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MARCH 2025

In Videos: Abandoned US Military Base And Russian Troops In Manbij

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Fresh videos from the area of Manbij show Russian troops and an abandoned military base in the area.

An abandoned US military base west of Manbij:


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Sasan Jamshidi

Dont be fool think US fled from there this is clear agreement between Trump and Putin! This is politics and politics in human history has been bullshit always, only innocent civilian lives is in part of their game.


Sdf is pushing back TFSA and TSK west of Serekaniye and north of Ain Issa. TFSA lossess are mounting rapidly but more rapid is needed.

SDF is starting to capture heavy material from invading forces. Not much yet, but it is starting. Unclear is how far TUAF can still operate in the space above SDF. Reports are varying on this point.

Tudor Miron

You guys never learn :) Still want to still some Syrian lands on behalf of US? If you don’t yet realize that SDF is over than you’re up for a rude awakening. Syria is liberating its lands. Turks will be gone from Syria fairly soon. Jihady scum will reap what the sow. Those Kurds who come to their sences and agree to live in Syria by Syrian law will find their place (good place) in Syrian state. Those who’s greed and stupidity is too strong are reaping what they sow at this very moment and ejoying american friendship to its fullest. Kurds are very lucky that Assad is not they way you tried to paint him. You’re lucky that Russia is after peace not war. Wake up dutchy, wake up :)

Tommy Jensen

All right wise guy. Then tell us what will happen to the 100 000 trained ISIS fighters in NE-Syria?? 15-20 000 of them are from Europe.

Xoli Xoli

We will allow all those ISIS to escape into Europe and give some free tickets to joint USA election campaign.What goes around comes around.Your wifes daughters, dogs and goats are in serious danger.Never ever create ISIS.

Leon De Elias


Concrete Mike

Nooooo not my goats!!!


Those that can will travel back to Europe I suppose and create the terror there that the US Coalition of Terror was happy to see them do in Syria and Iraq, Tommy.

There are already White Helmet jihadi’s in Canada and its only a short jump into the USA where you have a very angry black muslim population that hates the US regime :)

The black US muslim population in the US would be a fertile recruiting ground I suspect.

Tudor Miron

This is one of the possibilities. Plan of reformatting US is still being implemented. Remember CCCP when you’ll be watching what happens in US. Personally I think that it will be bloodier than in CCCP – simply because level of selfishness in the society is much higher in US and devaluation of traditional moral values is much deeper than it was in 1991 in CCCP.

Uncle Meat

I never felt any real sense of belonging with the nation I was born in (USA). And not very much of any bonds with the people here aside from a handful of people (a few teachers, counselors, former contractor at FedEx, great Polish gentleman, sadly lost his life to brain cancer). Just always felt something was off about the status quo/system. Mostly just kept to myself. Esp as many of my friends from high school were getting into drinking and doing drugs, lost many friends due to them. One to suicide. I’m a kind, mindful person (while I have had my anger issues I would never take it out on anybody, I’ve since worked through a good portion of those issues and continue to work on myself). People aren’t very friendly or open to strangers in general, I live near Chicago. It’s taking a real toll on me. Looking to move to the country someplace, another state. There are good people everywhere, no doubt. I feel bad for them for when the bottom inevitably drops out. Wish we had a society like the USSR had.

Tudor Miron

Still it was terrible. There are many kind and sane people in US – very many. I feel sorry for them. Those who are able to leave – it’s about time.

George King

Looking for the countryside of life, indeed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9_2TsTO-tA

Peter Jennings

And to a lesser extent, europe and the UK.


“…….will be bloodier than in CCCP…..”. Agreed. Also amount of guns in the general population. Going to be chaos.


I would agree. The Stalin era was traumatic for the populations of all the areas that the USSR controlled. That is not to say that everything during the Stalin era was bad. Health care and job security for the majority ,for example, greatly improved. On the other side of the equation was the brutal great Patriotic War and the repression of those who were deemed to be ‘enemies of the state’ and the deaths that resulted from that. The subject is far too complex to debate here, I think,Tudor.

It is a fact though that the US and UK had a plan to attach Russia in 1945. it was named ‘Operation Unthinkable’ and soon after that the US planned to use nuclear weapons to conquer the USSA, but due to logistic problems the US was unable to strike before the USSR joined the ‘nuclear club’ itself.

These traumatic years instilled a form of pragmatism and the ability to recognise the propaganda of the state, I think. It was , and still is today, a pragmatism that is born of great hardship, faith in ones fellow citizens, faith in traditional religious beliefs, the concept of personal sacrifice for the better good etc.

The general population of the US though have become narcissist ‘ Me Firsters ‘ whose moral compass’s have been broken by the continual stream of sexual violence and ‘exceptionalist ‘ propaganda that spews out of Hollywood and the US corporate media.

The ONLY reason that the US troops are not sent to fight wars at the ‘sharp and bloody end’ is because the US Military Leaders realise that many, or most, the US soldier of today could not cope with the trauma. Mental and physical of combat with an enemy that is able to fight back.

The tough US soldiers who died on the battlefields of the Japanese war , for instance, are long gone and will never be emulated in my opinion.

Tudor Miron

In short – rats will reap what they sow. In long – that would not be such a short story. Majority will be eliminated in Syria – now when US officially retreat from this war against Syria that they lost – do we expect them to treat their irregular armed forces (ISIS/queda etc.) better than kurds? No – they will be thrown under the bus. But most loyal and trained will be used in future operations across the globe. That’s a long story but I think that you know possible directions. The fight within us is not over yet. The plan of creation of islamic khalifat in place of Europe is postponed but it’s not abandoned completely. Thing is that those 10s of thousands are not a real decisive factor – if things go well (not for them) they will be eliminated fairly fast.

Concrete Mike

Whats wrong with letting the SAA get their hands.on them?

Some.intel in there for sure if you dig enough.

John Wallace

I thought they originally said 20,000 then 100,000 . I heard on our news that it is 200,000 at risk of roaming free. No doubt next month it will be half a million and early next year be challenging that 3 million or is it six million figure usually bandied about.



This video shows that US ABC news used fake ‘bombing’ by the Turks as an actual attack on the Kurds. ABC News have now had to apologise :)

John Wallace

No matter the regular viewers will be unaware and will accept what they originally saw as fact never to be changed. Was it Alex in Clockwork Orange had to have his eyes held wide open too allow the corrective propaganda in but the mindless sheep now do it themselves with no complaints..


Its all rather disturbing, yet it must have been so throughout time I suppose.

I suspect that those who seek the facts on the ground like most of us here do are still few in number locally, but a significant number globally.

The masses still have their ‘eyes wide shut’.

John Wallace

Yes , certainly. Maybe worse now that people are fed news that conforms too their beliefs which only perpetuates their naivety and reduces their critical objective thinking. It is designed that way for control and when there is critical mass control the thinkers will be squeezed too conformity. The young think they have it bad with climate change and difficulty purchasing a home in many countries now but they have no clue what is coming down the tube of the greatest freedom and democracy known to mankind.


De facto serfdom is here already with Debt Slavery and added to that will be very restrictive lifestyles for the masses I would think.


Looks like TFSA took a real beating at Ras Al Ayn, or Serekaniye as you call it. There was a report that Turkey was cut off from NATO air intelligence a week ago, so that may make flying in NE Syria a bit difficult, especially if Russian SU-35’s are flying CAP missions in NE Syria.

Tommy Jensen

As American I don’t wanna see ANY American military base handed over to Russia, and I don’t wanna hear ANYBODY talking about it! This is a warning to all parties. Don’t mess around with an American. Don’t pretend that YOU cleaned out all the terrorist, when it was us who did it. This is our red line that we are drawing up, a red line folks. Don’t ever step dance on a red line an American has drawn up for you. Ever! Remember Saddam!!


LOL as another American I’m ashamed of you. You are such a rediculous f*ckwit. If you haven’t already figured out the the US campaign against ISIS was phony and that we have been on the morally wrong side of this entire war, then you may as well just p*ss on the graves of every American that died on 9/11. You are a f*cking traitorous piece of sh*t.

This is one of those times I sorely wish these discussions were in person and not over the internet.


How many americaans died on the false flag 9/11 event? How many humans died because of the US war against terror scam based on this false flag? U should go and investigate, prosecute and hang the traitors responsible for 9/11. And these are not arabs, but US citizens.

Leon De Elias

Spot on Sir..! Respect..

Uncle Meat

Yeah, that’ll show ’em and serve him right! Lol I think Tommy’s skit is a way for us to air our grievances, put to words, someone to funnel it towards. Therapeutic release of sorts. It’s more than entertainment, in other words.


ISIS was surrounded in the desert many years between a very powerful coalition of several NATO members and major air power. And what did they do? Never conquer a square feet from ISIS and only sporadic and weak air strikes, and sometimes “accidentally” hitting SAA and/or SDF kurds.

Uncle Meat

Do you actually believe Tommy ascribes to and believes what he has written?

Concrete Mike

Tommy is showing the absurdity of mainstream america, he is on our side, in a weird kind of way, look at it as satire.

Cheers dude!

Valery Grigoryev

Well said, man.

Xoli Xoli

Like it or not all USA occupied Syrian bases will be taken over by Russia.Then all fake democracy, oil,gas,and gold thieves USA soldiers will return to Bankrupt USA.


Shaddap clown


If you don’t want to see US bases handed over to the Russian then don’t build bases outside the USA.

If you don’t want to hear ANYBODY talk about it don’t abandon your bases in the middle of the night in a war zone where there are sure to be media present.

“Remember Saddam!!”

I’m not so sure bringing up Saddam and the iraq war is a way to strike fear into anyone. In fact I would be doing my best to forget Saddam and maybe say “Remember Tojo” because since that time the USA hasn’t exactly been adding to the win column.

You may take great pride in senseless violence and see beating up on weak countries as a great victories but military victories aren’t about violence or how many ears you can collect but about achieving political objectives. A war that was supposed to be over in a matter of months costing in the low billions but in fact now has you in a stalemate with Iran and $7 trillion in debt 18 years later is nothing to brag about


They followed the Israeli playbook for base abandoning.


The US base looked rather scruffy as well, just like the Israeli base last month :)


At least they left the air-con running :)


I’m an American. You’re an idiot.


Tommy, you must have been brainwashed very seriousely. Reality does not play any role in your life anymore, isn’t it? Ansd US MSM provides you with everything you need to know. You are a real role model of an US american!

Luke Hemmming

Clearly tommy consumes too much koolaid

cechas vodobenikov

or not enough?

Leon De Elias

Yeah we are remembering many things, among those are Saddam,yes.. But we also remember how that war is started on false fake fucking narrative, and murdered million and a half in the process.. and we also remembering how in Iraq and Syria ISIS and Al Qaeda used as a proxy to take down an other foreign government. I also remember how ISIS was supported in many cases against the Syrian Arab Army, and help them win the battle. I also remember who gave the ISIS and other terrorist throat cuts TOW fucking missiles.. I also remember who armed the so called Syrian opposition and thousands of foreign Jihadi terrorists in Syria,and label them moderate ”Syrian rebels”,while the World watched it with fucking disbelief.. That goes to Libya and Iraq too..I as a European grew up seeing Soviet occupiers in my country, I hated them a lot.. But I slowly raise my hat to the Russians,because they correct every god damned shit you fucking created in the Middle East.. Your psychotic Government’s little gamble with the terrorists and Terrorism, in the above Countries, did not passed unnoticed.. SIR..!! I hope you are proud of yourselves.. Because we are fucking fed up with you corporate terrorist Yankees..!

cechas vodobenikov

recall that 80% of the US public supported the misadventure in Iraq—after murdering 1.5 million Iraqis, they r now an ally of Iran


Tommy, SF removed the old US flags from the map like I requested. And thanks for the air conditioners, Cool. :D


So ignorant !

Luke Hemmming

Well news flash for you Tommy. The USA is abandoning it’s bases not only in Manbij but now it seems Kobani. Next Raqaa and then hopefully soon Al-Tanf. So keep on wishing and dreaming but that’s all it is …dreaming.


That Amercian base shouldn’t be there Tommy. You are the aggressor, the invader and the tyrant, caught up in your self righteousness. Down with the USA. Nice base for the Russians to use. ?


Go Home USA.

Valery Grigoryev

We, Russia, fucked up your old cowardly clown Donnie:) and all your foolish “red lines” as well. Remember, that Russia is NOT Saddam or Gaddafi. You’ve totally lost in Syria.


Define IRONY: The biggest US proxy group in Syria are happy and welcoming Russian and Syrian troops. Who has the biggest expenses and the biggest loser in the Syrian war = #The US Regime. Hahaha.

Peter Jennings

The first twitter is a twit because every fool knows that the Syrian gov’t is not a regime. Regimes do not involve themselves in free democratic elections. I do hope someone on twatter put this twat right.


Looks good.

Ishyrion Av

Nice tents, all with A/C. But I think the Syrian reporter from RT Arabic is nicer. Even if I don’t understand a word she says in a very fast peace!

J Roderet

That footage from inside the abandoned US base is truly historic material — like the videos of US helicopters fleeing Saigon in 1975. Another classic example of the inevitable end to Washington’s short-sighted, ultra-aggressive moves that it never seems capable of learning from, ever. Something to tag to watch again at the end of the year to recall the most memorable events from the 2010s.

cechas vodobenikov

where r the clowns tonto and wohl? only 1 self doubting clown posts her CIA jingoism–shirley jenson the USA has written the manual on how to lose wars

Ivan Freely

A lot of money went into building that base. From the looks of that one tent, they sure left in a hurry. LOL


Why did USA forces leave so quickly? Usually there is an ordered retreat to recover as much of the material shown in this video as possible, say to military bases in Iraq, not far away. Something strange about this very hurried withdrawal.


How much does this cost the USA tax payer? Why are they not in uproar? This is outrageous waste of money for USA.


Why did USA forces leave so quickly? Usually there is an ordered retreat to recover as much of the material shown in this video as possible, say to military bases in Iraq, not far away. Something strange about this very hurried withdrawal.


Love the tail wagging puppy at 2:21, a symbol of hope and peace. Such an small innocent funny animal, taking over a space previously dedicated to war. A small early sign normal life is coming back soon.


Yes, you can see the puppy thinking, “Where did the nice hamburger people go?”


excellente videos yes!!

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