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MARCH 2025

In Video: Warfare Of Ukrainian Nazis Of Azov Regiment Described

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A serviceman of the People’s Militia of the DPR told about Ukrainian Nazi regiment “Azov” which he fought against in Mariupol. The interview is a good reminder of who the Ukrainian Nazi militants are and what crimes they committed against civilians.

Today, all the Azov commanders who were taken hostage in Mariupol are resting in Turkish resorts.

The DPR serviceman, who was probably interviewed during the battle for Mariupol, confirmed that the Azov servicemen were guided by Nazi ideology, but many of them did not understand the real essence of the ideals for which they fought. Many Ukrainian servicemen with swastikas on their chevrons claimed that they were not bothered by the ideas of the Nazi regiment and were glad that they were being paid and having fun with their brothers in arms.

The DPP serviceman confirmed that there were many women in the Azov regiment. Most of them were responsible for spreading Nazi ideology among Ukrainian youth.

The pro-Russian fighter also explained why the Ukrainian Nazis did not release civilians from the war-torn city when the Russian side provided humanitarian corridors for their withdrawal.


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Pedo Peter aka Big Guy

Azov Battalion – the most white supremacist terror group on the planet. Aryan brotherhood is a group of nuns compared tot hem.


And the feminist/lbgtq movements are 100% behind them.

West is Scum

Fake religion, nazism, gender-feminism… it all means nothing, it’s all just lies, ideology instrumentalized for the benefit of the Western elite, especially the globalist elite elite. They push a button and a boy is a girl, they push a button and a by Western intellectuals falsified Jesus justifies their atrocities, they push a button they are aryan superhumans, they push a button they are not the perpetrators anymore but supposedly antifascists, its all fake, its all interchangable Western nonsense. They Muslims, and I’m no Muslim, but they sometimes call it boko. Its all Satanic-Western lie BS.


Charles Manson was more logical than these USA deep state rulers and that says a lot.


And yet your dumbass cannot identify the Satanic JEW behind the Western sickness? Kill the nasty JEW.

Captain Hohol

Insight into their evil, all of them will be ironically unceremoniously “finished off” as they would rationalize to others.


Azov terrorists are taken out of Charles Mansons dreams, minus his ecological ideas.


Yup, just incredible: Nazi fanatics in bed with LGBT libtard freaks sensitive about genders.. Two extreme sides of western pathological society finally united.

Fort Detrick

It makes sense in a way, just look at these dumb shit trolls here, jens, hans etc. they are both faggots and nazis. NATO MSM just channel all their psychotic hate and phobias into one unified hate towards Russia.

Buford T Justice

Scum , to be pitied and ignored.

Pig Kebab Lover

Another kebab showed up to yap about whites. You should stick to fucking goats.

Z for Victory

and all the ufficial freed…. incredible.

West is Scum

In the West there are those, calling themselves antifascists or antifa, who support Russia and those who fanatically support Azov and NATO. There’s a clear pattern to be seen: most of the fake antifascists with a bourgeoise, upper-class background, who pretended to be antifascists to not be reminded of their grand- and great-grandparents crimes, whether slavery and Jim crow in the USA or Hitler-/SS–nazism in Germany, support Azov-NATO and the ones with a working-class, real socialist etc. background support Russia.


I am quite upper class, white pride but not a deluded sadistic maniac and I cannot support NATO terrorists and the USA genocidal deep state. Anyone with an education will not back this murderous clan and the WEF insanity.

West is Scum

Nice to hear. Of course there are always exceptions in every group. Its never everybody, in whatever group. There is always the golden exception. Sometime its more, sometime its fewer people.

Friedrich Engels was a millionaire, Rosa Luxemburg was, supporting the workers movement, communism. Communism had or has its flaws of course, but it was for the people overall and the Soviet Union supported independence movements around the world, like in South Africa against Apartheid. These day many in South Africa support Russia against the West in this proxy war , especially those old enough to remember Apartheid. And its a war the West conducts, even if for Russia its legally a special military operation, but for NATO its a (proxy) war with the goal to destroy Russia. The fallout if Russia would fall, one way or the other, would be unimaginable not only for Russians (decades of civil war, millions of deaths) but also for the whole world. Because it would destabilize the already unbalanced, unipolar state of the world in such a manner… Many wars and civil wars not only in Russia, but in bordering nations would either break out by themselves or with the help of the CIA and the US army, NATO hordes rolling again like in the colonial hay days. Crushing world economy, millions of deaths, millions and millions of refugees to the West, plunging wages there as well because of the crushing world economy and the extreme labour surplus. The emergence of a world order with a globalist elite ruling the world population like slaves, both white and people of color.

Pig Kebab Lover

Since when gypsy kebabs are white and upper class?

Ones a while i reply

No, Antifa is against both US and Russia imperialism. I cant support nazi scum but Russia invading a other country and trying to steal other nations land is also wrong.

Ones a while i reply

Claiming the West is scum and the continuing to speak on behalf of the West. No one from Antifa sports Russia. The fact that you guys deleting the slightest form of critic shows the true facist character of SF and Russian society nowadays in general.

Joe Biden

I am Looking for Jackie. Somebody knows where is Jackie? Jackie, are you here? Jackie come over here. Jackie? I wanna shake your hands.

Last edited 2 years ago by Joe Biden

“They are what they are.” Zelensky answered when asked about the Azovists.


Nazis must Die Hailing Hitler!



A dead kebab is a good kebab. Smoked kebab is yum.

Johny cash

Poor Russians dieing just for putin to free them. They living nice now after everything theyve done. Pathetic

jens holm

This retard is more illiterate than me. Now thats pathetic.

Muhammad your Prophet

You mean the Azovs that the shitty Russian army just tried to recruit to fill the serious shortage of manpower? You have to decide wether the Azovs are really Nazis or not. Because the way it looks it seems like Vladimir Putin is trying to recruit all the Nazis he can find.

Tuck Carlson Fan

Is Ukraine soon a country made up of lonely widows (some of them, but not all) sexy?

Chad Stewart

“Federal agents have collected enough evidence to charge the son of the American leader, Hunter Biden, with tax crimes and perjury in connection with the acquisition of weapons”. Washington Post”

Let me play the Devils advocate here. Soooo, he is a poor loser. I think he knew exactly that there is dirt in his laptop, and he knew exactly that it can fall into the wrong hands one day. But lets not forget that he is a crack/cocaine addict. In German they call it the inner “Hilferuf”. It means he saw it as “If they publish the dirt, my life will change, most likely I will be in jail, but this will be a cold turkey – I cant change my life, but if they force to do so, that could work”. If he would continue using hard drugs he could die, or suicide – which he tried with the gun in question, but it failed. So he intentionally ‘forgot’ the laptop in the repair shop. I mean, see from this perspective: Why he filmed all the dirt? If there is no intention to show it, then he would not film it as this would be a stupid waste of time – and you can call him anything you want: crackhead, liar, pervert, but you cannot call him a stupid lad.

Last edited 2 years ago by Chad Stewart

There is literally some of the dumbest shit written on southfront…. i mean fucking first class moronic..just look at this thread “fuck all my holes” is written 20 times and yet your post is by far the most retarded thing I have ever read on here! unbelievable………


During my many visits to Ukraine over the years and before this special military operation. I found myself in conversation with many Ukrainian people from many different backgrounds some professional people others ordinary people like myself I tried my best to explain how corrupt the Western political system was and how that system was used against the populations in various Western countries. Also explaining that life in many parts of East Europe including both Ukraine and Russia was the life that most normal people wanted Not the woke neo Liberal lifestyle promoted by Hollywood and Western media Some people understood where I was coming from and what I was saying others chose to ware blinkers like a race horse refusing to listen or see the truth. Life experience is so important and our parents and grandparents have a knowledge that is a lesson for life itself. Hatred has destroyed Ukraine and that Hatred has been promoted and expressed by those who claim to love Ukraine so called Ukrainian nationalists look what you have done to the country you claim to love and for what the spell is broken the dream is over waken up release Ukraine from this nightmare if you truly love her peace and goodwill to all the people of Ukraine…….

Putin is very sad

What a bad interview! Ever heard of suggestive questioning?


Ukrorats fanatics and degenerates like ISIS

Vlad from Poomania

Who will fuck my holes with all alpha faggots dead?…. 😭😭😭😭😭 Even my twinkie left me. I am all alone….

My holes are good. It is like fucking a kebab. 💙💛💙💛💙💛🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴

I stand 🖕 with Ukrainia

Last edited 2 years ago by Vlad from Poomania
Sgt. Based

Most people in general don’t care what ideology rules them as long as they get their bread and circuses


“Never underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.” Hussein Obama

Last edited 2 years ago by JBond
Patrick Leahy

USA = State Sponsor of Terrorism


More than a sponsor, instigator of, perpetrator, enabler, creator of, exploiter of, masquerador behind, string puller, director of, trainer of terrorists, profiteer from, delighter of, user of.


Pure Russia bullshit. I hope the lying Russian is killed and I support Russia.


and Putin returned 200 of them in exchange of his friend. Stalin let his own son to die in Germany instead of exchanging him for Marshall Paulus.

L du Plessis


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