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MARCH 2025

In Video: US Navy Stealth Destroyer Conduct First Missile Test

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In Video: US Navy Stealth Destroyer Conduct First Missile Test

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After a 7-year-delay, the US Navy finally received its next-generation guided-missile stealth destroyer USS Zumwalt (DDG-1000). The warship carried out its first missile test at the Point Mugu sea test range off the coast of California on October 13, reported USNI News. The destroyer employed the MK 57 Vertical Launching System firing a Standard Missile-2. Such missiles are the core of the destroyer’s air defense defense and have an approximate range of 90 nautical miles.


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Lone Ranger

Its so successful its already a failed project. An Arleigh Burke class which is 80s tech has more firepower than this crap.

Servet Köseoğlu

lol..and whole project cost was $20 billion if ı am not wrong:)))

Lone Ranger



it is an obama project like the chevy volt

Jim Allen



And Yamato had even more firepower.

Lone Ranger

But was outgunned by bombers. Indeed.

Антон С

AB was the best in its class for long time. Though not chip one – 2 billion per ship. Seems like military industry became too greedy and LGBT oriented – cool design, great advertising in MSM, movies and games, new fashion coloring and lower combat capabilities. Returning to F-15 and building new ABs instead “Zumwalts” is proof to my words.

Damien C

Stealth Destroyer Patriot Missile system F35 Bradley fighting vehicles B2 bomber Ford class Aircraft Carrier

Jesus the USA don’t half produce some amount of flawed systems bordering on needless junk


What’s wrong with the B2?

Damien C

You mean apart from costing $500,000,000 a pop unable to be located in forward operational positions. The fact that they are no longer stealth to advanced nations and become degrading in the Rain, Humidity, Tempreture, Direct sunlight and gets fucked in the ass with a Thunder storm ….. Nah probably nothing at all Occupy

Its the reason they were not ordered in the quantities that the airforce initially foreseen, they were grand for propaganda purposes


Could be, though I think, like aircraft carriers these weapons are not made to fight nuclear powers.

Jim Allen

Slow too.

Антон С

500 million? Multiply by 4 – 2 billion cost for 1 plane, which arsenal consist of free-fall bombs and no cruise missiles.

Антон С

FCS program (future combat systems) with new APC, IFV, light tank, SPH (20 billion cost) “Comanche” (6 billion cost)

“Patriot” is working. Not so good, but working. “Bradley” too.

Jim Allen

Patriot is a pretty old system, dates to the first Gulf War, US military hardware, isn’t so upgradeable, like Russian military hardware is, not built as strong. (there are exceptions)

Антон С

At last. 1st “Zumwalt” from 3 in total. The plan was to build 32. Price for 1 ship – over 4 billion dollars. How much destroyers were built in China for these 7 years? I guess not less than 10, if they are building several destroyers at a time in one shipyard with speed 1 ship for 3-4 years. Each type 055 carries 128 missiles in universal launchers. That’s why Trump decided to build reliable italian frigates (italian version of franco-italian FREMM) instead extra-expensive “Zumwalts” and almost useless “littoral ships”, i.e. corvettes with limited capabilities even in comparison with foreign corvettes.

Jim Allen

Zumwalts have problems, Aluminium composite hull. Already had corrosion issues a year ago, and somebody musta’ forgot to tell them Aluminium burns. Produces Oxygen when it burns, kind of a bitch to put out. In addition to the the usual mechanical problems that had the pair of them being towed to port damn near every time they left. Ford has multiple problems can’t launch aircraft other systems don’t work. The Littoral’s are poor performance, with issues. Then there’s the epitome of the sunk cost fallacy. F-35. The AB Guided Missile Frigates are alright, but aging, and are cheap unarmored, exependable ships that can’t take a punch. At least they work. Unless an Su-27 fly’s by close, anyway. They also seem to be mesmerized by container ships, or something. I think one new nuclear submarine has been built. A bigger issue is US has almost no domestic war production. Many components for the production of what’s left are manufactured offshore, and imported.

Russian Corvettes are armed !

Антон С

Aluminium is the material of superstructure i guess, to make it lighter. Hull can’t be made of pure aluminium, alloys may be. And aluminium is not corroding, same as titanium. If corroding, than it’s made of steel.

Simon Ndiritu

It is so stealth that we can’t really see it! what is with American’s obsession with “stealth” racket?

Assad must stay

its a scam, entire american society is built on scams, so its just natural i guess hahaha

cechas vodobenikov

US is spending its empire into the grave—1.7$ trillion for the failed f35

Assad must stay

the days when US produced actually half decent military stuff are long gone and i dont think its coming back, good riddance tho, they only created more wars, death, etc.

Tommy Jensen

This clearly shows we can do the same thing as the Russians, and that we are not behind! Note that US Zumvalt is stealth and cant be seen on any radar. Thus we can sail classified anywhere we want it.

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