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MARCH 2025

In Video: Wagner Fighters Ambushed Ukrainian Group Near Bakhmut

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A group of Ukrainian forces was ambushed by fighters of the Wagner Group on their way to the city of Bakhmut in the DPR. The Ukrainian commander who was filming the incident was killed.


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ghost of hans raus

Some days you’re the hammer, some days you’re the nail.

John Tosh

Not when one of those men turns out to be your brother or yourself… its always easy to dismiss death when it does not touch you. Just like those men who did not know it was their last day on earth… you members of NATO do not believe your last days on earth is coming up…. There is one thing for sure….DEATH is the end of every single human being……even you.

Cokehead Zelensky

Have we won yet? snort, snort…..I can see Moscow from my basement….snort ….snort


Good riddance.

Only dead Ukrop is a good Ukrop!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by War

Yes, they and their supporters laugh at the sufferings of the Donbass people. They send missiles directly to civilian targets and infrastructure. Russia is playing too nice with the Ukrainians, and due to that Donbass civilians get killed every day.

Fabio Cioffi Revilla

Zelensky is a Jew and has no personal stake in this totally unnecessary Slavic fratricide. He has made millions for corruption, drug smuggling, human trafficking and money laundering. He has million dollar homes in Florida, Italy, London and Tel Aviv. Interestingly, not a single Jew has died in this conflict and they are biggest sponsors of this bloodfest.

A grinning and smirking Zelensky will continue to basement cheer-leading, the naive duped Slavic Ukrainians fighting and claiming victories,that is the only way they are going to continue to get money from the west,the longer this goes on the bigger the bag of gold will be for them,their army is destroyed,they are sending now ragtag fighters to the front,that’s all that is left after Russia has destroyed their Nato trained and equipped best troops,this is the only show for them,after this nothing,this will go on until the money dries up or The Russians hang them by the neck.

Last edited 2 years ago by Fabio Cioffi Revilla
Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

His personal stake as a Jew is that he is happy to arrange for white goyim to kill each other in large numbers.

Just like how the EU Jew’s are behind the ongoing “ethnic debasement” plan to flood Europe with rapey mosque monkeys and stabby violent African savages.


Hey, racist bitch. You nasty white dogs have unleashed inconceivable violence and barbarity on the planet but dare to call us Black people savages? Lol, you inbred Nazi retards are ridiculous.


Russia will hang them once this war is over. That’s guaranteed.

Retired Troll

Hanging would be too kind for the Jew pervert cokehead Zelensky, he should dragged behind an Armata all the way to Tel Aviv.


Correction; There is a HUGE Difference between being Jewish of Faith (since there are no true Jewish genetic markers left in the World) and a JINO (Jew in name only) Khazarian Mafia *ZIONIST* like Zelensky the Sniffer and Chief Sitcom President of UkroNaziLand!


Zionists = those; call themselves that… but are NOT!

Called MONEY MAGIC! ….remove $$$ from your pocket and stuff it in theirs!

Miki Haikonnen

Swedish mercenary telegram talks about high casualties over the last few days. He says only 22 remaining out of his platoon of 40, led by a US army Rangers Captain.

The West didn’t give a damn about international law in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Kosovo.

It must really sting them now that the Russians have finally called their bluff.

Coca Colon

Time to start writing a new script for Operation Banderosa, sweety pie.


Tell that to the 14,000 innocents slaughtered by these thugs in the Donbas from 2014 to 2022. Life doesn’t give a rat’s ass who lives it…even you.


The real issue now for the EU and NATO warmongers is the emerging economic and social collapse of Europe. A specter is haunting Europe – it is the specter of poverty. The bets are now on as to which European country will collapse first. Among the front runners you will find Portugal, Latvia, Ireland, Romania, Italy, Moldova, Spain, the Czech Republic, Germany, Bulgaria, France and Slovakia. But perhaps none of them is more likely to fall first than the UK. For it has a new Prime Minister, who, unthinkably, is an even greater clown than the last one and even threatens to press the nuclear button. Let me digress for a moment with a visit to the islands off the coast of North-Western Europe.


The city of London rules the UK.

Captain Hohol

I hope the EU becomes escape from LA as a result of Russia turning off the gas.


One of the quickest ways to end the suffering of the people of Ukraine (who really are Russians), is to get Zelensky dead ASAP. He is destroying Ukraine and he needs to be destroyed together with every mercenary trying to fight for Ukraine. Russia must go full force and end this madness by Zelensky. Find out where he is and drop a huge cruise missile on him and his Nazi cabal.


Indeed, eliminate Zekensky and his cocaine cabinet and this fratricide will end in a day.

Retired Troll

Guys think rationally, if the ukis had even gained an inch of lane anywhere we would be inundated with Jew MSM propaganda videos. The Russians are using flexible defence and attrition, they lure the dumb Ukis in on flat terrain and them blast them with rockets and shells. The dumbass NATO losers and 50 assorted puppets as far as shitholes like Pakistan and Australia met today to keep pouring weapons into this meat grinder to kill more Ukis for Jew masters.


No one cares, mouthbreather. Every Ukie in the world could die and it would be a better place

Captain Hohol

I’m happy to see these people dying badly for enabling and defending the ethnic cleansing and murdering of east Ukrainian Russians

I want to see much more of it, it makes me very happy, every time these shitbags die, a leftist in the west gets closer to seeing their dreams fall apart forever.

John Tosh

What a waste. Don’t tell me NATO, the G7 and Zelenskyy want this slaughter to continue. Give up….. morons…. Ukraine is finished…. it was a 30 year experiment with some useless NAZIs from World War 2. Now run by a drug addict controlled by what the Bible calls the Prostitute (Central Intelligence Agency) sitting on a Seven headed Dragon (G 7 countries) who is going to its own destruction.

Revelations 17.

Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns. 4 The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious stones and pearls. She held a golden cup in her hand, filled with abominable things and the filth of her adulteries. 5 The name written on her forehead was a mystery:

“Babylon the great, the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth”

Ukraine and Zelenskyy is explained here:

“The ten horns you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the beast. 13 They have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast.

Zelenskyy will hold power for NATO and the G7 countries for a short time…. Zelenskyy’s only purpose is to give his power and authority to the G7 countries to do as they wish. The Biblical “one hour” is coming to an end!

Last edited 2 years ago by John Tosh
Southfront resident nigha

The Beast is Dead. Thus, this whole hysterical commotion and desperate attempts to plug grooming failures and the push for additional hypnosis.


Tip of the iceberg.

Radio Paul on VK

Every death is on the hands of the US and the Nazi regime in Ukraine. It’s sad to see these people die for the lies of the West.

tommy sawyer

ramses and grunting poko molo frequently ambush my anus in nebraska trailer park—monkey pox amerikan victory

NATO = North Atlantic Terrorist Organization

When you attack Russia and China mother fker, that is when your last day one Earth.

Palyrty hasaidz sofkd indehed!

I don’t see any evidence whatsover to suggest it wern’t the hetero chechnyans whom nailed them, so much for the jewish acting syndrome of the dudded western corporated sects= capitalist nazi acts! FIXED!


These comment threads……………………………….WOW


“The Ukrainian commander who was filming the incident was killed.” But what about the rest we see in the video – how many died, how many were injured and/or taken prisoner?

Ashok Varma

Indian RAW estimates that 25,000 AFU Nazis were KIA, MIA and wounded in this suicidal meat grinder. The reports in NY Times and Wash Post corroborate Indian estimates. Russian losses less than 200. JAI RUS!

Last edited 2 years ago by Ashok Varma
Pamfil Military Academy

If you’re talking about Kherson shekel JNATO bandera ‘counterass’, that is corroborate with Pamfil Military Academy: there are some 5.000 KIA and 9.000 other casualties till 6.IX.2022.


Who care? Enjoy the video!! Slava Russya!

ZelenskyThief of Kiev

Thief of kiev loves old mens anus so delicious for zelensky mouth.


No glory in war….


Nicely roasted pigs 🤣🖕🖕🖕🖕

Last edited 2 years ago by Vanya

Maybe it’s ignorant of me to presume, but wouldn’t you be vigilant if you’re going to the front line of a conflict?

It’s not like they were going to a beach in California


It’s all fun and games blowing up innocent civilians from behind your lines until a big angry Bear comes out of the woods and rips you multiple new assholes. Life doesn’t give a rat’s ass who lives it and neither do Snorty Zelenkia nor his angloZionaZi owner$.

Onward to Odessa and Berlin if necessary. Meanwhile the filthy dollah is going down the ponZi sewer.


Last edited 2 years ago by Martillo

Going to the front line in a mini bus with not even any rudimentary protection along the sides is beyond insanity, and some of those guys lost their lives over that oversight.

Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

Good riddance, Wagner PMC “taking out the trash”. Music to my ears!

azov bunch of emo rejects

Can’t wait for their next big hit

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

The priest gave a speech and gave a blessing before they left. Thus, they felt well protected.


At 1:01 starts the dying-gasp. The guy died for no reason. Capitulation is painful but sometimes imperative.

Coca Colon

Was that a death fart? I believe it was.

Captain Hohol

He sounded like one of the emission burned zombies from stalker.


A reporter gained access to the hospitals in southern Ukraine Kherson region and showed pictures of patients with severed limbs – mangled hands-shattered joints -shrapnel wounds where they complained –for every three shell/rocket/mortar we fire Russia sends 20 back.

Their drones fly with impunity 1 km high – and our drones are hijacked and fly away and counter battery RADARS that can fire on our heads within minutes -When we turn on our mobile phones or radio they can recognise our presence and then the shooting starts -for every one dead Russian its 5 dead Ukrainians -they are just hitting us all the time – MANY 1000,s of Ukrainians killed – sent into battle with no training – one troop commander was a farmer -he was replaced with another .

In another article Russia has full control of Kherson/Donbass etc internet and mobile phones -disconnected from Ukraine/USA -USA complains – they have “stolen” Ukraine,s fibre cable network and re routed it to Russia -same with the Cell towers . No more Azovs helping Ukraine direct fire with mobile phones .

So much for the west saying Russia has “old ” radars etc looks like they are well ahead of the USA.


Wish they would give the people of the G7 nations independent satellite internet, new search engines and English e-mail.


Why are they fighting the Russians? It is not their war. I would turn sides from the moment I got a gun, the government of Ukraine betrayed the people when they pushed the country into this war! If people would REFUSE to fight, politicians would not resume to war to fill their accounts…


Sad man AFU need to get the 🤡 out and save what’s left of their country. Dieing for US and the globalist makes no sense

Pamfil Military Academy

Same idiocy was back in 1989 Romania fake jew concocted coup. I could’ve loose my life then fighting Ceaucesco regime as a youg idiot knowing nothing besides capitalist propaganda, which btw was 1 million times better than actual colonial ‘imperator’ regime.

Captain Hohol

Gun down the ukropigs, make em squeal.


I can’t bash Russia today because the vibrator in my ass going berserk.

Alexander the Transnistrian

Guys, I could watch it all the day 😂

It absolutely is the Jews

They all have it coming to them for fighting for a Jew.


Great video Im so board of watching boaring combat videos

No War

Я понимаю причины России (которые я не ненавижу). Я понимаю стратегию Запада (на самом деле, их правителей). Я понимаю причины вовлеченных народов: достаточно наблюдать и быть беспартийным, просто немного справедливости и любви к ближнему…

Война – это всегда дерьмо. Солдаты, марширующие на параде, прекрасны… мертвы все бедные мальчики. Их было 300 молодых и сильных, и они умерли… У каждого есть родители, сестры, жены и дети… война – это дерьмо. УВЛЕКАТЕЛЬНО, да, но это остается дерьмом. И никто на самом деле не выигрывает.

Никто не выиграет. Побеждает только ад.

No war

I understand Russia’s reasons (I don’t hate Russians and neither do Putin). I understand the strategy of the West (in fact, of their evil rulers). I understand the reasons of the peoples involved: it is enough to observe and be impartial, not to listen to the propaganda and to use a little justice and love for one’s neighbor… It’s not difficult… War is always crap. The soldiers marching in the parade are beautiful… but the dead are all the boys (even if sometimes they were murderers). “They were 300 young and strong, and they died…”. Everyone has parents, sisters, wives and children… war is crap. FASCINATING, yes, but it remains crap. You cannot enjoy anyone’s death. And no one really wins. No one wins. Only hell wins.

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