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MARCH 2025

In Videos: Houthis Crushing Saudi-led Forces And Burning Their Military Equipment

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In Videos: Houthis Crushing Saudi-led Forces And Burning Their Military Equipment

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The media wing of Yemen’s Houthis released fresh videos showing recent operations of the group against Saudi-led forces in northwestern Yemen and on the Saudi-Yemeni border.


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Lone Ranger

Saudiciaisis will cry and rage ;)

Zionism = EVIL

I have been watching the Ansarallah and their allied Yemeni military tactics, combat posture and weaponry for over 5 years now, and have noticed that they have received some serious military training and combined arms brigade level deployment tactics proficiency. The way they operate and conduct ambushes in company strength with good field communications, localized intel, and leadership is an indication of very good instructors, whosoever they are ;) Even the way they use their AK-47 and the low profile knee firing position indicates special forces training and also the AKs are now slung in around the torso in a very professional manner, the Dehalveiah 2 man teams are very quick in deploying the ATGM and then shoot and scoot, giving the Saudi shitheads a snowballs chance of conducting a successful air strike. Also the rugged mountain terrain and very good local tribal knowledge gives the Yemenis a huge advantage over the Wahhabi madrassa cannon fodder Saudi national guard fuckwits who are being sent to die by the cowardly Saudi military which is trusted by the moron MBS, while the national guard once loyal to Nayef are seen as expendable.

Furkan Sahin

I have read and heard the Houthis have trained for 10 years in one place before starting war into Yemen

Ashok Varma

That one place sounds very good for training.

Peter Jennings

The Houthis do seem to be well trained, well disciplined, well armed, and well up for it. Their communication network and their knowledge of the local terrain is going to be decisive, IMO.

Ashok Varma

Saudis look like crazy and gluttons for punishment. They have lost and should seek peace and pay Yemen for the unnecessary destruction and death.

klove and light

houthis Keep kicking Major ass…….

death to america death to Israel curse on the jews…the houthi slogan

Furkan Sahin

hope they capture Taiz soon

opet ja

Those sandals boys are really adorable. Some of them even in skirts, they look like some cartoon characters, but are very brave and dedicated fighters.

Xoli Xoli

Bravo sandal boys with desert gown around the hip take no shit.Their are giving Salman and bafoon Trump sleepless nights.

Furkan Sahin

Houthis need go to Taiz

Azriel Herskowitz

Don’t let this Houthi propaganda video make you forget the fact that the Houthis are getting pounded by RSAF airstrikes daily :)

Ziønist šhill

Would someone just shove this guy in an oven? Thanks

Peter Jennings

Some say that the only difference between a zionist and a pizza, is about 10 minutes.


Russia didn’t conquer Italy, why haven’t you delete your account, liar?


good american

Don’t use the drugs you sell, and don’t believe the propaganda you make up.

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

why is that a good thing?

El Mashi

With little effect. So what? What will Saudi Arabia do once the Kingdom implodes?


Lol, nice cope troll. Keep it up though, I enjoy laughing at the stupid shit obvious trolls like you say to try and provoke people.

Stereotypical Jewish avatar – Check Stereotypical Jewish name – Check Ultra-Zionist views – Check Posts nothing but troll-bait – Check

Tell me, how many troll accounts on here do you control?

S Melanson

And what are the primary targets lately? Still hospitals, school buses and ambulances? This does not win battles and quite the opposite in fact. And you cannot be blind to the disastrous situation MBS has created with the clock ticking towards his inevitable downfall.

You reap what you sow…

Zionism = EVIL

You ugly Jew motherfuckers are next as the Americunts can’t save you dirty rats now :) they are dying in the streets.


good american

Perhaps the US and Israel wants the Houthis to destroy Saudi Arabia which is why they are “allowing” these huge stockpiles to weapons and armor to be captured by them?

Shia man

? good joke

good american

Not a joke if the Yinon Plan is a real thing. Half of Saudi Arabia sits on jewish territory, if you didn’t know. How are the Saudi’s going to be destroyed if they are allies of the same Israelis? Or do you think the only way to get from point A to point B is by a straight line?

Shia man

You must be one of those Americans who thinks America can’t be stopped and if it loses a war or its hit by a missile then America allowed it to happen. Blasphemy America is not GOD. And what good does making the houthis stronger bring to Israel? You think if houthis start invading Saudi Arabia and reach the Shia in Saudi Arabia who sit on the oil fields who are also prosecuted because of their faith who the wahabbi say the Shia are worse then the atheists Christians and Jews so if houthis and the axis of resistance were able to free them one day then that is good for Israel? Israel can’t even get rid of Hezbollah In south of Lebanon let alone get rid of hamas and the remaining Palestinians in its occupied territory Your air strikes don’t win wars if you can’t take a hold of the land by foot period. Soon America and Israel will get into a war against the axis of resistance in Middle East the final war which they had a better chance on taking on Iran before isis before there was ansar Allah in Yemen before there was the PMU and kitab Hezbollah and all the little factions under them in Iraq before Hezbollah acquired tanks and drones and massive amounts of ballistic missiles and before Hezbollah become a region power house before Iran made Bavar-373 and Russia sold the S-300 before Iran hacked America drones and acquired advanced drone technology before Iran development advanced ballistic missiles before Iran’s advanced electrical warfare technology and that’s what they are showing. Even Israel said Iran is closing the power gap between them quickly. Watch this war is coming sooner then you think America and Israel are already doing drills and the axis of resistance are prepared and ready if it wasn’t for covid-19 this war would have already been taken off. but even covid-19 has it benefits. the so called powerful US is begging China and Russia for medical supplies the days that the US dictates to the world is coming to an end and you’ll see China and Russia become the new super powers of the world thanks to covid-19. US is on the rapid decline thanks to a invisible being.(covid-19)

good american

You upvote your own comment? I’ve had two people make suppositions about me in this thread and you are both wrong. I think you make another mistake by underestimating the damage the US can cause. They’ve killed 50+ PMU in one attack several times. They destroy nations on a whim and no one bats an eye. They play everyone against the other like children play with ants. I do not like war, I do not want to see your peoples burned and dead. The US will burn you and destroy you, leave you a smoldering mess then leave to go to another part of the world to do the same thing again. When they leave, maybe you will claim victory, but what kind of victory is it when all you have left is a destroyed nation of dead and suffering? As far as the oil fields are concerned, you think the enemies of the US will be able to use them? They will be made to be inoperable like in Syria. Even with Russia there they can’t stop US attacks on Syrian oil transport. These days winning is no longer white and losing black. It’s all shades of gray. I hope for your people, but I know mine.

Shia man

lmao what happen in ayn al Assad base hundreds of US soldiers dead and injured no respond from the use but bunch of lies what happen during the marine barracks bombing hundreds dead and no response from the US get your head out of your ass you will lose a humiliating defeat few Katyusha rockets made you close down half of your bases. You never once killed 50 plus pmu at a time just a bunch of lies after lies your military can’t even stop the houthis and can’t get even cross into iranian territory your full of Hollywood delusions The only thing the US is good at is killing innocent people at home they even admit that it’s one of their best strategies to bomb starve and kill civilians so they could turn on their governments and submit to US will your nothing but a pathetic country which is coming to an end soon and you will witness one of the most humiliating defeats ever in history you will eat your words I promise you this and your country will be destroyed soon from the inside by your own peoples hands you and your people are nothing more then rapists murderers thief’s drug addicts homosexuals bigots your end will be a very satisfying one indeed look more then half your country is shut down your people are stacking up on guns for what reason other then to kill each a very fitting an for an evil empire with The most disgusting vile people to walk on earth your delusion will be shattered soon and the US will cease to exist Mark my words the US and Israel will cease to exist in the near future. you will understand soon why shia Ali(a.s) never lose war. Too bad for your troops they don’t have a proxy to hide behind anymore weak pathetic army.

good american

You misunderstand my point by getting all emotional and forgetting to use periods. I am not cheering for the evil empire. Just because they haven’t done a thing does not mean they cannot. There are plans within plans. We will see if the plans of the evil ones are successful or not, but in their act of trying there will be much suffering for you all, as they make you suffer now. For the Israelis, one of their dream plans is Yinon, whether tomorrow or 1000 years. For the US, they want to do suck blood for as long as they can. Even your resistance feeds the Empire, which is the ironic thing. I hope you have a peaceful resolution, but my country tends to disappoint. As far as the virus affecting the US, well, I see the power that makes the war has found a way to make the citizenry cry to be put into voluntary incarceration. Step outside and go to jail without trial. Dystopian stuff. This is when you have to watch what they do while they have total control by special law. If things come about as you wish, do you think the US with Israel will stop their international reign of terror? I do not know. Anyways, the whole point of the thread was that it looks like the US is practically arming the Houthis themselves and the Houthis in turn going into Saudi Arabia and breaking the saudis. Who would benefit from that?

Shia man

did you even see how much dead people there is in New York because of the virus my cousin works at a hospital and he sent us a video I have it on my phone don’t know how to share it but they are literally piles of dead bodies in garbage bags you not taking this virus seriously when you should you think it’s a benefit to have your hospitals across the country filled what happens to the ones that can’t get treatment let them die on the street? What about other patients with different conditions what to hell with them too there isn’t space? even in Michigan there is people that are found to be positive but the hospital tells them to sit at home there conditions aren’t too serious yet. And that’s not just happening in Michigan btw And who would benefit from the houthis getting armed and breaking Saudi Arabia? I don’t know maybe the biggest winner would be Iran and the resistance axis get rid of the wahabbi state is the best thing not just for the resistance axis but the whole world. Btw elaborate on your statement “ Even your resistance feeds the Empire, which is the ironic thing.”

good american

Weapons sales mostly. If you do have video find a way to put it up if your cousin is the one taking it. It is hard to know what is real and what isn’t. I’ve seen videos of hospitals that the TV is full of people, but the videographer is showing nobody around.

Shia man

I’ma try To find a way to upload it here Weapon sales if those weapon fall into the hands of your opponent what is the benefit there is a reason Iran’s drone technology is very advanced because they hacked and reverse engineer American and Israeli drones.

Shia man

Here I made twitter account this was last week btw

There you go I found a way to upload it good American pic.twitter.com/kxGclLYaGL— Shia man (@shia_man) April 1, 2020

good american

Yes, thank you. I’ll try to copy it. Can your cousin take another video when he can and put up todays paper in the shot as proof it is taken now? There are many that would like to see it. I hope the best for your cousin. You should try to make others see it like you did for me. Thanks again for the effort.

Shia man

You know they are threatening doctors and nurses to get fired if they speak up I can’t risk my cousins career sorry my dude even Donald trump came out and said he hasn’t seen anything like this in New York

good american

Yes, I see it is gone. Sobering. Thanks again.

good american

What are the ages of the people?

Shia man

? Don’t know there is some papers with peoples full name first Middle and last and some which have more information on them don’t know what that changes it’s not like anyone is going to be there for their funerals.

good american

The bags appeared to have adults in them, curious if it was the old and sickly. Is this a sick eugenics program? Well, they say cloroquine, vitamin c, tamiflu, zpack is good, it’s a good thing I live in a land with malaria. Remember when I said we have to watch the evil empire during this time a few comments up? Latest article gives me a sense of forboding.

Shia man

Did you see the post because I’m trying to delete the post and account

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

it is beneficial for saudi to continue along this path, in about 4 yrs tops i think it was they will be bankrupt and then will have to start becoming indebted to central banks


Dude, you really must think nothing happens without US/Israel approval. But they aren’t in control, they just want people to think they are. There’s nothing either of them can do to stop their Saudi and Yemeni Proxies from being routed in this war. It’s just another hopeless occupation like Afghanistan.

good american

I believe the US and the Israelis to be deceitful. Tell me how they will make the northern half of Saudi Saudi Arabia part of Greater Israel if not by deceit? Who is making a killing off the Saudis in this war? Who is advising them in this war? When they are bankrupt, will the US or Israel really care? So long as they can steal the oil, they wont care who they will work with. The Yemenis probably won’t hang around, they’ll go back to Yemen and become One with the rocks again. Afganistan, they made billions or trillions in resources, weapons and opium. Who cares if few thousand dumb meatheads had to die. If it cost 3 trillion, that is 3 trillion made by someone. Tell me again me who’s losing? Who would really give a shoot about the end of the despicable Sauds?


I know they’re just using the Saudi’s, but they do actually want them to win as well. Remember that the Houthi’s are seen as ‘evil Iran’s puppets’ to them, and we all know how badly they want to destroy any pro-Iranian state (which a Houthi-led Yemen would be).

Also I don’t think the US made anything out of Afghanistan, as those trillion dollar mineral resources you mentioned (presumably) aren’t easy to extract with militants everywhere. The only economic winners were the opium dealers, which were mostly controlled by militants themselves, not the US.

good american

Hmmm… there is always the US strategy of tension and their joy in chaos. Their first plan probably is to win, if not plan B may be to feed on the corpse. I’m not sure about that last part. I suspect an arrangement was made, kinda like ‘you supply us and we don’t kill you’ kinda thing. From what I understand, heroin in the US was cheapest around certain US international airports. Another repeat of Iran-Contra.

Séamus Ó Néill

The drugs coming out of Afghanistan are heroin, not opium, 100% run and controlled by the infamous CIA. This heroin, the arms and finances for ISIS etc, etc are all laundered and distributed through the 104 acre ” embassy” in Baghdad….the main reason the bully boys are in Iraq !

Séamus Ó Néill

Well the “exceptional” nation, America, just went bankrupt ( Feb 16 ), in 10 years they’ll just be another third world country, so the Jew child-killers are on their own, the Yinon plan, like everything else they plan, is fecked. Kissenger, himself a Jew, stated that Israel wouldn’t last beyond 2024…..they’ll be lucky if they make it that far !


Plenty of well-earned war-loot for the Houthis there, and more wasted Saudi military equipment. With the Saudi oil war losing them a lot of revenue, it may soon become too expensive to replace that equipment.

Only a matter of time before the Saudi’s call it quits, once that happens I’m betting their Yemeni proxies will give-up pretty quickly too.


When the Houthis started driving the landcruisers away instead of Bic-ing them, things took a turn for the worse for the Saudis

Lone Ranger

Oy gevalt…the beautiful Shekels…oy oy…

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