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In Video: Zelensky Refused To Negotiate With Russia

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On August 24, Zelensky addressed Ukrainians to congratulate them with the Independence Day of Ukraine. In his speech, he claimed that Kiev will not hold any negotiations with Moscow. Earlier, Zelensky said that he will not negotiate with Putin if Russia moves forward with plans for a mass trial of captured “Mariupol defenders”, including members of the nazi Azov regiment.

So far, the Ukrainian military have not managed to stop Russian advance on the front lines. Zelensky’s loud statements aimed at showing the “brave leader of a heroic country” and gaining more political support will cost the Kiev government the lives of thousands of its soldiers more.


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zelensky like amerikan—boorish, crude feminine hysterical

Tony Mazzola

Questo frocio ebreo è morto. Viva la Russia.

Stephan Williams

Zelensky is a child-sized, resentful jew so it naturally follows that he’s “boorish, crude, feminine, hysterical” along with copious amounts of hubris, bigotry and a rabid hatred for anyone not like him. He’s a dim example of perfidious jewish “leadership”. He is what awaits all of us if we can’t shut these reprobates down.

Retired Troll

The Jew bastard is drowning in the blood of Orthodox Slavs and Russian Muslims and needs to be taken out. Zelensky is a rat and his Zionist masters only agenda is to prolong the Slavic fratricide.

Retired Troll

This Jew rat needs to be fumigated ASAP.

Fly like an eagle, Darya Dugina

by Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted

Darya Dugina, 30, daughter of Alexander Dugin, a smart, strong, ebullient, enterprising young woman, whom I met in Moscow and had the honor to cherish as a friend, has been brutally murdered.

As a young journalist and analyst, one could see she would carve for herself a glowing path towards wide recognition and respect (here she is on feminism).

Not so long ago, the FSB was directly engaged in smashing assassination attempts, organized by the SBU, against Russian journalists, as in the case of Olga Skabaeyeva and Vladimir Soloviev. It’s mind-boggling that Dugin and his family were not protected by the Russian intelligence/security apparatus.

Dugin proposes that the current status quo around Operation Z cannot last for more than six months. There’s no question “the tectonic plates have shifted”. Darya Dugina will be flying like an eagle in an otherworldly sky. The question is whether her tragedy will become the catalyst to propel Putin’s strategic ambiguity to a whole new level.



Reminder to everyone that the purpose of US & UK ( puppeteers) is to prolong this crisis down to the last Ukrainian to degrade and weaken the Russian military including its geopolitical influence, knowing well on a side view that EU would be counted as collateral damage effectively shooting two birds (competitors) with one stone.

Last edited 2 years ago by HINDOT KABAYO

NATO clown puppet

Retired Troll

Murderous Jew clown.


Oh, did you guys know this Zion gay clown didn’t tell “his people” that Russia going to start their special operation in UA and downplay it – you know why he didn’t? Because people would save their life and take their money out of the banks. Yeah, economy (money) > civilian lives. After all, Zelensky is a gay Zion clown.


He will be surrender to all of Russia’s demands it is coming by the end of this year.

Hook Nose Jew

Die for us


This freaking clown 🤡


Crush all the Ukraine NAZIS and hang Zelensky from a lamp post by his neck until dead =Z=


Totally agree that Zee must die by hanging from a lamp-post. There’s no better image of this clown’s fate than him hanging from a lamp-post, and no more fitting death for such a wretched, loathsome, despicable, cretinous clown.


Dead NAZIS don’t breed.


I hope the trial of Azov nazi scumbags will be live online.

Stupid, stupid man

Yes yes yes… And how many more ukrainian life this man is ready to sacrafice just been klown and stuped? And how much more this man is ready to take loan from west to get some weapons? And how hungry he is driving ukrainian people because of he’s stupidity?

He could avoid this operation with four words: We don’t never join NATO.

And takin control ukrainian NATZI-groups. But he has no control over them.

This is result. Ukrainian hs already lost wasr. Polan is lookin Karpatian area. Austria some eastern parts and so on. What left of Ukraina, is small country with angry khazarian. Who are blaming ynzbody else but themselves.


I wish someone would put a bullet between that assholes eyes.


Reagan showed us that an actor can be a good president. Zelensky proved the opposite.

Ashok Varma

Zelensky was a gay porn third rate actor and his videos are available in India and many countries.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ashok Varma

In Zelenskys case there is a proverb in Turkiye: ” He is going to wedding night with someone elses penis.”

Wayne Gabler

Has he been going to the gym?

Joe Biden Is A Senile Pedo

No, the CIA have been injecting him with steroids. Sadly this has caused his little Jew cutdick to get even smaller to the extent that Arestovich refuses to suck it now!

Last edited 2 years ago by Joe Biden Is A Senile Pedo
Peppe il Sicario.

I’ve been saying this for months that they’ve been pumping his ass with anabolic steroids to divert from his true Jew 50 kilo dick-sucking faggot appearance and make him look like the tough guy military garb-wearing leader. Just another half-rate Jew actor.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peppe il Sicario.

GRU knows exactly where Greenberg (Zelensky) is. 1 Khinzal with penetrator warhead is all it takes. Question is why not have they sent it yet? Simple: Jews control Russia who have a dual loyalty to the same Jews who control Ukraine. If this isn’t true, Russia would have either 1) declared partial or full mobilization to capture all of Ukraine or 2) eliminated leaders of Ukraine in precision strikes

Peppe il Sicario.

Fuck off CIA cunt!!!


I used to think the same way until I realized all major oligarchs in Russia have dual israeli citizenship. captured israelis released and sent back to pissreal instead of being tried in court in DNR. Meanwhile british americans non jews still being held. Not a coincidence. Prove me wrong.

It absolutely is the Jews

The problem with that is under Putin the amount of Jewish oligarchs has declined over the years, many fleeing to London or Israel. And at the same time, many gentiles have become rich oligarchs themselves.


Very disappointed that Russia released multiple captured ISRAELI kikes fighting with Azov/AFU. They should have been tried in court or executed. Goes to show how the same Zionist kikes in control of Ukraine also control Russia.

Stephan Williams

Do you have a link that could confirm your claims, Truth? If so, I’d love to read it.

Peppe il Sicario.

The “Squeeze” is on the Anglo-Zionist Axis of Satanic Miscreants. Iran is now openly stepping up its attacks on the Americunt presence in Syria and Iraq, hitting them wherever these slovenly Jew-loving pigs lie. The Al-Tanf base the last few days is coming under constant attack and now the US is forced to retaliate exposing themselves more and more. Honestly, the last few months, Putin hasn’t been on the hot-line with his Chinese, Iranian, North Korean and Indian counterparts talking about tea and crumpets. They are forcing the Baal worshippers to come out into the open.


If Israeli kikes send Ukrops weapons, Russia should sell Iran some Topol road mobile ICBM or old decomished Soviet ones with low yield nuclear warheads. If Russian response to this is nothing, then my point is solidified that kikes control Russian decision making.


Germany demanded Stalin purge all Jews out of power in the USSR, end communism (jewish creation), deport all Jews out of Russia to German occupied areas. Stalin refused, causing operation barbarossa. End result? Complete Jewish victory over Germany. Creation of artificial ethno state of israel in 1948 on stolen Palestinian land.

So the Jewish vermin got their own country and complete control over USA/Britain/USSR in return for 30 million Soviet lives and 8 million German lives. Seems WW2 was just another massive blood sacrifice for God’s Chosen people. This is in addition to the tens of millions of Slavs murdered by these same Jews in soviet union before WW2 even started.

If Russian Empire still existed today (imperial), Ukraine would have been finished off years ago, and all Jewish kikes would have been expelled from Russia. Instead they are wreaking havoc and turmoil yet claiming to be “nationalists” while they have off shore bank accounts and dual loyalty to Zionists in Israel. Parasitic kikes need removing. Hitler was right. Slavs and Germanic peoples are brothers originating thousands of years ago as Goths then visigoths. Disregard the jewish misinformation that Germany wanted to genocide slavs.

Last edited 2 years ago by Truth

Zionist Soviet Jews killed 74+ million Slavs/Germans from 1917-1956: Red Terror 1919-1922 – Leon Trotsky ✡– 3 million thought criminals/”antisemites” executed DeCossackization – Grigory Zinoviev ✡ – 1 million ethnic Cossack people executed DeKulakization – Felix Dzerzhinsky ✡ – 5 million peasants executed, starved Soviet Famine 1919 – Yakov Sverdlov ✡ – 6 million peasants starved, executed Kazakh Famine 1930 – Filipp Goloshchyokin ✡ – 3 million ethnic Kazakhs starved Collectivization – Yakov Yakovlev ✡ – 7 million who refused to move to cities starved, executed HOLODOMOR (1933) – Lazar Kaganovich ✡ – 12+ million ethnic Ukrainians starved to death GULAGS 1919-1938 – Genrikh Yagoda ✡ – 25+ million worked to death, executed Great Purge 1938 – Lazar Kaganovich ✡ – 3 million executed

Gulag Chiefs who ran concentration camps from 1920-1938 (Pre-WW2) where 25+ million died: Matvey Berman ✡ Israel Pliner ✡ Lazar Kogan ✡ Nikolai Yezhov ✡ Naftaly Frenkel ✡ Semyon Firin ✡

Gulag Chiefs who ran concentration camps from 1945-1956(Post-WW2) where up to 6 million died: 1. Salomon Morel ✡ (escaped to Israel and wrote a fake “Holocaust” memoir) 2. Martin Gray ✡ (escaped to Israel and wrote a fake “Holocaust” memoir) 3. Jacob Berman ✡ (responsible for 500,000+ Polish civilian deaths in gulags)

Salomon Morel✡ and Martin Gray✡ both ran concentration camps after WW2 where up to 1,000,000 ethnic Polish people and 5,000,000 ethnic Germans were worked to death or executed Both Salmon Morel and Martin Gray escaped to ISRAEL in the late 1950’s and later wrote fake memoirs pretending to be victims of the “Holocaust”


Don’t worry, you will get one too Slava that in your grasshopper soup!


Canada To Germany on LNG “I’m Sorry, but big daddy Klaus said no” bwahahahahahaaaaaa


The Americans have got their hand up his ar3e, the best ventriloquist act I’ve seen. They’re selling the brand to a wider audience, sweaty green tee-shirt and unshaved vagina that speaks.

It absolutely is the Jews

I am an American and I can tell you that this country is filled with illiterate morons. Only about 5% of white gentiles know what is going on. The rest are idiots.


Well said.


☝️ This ☝️


Hmmm, I wonder if by “even though we understand Russian language” Zee really means, like some kind of Freudian slip, “we speak the same language”, especially appended to the “we don’t negotiate with Terrorists” bit?

Like he knows deep down he’s a Terrorist, and, though I can’t stand the rhetoric of projection (every accusation made against an adversary is really just, or only, a projected image of oneself), it does ring true in this case.

Last edited 2 years ago by jimbojames

If only the politicians of each western country stood and fought in the frontlines – we would all live in a better world.

Peter Jennings

This Independence Day, would it be for the whole of Ukraine or just the bit controlled by nato puppets?

I assume that next years Independence Day will involve even less of the country.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter Jennings
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