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MARCH 2025

In Video: Ukrainians Caught By Surprise. Russian Troops Destroy Ukrainian Position At Close Range

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Russian-led forces feel free to approach the trenches of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) on the Donbass front lines. The video shows Russian servicemen getting close to unsuspecting enemy and destroying a Ukrainian military position with grenades and rifles. The exact location of the incident was not revealed.

Carelessness of the Ukrainian fighters is shocking. The betrayal of the Ukrainian command that escapes, leaving the fighters on the battlefield, and the absence of the necessary communication between the AFU units, which the Ukrainian soldiers declare with one voice, lead to the fact that some Ukrainian soldiers are absolutely helpless, left face to face with the enemy.


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The Objective

Ukraine is losing very badly and needs to sue for peace soon.


“The situation in Donbas is extremely difficult,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in his nightly address. The Russian army was attacking the cities of Sloviansk and Sievierodonetsk, and Ukrainian forces are in very difficult situation”. We urge Russia to withdraw and restart peace talks.

The is Jew idiot is plain nuts.


Hasta hace poco hablaba de victoria y ahora……


Los rusos son como una apisonadora y aplastarán a sus enemigos. Larga vida a Rusia.


I get paid more than $120 to $130 every hour for working on the web. I found out about this activity 3 months prior and subsequent to joining this I have earned effectively $15k from this without having internet working abilities

Copy underneath site to check it… 𝑾𝒘𝒘.𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒉𝒅.𝒄𝒐𝒎

Last edited 2 years ago by Brooklyn

“nothing is what it seems “QE2 And anyone who takes anything ,especially political or religious propagandas as the truth will be deceived. Guaranteed.


…and now shiny peremoga (false victory) turns to awaited zrada (treason) as usual for any ukrainized individuals and groups. 2 hohols = partisan squad, 3 hohols = partisan squad with a traitor.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон

Ukrainian leadership is rotten to the core and i hope they are eliminated with an inside coup. Only way to stop Russia advancing further and taking more land now it would be a change in Ukrainian leadership as such, and allowing Russia to hunt down remaining nazis on whole territory of Ukraine. But since this will not likely happen, Russia will liberate territories, with significant russian populations, and keep the rest to rot. That remaining Ukraine will be maybe half of the size of what they had in february, and will be a land locked country.


Real Ukrainians really need to step up and get rid of the Jew clown and the cabal and sue for peace as things are looking very grim for the battered Uki military, running out of men and everything as Russians keep blowing up NATO weapons.

Russians just took high ground up near Liman, secured Oskol, and took additional villages north and south of Popasnaya. Assaulting Liman itself and have encircled a large Uki unit. Fighting now continues in Severodonetsk itself.

Quite a dramatic change from Rybar map from yesterday. No wonder Zelensky is now looking like the harbinger of peace and negotiations. LOL


Peace is always a better solution.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

Piece of Uki loser hoholass for sure. SLAVA ROSSIYA!


It is like trying to negotiate with a fly to “escape” the kitchen by opening the windows… once you run out of patience you just close the opened windows, grab a mop and go elimination mode. Russia has grabbed a mop a few months ago… the fly will be struck hard and will land in the trash bin where it belongs. It had a chance to escape through the window, but decided to stay. UKR leadership moved past the “opened window” period months ago.


he had 8 years to implement Minsk agreements if he wanted a peace. but idiot showed middle finger to Russia as he was tricked that US will save him


Russia must occupy and pacify ALL of Ukraine so that NATO cannot continue with their proxy war in Ukraine.

AM Hants

Would they want the West? Too much Galicia DNA. However, agree, they need as much territory as poss, between them and NATO trained Nazis.


What is significant is that the Russians have finally secured Oskol and the lines of communication east from Izyum running through that town. This may presage further action in the Izyum direction. The Ukrainian loudmouths are really spooked now.


The peace talks that he sabotaged himself! No more peace no negotiations, onwards to victory! They will use it to regroup, rearm, redeploy and rotate fresh troops in, declare fake social media and moral victories that never happened on the ground like portraying it as Russia weakening and giving up, the soldiers’ spirit broken by the ‘brave Ukrainian heroes’ etc. As well as most likely stab Russia in the back with fake news like the Bucha massacre, and use the diplomatic events and negotiation footage and misquote Russian representatives for propaganda purposes.

Russian plan is clear… cut UKR from the black sea (Odessa and Mykolayiv) and maybe get some more agricultural areas – Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkiv. Just maybe they will prefer to have a tampon area in between them and the UKR – Chemihiv and Sumy might also fall. Once that is secured they will built up the border and let the rest of UKR be the problem of the EU. Why would you take over lands where you are not wanted and where there is no Russian population. Let them be the EUs problem.


Tampon XD

yepp poltava is the key along with kharkiv and dnipro for a buffer zone


Jews are inbred, and being inbred increases the likelihood of mental illness. The Talmud teaches that it is a blessing to marry their nieces. Even Moses was an inbred (Exodus 6 20) so they were inbred from the very start.

Tony Lim

Inbreeding also made Jew noses very big and a sign of lying.


Stop making claims about the prophet of God Moses (PBUH), you surely have no knowledge of his family tree

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

The clown in Kyiv also said that they would win the war under the leadership of the United States.


but but they killed 3 billion russians who were trying to cross the bridge to Severodonetsk

right? right? MSM said so. MSM never lies HAHAHAHAHA


a while ago he claimed that Ukraine is about to defeat russia and only moscows capituation will be accepted… what a redicoulus clown.


He is not a Military person and the ability to play a piano without hands and dance in high heals does not inspire me to think he has any concept of between a rock and a Hard place

Tony Lim

Over 40 billion to Ukraine. The US doesn’t have the money so they’re going to have to borrow the money from China to send to Ukraine. This comes from senator Rand Paul. Absolutely unbelievable. 🙄 With $3.5 TRILLION Chinese reserves Putin can continue operations in Ukraine until his grandchildren take over LOL

Shouqi al Mukthar

Kiev sudden turnaround: Diplomacy the only answer: Zelensky as Russians pound away Suddenly sounding very conciliatory, a contradictory Zelensky also appealed for more military aid as Ukrainian face the wrath of a reinvigorated Russian military machine, even as US President Joe Biden formally signed off on a $56.8bn package that appears to making no military headway on the ground for the embattled Ukrainian forces fleeing from eastern regions, blowing up bridges and shelling their own villages.


There will be peace after the victory over nazist regime in Kiev and its dismantling.


Ernest Hemingway: “Anyone who loves freedom owes such a debt to the Red Army that it can never be repaid.”

Zelenskiy betrayed Ukrainians who voted for an ‘outsider’ proposing peace and negotiations with Russia. Instead they got a born-again Yankee whose only real skill is the ability to lie on cue, and devise new ways to move aid money ‘skim’ into his Swiss bank accounts.

Ukraine lost this war in 2014, when between 70% and 95% of recalled reservists failed to appear. Citing British Home office reports, Col. Jacques Baud (Swiss Military Intelligence), “Young Ukrainians refused to go and fight in the Donbass and preferred emigration, which also explains, at least partially, the demographic deficit of the country.” Meaning there are no young Ukrainian men left to join the army. They are enjoying life in Europe. If they come back, they will enjoy Bandera widows. Captured Ukrainians are middle-aged and older, with a few National Guard ‘Hitler Youth’.



Chabad The idea is too kill 2 birds with one stone Ukraine and Russia By entrapment and deceit .


20 million Muslims killed in wars since 1950

The Objective

Yes, thanks to Sunni Wahhabi traitors and Anglo-Zionist wars on Muslim nations. now they are practicing the same evil on Orthodox Slavs.


WWI: 1914–1918 20 million deaths – in 4 years. WWII: 1939–1945 70–85 million deaths – in 6 years. You do know how hard it was to kill people back in the 1910s or even the 1940s?

“20 million Muslims killed in wars since 1950” – hmm, most of it was thanks to the real satanic worshippers in the West and they got their satanic children Zion to the Middle East as well.

“Western wars have killed four million Muslims since 1990” https://www.middleeasteye.net/opinion/unworthy-victims-western-wars-have-killed-four-million-muslims-1990

That is The US/NATO killed civilians with their hands – not the wars/setup they started in Africa, CA, and the Middle East. ISIS = Fully supported and funded by Zion, Wahhabis, and the US/NATO. Al-Qaeda = Zion, US, NATO, and Wahhabis.

Unlike in the West – where people are becoming like cancer to each other (Men vs Women) – that is not really happening in the Muslim world. They have a high rate of birth compared to other regions. They aren’t forcing kids and young people to become gays, g0ys, or whatever the fuk these apes coming up with.

I know you clown – go away g0y gay fuk.

The Objective

One of the reasons the western Zio-world hates Muslims and Orthodox is their rejection of the faggotry agenda and respect for traditional values. It was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

Muhammad your Prophet

The Holocaust denier turns out he loves to suck Putin’s dick and bite his pubic hair. That’s just repulsive, you antisemite freak.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

There is probably no place in the world where men fuck each other more than in Islamic countries, even if it is not legal according to their beliefs.

Lay off the weed son. You know they get killed for doing that right? So how does your claim even hold water you stupid? Apparently 20% of generation Z identify as LGBTQXWZIITYRW. Islam is keeping this planet sane, together with the Orthodox brothers from the east

NATO is laughing at Comedian whore Zelensky

Liar. Islam doesn’t want you, clown. Goto Afghanistan where they rape little boys, you would love it. Backwards, immoral and filthy.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Are you an Arab from Syria and felt struck by the truth?

NATO is laughing at Comedian whore Zelensky

Yup they do it secretly and in Afghanistan prey on little boys.


good start


But still not enough, millions more still need to be culled!


First they came for the Muslims and I did nothing, then they came for the Jews and I did nothing, then they came for the Blacks and I did nothing, After that they never came again as all the social and economic problems went away!


I shouldn’t laugh but I can’t contain myself.


the same tactics since decades. the ziotransatlantic mafia always try to brothers kill brothers in they favor.


Report- 10 million Muslims dead in drought in somalia


Report nothing changed in shit-India-stan.

Nearly 1.6 million deaths were due to air pollution alone, and more than 500,000 were caused by water pollution in 2019 alone.

“About 2.5 million people die every year after breathing toxic air”

“The country pulled millions out of poverty only recently, but about 400 million Indians are now at risk of falling deeper into destitution because of the dual onslaught of COVID-19 and economic disaster.”

“Poverty is still widespread; last year, 195 million people, or 14.5 per cent of the population, were malnourished.”

India considering spending additional $26 billion to fight inflation

Karen Kobylanksi

Indians came to Warsaw from Ukraine and shat in the streets, not a good look.


At last a good news story, yippee, the Islamic scum, nearly as evil as the Jews!


Poor Ukrops. I did not have time to surrender. Bad Russians


Good footage and congrats for the Russian soldiers. On the other hand this video has been already circulating on social networks for a week.


Ukraine will soon post this video on YouTube as victory of Ukrainian soldiers.


Like they always do

Tony Lim

In Beijing we are still waiting for the famous Ukrainian “counterattack” which now seems more like a home goal.

AM Hants

Must admit, that was my first thought. Ghost of Kiev, watching over them.

Muhammad your Prophet

It was in Donetsk. The only area of the line of contact were the Putin cockroaches still have a significant presence. You can tell since Ukranian reports have consistently reported these attacks as unsuccessful. This time they didn’t. If anything it tells just how accurate these reports really are. And that’s not good news at all. For Putin I mean. A glaring glitch in what is otherwise a formidable Ukrainian fighting machine in every area of operation.

The Objective

You are Jew hasbara shill who hates Russians and Muslims, you are fooling no one Schlomo.

Muhammad your Prophet

The antisemite cockroach just discovered the meaning of life. He dreams of raping Vladimir Putin and imagine his raping his Fuhrer.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

stfu kike


funny, when a zio hasbaratroll call himself muhhamad LOL


Lol formidable? 😂 delusional ukrotard nazi bot hahaha

Not mine

Zelinsky’s cockroaches in the Donbass get surrounded. Their days are numbered. https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1B1PLMhbHmG1aJ2-QNxHY1TksI6HlNhqF&hl=en&ll=48.689360419390674%2C38.317859785639904&z=10

Tony Lim

Zelensky is about to counterattack from his basement.

Muhammad your Prophet

It’s fascinating how the Putin cockroaches are so deranged and delusional that they still haven’t come to terms with the reality that they were crushed in Kiev and Kharkiv. I suppose that still even now a horde of cockroaches will still feel safe in their bizarre delusion of strength in numbers. It’s like a social phenomenon in Russia. The same mass delusion they experienced in Nazi Germany.

Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace

How is the weather in Tel Aviv? any knife attacks today? Slava Rossiya, SLAVA PALESTINA!

Last edited 2 years ago by Pedo Andy from Fcukingham Palace
Not mine

No one crushed them, they just left. They left to crush Zelensky’s horde of cockroaches in the Donbas. Yes, now Zelensky’s horde of neo-Nazi cockroaches feels safe in their bizarre delusion that their strength is in numbers, so they are not trying to break out of the planned encirclement of their Russian troops.

Last edited 2 years ago by Not mine
Muhammad your Prophet

They left after they were crushed. The couldn’t encircle Kiev like they wanted. Now all the Russian corpses are waiting to be picked up at the Kiev morgues by the deranged Russian president who denies the existence of his own soldiers.

Not mine

The reality that is visible on the maps shows that it is Zelensky’s cockroaches who are deranged and delusional.

Last edited 2 years ago by Not mine
Muhammad your Prophet

The reality is that these maps show that you’re deranged and delusional.

Not mine


Last edited 2 years ago by Not mine

LOL your mental health is in serious jeopardy …. Ukrops are winning right?

Organized retreat compared to ilovaisk and debaltsevo, few major losses in bucha but nothing like the turkey shoot of your ‘Debaltseve retreat’ or the ‘Mariupol high command coordinated retreat’

Watch the Donbas lines completely collapse by the end of June latest, they already are


big luck for you and your masters that putin is a sof hand. otherwise washington, london, brussels and telaviv would get a nuke in the but

AM Hants

Azovstal – is that what a formidable Ukrainian Fighting Machine is all about? Or Snake Island?


eselficker, halt die fresse.


That’s hilarious


Its only a matter of time now before the Russians will start to dominate in this war in such a way that not even the corrupt western media can lie about their progress any longer.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hjalmar

Indeed it is happening now so the media in the west is reporting less and less about the war and more about useless distractions like they always do.


They need an answer to cross the river at the studenok / dolyna / lyman areas and pryvillya/ shypylivka / belgorovka / hyrhorivka / serebrianka/ dronivka / platonivka line which are the last key to the complete lyman/svyatohirsk and lisichansk / severodonetsk encirclements. Twice they crossed with tanks and armor and retreated with heavy losses. Simple direct assaults via pontoons and slow heavy armor are a nogo. The enemy’s defenses have to be softened heavily and their infrastructure / nests / bunkers / staging grounds / ammo depots and storages destroyed wherever possible. Similar to this video, Russian high command and HQ needs to drop paratroopers or special forces behind enemy lines to take care of the atgm teams and nests, and also discover their hidden positions, bunkers and foxholes with spotters, scouts, surveillance and recon drones / planes, as well as keep shelling with mortars, mlrs, howitzers, minelayer rockets (as well as laying remote triggered mines) and drop aerial bunker busters / fragmentation clusters and incendiary rockets on the trenches and tunnels to soften them up and inflict big losses before crossing the river. And when they do, they need a big force, and a layered multipronged attack from multiple directions, as well as infantry guards / snipers / anti atgm teams, own atgm teams and suppressing / covering / defensive fire and shelling from the rear covering the swift advance and blitzkrieg. They have to accept some losses but they should push on and the losses should be minor this way if done smart, especially after another week or 2 of artillery, mlrs, drone and aerial bombardments if and when their defenses, positions and fortifications are well mapped and discovered.


Strelkov: “The Russian authorities must be proud. Even the most notorious Nazis, sadists and butchers from Azov SS are not afraid to surrender to them. I suspect that neither Hitler and Goebbels would have poisoned themselves, if they had expected to meet in captivity not Stalin with Zhukov and Beria, but cowardly Putin with incompetent Shoigu and Peskov.” People in Russia are naïve and ignorant, patriots included, they tend to believe insidious mercenaries like the British/Greek Youtuber A. Mercouris, who finally opened the cards yesterday by calling Putin a butcher and the Russian liberation of New Russia as aggression, after acting pro-Russian for months on Youtube. Lately he smelled the Russian defeat, by watching Putin’s cowardice and Shoigu incompetence on a daily basis, so he decided to side with the West. Only idiots trust the Greeks, Greeks are known throughout history as fraudsters.


Hitler didn’t kill himself in the bunker instead he took a U-boat to Argentina where he later died some twenty years later. Read about it in a book by Harry Cooper called “Hitler in Argentina.”

Petar Mrkonjic

Or the book Grey Wolf https://www.amazon.com/Grey-escape-Adolf-Hitler-Argentina/dp/B07SRW3DTN


Yes, another good read.


Something on the cards does not show any defeat of Putin, rather the defeat of Zelensky. https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1B1PLMhbHmG1aJ2-QNxHY1TksI6HlNhqF&hl=en&ll=48.794096636485435%2C38.39021316504547&z=10

Last edited 2 years ago by Kutuzov
AM Hants

Strelkov – is he still sulking, because things did not go his way, back in 2014?

AM Hants

Really? So why was he talking about the UK media moving away from their support of Zelinsky and Ukraine Fights? Sounding so surprised as the UK media were Zelinsky’s biggest cheerleaders.


The grenade appears to be a shock weapon, not a dismember and death weapon. Looks that way in video.

mike l hutchings

Russia is building a capable armed force; they are portrayed in the western MSM as cowardly when the opposite is the case


Fuck the peace discussions. Russia needs to first eliminate every Ukro-Nazi war criminal…only then there can be peace.

Tony Lim

Ukraine is sending its FM to China to seek help in securing some sort of negotiations, Russian position is hardening though.


This video has at least 2 weeks…

But any case shows the crazzy way of being massacred, and could surrender.

Moreover, as Ukraine does not collect their bodies… it does not pay the widows.

Last edited 2 years ago by Fidel
AM Hants

Interesting video. Surprised that so many Ukraine Forces are still willing to fight, knowing that they are nought more than cannon fodder, with no hope, whatsoever. They could easily hold up the white flag, and be looked after. Treated far better than their leaders treat them at present.


wtf it is like chasing rats

so the russian work centers around advancing while trying to find these rat traps

then fumigate the hole will all the hohols inside and if they play though guys, kill them

yeah yeah the hohols are definitely winning HAHAHAHAHA

AM Hants

Must admit I had to watch the video a few times, as it was just so compelling watching the rat come out of his hole, before he ended up fumigated. Whilst watching the Russian Forces, looking so tiny and how quiet they were. If had watched it, from a closer position, it would not have been so interesting.


Zelenshy has gone from saying that they will never give up land to saying the talks are the only way to peace………..in a week. He’s scared and I think he knows his military is starting to crumble.

NATO is laughing at Comedian whore Zelensky

Smoking out the Ukrainian cockroaches


By surprise ?Did their intelligence set them up ?


Russians need to start going after the big fish – the political, military, and intelligence agency higher-ups and leaders in Ukraine, including Zelensky himself.


I think he knew they were there and just wanted to die with his boots on. He got his boots from the roof but don’t think he had time to get them on before moving onto the next life. The last item he took off the roof was a white flag or his underpants. Either way he should have been waving it.

Last edited 2 years ago by gfy

No situational awareness,bad position design(heard of a grenade sump?),about average for the dumb ukes I have to deal with all thieves and liars. Putin should have flattened Kiev and hung the puppet then denazified the rest. Just glad he got the 4 star US Navy Seal and the Assistant Commander of the Canadian Army,do we have a total on how many French Legionaires surrendered/kia?

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