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MARCH 2025

In Videos: Intense Artillery Shelling Near Donetsk In Eastern Ukraine

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June 16 was marked by a series of intense artillry duels and firefights near the city of Donetsk – the capital of the Donetsk People’s Republic in eastern Ukraine. The current Ukrainian President Volodymir Zelensky came to power under slogans claiming that there is an urgent need to establish a ceasefire on the cotact line between the Ukrainian Army and local self-defens eforces in the region of Donbass. Nonetheless, the situation remained same.


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Black Waters

Zelensky a U.S puppet.

Tudor Miron

Situation is actually worse because as little respect ukro nazi armed forces had to Porky even less there is to Zelenia. Ukro nazi keep shelling Donbass and Donbass defenders will keep answering them and situation only escalated lately. Again, those that think that Zelenia is anything other than a puppet head should err… there’s nothing that will help their mental case, I’m affraid :) Porky was washington’s puppet but Zelenia is actually worse – he’s a puppet of another puppet.


“Note: The history of the Khazarians, specifically the Khazarian Mafia (KM), the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate that the Khazarian oligarchy morphed into by their deployment of Babylonian Money-Magick, has been nearly completely excised from the history books.”


As with all things with some US input, the English at times is rather sloppy.


Deripaska is the master of Putin


Evidence please.


Deripaska = Khazarian oligarch, thus Putin is his slave


That is not evidence, that us just your subjection.


Is not Deripaska Khazarian or Oligarch ?


He is both, but what does that have to do with the Price of Chips or President Putin ?


By your question I suspect you’re in denial that Oleg Deripaska has ‘a bit’ to do with President Putin. Do they even know each other?


Whether they know each other or not is not an issue. I know people from all backgrounds, Poor, Rich, Powerful and Powerless.

Any successful leader also does this.

Ergo, Hillary Clinton and Theresa May did not.


So it’s ok for Russian Politician to have Khazarian Oligarchs as political allies? I’m using the plural because I could nominate at least 2 other Khazarian Oligarchs having close relations to V Putin, without searching on Google.


It is well known that ‘Keeping Ones opponents Closer ‘ has some merit. Having conflicts with everyone at the same time is not productive.

Trump us a good example of this :)


Only that they are not opponents, they are official political allies. Okay I understand you are not going to say anything bad of Putin. Let’s take a look at Biden. He said one doesn’t need to be a Jew to be a Zionist. Is Biden a “Khazarian Mafia” slave or just a smart guy who keeps in touch with his “opponents”?


“they are official political allies.”

Just as the US is with NATO, but this does not prevent discord between them.

Turkey, Italy and Germany being just three examples of dissent with the US.

Biden is correct. Zionism is not a religion, it is a political concept that mainly Khazar Jews support, along with non jews who have similar political affiliation. If we look at Biden and family, we see that their prime motivation is to attain other peoples money, and lots of it . Bidens ‘car dealer’ roots are easy to see.


Ok so we fixed the “Khazarian Mafia” they are normal people since Putin deals with them. Or is he? :)


No Mafia is acceptable in any society as crime syndicates degrade society and criminals feed off that degradation. To remove it in entirely is impossible , and that being the case it is a Herculean task to contain and reduce the Mafia influence anywhere.

President Putin and his administration have prevented the economic destruction of Russia that was being instigated by direct US meddling in Russian affairs after 1991. Russian Zionist oligarchs were a direct result of that looting spree, and all were front men for Western merchant banks and corporations.

Oligarchs in Russia still wield enough power to harm Russia’s development BUT a lot less than 18 years ago. In time, the remaining oligarchs will be bought to heel and a major crisis in the US could well accelerate that process, I think. A US monetary collapse would certainly do so.

Hence the violent and frantic attempts to protect the Petro Dollar.


While I have to admit Putin had a minimal but positive influence comparing to Yeltsin, my personal opinion is that what actually prevented the total economic collapse of Russian federation was the change in the price of the barrel which was falling during Yeltsin abruptly grew after Putin came in power so i’s a matter of luck I’d say.

While the Zionist oligarchs work with the Western banks, it’s not the job of the West to protect Russians natural resources and general well-being of it’s citizens. So blaming the West for it’s own systemic corruption and inability is not what will make Russia great again.

Also hoping for a financial crisis in America is not what saved USSR. The West is falling, the West is falling any day now… any day now. Just you wait. If a financial crisis will hit America, the Russian people will suffer more than the American people because Americans are more capable to organize themselves, with or without the Petro Dollar.


Yeltsin was an alcoholic and easily manipulated by US interests. When President Putin came to power, he was faced with the US playbook situation, where US companies extracted the Russian oil any all the revenue was first taken by the US companies, and only after that was the Russian state given a cut. Until 2002 only 20% of the gross value was returned to Russia. After 2002 President Putin placed an export tax on the US and Western oil corporations, and the total value to Russia increased to 80%. President Putin was interviewed and filmed discussing all of this a few years after 2002. I may still have the link somewhere.

President Chavez did a similar thing in Venezuela and increased the price of oil to the Koch Brothers who still own the only US refineries able to refine the oil. Funnily enough it was the Koch Brothers who funded much of Trumps campaign in 2016. China is intending to build a refinery for heavy oil in Venezuela.

President Assad recieved a US delegation in Damascus about a couple of years ago, who offered a ‘Trump Deal’ to manage ( plunder) all of Syrian oil production, with peace as the carrot. President rightfully declined the generous US offer to steal Syrian oil assets in perpetuity.

As for the situation of the US, it’s in a mess of her own making. You have confidence the US will continue as the world hegemon, and I disagree :) Time will tell.

As for Europe, the seeds of disaster have already arrived in boats loaded with millions of young and poorly educated migrants fleeing wars in Africa and the Middle East that NATO was complicit in fermenting. The US is in a similar situation with South American refugees that add to the long established existing African American problem.


I agree with you on Europe but US will take any measures to keep their status even if that would mean replacing social welfare with martial law. Btw who will be the new hegemon, in your opinion, China?


I found the interview with President Putin published in March 2014. Listening to the whole video video is recommended and a fascinating insight to the post Soviet period.


As for any new hegemon, I feel that the financially and morally bankrupt US model is not one that any other nation will seek to emulate.

Does the world actually need a solitary hegemon anyway, as the adage of ‘ Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely ‘ has always been the case. It is necessary of course that there are enough alliances to be able to thwart any protagonists who seek a return to Warlord Domination by the cruellest in any society.

It’s in the nature of all animals to fight and humans have refined this to a fine art. So in answer to your question, my guess is as good as yours, but Martial Law has never been any fun for the vast majority under the boots of militarised police.


Thanks, will watch it after work

Ken Nonickname Nonecknom Under

Deripaska was the oligarch subject of “give me back my pen” fame if I recall correctly.


Indeed, the vid is still on Youtube. Does anyone still believe that staging?

Albert Pike

Behind Deripaska is Chabad Lubavitch, and Alter Rebbe and Jakob Frank where related, and their families intermarried for generations. Anyway for a good showdown they will have their ‘manchurian candidates’ on all sides (for a good war one needs the leaders on both sides, otherwise one of them might call out peace in the last moment, and then hundred years of preparations will lead to nothing – that can’t be allowed) :

https://washingtonmonthly.com/2017/11/27/the-odd-chabad-connection-between-putin-and-trump/ https://www.conspiracyschool.com/blog/donald-trump-chabad-lubavitch-and-oligarchs

But even all this is no evidence. It might be just oportunistic politic’s for Putin to use Berel Lazar. On the other hand, where in hell could have been Hitlers advantages, when he saved Schneerson : https://www.haaretz.com/1.5006235 The personal outcome most certainly was similar to the one of Robert Kennedy: https://twitter.com/HereIsJorge/status/1006990908699627521?s=20

So they all do it…


There is a fine balance for any leader to achieve , rather than forcibly contain pressure groups that are willing to explode in orchestrated violence, and with time ,such groups expose their real purposes for all to see.

Arguably the Zionists today are panicking that their stories are now being questioned by those who were previously oblivious to their narrative .

There is nothing as powerful as a public furore and the speed of alternative information that questions and reveals state propaganda. Information that today is literally at our fingertips.

The exchange of opinions that we have today, were not really possible 10 to 15 years ago.

The stench of fear within the Zionist community and those nations who enable their power is palpable.

Tudor Miron

Too tired to go into details atm (sorry). But this story (link) is extremely sloppy and misleading in terms of actual history :) BTW, that movie (Chekist) was finansed and filmed by guess who? It’s just an old trick – cover the lies with truth (twisted as required) – guess who’s old trick that is? I will tell once again – Khazarians, Jews etc. are nothing more than one of the tools. One of major tools but is not the root of the evil :) This tool is about to be thrown under the bas (that’s why we here so much about their crimes lately) and that is just another trap for humanity.

Toronto Tonto

I only hear Russian and idiots like you sounding like the gestapo .

Black Waters

Well… We pass that point when the U.S controlled most of the mainstream media, the gestapo thing it’s nothing compared to the U.S totalitarian state.


Wannabi Nazis led by Zio-garchs, supplied by western neocons, doing God’s work, to save their own asses, from the inevitable fall.


Frankly, ‘Zio-garchs’ control both sides.

Concrete Mike

So basically what your saying is that Ukraine is ruled by a military Junta on the side!

The shells we hear in the videos are terrifying. What calibre you think 155mm?

Tudor Miron

Those sounded large caliber artillery and 155mm howitzer is one of those. I’m hearing various “rumors” regarding how situation will develope in Ukraine. Zelensky handlers will obey to whoever wins the fight in US – country level elites vs global level elites. A bit off topice. There’s huge gang (including all the major tv channels here) pumping up the narrative that Ukrainians (all of them) are a bunch of nazi hating Russia. Same thing is going on Ukraine – “Russians are the only reason of all bad things happening in the Ukraine”. That’s the narrative that ruzionic elites is ordered to feed to masses. But some of us remember that Ukrainians are us – not even brotherly nation but simply one and the same nation. Ripping us apart is an old idea made public many times (Brzezinsky for once) and lately they seem to have some success but I predict that it will be short lived.

Concrete Mike

Thank for your reply.

I have seen the media effect you describe as well. I’m guilty of labelling ukrainians nazis myself, mind you alot of ukrainians over here were/are nazis! Most of us on this site do that all day!

Its making memes out of situations, its a pattern i noticed that the media and trolls follow. Omitt important details, condense into a short line, that suits the narrative your pushing.

The devil is in the details, we engineering types love details;).

Tudor Miron

Thanks for your reply, Mike. Yes, there are banderites among Ukrainians but not more than 8-10% (which is a lot). But those are very active – in social networks and all sorts of media trying to push their “reality”. There are short term plans and there are long term plans. The pawns don’t have to know what they actually do. Memes (new word for an old tool) are used for many centuries. Keep masses low educated and promote fragmented world view (harming ability to see larger picture) than manipulate them, I posted (link) many times that little movie “crowd elitist society” – have you seen it?


Post it again


US, NATO, Israel and Saudis have breached international sovereignty. They are real trouble makers fighting for oil, gas and other minerals.

Toronto Tonto

Your mother should have eaten you when your bones were soft .


Is that how you got so smart?


You’re a disgusting example of depraved insanity.

Tudor Miron

Stop informing us about your sick fantasies and desires. Its disgusting.

Toronto Tonto

Russians invaded Ukraine and we need to send the rest of them home via cargo 200 , but the cant talk about that in the terrorist wasteland of Russia because its against the putin rules in PEACETIME . The mommies of all the dead kids must keep their trap shut if they want the 1000 bucks their kid was worth to the fuccin midget with a complex . Get out of Ukraine fuccers .


Yeah US has a better plan for vets, bring them home so demoralized they kill themselves. They call it VA benefits.

Toronto Tonto

You need to increase your meds. brother .


No thanks, just went grocery shopping yesterday, all stocked up.

Monsanto got started making nerve gas in WW I and never looked back.

Concrete Mike

Non opioîds are for delusionnal wrecks like yourself.


You are brainwashed by MSM propaganda and have no understanding of the history of the region, nor do you understand anything about geopolitics. A Western country would act in the same manner given the circumstances.

Toronto Tonto

So everyone is brainwashed but Russia and there five friends OK .

Tudor Miron

You and “everyone” are very different things.


That’s not what I said.

Xoli Xoli

Putin sold Ukraine rebels to Israel and NATO,Venezuela to Trump, Syria to Turkey,Iran to Pompeo Iran movement to Israel.Making Syrian affecting deals with Syrian enemies.Assad request to Putin was to help destroy rebels and cut off all Turkey, Saudi, USA,France, Germany and Britain supplying lines.Putin and Erdogan friendship only applies on Russian soil not in Syria.

Xoli Xoli

Yemeni has become Saudi own NATO weapons and training testing ground. But it has resulted in total failure. The sheiks and mullahs soldiers for injustice are hit and running to desert dat tunnels.Turkey,Israel and Saudi Arabia,UAE wants so dearly for Iran to be destroyed so that their alone will remain with out resistance.

cechas vodobenikov

Ukrop ameirkan nazis r incompetent cowards—Donbass is Russian and will remain so…the fake failed Ukraine cleft state hardly exists…the feminized amerikan empire can only throw tantrums…a nation that is daily known for losing all its wars, except vs weak defenseless nations like Grenada

Toronto Tonto

Russia is doomed .

Concrete Mike

Russia has been doomed for decades according to dipshits like you!

Incidentally, when i heard some people got shot in Toronto yesterday at the raptors parade i was hoping it was you that got shot.

Then I woke up and remembered your a filtht ukru nazi orc!

cechas vodobenikov



What about option to deploy “Peacekeeping Army”…? Come on Putin, Lavrov don’t just sit there and watch humiliation of LNR & DPR by Ukro-Nazi-Scum.

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