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In Video: Unpunished Ukrainian Nazis Continue To Commit Atrocities

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The Ukrainian media shared another video showing the atrocities of the Ukrainian Nazis. Laughing Ukrainian militants put a wrapped man in a coffin, claiming that he was a captured Russian serviceman.

Judging by the video, the man is most likely a civilian. The reason why he was captured remains undisclosed. Ukrainian militants are constantly hunting for alleged Russian collaborators in the war-torn regions, as well as far from the front lines. The man could have been punished by the Nazis for his pro-Russian opinion or any other actions that the militants did not like.

Civilians in different regions of Ukraine continue to suffer from all kinds of atrocities of the Kiev regime, up to mass killings.

The video did not show what the Nazis did to the victim. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be surprising if the man was buried alive. Ukrainian servicemen do not comply with any laws and deliberately kill Russian prisoners of war, as well as civilians without any trial.

Ukrainian Nazis are always happy to share videos of their atrocities with the public on social networks, as Ukrainians largely support their Nazi ideology after being influenced by the anti-Russian propaganda of the Kiev regime for many years.


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Amazing Frank

they are judeo-bolshevik communist minions. jews run and control Ukraine hook,line and sinker!

Jews rule.

It’s a shame they’re too stupid to not figure out what their interests are.



I agree with what you wrote, but you moreover need to mention that BOTH sides are controlled by joos, not only the ukrainian one.

Just look at Pootins face and you see the jew easily.

Proves here:



Check it out yourself if you do not believe me !

It doesn t matter, as both so-called “sides” are gangsters and all big and medium global players (usa, uk, germany, russia, china, india, france, sweden etc.) are run by jews. The currents presidents are just puppets, and do not have power themselves. Putin’s mother is a jewess with the maiden name SHALOMova. The Crimea Kerch bridge was built by Putin’s childhood friend and business partner Arkady Rotenberg, who is of course jewish too. The £3.2bn project was first opened to road traffic in May 2018, with the parallel bridge for rail traffic opening the following year. So when do the people wake up and realize that it is all a jewish theater, and evil trick to get us none-jews to kill each other ?

See how Klaus Schwab admits how they place their agents (including Putin) inside the governments cabinetts to infiltrate everything. https://www.bitchute.com/video/LH0xCHwsYji9/

Only the jews win, when Europeans and russians start slaughtering each other, same goes for christians and muslims slaughtering each other. Only the jews are the winners in this. Ukraine president Zelensky too is jewish. The “american” bitch which orchestered the Maidan coup in Ukraine, Mrs. Victoria Nuland (real name Nudelman) is a jewess too. Ex-german cancellor Merkel, again a jewess (with polish ancestors)and so on and on. Ex-france president Sarkozy a jew, the former one Mitterrand too has jewish roots. The Polish president Duda too is one – his real name is Feigenbaum, his wife too is a jewess. The whole prime section of all the countries in America, Europe, and Russia and related states are totally infested with these pest called jews. Southamerica too has 50% jewish presidents. In middle-east and asia too at least 25% of the important figures and persons have jewish heritage. So please wake up folks, and realize the real danger, the real enemy. It’s not the Russian people, or the German people or the American people or the Chinese people, no it is the Jews. It is these satanic global parasites which cause all the big trouble on earth since at least 2000 years ! Goddamn it !

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater

But what do these beasts think they are getting? Bad luck is destroying them!They must die like rats in the sewers.

Lt. Wi Tu Lo, South Korean Air Force

Time for Russia to kill these Nazi vermin once and for all

USA is a shithole, Europe becomes one

Ukrainianism is a cancer. Ukraine must be destroyed.

Mini Tactical Hypersonic Nuke locked on Kiev

So what? I dont understand why all the hype about the video. We are talking about cold-blood Nazis here, about sadistic evil people, they do such things on a daily basis, like that execution of POVs for example: it was not the first the nazis committed it, and unfortunately, I dont think this will be the last – because Nazis love to kill defenseless people. The only solution is to destroy them asap.


@Mini Tactical

This time – apart from your constant “Nazi, nazi”-blabbering I can (at least) partly agree on your comment, if you would start to name the real “sadistic evil people” by their name, which is JEWS. And I advice you to point finger at both, the jewish drugster clown in Kiev and the jewish Chabad Lubawitch dwarf called Poop-tin in Moscow who want not only to enslave the slavic but all people on earth under the NWO/JWO by order of Rothschild and Satan.

Anyway, I already wrote the following shortly after the Poland-Ukraine resp. Poland-Russia missile incident became known:

Yes, it’s nearly funny:

The Polish President is saying the indications are it was a Ukrainian S-300 that accidentally landed in Polish territory. (btw. Polish President ? Isn t he a lovely guy ? Duda’s real name is Aaron Feigenbaum, he is jewish not polish, and “what a coincidence, suprise, surprise” is married to the jewess Agata Kornhauser (now Agata Kornhauser-Duda). Any more questions open !???

Check it out yourself if you do not believe me !))

The Polish Ambassador to the EU is saying all member states blame Russia.

The Russian state media RT whore Margarita Simonyan says they did it.

The Russian Defense Ministry says we dindu nuffin.

Putin’s Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov says I know nothing I was not here I didn’t even get up this morning.

Biden says: Huh ? Poland ? I’ve never heard of that country.

Neither the Polish or the Russian side can keep a consistent line on what the hell happened. (forget EU and USA as well)

Therefore I don’t predict anything further is gonna come of this. (And of course the stupid war in which christian ukrainian soldiers are made to slaughter naive christian russian soldiers and vice versa – on behalf of ugly hook-nosed jews in behind as their leaders in chief – will continue as long as the christians do not wake up and realize the JEW behind this pre-planned bloodbath!)

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater

Very funny. The great Russian warrior came to kill them instead they put him to do the worm in a tuna can. It was better if this loser clown stayed at home. HAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT A LOSER.

Last edited 2 years ago by Atlan

You are the next


You will be the next. And believe me… I know what I’m saying… ;)


Yeah well nothing surprising here…this is the price you (yes you Russia) have to pay for weakness against an enemy who would kill your entire kind be it in his power…

Johny cash

Fucking pathtic russians cant even protect those who support them. Leave them to fend for themselfs. Stupid fool left them for 8 years then was surprised there no one left to take over the military that is pro russian


Don´t forget that Russia released Azov commanders….. and foreign nazis After promising that they will be executed Perhaps the people in Donbass deserve an explanation


We European Nazis firmly stand behind our Fuhrer Putin and don’t want to be associated with Ukrainians! Ukrainians aren’t Nazis, they are filthy Jews!

James Bond

He has come to kill them. He’s a fucking assassin. So let the boys have some fun with this shitty assassin. If someone comes to my house armed and wants to kill me, that’s the least he deserves. You fucking piece of shit stay home.


How many dead Ukrainian military personnel since 2014? How many dead mercenaries from the US and sundry puppets?

Vlad RuSs

Beasts of the Earth


The Ukrotards must have confused that guy with yet another whore being parcelled up to send to Turkey. It happens when the Christmas rush gets going.


The Hitlar legacy or the Mafia legacy. Israel sells the Holocaust but also follow the Hitlar legacy.


Ukrainians involved in these atrocities will pay…….

Buford T Justice

Two legged swine , destroy these devils !

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