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MARCH 2025

In Video18+: Israeli Troops Left Shifa Hospital, Leaving Behind Ruins And Hundreds Of Dead

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In Video18+: Israeli Troops Left Shifa Hospital, Leaving Behind Ruins And Hundreds Of Dead

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On April 1, Israel confirmed that the IDF and ISA troops completed precise operational activity in the area of the Shifa Hospital and exited the area of the medical facility.

According to the Israeli military, ‘the troops killed terrorists in close-quarters encounters, located numerous weapons and intelligence documents throughout the hospital, while preventing harm to civilians, patients, and medical teams.”

In fact, Israeli forces withdrew from Al-Shifa Hospital after two-week raid, leaving the medical complex in ruins. The IDF left behind a wasteland of destroyed buildings and Palestinian bodies scattered in the dirt after completing its “operation.”

Footage the area revealed the scale of the damage inflicted on the buildings of the Al-Shifa Medical Complex, located in the west of Gaza City.

In Video18+: Israeli Troops Left Shifa Hospital, Leaving Behind Ruins And Hundreds Of Dead

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On April 1, the Gaza Health Ministry confirmed that Israeli forces had withdrawn tanks and vehicles from al-Shifa Hospital. The ministry said that dozens of bodies, some of them decomposed, had been found at the complex after the Israeli pullout. It emphasized that Israel retreated from the hospital “after burning down the complex buildings and putting it completely out of service.”

The spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry has urged an immediate international probe into Israel’s “horrifying and shocking” war crimes in Gaza’s al-Shifa hospital.

“The scale of destruction, torture, killing and the number of the Palestinian detainees in this hospital are horrifying and shocking,” Nasser Kan’ani said. “An international investigation is an urgent necessity,” he emphasized.

“Will the well-known self-professed human rights advocates support an international investigation into the aspects of this blatant war crime, or will the selective and discriminatory behavior towards human rights continue?” Kan’ani asked.

Gaza’s media office announced in a statement that more than 400 Palestinians have lost their lives during the Israeli military’s raid on al-Shifa hospital during the raid. The statement added that the victims include patients, war-displaced and healthcare staff, noting that hundreds more have been arrested and subjected to torture.

Earlier, the Ministry of Health in Gaza said at the time that about 3,000 people were inside the medical complex seeking refuge and that those attempting to leave were being targeted by snipers and fire from helicopters.






In Video18+: Israeli Troops Left Shifa Hospital, Leaving Behind Ruins And Hundreds Of Dead

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In Video18+: Israeli Troops Left Shifa Hospital, Leaving Behind Ruins And Hundreds Of Dead

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In Video18+: Israeli Troops Left Shifa Hospital, Leaving Behind Ruins And Hundreds Of Dead

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In Video18+: Israeli Troops Left Shifa Hospital, Leaving Behind Ruins And Hundreds Of Dead

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In Video18+: Israeli Troops Left Shifa Hospital, Leaving Behind Ruins And Hundreds Of Dead

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In Video18+: Israeli Troops Left Shifa Hospital, Leaving Behind Ruins And Hundreds Of Dead

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Satanic Anglo Scum!

palestinians have the same skin color as me, so why in the world would i support those zionist bastards!


so here we see this total crime against muslims, committed by the hook-nosed filth called jews. and on the other hand we see so-called isis attacking russia civilians. yes, pootin is scum too, but in the current moment, i guess a true jihadi movement would much more likely attack & massacre jews somewhere in europe or usa, canada or elsewhere as revenge for the gaza massacre. but no. so yes, isis is a us-israeli fake organisation 100 % !!

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa

your jihadis camped right next to isreal in the syrian south for years without attacking israel once. the entire al quida jihadi stuff is made up fake bs used as a western secret army just like the so called ukrainian right wing nationalist who love to die for jewish oligarchs. all fake and all just in it for the money.


for your first point i fully agree, isis & alqaeda is us-israeli fake organisations. for the second one “ukrainian nationalists are all fake and love to die for jewish cause” i strongly refute this claim. of course these people too are misled &used as pawns & cannon fodder by zelensky, but most ukrainians are fighting because their country is raided by the ru army (an army which murdered mio of ukr already in the 1930’s), ..

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa

..so they are fighting to defend their country against ru invaders troops, and not “because they love to die for jewish interests”. that’s quite a normal reaction, &especially because they know from history that they not want to live under communist rule, they are fighting even harder. invading a foreign country stealing the land is exactly what the israelis do in palestine, but with russia doing the same, you have no problem ? why ?

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa

apart from a that. both people (ukrainian same as russian) cannot win this war, because they both already lost it, because their countries are ruled & have been highjacked by jews completely. and when your country is run by traitors the end result will never be victory, freedom & prosperity for you, but just more enslavement, brainwashing & killing fields.

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa

i have a problem for putin beeing the idiot and walk into the trap that was set up for him. but the problem is the west is not going to leave him out of the trap if he retreats nato will follow to his borders and send jihadis into russia to kill people and blow up stuff.


the ones who they follow today are the same who killed the tzar and millions of russians and other sowjet citizens just cause they wanted to get in charge and collect the riches. the same ones who were commisarys who fired at sowjet soldiers who would not charge forward and the same who organized the starvation campaign of resistant farmers in the sowjet union they call holodomor and blame on russians.

CEO of Yapping

also, under our skin we all the same… remember those who falsely claim they are “different” or “blessed” lmfao.

محمد مص الديك

well, if you are shitskin, you are not an arab.

Allahists are Nazis

i appreciate your stand on everybody being equal and i support you. but.. in my whole life i didn’t meet a single (arab or turkic) allahist, who wouldn’t reveal himself, overwhelmingly already during an hour or two, as a mohammedan religious fascist. very much the same as the majority of the european ashkenazi calling themselves the chosen. plus all the creepy christian bigotry. a. einstein: in my whole life i haven’t met a chosen one.

it’s the choice between plague, cholera and ebola.

Last edited 11 months ago by Allahists are Nazis
The US Empire Of Misery

daily reminder that this is what the united states supports at least their occupied congress, military and mainstream media.

CEO of Yapping

2023: 78% of americans live paycheck to paycheck… yup god sure blessed the us of zionists. my point is most of yanquis give up, they have their own problems and just don’t care.

aipac owns most of the yanquis leaders (biden got over 5m from aipac lol)… he is doing his work for his bosses.

this is how it works, they get money from the us taxpayers, they use that money to buy yanquis in the government, they also bought yanquis msm.


it’s far worst. they don’t get their money from the tax payer, they print it.

CEO of Yapping

we can end up writing books my brother, we all know most of it.


most people in the us and basically everywhere don’t care until they are told to care or have something effect them personally. so, the natural end result is that the people capable of caring after they have suffered will finally care, or the planet will go the way of all the others in the galaxy which have been turned into asteroid belts. the ineffable god made it so that planets of filth and evil self-destruct from their own selfishness and lack of any morality, empathy, or thought.

Last edited 11 months ago by BunkerDwellers

when the japanese were slaughtering chinese in nanjing ww2, what did the world do? absolutely nothing.


probably all of the dead are staff or civilians killed for the hell of it. anyone who records or knows details of the many crimes bordering on genghis khan level murderous psychopathy is a target by tptb in israel and london (and closest puppets of the 5 i-djits). obviously, doctors and staff know the most about the mindless murder of children and mothers. in the end the perps will get a genghis khan death at best when the rest of the special ed students of earth finally figure it out.

Last edited 11 months ago by BunkerDwellers

it is genocide… but of course in western media it is “fighting the terrorism”

Allahists are Nazis

the inflationary use of the word genocide is just part of the propaganda. let’s remember, there were more little shaheeds born since nov.7 then we’re killed by the idf (according to biased hamas statistics). this is not a genocide, yet. the ato in ukraine since 2014 was a genocide

CEO of Yapping

shut the fuk up jew.


this is a race war. has been since 1400’s. on one side is the unholy anglo jew relationship and their servants. on the other side is the chinese, russians, africans and non-complaint arabs. it is a simple as this.

Just me

the whole world is controlled by satanists. in truth, all governments are just regimes of the devil with lies, oppression, etc…. it is always only the people who are supposed to fight these stupid conflicts…… governments are the enemy of humanity and not other peoples, people who look different, etc

Last edited 11 months ago by Just me

yes and no. it is a race war. but it’s between jews & none-jews. not between usa & russia or the west & china or africa and canada or else. communism is an ideology invented by the jews to destroy and s*ck dry other people. communism rules over china, russia, northkorea etc. russia is fully infested and controlled by jews. same as the usa, ukraine, great britain s.o. that’s the facts you need to know see : https://kuty.me/zw8

Last edited 11 months ago by MotherTeresa

the israeli government’s god must be satan just like america’s government.


no doubt, the rest of the countries dominated by freemasons also fall into that category. they are literal satanists from babylon and egypt. the one eye, triple six, hidden hand, moloch and baal worshiping, child sacrificing pyramid lovers. wherever they go, evil becomes institutionalized. novus mundus malum. same as the old world evil.


they hate the christ. for exemple biden celebrated a “trans visibility day” on easter. this shit was created by a jew. its not a random act, they do it on purpose. it’s a ritual humiliation.


the israeli government are atheists, like the american government.

Allahists are Nazis

smotrich is an atheist? common man!


enough evidence just with this one attack, so indict the bastards we know who ordered it and the zionist commanders, so what are they waiting for?


the genocide continues unabated…whilst the west and arab states and even russia allows it

محمد مص الديك

stop whining my cowardly brother and go fighing.

Last edited 11 months ago by محمد مص الديك
Allahists are Nazis

there is no genocide. i know, the arabs were mostly successful with their propaganda, even creating the blunder term palestinians to cement their “right” to palestine (british term).

it’s nazis fighting nazis there. let’s leave them by themselves. no mercy for nazis.


will the jewish race ever be held responsible for their crimes against humanity! pure butchery and evil the synagogue of satan

Smart Person

it is a mental race

Allahists are Nazis

eastern european orthodox ashkenazis, proud of their heritage, would not agree 😁


history will record this as one of the greatest tragedies in human history. the reckoning awaits.


i agree due to the nature of the conflict


who will be writing the history though?

Allahists are Nazis

sorry, but the numbers do not support such conclusions. taking into consideration all the conflicts since 2000 (the us-led interventios), the death toll is marginal.


pretty sad. the west and it’s fake “human rights” bs is so sickening.

Smart Person

the majority of israelis but also jews living in europe and american evangelicals were seen celebrating and sharing the videos, pictures, audios of murder and rape on telegram and other medias.

don’t forget that these judeo-terrorists and evangelical sub-humans are celebrating

and putin is still trying to convince his people of the “special” relationship russia “has” with israel. it’s indeed special to force the russians to “love” anti-russian terrorists.

Allahists are Nazis

i personally, didn’t saw anything you mentioned. but i saw allahists regularly cheering and celebrating the murder of the “kuffar”, giving the shahada oath and woving to kill more.


dirty filthy evil zioterrorist scum. they will drown in their own blood.


kick or beat israhellians around the world is an obligation for a real solidarity with palestinians…tourists and diplomatics must learn their lessons to be part of the criminal zio pig entity


the curse of ramadan is real


the khazar fake joo filth, nested like snakes in palestine, cries out in pain as it slices your throat and your children. polak saying. humanity needs to curb the beast running rampant in palestine before the entire m.e finally gets off its knees and sends this diabolic vermin to hell. meanwhile the demon nutnyahoo is up to its reptilian snout in the blood of innocents as his partners in genocide in the evil eussr and $lumville ussa applaud the butchery.


oh another bucha like incident spread it to the world … what the friends of the west did it then forget it happened there is probably some other story we can push in the news.


good god these zionist scum need to be destroyed.🇵🇸

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