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MARCH 2025

In Video: War In Ukraine Explained By Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs

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Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs appeared on live show on Rumble, where he extensively explains the conflict in Ukraine and what the west has done to make the situation worst pre 2022.


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Commie and Jew Doublespeak Explained for Retards:

1. they say they are jews but they are not 2. they say they are Wagner but are posers 3. they say they are Kamikaze but are shameless posers 4. they say they have blackbelts but had them removed by Samurai.

They say they are not commies but they are.


Last edited 2 years ago by JHK


Yes, in fact most true freedom fighters we never hear of, are those men and women in Russia, USA, Canada, UK and Germany who dare to speak out the truth about those behind all this wars, the fraudulent financial system, the covid-hoax, the holohoax, the 9-11 scam, the globo-homo agenda, the climate-hoax etc. etc. See for example:



Very interesting and we all here can learn a lot from the above discussion (titled: The Biological Response), and the truth which is pointed out in that interview.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater

En Chante.

jews = fugly

Nazi = Hot AF


Brand is a jew and a fake …..


commies = filthy subhuman jews



Nazis Samurai and Jihadists did not sympathise with sdf turds, only filthy dickless jews and commies did.

Nazis Samurai and Jihadists dont sell each other out. But filthy dickless fredo commies and filthy dickless spic jews did do and still do.




See in the above photo of the SF article. Bush and Putin, they both have this FREEMASON Shirt on. So it is clear now for everybody to see, that Putin is part of the NWO/JWO.

As freemasonary nowadays is nothing but judaism: Some call it: “Judaism for none-jews, controlled by jews”. And freemasonary is definitely jewish controlled and it is secret organisations which conspire against the free will of the people and nations on earth. So here we have it again clear to see for everybody that all these lodge-brothers are working together hand-in-hand behind the scene always. And then they play this theater to us, as if they were conflicting parties and each others enemies when in fact they are all buddies, sucking dry the peaceloving innocent mankind and different nations.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater

Brand is also a transgender and a satanic freemason media influencer. The West needs an anti zionist revolution and restore the Christian basis for our countries. Freedom, faith and family must replace war, strife, poverty and usury. Time to restore the Common Law and end our debt slavery under Talmudic Law.


Brand isn’t a jew you Ape,he has had death threats for his support for Palestinians.

Moaning Lisa smile

We know many other jews that are pro-“palestinians” and anti israel …


Brand is not jewish you clown,he has had death threats for supporting Palestinians


video unavailable in france pffff, fucking europe



Yes EU is fucked up, same as Russia, China etc. And I am against censorship – I do not even want the so-called “russian” view of this conflict censored or banned nor do I want the so-called “western” view of this conflict censored or banned. I do not want the views and speeches of anyone on earth banned. Everyone should be able to speak freely and put out his or her opinion without having to fear for being arrested afterwards. Only jews and communists always want to ban other persons from making use of the god-given right of breathing freely and speaking out the truth and making use of freedom of speech everywhere. If you realize that, you’ll immediately see all the places and high positions everywhere, which have already been infested and taken over by the jews and commies.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater
Romanian whore

Also in capitalism you have to fear for your free speak. Many have paid with theirs lives for that. Why you mention only the communists ?



See in the above photo of the SF article. Bush and Putin, they both have this FREEMASON Shirt on. So it is clear now for everybody to see, that Putin is part of the NWO/JWO. As freemasonary nowadays is nothing but judaism: Some call it: “Judaism for none-jews, controlled by jews”. And freemasonary is definitely jewish controlled and it is secret organisations which conspire against the free will of the people and nations on earth. So here we have it again clear to see for everybody that all these lodge-brothers are working together hand-in-hand behind the scene always. And then they play this theater to us, as if they were conflicting parties and each others enemies when in fact they are all buddies, sucking dry the peaceloving innocent mankind and different nations.

Only jews and commies always censor and ban freedom of speech, that’s why they are the enemies of God. They are antichrist-entities and nobody should follow these evil creatures.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater
Chris Gr

Do you believe in Anglo-Israelism?

americunt minister of ugliness

moron americunt under water reptile


US and UK isn’t ban freedom of speech but uses fake news.


Into Romania I see it in good condition. Maybe only into Schengen the videos are censored :)

flush goes the nation

Because it is the truth, Use a VPN …good luck.


I’m in France too, but you can find it on youtube, search for ‘You’ve Been Lied To’ and Russell Brand.


At one time Brand was very big on the BBC and other tv broadcasters,don’t expect to see him anytime soon those bastards hate anyone who doesn’t support their warped narrative.

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

Russland ist diejenige die superior Ato-mwaffen hat, nicht Deutschland, nicht die USA. Und nicht irgendeine Atomwa-ffe, sondern hyperschall Atomwaffen, d. h. die EU und sogar die USA können sie nicht stoppen, und noch weniger zerstören. Also Fresse halten.

Last edited 2 years ago by North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

It is very simple. The US voter wear the guilt of 240 years US-rogue-state-existance. Somewhere in the future US-citizes will pay a century for their crimes, they have done to the planet. God shave America.

americunt minister of ugliness

only moron cannot comprehend–US war in ukropistan is war on europe


Sachs seems to believe that POTUS has control of the US. He doesn’t. The MIC controls US foreign policy and “suggests” ways to expand its arms selling, eg new NATO members. Thus the expansion of NATO, and few little wars here and there that aren’t *won* but only fought to keep up the supply of “consumables”. It’s a circular game of bribery/lobbying that takes tax dollars to MIC CEOs and investors and then trickles down to election “donations” for govt lawmakers to allocate funds for more arms. Simple but effective.

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