know nothing but the weired and fake infos presented to them by the global jewish newsnetwork stations.(May it be those from USA,EU,or Russia or China – it is all led by the same hook-nosed parasites).

All those antichristian networks, websites, persons etc. who are satanic and therefore do not stand on the ground of the truth, are unable to let the truth stand, and therefore they always try to ban, delete, and forbid it, resp. try stopping the truth from being spoken out, or from reaching the ears and eyes of the blinded and brainwashed. They are afraid of real information, because they want the people to stay inside the matrix and stay gullible and stupid and foolish. As stupid people are the best slaves. And that’s what the global government NWO/JWO (Jewish World Order) needs.

You see this here on this website. As the mods are deleting all the precious infos, videos, comments which do not support their pro-Putin position. So there is no freedom of speech here as well. Same goes for the EU. USA has more freedom of speech but they have other means and methods in place, for hindering people from talking the truth openly.

Therefore I advice everybody here to copy the links from this comment, before the comment is deleted. The suppressive and censoring acts of the mods of this SF board really show the real face of todays Russia and how “free” the russian society under Putin is, as no opposition thoughts and information is allowed.

Pastor Ray Hagins tells you about it, see: https://www.freespeechtube.org/v/11mz . Whatever, if you are really interested in the truth you need to start counterchecking everything, informing yourself of what’s behind it all, who is really calling the shots and why are things happening as they are. Learning, understanding, researching etc. takes time – it’s like cooking good healthy meal. But people today got lazy, they consume things, they do not create them themselves anymore, they have this ‘ McDonald’s mindset’ – this way they make it easy for the evildoers to poison their minds and souls.

I did long search today to bring to you this (below) very informative documentation in english. Here you will see point to point how USA, EU, and Russia are constructed, by whom, and what this means. It is a docu that is much more than 10 years old and still it predicts perfectly everything we see happening today before our very eyes.

I tell you: Knowledge is power, and if you have no knowledge of the true dynamics behind the scene, you will always get misled by those who work for those who know about them. Here this docu will help you understand things, and see through the fog. https://tinyurl.com/5cphvpy9

( it is called – Europe – The Last Battle here at least part 1-5 – if link is broken then look for it at see at archive.org )

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater

Well thank you, I didn’t watch all of the last link as it’s over 5 hours but one thing the UK got right was to leave the EU as they spew out reams of pointless laws and red tape, and there’s nothing to stop others from following suit. The USA has been proved right when they said (during Trump’s presidency) it could lead to instability in Europe. This would be a great opportunity for the UK to form an alliance with Russia.


Religious texts often are linked, you might also cite Gilgamesh, and recurring themes and motifs such as the Madara Horseman graven in stone since ancient times which relates to St George, patron saint of England, Moscow and elsewhere. It’s the nature of religions to require belief. In part (I think) these are school texts, to teach people some reading, arithmetic, history and morality. There were no other books in olden times. A lot of the Western news is virtually unwatchable one-sided garbage now and sites like this are much more preferable to follow events.



Last edited 2 years ago by Nobodyinparticular
Mary Phagen

Russia needs to turn shithole Ukraine into glass. Scrub clean all of Ukraine. Kill every nasty Ukrainian scum.


Non possono usare nukes ance a basso rendimento perchè le radiazioni colpirebbero anche i soldati della Federazioni e la popolazione del Donbass. Ho fatto delle simulazioni, usando un programma, Nukesmap2, di cui FS ha dato il link.





Here for you see:

How do you incubate a mind virus? How do you cause a culture to self-destruct?

In 1984, this KGB defector exposed the secret 4-stage plan used by Soviet intelligence to wage psychological war on American society.

Stage 1: Demoralization. (15-20 years)

Part1 https://twitter.com/i/status/1596146675021762562

Part2 https://twitter.com/i/status/1596147839016620033

Part3 https://twitter.com/i/status/1596148336997842945

Part4 https://twitter.com/i/status/1596148873143238656

If Americans fail to grasp the impending danger, he said, “nothing ever can help the United States.”

“You may kiss goodbye to your freedom.”

I advice everybody here to copy the links from this comment, before the comment is deleted. The suppressive and censoring acts of the mods of this SF board really show the real face of todays Russia and how “free” the russian society under Putin is, as no opposition thoughts and information is allowed.

Pastor Ray Hagins tells you about it, see: https://www.freespeechtube.org/v/11mz . Whatever, if you are really interested in the truth you need to start counterchecking everything, informing yourself of what’s behind it all, who is really calling the shots and why are things happening as they are. Learning, understanding, researching etc. takes time – it’s like cooking good healthy meal. But people today got lazy, they consume things, they do not create them themselves anymore, they have this ‘ McDonald’s mindset’ – this way they make it easy for the evildoers to poison their minds and souls.

I did long search today to bring to you this (below) very informative documentation in english. Here you will see point to point how USA, EU, and Russia are constructed, by whom, and what this means. It is a docu that is much more than 10 years old and still it predicts perfectly everything we see happening today before our very eyes.

I tell you: Knowledge is power, and if you have no knowledge of the true dynamics behind the scene, you will always get misled by those who work for those who know about them. Here this docu will help you understand things, and see through the fog. https://tinyurl.com/5cphvpy9

( it is called – Europe – The Last Battle here at least part 1-5 – if link is broken then look for it at see at archive.org )

And intelligent russian men and women know that it is true what I say. See: http://rlu.ru/39CuX Also the old Chechens they know it. Just the young brainwashed russian generation, same as the young european generation, they know nothing but the weired and fake infos presented to them by the global jewish newsnetwork stations.(May it be those from USA,EU,or Russia or China – it is all led by the same hook-nosed parasites).

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater

Sei convinto di possedere tu la verità? Neanche i più grandi filosofi sono riusciti a possedere la verità. La conoscenza ci porta ad avvicinarci alla realtà fattuale ma non a comprenderla in toto. La conoscenza è un processo asintotico infinito. La libertà non è un valore assoluto come non lo è la democrazia. E’ altresì vero che la maggior parte dell persone ha la mente anestetizzata dalla propaganda, ma chi si sforza di ragionare con la propria testa e si documenta su fonti attendibili, come SF oppure OS e conosce quindi i fatti nella loro evoluzione storica, non può che essere dalla parte della Russia. Putin è un Grande. Non cercare la perfezione, perchè non è umana. Cerca quel molto di buono che ha fatto per la Russia ma anche per l’Europa ingrata, che si è messa contro di Lui. L’Italia ai tempi dell’esplosione del Covid è stata aiutata dalle forze armate della Russia e per tutta risposta noi mandiamo armi in Ucraina per uccidere militari e civili russi.


Sicuramente le ha molto più grosse delle tue!!!

Peter L.

To say Blyad every couple of seconds will not help you Nazi. Say goodbye to your wife and kids. You are about to die.


He looks desperate

EU must not be USA slave

Ukrainians should turn their weapons against their government and chief military.

They were lied to, betrayed and sent to get mutilated, crippled, destroyed for the fun of USA deep state.


Why was he watching instead of sniping?


That would annoy the Wagner group, and cause some of them to look for him.


He’s a lone sniper. His friends are getting mowed down. Him shooting will give away his position and lead to his death and or capture. By staying back, keeping low and reporting what’s going on, he has the opportunity to leave the area when it settles down. His own life is his top priority at the moment.


Perchè, amici di SF, mi avete cosretto ad accorciare la mia risposta, ma avete lasciato il lunghissimo commento di Bridgeindawater? Forse che le sue parole valevano più delle mie?


So we won. Then why are we retreating?


ATO/JFO successfully completed. Last Moskal has left Donbas, torchlight parade in honour of Bandera to be held in Sebastopol next week. The Ukraine is about to supplant Germany as the Europeans economic core, and their fleet of nuclear-armed F-35s is doing a fly-by in Lwov tomorrow.


Last I saw, Russia is advancing in the east again. Not retreating. Think you’ve mixed up the Ukrainians with the Russians again. Or perhaps you are mixing up the high number of fatalities on Ukraines side compared to the very low number on Russia’s side?

Israel first

You retreat, the enemy gives chase, and then you lure them into the kill zone. Never heard of that ruse?


azt hittem a ludovicusok majd jonnek segiteni nekik…


most hullik a lepattano…


No mercy is will be shown to a capture sniper

t s

There are a lot of ‘scoped rifles in this conflict and the Ukrainians don’t take prisoners at the front line, the Russians do (and are told to do so and awarded for doing so).

Israel first

Probably dead already. What’s the average, about 10 days?

Joseph Day

So he watches the enemy storm his comrades position ,and doesn’t even pull off a shot. Nice cover pussy


a real dick of a sniper that has time to make ‘selfies’. no need to watch a retard

Edgar Zetar

I dont understand Ukraine languaje, but I could see the fear of dead on his eyes and can I even smell the fear he feels while watching this video. At least die like a man shitty = sucka sniper.

i wonder

HES KEEPING HIS MOUTH open in order not to blow out his eardrums on loud explosions. this is also why Patrick Lancaster sounds funny when he talks. i dont think he seen anything, just hearing the loud engagement popping of


Crush those NAZIS and KILL ALL NAZI NATO TROOPS (and don’t think NAZI NATO do not have troops in Ukraine they most definitely do) that sniper better fucking hide as he will be next. Long Live Russia =Z=

Captain Hohol

Hey wow the 4 cans of dip guy from youtube is in Ukraine.

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