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MARCH 2025

In Video: Ukrainian Soldiers Hiding In Kindergarten Hit By Russian Artillery, Blame Civilians

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New video from the Donbass front lines was shared by servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The AFU positions in a kindergarten were shelled by Russian artillery. As a result of shelling, several Ukrainian solders were injured. 

The video once again confirms that the AFU units establish their military positions in kindergartens, schools, hospitals etc. Then, Mr Zelensky complains that Russians destroy social infrastructure facilities in Ukraine.

“That’s it, fuck. We were hit, fuck. The hole is fucking huge. Local bitches leaked our positions. We have wounded, there are no dead. That’s such a fucking funny thing.” the soldier comments on the video.

The Ukrainian soldier on the video blaims local civilians for telling Russian forces the location of Ukrainian military positions. It clearly demonstrates the attitude of Ukrainian servicemen towards civilians. According to the testimonies of civilians from various regions in Eastern Ukraine, they are often robbed, taken hostage, used as human shields or even killed or tortured by the AFU. As a result, a lot of them support Russian forces, may provide them with information, food or any necessary supplies, in an attempt to excelerate the defeat of the AFU and their withdrawal from the war-torn regions.



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hunter bidé lab pork !

ahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahah banderitas lgtbs nazis hiding beyond civilians get f up !!!! Nice !!!!

Johny cash

Lets test if you have critical thinking. List all the things putin has done wrong during past 8 years? Unless you think hes god and can do no wrong. Ill start first by saying for him to wait 8 years is a serious wrong judgement


That is certainly debatable, hindsight can be a wonderful thing to be sure but methinks it is considerably over-rated.

1) Were the Russians capable of standing up to the sanctions in 2014? You would have to convince me of that. At this point in time, most of the world’s population are not on board with western sanctions, the west (the US in particular) had a lot more influence then and would likely have had more support.

2) Did the Russians have the tech to deter NATO in 2014? it is far from clear to me that they did. Perhaps if the Russians had acted more aggressively then things might have been better but you cannot know that for sure. For all you know we might all have died in a nuclear war.

3) The US and UK aside, the utter duplicity of the NATO countries in ignoring the Minsk agreements could hardly have been foreseen. Can you really blame the RF for giving peace a chance and delaying a conflict that might end the world as we know it? I would certainly not have liked to be the man that had to make those choices.

You might be right but since we lack the ability to turn back the clock and rerun the last 8 years doing things your way, we will never know. All I know is that we are still alive and it looks possible that things will turn out OK after all and that is the best that we could have hoped for imo. There is a very good film called ‘The Butterfly effect’ that explores the concept of tweaking the past in order to improve the present, I recommend that you watch it.


I agree, 100%, and well said. Russia bent over backwards and absorbed sanctions and theft to give diplomacy a chance, but now that the gloves are off, the low-life west has created its worst nightmare- a vengeful, mighty Bear.

Johny cash

Congrats. You have critical thinking in abundance. Regarding point 3 putin is old skl kgb he knows us true motives. Abit of wishful thinking to think us will give peace a chance. Us and nato had 8 whole years to cause maximum devastation to the invading forces. Putin and his lack of foreight ability still havent smelt the coffee or did prep work after the coup in kiev Thanks for the movie recommendation


You are absolutely right that Putin would have known better than to trust the US or UK but the French and the Germans were supposed to be guarantors of the Minsk agreements. It is difficult to blame him for failing to appreciate that the Germans would commit economic suicide at the behest of the US, I would have got that one wrong myself. I hope you enjoy the movie as much as I did.

Peter Jennings

Maybe President Putin waited until even the UN could no longer deny what was going on in the Donbass. If he moved sooner he would have been accused of trying to reform the soviet union. The US and nato, and the UN, would have a field day with that one.


illiterate moron upset by Russian victory

Simon Ndiritu

To him and other NAZI’s, Former Russian speaking Ukrainians are bitches. Its no Wonder then that Russia came to rescue its own from such hatred.


This guy sounds like the Waffen-SS Totenkopf who on May 12 th were at gunpoint were forced back across the Russian lines and transported to hard labour camps deep inside Russia subsisting on starvation rations –3.SS-Panzer Division.


The Ukrainians took up their positions in these facilities and changed them into military facilities.


This video really needs to be seen in the West.


Sucker didn’t abstained from showing his face.


Peter Jennings

The only people who are bitching about the ‘local bitches’ giving away their position are Zelensky’s bitches, who are getting a good pounding, like all good bitches should.

I can just see the ‘local bitches’ now, pleading with Russian forces to bomb their flats. Meanwhile the US and its nato poodles are ensuring Zelensky has a good supply of cocaine, and cocks probably.


ukie nazis surrendering, dying retreating—-durak ukies seduced by lgbt amerikants

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