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MARCH 2025

In Videos: Houthis Showcase Devastating Defeat Of Saudi-led Forces In Northern Yemen

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The Houthis (Ansar Allah) continue releasing videos that showcase the recent devastating defeat of Saudi-led forces in northern Yemen.


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That’s at least 5 dead Strykers, those were $5 million in 2012 for the cheapest version.


It is not about some 25 milions here. It is about how to sit on a pile of money and have 0 brain. This is how this war look from the beggining.


Those troops with that kind of equipment certainly shows zero brain cells were involved on the Saudi side.

Zionism = EVIL

That is not all, there were over 30 M-113, Strikers and MRAP destroyed and more than 100 Saudi morons vehicles captured. The most useful to the Ansarallah will be the M-113 with 20mm Vulcan cannons that can be used in many roles. On closer inspection I zoomed in on some of the insides of these vehicles and they look factory fresh and the Saudi cowardly shitheads even left personal arms and possessions inside before either being killed or captured. Most the Vulcan cannons were full of ammo and never been fired.


Pave Way IV

The APC in your picture looks like an ancient M-163 Vulcan Air Defense System (uses M-113 frame). It certainly can be used for shooting stuff up on the ground, but isn’t really accurate beyond a kilometer or two. Which means it’s a nice, huge target for ATGMs… and Hellfire-armed drones. Not particularly suited for crawling around the Houthi’s mountains. It’s useless for Saudi jets that stay well above 6,000m, and presents a particularly easy target for them when you fire up the M-163’s ranging radar (the microwave dish). It burns through it’s ammo pretty quickly, too. Worth it’s weight in gold for the entertainment value though – I hope the Houthis have a ball with it. Guaranteed to send any targeted Sudanese mercs running away in horror screaming like little schoolgirls. Brrrrrt…

Zionism = EVIL

The Saudi cowards are scared to fly combat missions now as their Americunt masters have told them that the Yemenis may have advanced AD systems. There was very little effort made by the so-called Saudi airforce to fly ground suppression sorties to aid these morons who were being chopped up by the Ansarallah. According to Brigadier General Yahya Sari, the Saudis bombed their own troops in panic.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

hahaha it is so nice to see this great houthi victories on my birthday :)))

Toronto Tonto

And maybe your last .


Ahhh At first I thought you were a paid CIA troll, however, you’re not an American so probably a jihadi supporter from the gulf states.


He is an Israeli troll, he has different aliases or names here.

Uncle Meat

I don’t understand why they waste their time, energy and shekels.. sure aren’t convincing me of anything!

Ziønist šhill

They get paid shekels

*hand rubbing intensifies*

Zionism = EVIL

Actually studies have shown that hasbara trolls have made more enemies for the Zionist criminals by alienating large sections of even dumbed down western sheeple.



He must be the the jihadist who run to canada


Fuck off solomon kupek.

northerntruthseeker .

Hasbara troll alert!!! Hasbara troll alert!!

Well, Hasbara agent, it must be nice to see your fellow scumbag Jews that control Saudi Arabia get their asses whooped….. I always love it when the scumbag jews get beaten!

J Ramirez

suck it !

Concrete Mike

Is that a threat?

Kinda like me driving to driving to mississauga and shove a 2″ wrench down someones throat?

2 can play that game lad.


…and many more for both

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

many thanks :)))

Joao Alfaiate

Yes indeed!

Zionism = EVIL


Ansarallah collecting abandoned small arms and machine guns by the hundreds from a battlefield spanning 5 kms from the first point of ambush. The Saudis simply ran, were killed or captured.


Only 5 km of road? I have to ask, how do you come with that low number. Are you just guessing at things and making declarations? :)

Zionism = EVIL

No, based on google earth and the number of vehicles in the Saudi convoy and the range of the Konkurs and Kornets that took out the lead vehicles which were MRAPs and then the M-113 and Strikers were trapped. The Saudis are basically untrained morons and have no convoy discipline and as the footage shows they were tailgating in eagerness to flee. The Ansarallah also used anti-material rifles to take out drivers from higher ground. I have based my calculations based on the size of the convoy, topography, type of weaponry used and also my personal experience as a electronic recce specialist on RF-4E, long before the computer era. We had to use to combat tree, terrain navigation,sectional aeronautical charts, flight maps, contour VFR cartography and basic topographical calculations to stay alive :)


Zionism = EVIL

and may Toyota sell more landcruisers to the Saudi morons so that the supply chain to the Ansarallah remains strong :) at least a 100 in one go this time.

Zionism = EVIL

Happy birthday to you and many more victories for the Ansarallah and Hezbollah and getting rid of the Zionist/Wahhabi gutter trash.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Many thanks mister sir :)))

Zionism = EVIL

You are welcome Azizam, stay in good health :) and don’t let the filthy Jews near your wallet.

Pave Way IV

Saudis: Snackbar! If we had only had just ONE extra Patriot battery, we could have properly defended all three brigades and defeated the sneaky Houthis! Let this be a lesson to remember for all of our future inbred generations.

Icarus Tanović

Just check the share size of the operation, check out how many of them Wahhabis they captured.

Zionism = EVIL

Over 3,500 dead, wounded and captured Saudi shitheads and mercenaries from Sudan, Senegal and Pakistan.

Icarus Tanović

I knew it there are them from Pakistan too. How about those from Colombia? What do you think where is Nusra to help theirs bros? No where to be seen.

Zionism = EVIL

The Colombians fled after about a couple of dozen were killed and the Saudi cheapskates refused to pay them as they were not willing to die. The Wahhabi ideology of hate and terrorism was created by the CIA and MI6 to brainwash poor Pakistanis, Egyptians and Sudanese and recruit them as cannon fodder. The corrupt Pakistani military licks Saudi arse as they throw them some money. These poor village Pakistanis are not real fighters but came to Saudi Arabia for food as they would have starved at home. The CIA is trying to build a Wahhabi terrorist base in South Yemen to continue to fan terror, but as usual they will fail as most of Yemenis including Shia Zaidis and Sunni both now hate the Saudi and UAE pimps due to indiscriminate bombing of civilians. ISIS and Nusra are both CIA brands along with HTS in Syria, their masters are the same losers.


step 6…hehehehe


Yeah, this, f…… from what, 77 Brigade to Unite 8200, etc to the uh….. news site Al-scam-jazzzz, whom is incestious with the Imperial banana republic and the Brits/France axis, dont like what they see, and as LR-captain summarised it up, this was what happened, and master move and shows the Saudi-barbarians what defeat looks like, I dont doubt the numbers, 3 brigades makes sense, compared to the amount of gear and people, this was indeed, in this days of our lord 2019 an tactical master piece, all glory to those that desterve it, and to me, this was an decive kick in the Saudi-barbarian nutts, glory to the Yemen people. It dont help, brigade idiots and other hangarouns, its the case that matters, I never go into -isms, since I am case oriented, they, the eh….. “counter” ones, have lost initially, because of trying to cover gross iligitimays, faked storys, lies about history, or simply not even write/show us whats really going on, and countering our coments with what, sniveling drivel, like the pack of diper wearing morons in Hell-aviv, hurmf, I have beaten them for so long that they arent intresting anymore, i have ignored them for years, I never bother to debate them, because debate isnt what they want, they want to divert, fill the comentary fields with manure, etc, bit the main problem is that we have, is an rotten to their bone marrow and totally corrupted MSM, they day we burn them down, hangs the prestitues and whorespondents since they are never held acountable for what they have been a part of, making propaganda for wars, centirys of wars, imperialism, etc, hunt them down, is the first step to our freedom, and hangs the polticians that feeds upon the MSM agendas, never ever forget that the MSM is owned by someone, this someones are our problem as much as they are the force attacking the Yemen people.

Secondly, we may debate whom this people/POWs are, I guess as others do, over at MoA, that mainly this forces are locals, porly trained is one thing, but mostly the SAF, got spanked for making an mistake, and now tries to hide it, and again, you know something snapped in the MSM when they dont uh…. bother to report this, not an single word about this event at all, BBC tried to drool it down to be an non-event, but that is again something most of us see, was indeed an real defeat of the Saudi-barbarians. And do notice the fighter plains bombing the POW, yeah, nice, huh.

And what is happening inside the rolay scums palaces is also intresting, this event will have consequences, and the clown prince, is of course trying to obfuse this with drivel about Iran, and the pterochamical plant attack, two events that have and I hope, turned the tide against the people in Yemen, 4 years of attacks, and we can hope the issue is coming to an end. And some people doubt the Yemens/Houtis fighter abilitys, well, they are after all, not been attacked just by the Saudi-barbarians, but a row of countrys have tried that, some for decades and stil they lost, like Afanistan, its become another graveyard of empires, local or not.

May the lord continue to bless them in their rightful fight against the scums of this earth. They have my hart and soul with them, unconditionaly, and on top of it, shown mercy and behaved in an way, that makes me proud, bleesed be them all.


Zionism = EVIL



The rainbow flag and the diaper fail are just right.

Concrete Mike

@Jens Holms

You got your pictures now.

Zionism = EVIL


Iran’s president Hassan Rouhani disclosed on Tuesday, Sept. 30, that he had received “messages from Saudi Arabia,” the day after Crown Prince Muhammed (MbS) warned that war with Iran would “collapse the global economy” by causing crude prices to spike to “unimaginably high numbers.” In a CBS 60 Minutes interview, the prince noted that he “preferred a political solution to a military one.”

Rouhani’s spokesman commented, without revealing the messages’ content, “if Saudi Arabia is really pursuing a change of behavior, Iran welcomes that.”The Iranian foreign office also confirmed that Oman has been involved in facilitating dialogue with the Saudis.

Riyadh was persuaded by President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to line up with Washington and abstain from a military response to Iran’s cruise missile-explosive drone attack on Saudi oil facilities on Sept. 14.

The Saudis also agreed to hold a meeting with the Iranian president in hopes of diffusing a hopeless situation after a series of military, economic and political setbacks.


[“Riyadh was persuaded by President Donald Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to line up with Washington and abstain from a military response to Iran’s cruise missile-explosive drone attack on Saudi oil facilities on Sept. 14.”] CBS 60 min slipped that lie in… Yemen claimed responsibility for the drone(s) strike. http://english.almanar.com.lb/827873 Yemen Revolutionaries: 10 Drones Hit Saudi Aramco Oil Facilities, Range of Targets to Be Expanded


You know it almost seems obvious that this was helped along by insiders. Like maybe when the prince put up all that royalty in the big hotel and made them pay up or die, well maybe he didn’t kill somebody he should have!

You look at how rag tag the Syrians gear is, they press on regardless. Hell I bet some of these captured vehicles don’t have a thousand clicks on em. This really shows that money don’t win wars.

They must get the word as soon as the Saudi’s launch aircraft, they seem pretty casual about hiding them. Hell maybe they get a schedule. Next they shoot down a plane, it seems likely.

northerntruthseeker .

BRAVO to the brave and honourable Houthi fighters!!!! This is a fabulous victory that will probably break the back of the heinous Saudis once and for all…

I do hope the Houthis continue with these attacks until the freaking Saudis realize that they have lost their nice little war against Yemen… AND i do want to see the Houthis force the Saudis to sue for peace and demand that they pay the hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars needed to rebuild Yemen….

The Houthis cannot replace the millions of their fellow Yemeni civilians that were slaughtered by the murderous Saudis, but they should also get a sense of peace by having the Houthis demand that the world courts open up tribunals to charge the Saudis for the slaughter of their innocent civilians…. That should definitely happen and hopefully could spell the end of the psycho Saudi regime!

Uncle Meat

I’m not so sure the casualties are in the millions, might want to fact check yourself, respectfully.

Jacob Wohl

still zero evidence that “Thousands” of saudi troops were captured. all you see are 10 or 20 vehicles and maybe 1 or 200 soldiers being captured

Jacob Wohl

afterall the only victories achieved by IRGC and their proxies don’t exist in reality. they’re only fantasies. Meanwhile the IDF has defeated (for real) all arab enemies over 10 times since 1948!

Uncle Meat

Here you go! https://media3.giphy.com/media/7GYHmjk6vlqY8/giphy.gif

Jacob Wohl

US stealth fighter make all this obsolete. US has 11 AIRCRAFT CARRIERS capable of EACH defeating any nation. add to that the hundreds of tomahawks and B-2 stealth bombers, no nation stands a chance. Russia and China together would be defeated against the USA in a conventional war, that’s how powerful and unstoppable the USA is. Facts. :-]

John Wallace

https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MHZERf6vrsKflA6njuDzVgf310Rq_6d9/view Thousand captured , hundreds of bodies , hundreds of vehicles and tonnes of ammo and weapons.

John Wallace

Nearly one hour long and even has Saudi air attack on THEIR troops that had surrendered maybe by mistake. Made plenty of meat for the BBQ. Ambushed , troops ran like ants but surrounded and captured in the THOUSANDS.


Yikes kike!

Jacob Wohl


Jacob Wohl

Shana Tova to all my fellow Jews


Jacob, Friends are waiting for you at Chino state prison. Perhaps daddy can fix the felony charges of securities fraud? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9f9ae987e764f58e988de0271f1205517513e76294544b5cb9df498bdfe1ebb4.jpg


You know it almost seems obvious that this was helped along by insiders. Like maybe when the prince put up all that royalty in the big hotel and made them pay up or die, well maybe he didn’t kill somebody he should have!

You look at how rag tag the Syrians gear is, they press on regardless. Hell I bet some of these captured vehicles don’t have a thousand clicks on em. This really shows that money don’t win wars.

They must get the word as soon as the Saudi’s launch aircraft, they seem pretty casual about hiding them. Hell maybe they get a schedule. Next they shoot down a plane, it seems likely.


Houthi announcements have mentioned help by people inside KSA, but these include ordinary people.


Yeah for some reason I took those comments as being not in the Saudi force structure. It’s almost like somebody high up arranged the gear to be delivered.

MeMad Max

These vids are just extended versions of the same footage played out by the main guy a day or two ago, nothing really new….

But great work still.


Mad max. You may like this: https://www.presstv.com/Detail/2019/09/29/607432/Yemeni-Army-release-footage-of-Victory-from-God-Almighty-offensive-against-Najran


Youtube pulled the Yemeni military’s 27 minute video showing the KIA and wounded.


Even if the Houthis win that war, Yemen will always be a s hit hole because the Muslims, and especially radical ones, are too stupid to govern a modern country successfully for long. It will always return to 8th century ignorance as ordered by the Quran.

Uncle Meat

How does this relate to your life again? Really shouldn’t be much concern for you.


What do you suggest instead? The Babylonian Talmud?


That’s just stupid on so many levels. You liberals will never change.

Icarus Tanović

Whether you’re uniformed or you’re malicious with statement like that.


ladies and gentlemen what a blow to Saudi government… Yemeni people/army ho they don’t have even proper shoes and they live in poorest places in the world,defeat a Well equipped and financed army,, ha ha ha that laughable,,, Now Saudi and their American friends are a piece of worthless Scumbags. Now Yemeni army should continue their advance,.and to dont stop until they bring the same chaos which Saudi Arabia government created in Yemen but this time in Saudi Arabia.. Well done Yemen… You soon will bring Saudi Arabia government to their knees


I am interested in seeing how the map of the north-west front looks now. :D What has changed on a larger strategic scale? Surely this is gonna have an impact!


First time I seen the Houthis collecting the big loot they get against SA. I think this means that they now have a credible air defensive system that keeps those Apaches and jets out of the skies at least some of the time. Otherwise collecting that loot would be far too dangerous. Something has shifted recently.

psil o cybin

Hahaha how embarrassing for saudi,s and the coalition all that flash gear means shit,it cant even stop a lighter,I’d be asking trump for a refund

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