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MARCH 2025

In Videos: Israeli Battle Tank Flipped Over Near Jordanian Border

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In Videos: Israeli Battle Tank Flipped Over Near Jordanian Border

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An Israeli Merkava battle tank flipped upside down while it was being loaded onto a truck during a drill in the Jordan Valley, near the Jordanian border on November 22.


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Laurent Parodi

The driver the truck the tank and the ground are antisemitic.

Ashok Varma

Israel is in panic mode as Biden is an unknown and his pick of Secy of State Anthony Blinken wants to restore the JCPOA as US is tired and does not want an endless conflict with rising Iranian power.

Free man

You really don’t know what youre talking about. Israel in panic mode because of Biden (who has Jewish grandchildren and his biggest donors are Jews) and Jewish Blinken. Yeah sure. LOL.

Ford Fairlane

Some people think it won’t be long before he gets replaced.

Free man

And will be replaced by the one who is married to a Jew.

Assad must stay

Hahahahhaa too funny

Laurent Parodi


johnny rotten

The Axis of Resistance is falling apart with laughter.

Zionism = EVIL

The Zionist cowardlycunts are incompetent and hiding behind the west, especially the dumbass imploding Americunrts and the coming conflict will demolish them. The clock is really ticking on the stolen land of Palestine for the fake Jew ghetto squatters living on western tax dollars.

Simon Ndiritu

Welcome back Sir, what is your view concerning the conflict in Ethiopia?

Zionism = EVIL

Thanks Simon, good to hear that you are well and keeping informed. It is an unfortunate conflict created by US vassals like UAE pimp arseholes supported by Zionists who have set up bases in Eritrea. Egypt and Sudan supported by the Americunts and Zionists want to partition Ethiopia, which was once considered their tool, over the Nile Dam issue. The fighting has gone international. The Tigrayan government, whose years in power had resulted in massive border clashes and war with neighbouring Eritrea supported by Zionist and UAE until Abiy signed a landmark peace deal. Tigray had complained that Eritrea was supporting Ethiopian federal government in targeting their strategic region.

The idiot Trump was openly advocating the bombing of the dam. There are also religious and sectarian dimensions to this conflict in the strategic horn of Africa from where the Emiratis and Zionists are supporting the occupation of South Yemen, Aden in particular and Socotra island. Since, these criminals have destroyed the Middle East, now they will focus on mineral rich Africa unfortunately.

Jens Holm

50% inflation. Even Trump is playing golf there not knowing where he is in that too:)

Biiig smile. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/383e4682184313112d30eab28a973e2e574bc4b77d6d1efbd4d50515fa68b8e1.jpg You forgot to blame those:

Simon Ndiritu

Thanks for your incisive view, I am keeping tabs with this war as it is close home and we consider Ethiopia a brother nation. Still, we hate it when a brother takes a riffle against the other; it would not serve any meaningful purpose if Sudan, and Egypt started fighting Ethiopia over the Dam. We have adequate and sometimes torrential rains pounding our region twice every year. Ethiopians can fill their dam without hampering Egypt’s supply of adequate water. However, I agree with you that there has been concerted efforts to break up Ethiopia which began with secession of Eritrea, which made Ethiopia a landlocked country. Soon, all western vultures setup military and INTEL bases in Eritrea. A friend of mine had projected that Ethiopia may would be attacked by the ‘regime change virus’ and latter be fragmentation after its record breaking GDP expansion in the last decade.

Zionism = EVIL

That is sound analysis. However, the previous Ethiopian governments catered to the Americunt arseholes by supporting the occupations in Somalia and other Zionist projects. However, this Abiy Ahmed seems to be a nationalist. Ethiopia has a lot of potential.

Jens Holm

Babling nonsense again. Maybee You should clean Your behind, before You take out facts.

Nice to know You support Jihadists and pirats in Somalia.

Simon Ndiritu

It does, has fertile land, high rainfall, Excellent infrastructure especially in Adis-Ababa and a large population, over 100 million, most of them young

Jens Holm

I allow me t add, that they also has big problems in their eastern regions with no rain. We have given them a lot of food during many years, because millions should not starve to death.

It has potential, but does the Governess have it? We will see. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0ce36fc9990ecc1e0266b6e47910c62289392a4a197969df03d4928772e4a458.png

Zionism = EVIL

Keep in mind that Ethiopia was savagely occupied by the lowest peasant Italian fascists who destroyed the agricultural base, gassed the population and committed horrendous crimes. Part of the tribal, sectarian and geographical divisions today date back to Eurotrash racist colonialism. Same as in Libya and much of Africa and Middle East or even India.

Jens Holm

Thats far out too. Westerns already are there in oil and minerals. You guessings are worse the our weatherr rapport today.

Others are there too.

Jens Holm

Ziioydoe is highly biased and in many things are against all facts, You easy can check up by internet.

It seemes You have no idea about, what dams do other places in the world. You should.

Jens Holm

Actaully the history is marxist-leninists by junta Derg took over in 1974. Its no wonder many here in west dont prefare that.

Accoerding to the etnic thing and religion I allow me to add , that Ethiopia as a State actally was like several other countries having many smal Kingdoms(or in muslim terms Emirates inside them.

So they also was a loose Union and no strong state in most matters.

It can be tempting to comare with the King in Kabul, which in facts more was Town Major of the Capitol but accepted local rule and people there made most parts open and relaitve safe by police and hotels along the roads.

So Tigray and many others has to bee seen as having tradition for high independency, so if You try to move vital things to Addis Abeba and its administration, You should expect opposition for it, unless You have not made it as a very visible plus.

I cannot buy the version about clean energy, when You steal that much water from the next users. Its the same for other big rivers and is theft.


Bomb the Upper Nile dam? What a dum-dum!

Zionism = EVIL

What did you expect from the moron? Keep in mind the dotard wanted to “bomb Iran” for the past 4 years, luckily the Americunt military knows the consequences. The moron was giving the EgyptianCUNT Sisi free advice to bomb the dam that would flooded the upper Nile valley and plains as far down as Sudan, not to mention also destroy the Aswan high dam with a massive tidal wave down valley as the walls would have been breached.


Jens Holm

Never heard before…

klove and light

A “special” song is missing to this video……from old blue eyes frankie boy

“This is the beginning of the enddddd…..”

Zionism = EVIL

Like Armenia, the Zionistcunts are living a delusion. Their drones have zero impact on Hezbollah and Iran, which have forces spread out over 2.5 million sq kms. The Americunts are fleeing Iraq and Iran has signed defence pact with Iraq and Syria. The strategic mass of the Axis of Resistance is overwhelming and that has scared the Zionist child killers shitless as the next war will be asymmetrical and last for years.

Jens Holm


Jens Holm

Funny. I ahve not heard WC sing but he said:

Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.

Winston Churchill

Simon Ndiritu

These things have been flipping alot recently. One thing is for sure, if they cant drive them right, they cant fire their cannon right as well. Military Genius Sun Tzu Noted that the discipline the whole army can be inferred from the behavior of one soldier. I don’t think am extrapolating too much by concluding that the IDF cannot effectively operate the toys it likes flaunting.

Jihadi Colin

They can only fight Palestinian children armed with stones. For anything else they need to try to get their Amerikastani slaves to do their fighting for them.

Free man

Colin The sad truth is that no one wants to fight against Israel. and it is better this way. War against Israel means loss of territories, great destruction and many dead.


Frankly, the IDF is a rabble now.


This is definately a case of ‘ Less haste more speed ‘.

I suspect that the automatic transmission jumped into a higher gear as the loading speed was too fast. It was bloody funny to watch though. :)

I have loaded heavy tracked digging machines onto low loaders many times from the side and the rear. A crawl speed is all that is required :)

Zionism = EVIL

If you magnify the picture, it shows that the third rate Zionist arsehole IDF is falling apart literally, the Merkava is rusted and the welding on the structure is very poor. I am sure Iranian G2 and other intelligence analysts have also noted the poor condition of the ZionistCUNTS. The military also is using civilian tank recovery commercial vehicles which just shows a very high degree of unprofessionalism. Also notice the green trash cans and sloppy barbed wire strung up by kids on a wooden stake as the Zionistfaggots stand and watch their pathetic military holding hands. No wonder the Zionist scum are scared shitless of Hezbollah and Iran.

Rhodium 10

Hezbollah since Lebanon war dont fear Israeli ground forces..they know that they are a Hybrid between Ukrainians Jews +Ethiopians Falasha+ Selfie tick tock Israeli Women soldiers…

Simon Ndiritu

Yea, the driver seams to have been excited or just stupid.He was driving the tank like it was on a highway!

John Wallace

Ah .. so this is why Rusty Iron Zion has been so quiet lately. He has been away driving tanks learning how to crush protestors.

Zionism = EVIL

He is a teenage punk and people saw through his kosher horseshit. The ZionistCUNTS are petrified of Hezbollah capabilities.

Simon Ndiritu

He does nothing than vote people down when not posting chauvinistic gibberish trash


The Zionist shill posters stopped immediately after Israel started questioning Azerbaijans use of its weapons in Armenia. Must be bad PR to be associated with Erdogans pan-Turkic jihad.

Jens Holm

Iran and Hesbollah are declined by Russia and Israel, so they are no targets.

John Wallace

The only thing that has declined here Jens is your brain , not that it was much to start with.

Ashok Varma

This Jens is a total imbecile even by Danish standards.

Ashok Varma

Zionists are petrified of global power shift that is underway. The UN General Assembly just yesterday passed a pro-Palestine resolution and called for a return of Golan Heights.



Zionism = EVIL

Believe me, the ZionistCUNTS are worse than Armenian cowards as they have also built an fake aura of “superiority” for domestic consumption. The reality is that they have been beating up and killing unarmed Palestinians and sell out Arabs since 1973 with impunity with western support and have lost every conflict with Hezbollah and that is why they are scared shitless as they know that next war will be their end.

Jens Holm

Its like grass, You have to keep it down.

The 1967 learned the local arabistanis nothing and 1973 learned Israel it made no sense to give back Golan.

Your kind made, what You name as impunity. I name it stalemate and has payed a little money every year by UN even before I was born.

United at least pay for Israel.

Rhodium 10

….And murder Palestinians in European countries, Canadá( a Canadian engineer of Bull company) , Emirates and Jordan using Mossad gunmen knowing that they have total impunity inside that countries!


It looks like for some reason the accelerator was kept planted to the floor, even after the tank rolled you can see the exhaust pumping smoke like at full-throttle.

Simplekindof Man

Probably a fuel (pump etc)related problem not uncommon with diesels,stuck throttle or “runaway”engine

Harry Smith

It could be a smoke generator as well.


More please…

Jens Holm

When You turn reptiles like that, they die by heat. Only the upside is protected.

Rhodium 10

Accord Israeli sources well trained tank driver doing what the best they have to do againts incoming Hezbollah ATGM = Tank to ground!! and white smoke!….

Jihadi Colin

Tanks falling over during loading onto tank transporters is a not uncommon situation. But can you imagine the Amerikastani media hooting and howling if it was a Russian tank? They’ll be utterly silent when it happens to their zionazi paymasters though.

Ryan Glantz

after all the laughs, seriously, did the gas control get jammed forward?

I want to give the benefit of the doubt to that driver and say they either had no idea how to drive a tank or the equipment malfunctioned.

Potato Man

np US taxes money is on the way.

Assad must stay

haahhahahahaha this is new israeli tactic, very deadly, hahahahahahha


It looks like a turbo failure that causes diesel engine runaway.

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