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In Videos: More Rockets Hit US Embassy Area In Baghdad’s Green Zone

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The US decision to assassinate Major General Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Qods Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the second-in-command of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) and other prominent Iraqi and Iranian commanders that were fighting ISIS opened Pandora’s Box in the Middle East. Iran is yet to take any real action in response to the US agression. However, grassroot resistance forces in Iraq already conduct attacks on US installations.

Late on January 5, 3 rockets landed inside the heavily fortified Green Zone in Iraq’s Baghdad, in the area near the US Embassy. Police sources told Reuters that the projectiles were Katyushatype rockets – unguided missiles launched by multiple rocket launch systems. At least two of them hit the area close to the US embassy.

This was the second such incident in 48 hours.

On January 4, rockets hit the very same area near the US embassy as well as an airbase north of Baghdad housing American troops.

No group has claimed responsibility for these srikes. However, it’s clear that these developments are the reaction to the recent US agression against Iraq and Iran.

Meanwhile, reports appeared that the PMU’s groups (an official part of the Iraqi Armed Forces) warned all Iraqi personnel and civilians to stay away (at least 1km) from US installations in Iraq.


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These pin prick attacks will morph into a major resistance after Trump dismissed Iraqi demands to withdraw US occupation troops and now Trump is threatening to destroy Iraq by sanctions and also demanding billions in dollars. US is acting worse than a mafia stand over criminal.

Trump steps up rhetoric against Iran, threatens Iraq sanctions and demands billions for US occupation bases.


USA needs to LEAVE Countries where they are NOT WANTED or INVITED


But their hubris is at its peak as Russia and China have either colluded with them or are too weak. Iran is a small embargoed state but stood up to Zionism and is now paying the price. US is totally out of control as a rogue terrorist state.


Some people like and prefer brute force which reminds of teenage fun boy tactics . And how come Russia did not “pay the price”?!? Russia was destroyed bankrupted country by the US. They had 2 Chechen Wars supported by CIA & MI6 had many terrorist attack with hundreds of children killed with hundreds of civilians killed. While people who were killing them are political refugees in EU and US ! Local wars Georgia, Ukraine, Syria. With dead Russians everywhere. Has at least 10 000 ethnic Russians killed in Ukraine by US sponsored neo-NAZI’s. Has NATO on her borders and frozen conflicts on her border. Heavy sanctions and slowed growth! So how come is Iran the country who paid bigger price and why are the Iranian sanctions extremely difficult and Russian sanctions joke in your opinion?!

And who is blocking NATO in Syria, Serbia, Ukraine , Georgia?! Is it Iran maybe?! Now answer me all that please. China and Russia(despite sanctions) are successful countries and they cannot mirror reckless tactics of collapsing (would be) Empire


Well said my friend.

Tudor Miron

Very well said.

Alberto Garza

people dont seem to understand that russia acts according to its limits the united states is more powerful militarly than russia and china together

Ricky Miller

Not even close. The U.S. is more powerful at wasting money. Russia and China together have more missiles, more tactical aircraft, more submarines and far larger armies. Not to mention their missiles attack with greater velocity and range and both countries will be playing defense, forcing the U.S. to come to them. It’d be a wipeout. Not to mention other countries victimized by the U.S. or in China’s sphere will join up, quickly. North Korea will join while South Korea sits it out. Pakistan will join up while India declares neutrality. Mongolia and Kazakhstan will have to align with the Eurasian heavyweights. Iran and Syria will join in while Turkey sits it out. War in Eurasia or the Taiwan strait means the end of American military adventurism.


Mongolia and Kazakhstan will decide who win WWIII


BRAVO…. BRAVO!! These emotional monkeys dont get! but u get it! Well said!

One thing though…. FUCK CHINA!!!! They are not Russia’s friend, they stole your tech and hold Russia economically hostage! China spits in Russia’s face!

Fuck them and fuck the Jews!

But Russia is Truly truly great!


So If US leaves, Iran will take over. Can you explain to me how that is any better of an alternative? Why not say US and Iran should leave?


How the hell is that your business if and who will “take over”?! If they do than it means only that Shiite population is bigger and more influential. But retarded Americunts didn’t get obvious what is going to happen when they made false accusation about Weapons of Mass Destruction US CRIME of terrorist aggression and invasion on Iraq 2 times with more than million dead Iraqi’s and ruined country is punished by firing back!

Get the fuck out of Iraq you CRIMINALS and terrorist supporters!


Not to forget Madeleine Albright and hers: “It was worth it !” When she was asked about killing 500 000 Iraqi children with the US sanctions!

You effing child murderers!!!

Graham Steinberg

Arab world ? Weak & corrupt ; no leadership !


Than you have nothing to worry about, do you? And even if you are worried little bit you, will not admit that. Trust me, times have changed. Stereotypes about supremacy of the West and backwardness of everybody else doesn’t work any more. Nobody is buying that bulls**t any longer.

David Parker

Don’t forget who considers themselves to be the master race, who considers that the goyim have not souls, are less than animals, to be used and slaughtered. Christians recognize that God created mankind and accept that all men are brothers.


Never was and never will be for Talmudic, Satanic, Khazarian AshkeNAZI Jews. I always was against creation and existence of apartheid IsraHELL But as long as those slogans are not just cover up for promotion of neo-NAZI ideology. Since I am not supporter of neo-NAZI either. I am an Orthodox Christian and I do see and accept that “all men are brothers”.

Tony B.

Yes, Albright. Eastern European TALMUDIC Jew.

Ricky Miller

The U.S. kills children regularly. At weddings and funerals all across the region children have been swatted down like they’re worthless to U.S. war planners. U.S. military officers carrying out these orders are worthless scum without honor or courage.

David Parker

You completely forget who controls the US deep state. It is not the American people – who emphatically never wanted any war – going all the way back to the War to Prevent Southern Independence. The so-called “leaders” are the ones manipulated by Zi*nists into committing the American people to fund and die in foreign wars.


Listen it is colloquial way of saying it. We all know who produced “Weapons of Mass Destruction” claim and who produced daughter of Kuwaiti ambassador as false witness “seeing” the Iraqi soldiers “taking the babies out of incubators” and killing them. So if I start with names; Chaney, Rumsfeld and other Neocon’s, PNAC, AIPAC, Bush the Lesser and all the others representatives of “deep state” MIC, MSM, CIA, DoD-Pentagon etc. etc. I can do that but it takes time to write and explain (why are they mentioned) so it is much easier to say “Americans”.

Yet still doesn’t mean that “American people” doesn’t have obligation to liberate themselves and take power back to the people where it belongs!

Rüdiger Preiss

It’s the US Zios who cause all the trouble in the Middle East, not Iran

Tony B.

No, it’s the Israels, the tail that wags the U.S. dog.


Last time I checked, living in the ME the last 30 years was nothing but trouble from Iran. By its proxies of course, Iran never goes directly to war, it learnt its lesson from the last one. Just Fund that oil money to Proxies in Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, it will be fine.

Some dillusion added on top to save Palestine and control the entire ME from Tehran to Jerusalem.

Once all this is done create and empire and eye the west. After that the world.

Dog eat dog world, the question is would I rather live under religious Ayatollahs or western rules (however imperfect).

So If the west leaves? What will become of us minorities in the region, also will I be able to have freedom of expression? How about fair elections and economics? Maybe basic human rights and womens marital rights too? Will I be thrown in dungeons for speaking out?

Rüdiger Preiss

Lol, so you are saying Saudi Arabia which enjoys the protection (for now) of the predatory Zio-Capitalists is so much better ?? Get a grip!

Iran certainly has such a dark history, conquering the entire region under its submission, huh? Wasn’t it the Ottomans? British? French? ?? Who is the trouble maker?? Go and read some books, Will!


The ottoman rule ended in 1918 in Lebanon and Syria, lets not go back a hundred years. The french rule was extremely positive from a constructive standpoint they rebuilt the Lebanese and regional infrastructure set up modern rules, We have some of the best architecture still standing from that time, we had trains tramways and golden time economies boom. They called us the paris of the ME back in Lebanon. A few years after Lebanon demanded independence and the French left (sadly) we faced nothing but civil war entirely of the Lebanese doing plus harboring Palestinians didn’t make it any better. Since then Lebanon has seen nothing but wars and proxy wars. Syria was spared the ame type of destruction because it didn’t have to fight directly it just used proxies of proxies and destroyed countries especially Lebanon.

Saudi Arabia provides more than half of the economy of the region it supports financially all its allies and invests heavily in them, they used to be more barbaric with the previous administration in their local affairs, but they never sent but they only came in as tourists to f*ck around and live in fancy hotels in our region and why not let them come and spend money. But now they seem to be evolving. they are introducing more modern rules, its not perfect but a hell lot better than Iran thats for sure. They tried making peace with Syria but It being Iran’s bitch Syria refused, they tried making peace in Lebanon but the Siha Iranian proxy militia ruling over us contributing nothing but wars and wanting to fight wars we have absolutely no interest in Contributed to the now destruction of the country and assasinated dozens of some of our best politicians whom were going to take the country forward.

Keep the people stupid and uneducated then you can control them better is the moto for the iranians and their proxies.

Yemen is held hostage by Iranian militia, no one wants peace. The thing you don’t understand is that if Iran should take over, we will be living in the stone age with religious leaders contributing to nothing as they have been contributing to nothing in Iran or Iraq or Lebanon or Yemen or even Syria. We have seen no proof of this side that will help us move forward in a modern world, this is the exact reason why nobody likes them, not even Iraqis nor Syrians nor Russians and especially not Lebanese! But while Russians and Syrian leadership need them for geopolitical reasons they secretly want them out. Iraqis are split and have corrupt leaders under iranian payroll.

Rüdiger Preiss

You are conveniently forgetting the Armenian Genocide and whilst the Ottoman rule may have ended, Turkey’s ambitions to dominate the area whatever it takes, never has. Also, to claim that occupying a land is justifiable by building infrastructure is a lame old hat, we are not stupid. It’s the same rubbish right wing Israelis keep bleating, that without their brilliant technology Palestinians would still live in caves. The Sykes-Picot plan and Zionism was the beginning of all the trouble in the Middle East, heavily fueled by predatory capitalists who are responsible for the worlds oil dependency. So you think Iran is totally backwards, keeping their people stupid whilst Saudi Arabia is super modern, educating everyone for free? Lol. You really are a prime example of a nutter ;D. The ONLY reason why Iran is a problem for the “West” is the fact that Iran doesn’t bow to the predatory capitalists – it all started with the Petrodollar. No ifs not buts, that is the reason.


I never said Ottoman was any good or the Turks, or the Saudis! I don’t want to discuss what happened 100 years ago today. ISIS and the muslim brotherhood was created after peace deals failed between Syria and Saudis and Egypt was yet another case by the Turks trying to fuck about.

Yes Iran is very backwards as backwards as Saudis, this happened especially after the Shah fell and Religious fanatics took over, the sheep were fooled and the naive educated ones thought they are going to have a fully independent prosperous nation with free education modern values, they were all used and most executed. US was just an excuse same is Palestine same is Israel, They LOVE that there is a boogyman Israel to keep their sheep in control.

Now Iran is ruled by extremists, not because of the US, they were fighting their own alongside the Communists and mujaheedeen Alqaida long before, most Iranians are scared shitless to do anything about it and the educated ones left the country if they could and hate every inch of it.

Yes history is proof that western occupiers have treated the people of the native lands far better than the people of said land have treated themselves or by the election of their corrupt leaders thereafter. You just have to weigh the pros and cons. There is no 100% free independent country not even Europe is really free.

The bottom line is this. Should the US leave, then 100% all neighboring countries will be ruled over by either the Shia power or Sunni power, there are no “Mutual agreements” you don’t like it they will cut you off or blow you to pieces, it will be a dog eat dog world for the citizen and no amount of US intervention either in the past or today would’ve changed this. In fact they were killing each other far before the US came for the oil. If you are an american I think you may have a hard time understanding the culture here, I think this is why US has failed, not because of just the wars but because they were never ruthless enough, this is why Chinese and Russians and Iranians and Syrians and Turks (I would say Saudis but they suck at any warfare) know how to deal with this type of warfare and culture, they are ruthless they will not be shy of genocides, rapes, cultural subversion. Utter indiscriminate destruction of everything. Who will hold an Iranian or a Syrian Soldier accountable for any type of misdeed or massacre, Bashar? Khaminiqi? Saudi lords? Putin? In Lebanon we experienced the rape and murder of 30 years of violent Syrian rule (no western intervention) In Syria they live under the tyranny of the assads with many just dissapearing? others killed and families raped. There is no american court to judge a marine for a prison abuse in Afghanistan or Basic human rights. Atleat the US has discussions about the Iraq war, they admit mistakes and general public has freedom to speak out.

Tell me any chinese or chinese government doing this, or Iran and Syria admitting genocides or “Mistakes”, or the Turks or even Russia. EVERYTHING is justified in their eyes throughout all of their history And they are best in playing victims when it suits them.

You have no idea what you have, stop blaming the west for everything. The Africans today complain about British colonialism meanwhile the Zhullu tamtams themselves killed millions MILLIONS of their own as well as British just in the same period for land and power!

No man not all nations or countries are made equal. The west is an anomaly in history, and with all of humanities faults I am thankful that the power today is in their hands instead of these fanatics. Is it perfect far from it but that’s life.

northerntruthseeker .

If anyone believes this bullshit, they have to have their heads examined..

JIDF/Hasbara troll alert here!

northerntruthseeker .

So let me get this straight, JIDF troll, you are claiming that Iran is the trouble maker?

How about your sicko state of Israel then? Lets see… Killing Palestinians, going to war constantly against their neighbours, bombing other nations illegally, sending in their fraud “terrorists” to try to overthrow nations and causing millions of lives to be lost…. Yes, THAT ISRAEL……

People are not fooled here by your lies, Jew scum….


Iran’s backed militias fought alongside with Kurds and NATO against ISIS, then NATO on Israel behalf, ordered them to disband since ISIS was defeated. But unlike the Suni radicals supported by US, UK, KSA, UAE and Turkey, Iran’s Shia do not behead prisoners, do not kill civilians on purpose and protect minorities, since they are a minority.


No they don’t chop your head off right away, they do something worst, they kill you SLOWLY… they kill your strong leaders and assassinate your politicians. Take over your country and rule over you by force and entirely isolate you from world economies letting you starve and they are just as religiously fanatic as their counterparts ISIS blindly following their leaders chanting death to their enemies, ISIS was only recently created as a REACTIONARY force against 50 years of Shia and proxy warfare between the Iranians, Iraqis and the Saudis.

From Majority Sunni in Syria being ruled by minority Allawites close to Iran, from Proxy mini Iranina State in Lebanon choking the country and assassinating the politicans. From Militia proxy build up in Yemen.

Lets not pretend there are good guys here.

The difference is that one is willing to make partners and invest and the other wants to pretend they care for Palestine and free Jerusalem! They don;t care about anything or anyone just their power and control over their sheep and the region.


when the unhinged states of A leaves it will be possible to walk right up to tel aviv and finish off the illegal occupation of palestine by the squatters. for starters.

David Parker

The Zionists have some 200 nuclear weapons they are itching to use just as soon as they can destroy everyone else’s. I support a nuclear strike on Medina and Mecca if those targets could be evacuated just to prove that Islam is pure bullshit. Ditto for the Vatican if everyone but the Roman Catholic hierarchy could be evacuated.

northerntruthseeker .

How about a strike against Tel Aviv just to show that Judaism is as much bullshit as any other abrahamic religion!


the catholic church is the most successful corporation ever, selling salvation and forgiveness in a never ending circle and if you have been to that corporations headquarters in rome, you know what I’m talking about – makes the headquarters of exxonmobil look quaint and a bit tardy

Tony B.

What the hell is the U.S. military doing occupying a country half way around the world from it? Iran is part of the local geography. Just how dense are you?

northerntruthseeker .

Ordered there by their Jewish masters, Tony…. And those Jewish scumbags want to Use the US as their weapon against Iran and they do not give a damn about how many “Goyim” die for their cherished hell hole called Israel achieves total hegemony over the region as a result.

David Parker

Iran is in the Mideast and sits on top of lots of oil and gas. Iran cannot be situated between two oceans – the Iranian people are stuck with being constantly threatened by Zionists.


Including Germany and Britain :)

northerntruthseeker .

And Canada… I was shocked to find out earlier today that Canada has “500 combat troops” in Iraq as part of a “peacekeeping” force, which is a bunch of baloney… Canada is just like the US as its poodle government of Jewish interests has their orders to send in troops and stay put…


did u know the General was a Jew? No kidding!

Now what do u have to say about that?


i agree! but some people need to be taken out for a strategic extraction! Those who inteNd to KEEP the USA in the middle east and endless wars need to be assassinated!

first was Bagdaddi, the other was the General! Maybe now they can leave, but with a payment of 10 billion for their trouble!

i like that, since obama gave Iran 130 billion! The least he can ask for is a nice 10 billion clean cut!

10 billion to get em out! Great deal!



Hah INCOMING INCOMING INCOMING like a fucking movie, and what is the defense 2-3 CRAMs shooting 20mm. LOL


The only thing that defeated the US occupation forces in 2006-2008 insurgency was IEDs and daily ambushes by Mehdi army. Iraq needs to start a coordinated resistance and sap US forces by spreading them thin and same should apply in Syria. US will have to start a national draft again if the resistance spreads from Afghanistan to Lebanon.




Karen Bartlett

This is just the beginning…


Just the beginning indeed!

Mehmet Aslanak

Kindly everybody read “fall of Saigon” to compare with the situation in Baghdad. History always repeats itself. Ordinary US citizens should understand that they don’t live in a democracy & their votes don’t change anything. They are victims of brain-washing media technics invented in Germany during 1920s.

David Parker

Democracy is not a good form of government and that is why the “founding Fathers” of the US central government had to declare they had set up a REPUBLIC – rule of law. Democracy is the tyranny of the majority. In order for Alexander Hamilton to get the aristocratic job he felt he deserved, he had to pretend to a republic which he intended to run as a monarchy. Granted, there is no “rule of law” in the united States except for God’s law as observed by a tiny minority of actual Christians: The US deep state t is an oligopoly owned and controlled by Zionists and “law” – mere statute – only applies to the powerless who are outside of government.


come on now, some serious heavy missiles will be needed if the americans will be forced to close the embassy in iraq.

David Parker

Launched by Zi*nist proxies.

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