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In Videos: Russian Strikes On Militant Positions In Idlib Zone

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In Videos: Russian Strikes On Militant Positions In Idlib Zone

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On August 22, the Russian Defense Ministry released two fresh videos showing strikes on militants in the Greater Idlib zone. The  videos show strikes on militant positions near the settlements of Tamana and Et-Tah.


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stupid is as stupid does

Syria should be proud with you. To have such courageous warriors. Exterminate those foreign rats that destroy your country!


Very nice to hear that Russia is again giving strong support to SAA offensive.

stupid is as stupid does

I wish that Russians can drop one bomb on you, to have one asshole less on this planet you pathetic Italian twat.


Don’t worry, just be happy.

stupid is as stupid does

I will, you pathetic excuse for human.


Who uses ad hominem attacks just shows that he lacks any real argument.


But our big problem, seeing your “discussion”, is if you three aren’t the same.

stupid is as stupid does

What? Same person? Like all this staged by one person? What would be the purpose ?!? Is that what are you saying? Trust me I have horror of hypocrites specially if they act like ungrateful people. I am perfectly incapable to write comments like gustavo The reason I have attacked gustavo is because I have seen too much bullshit, hypocrite, virtue signaling comments from him. He makes me puke. Write or wrong I hate that kind of people. I also did that because I really don’t mind leaving this forum.


Well, you say you attack other peoples comments based on hate. So you just confirmed you dont want to discuss, and are not let by rational arguments. This saved me much time for the future. Goodby millenial.

stupid is as stupid does

Look Zionism = EVIL I am simple straight forward person with character and when I am unhappy I let people who attack me know that I um unhappy…

Now you are sneaky double faced feeble character with lots of perfidy and that is not good Zionism = EVIL ! It will affect your general health at the end…. And I want you to live long and happily ever after :-))))


Why dont you write to Mr. Zionism, when you wanna talk to him? Maybe he is kinder than i am to you. Though judging his posts, i doubt it.

stupid is as stupid does

There you go again You are being Naughty Boy for insisting Zionism = EVIL on your false identity ! Must be bad Kraut influence of perseverance on your feeble Paki psycho… You will overcome all that and admit the truth to liberate yourself from all that unnecessary acting ! I have patience do not betray it ! ;-))

stupid is as stupid does

“millenial”?!? Now what is that new currency maybe?! Zionism = EVIL problem with you teens is that every adult is considered by you as archaeological artifact because you are so immature with pimples on your face and on your brain also….

Let me discover you a secret ; people over 30 are not super old as you might think So chill the fuck out kid …it will take decade for you to discover that truth because you are bit slow…But still you will understand one day that being 30 is not super old !


Its okay, no need to break your head over an answer. You are allowed to leave. :) Good night and all the best with your self esteem problem.

stupid is as stupid does

When I think about it… you being such obsessed Russophobe… I might give a guidance to the mentally challenged people like you to overcome their hidden hate towards Russia and Russians. You might have problematic childhood or simply you had few romantic affairs with domestic pets, dogs, cats and such and that emotional scar tortures you to the present day

So I will help you my Paki-Kraut to forget your love mishap with domestic pets. That for sure can finally empty your anger against Russia and sublime you into the normal very average person you are deep down…


Also mein lieBer Herr Stupid:

Ja, sie haben vollkommen Recht: Ich bin ein Pakistanier im UK.

Ich bin nicht geborener Deutscher, der diesen Fakt auch nie versteckt hat, und der am schönen Rhein in der nicht ganz so schönen Stadt Krefeld lebt. Und sicher, Ich spreche Pakistanisch, Ich kann sogar 2 Wörter: “Jalla Jalla” und “Wallah”. Ach ja, und “Allah” kenn Ich auch. Da dies Pakistanisch ist, ist Deutschland auch schon Islamisiert, und spricht Arabisch, oder welchen Dialekt man auch In Pakistan spricht.

Aber mal ganz im Ernst: Neben mir wohnen 2 Afghanen, die als Söhne von Kolloboratoren der Amis nach Deutschland geflohen sind, vllt. verstehen sie die ja? Ich jedenfalls nicht.

Tut mir ehrlich leid, dass ihnen wie immer keine Argumente einfallen, aber das ist nun auch wieder keine Überraschung.

Wallah Wallah!


Now that you see that i am truely a German, you – again – look pretty shitty. Have a good night with your messed up personality, and much fun in your life, however messed up that may be.

Good night! Always funny. :)

stupid is as stupid does

No worries i’ll leave this crappy forum but only when i feel like leaving…. Surely not when some kraut shithead desires You Krauts are failed nation in progress that’s why you have that old Stasi mad cow as leader To be totally honest with you I do hope that Russians will nuke you Kraut pigs one day

You are shitless scared from Russians that’s why you hate them so much you wimps.


I don’t want that anyone of you three will leave this forum, even because, for example, Fernando Pessoa had a lot of heteronyms, and all them were great.


Tell me Jorge, who is “our”? You speak about your sock puppets, while claiming others do this? Only because you dont step up when others here get attacked for no reason but hate, you dont think others can do this? It this mob mentality that fucks this site up, and also this mentallity that you show, that everyone who has a different view is either 1. Sock puppet 2. troll 3. “Zionist” Very creative. And it seems those people who make such accusations so they dont need to discuss are just the same as on MSM, who want their echo chamber where their world view is not challengend.

stupid is as stupid does

You are that Russophobe Zionism = EVIL !!!?!! That teenage Paki badmouthing SOB from UK ! This is your double account you are using now ! But of course that’s you! That’s why you jumped in to “defend” that asshole gustavo to try to get your revenge for the lesson you have revived !

How PATHETIC of you!!! Let me remind you of some of your recent comments as “Zionism = EVIL” the Russophobe !

————————————————————— Zionism = EVIL • 2 hours ago “Russia is the modern day Sudan, and you think it can fight America. Good one.” “Russia is weak fragmented failed state with nukes and will fall to China eventually anyway and the western parts to NATO. It is only a matter of time.”

“Let me tell you something, if Russia did not have nukes, it would be the Sudan of the tundra.”

“Putin is a dimwit third grade corrupt KGB hack and totally in Jew pockets”

” Russians were cowards who never attacked Pakistani terrorist bases as the CIA armed and trained over 150,000 Mujahideen”

“Pakistanis are goat fuckers too but still kicked Ruski arse out of Afghanistan”

“Russian record has been very poor as Afghanistan and now Ukraine has amply showed. They lack the stamina for a fight”

“Russia was chased out of Afghanistan by a bunch of goat herders. They executed the war very poorly, the Pakistanis blew their airforce out of the sky at will and Russians did fuckall for 10 years and exposed its primitive military.”


Now tell me, what have i to do with Mr. Zionism?

While he sees the world as evil conspiracy, where Jews are the cause for each and all evil, i despise such a world view. I try to balance, and try to only follow facts. While you and Mr Zionism are both having your agend. He being anti Zionist at all costs, and you are pro Russia at all costs. Now, make yourself look even more a fool when you allegde I would be a Pak in Uk, while i am a German living in western Germany, which everyone can see since i occasinally write in german when a compatriot of mine writes here. You seem to think that your world view is in the majority here, and that you serve this site and community with screaming down others, but truth is, most here are neither NATO nor Russia trolls, and able to see that the truth is more complex, and always lies in between. Though your goal to write here is not truth or discussion, but “but simple personal pleasure”. So build up your broken self esteem elsewhere, you are proven to be wrong and a bitch.

stupid is as stupid does

Zionism = EVIL you are double account with EveryoneIsBiased ! You are Paki youngster from UK This yours new account is such CHEAP trick that you should be ashamed of yourself ! But because you are still very young I forgive you! I will forgive you my child because you are in puberty and still are doing many stupid things as all kids !

Now stop insisting on pretending… accept the situation maturely The truth doesn’t hurt and it will liberate you so you will feel better :-)) Admitting that you have made mistake is very positive thing to do !! Stop being stupid and admit…. :-)


Also mein lieBer Herr Stupid: Ja, sie haben vollkommen Recht: Ich bin ein Pakistanier im UK. Ich bin nicht geborener Deutscher, der diesen Fakt auch nie versteckt hat, und der am schönen Rhein in der nicht ganz so schönen Stadt Krefeld lebt. Und sicher, Ich spreche Pakistanisch, Ich kann sogar 2 Wörter: “Jalla Jalla” und “Wallah”. Ach ja, und “Allah” kenn Ich auch. Da dies Pakistanisch ist, ist Deutschland auch schon Islamisiert, und spricht Arabisch, oder welchen Dialekt man auch In Pakistan spricht. Aber mal ganz im Ernst: Neben mir wohnen 2 Afghanen, die als Söhne von Kolloboratoren der Amis nach Deutschland geflohen sind, vllt. verstehen sie die ja? Ich jedenfalls nicht. Tut mir ehrlich leid, dass ihnen wie immer keine Argumente einfallen, aber das ist nun auch wieder keine Überraschung. Wallah Wallah! :) Now that you see that i am truely a German, you – again – look pretty shitty. Have a good night with your messed up personality, and much fun in your life, however messed up that may be. Good night!

stupid is as stupid does

i can’t be bothered to read German

I “look pretty shitty” because you write German?!? Why is that? If I write French or Italian does that makes you “look pretty shitty”?! What that has to do with anything? That you are Kraut and you presume I didn’t believe ?! I don’t give fuck if you are Kraut or Chinese or Paki or some other at the end.

My “messed up personality” ?!? There you go again Kraut the retard You don’t fucking know me you simpleton what “messed up personality” you talk about? You have never seen me in your fucking life you idiot ! Stop your 2 cent psychology !

stupid is as stupid does

“I try to balance, and try to only follow facts”

You sound always as would be pretentious intellectual. Such pompous arse you are.With mediocre and self indulging style. You definitely have ego problem and you have shit imagination (but that is general Kraut condition even for Paki in Kraut-istan )

LOL this is too much I am starting to have fun here ! Now you make me doubt really that you are Paki being so logical and narrow minded and simple minded like mule ! In Pakistan they would push you over the cliff for being so challenged in the head !

Now let me repeat because I can’t believe my eyes.. You “think that you know what I think”?!! WTF ? Majority of time I have no clue what I am thinking man! How the hell you know better than I do?! And above all I never ask myself such stupid question! When I need to think I just think and that’s fucking all you Paki-Kraut dimwit ! And on top you talk about my “world view”?!!..?? WTF is that ?!!? Why would I have such thing or you consider me to be failed intellectual full of complexes and troubled mind like yourself?! Tough shit my Paki Kraut you are mess as person and complicated as hell…repent and calm the fuck down. If you don’t drink you should start as soon as possible there is still hope for you to become normal average person you are deep down. Being normal is relaxing you’ll see…it helps…. What is anyways my “world view” you brain damaged Kraut from Pakistan?! I would love to hear that one! Time for you to explain to me who I am…oh fuck that’s going to be fun to hear! Where the hell did you get that nonsense from?! To recapitulate you are accusing me of being obsessed by “world view” influence which I don’t know what the hell it is…to seek ” majority” of “my world view” ,!!?? WTF dude you can’t be serious!! You should be writing those 30 cents novels for reading in toilet. You might get rich who knows…not that I would buy such crap but one never knows ….You talk so much rubbish there is always some one who is stupid enough to believe your crap.. But why would you think that I will accept or believe any of bollocks theory?! What is wrong with you?! You are instead talking to me …writing a book with long list of adjectives ?! And I have no clue why are they addressed to me? Do you know me maybe ? Did we met? We had beer or something? I just can’t comprehend the source of all the crap you have puked here ! Why are you doing that?! You need compliment maybe approval of the people ? Where did you dig out all that shit psycho analysis crap from?!?

What it is the source of “inspiration” ;-)))? Dostoevsky, Froyd, Playboy; CNN?

”most here are neither NATO nor Russia trolls, and able to see that the truth is more complex, and always lies in between” DUDE you sound like total moron with these lecturing bollocks and tone and so empty klischee !! Your verbal diarrhea has captured my imagination :-)) :D I am speechless !!! ;-)))))

stupid is as stupid does

What “hate” you pathetic clown? I despise gustavo I do not hate him ! Why would I hate such stain of human being?

So “Zionism = EVIL” that was your plan of attack?! LOL not very imaginative I must admit !! You have NEW account using now you pathetic clown! Who do you think you will trick with your rubbish new account?! You filthy RUSSOPHOBE ! That’s why you like so much to attack me don’t you?! Russia hating JEW-NEOCONSERVATIVE approach attacking only Russia is your favorite! Just like the Jews from CNN, “New York Times” and “Washington Post” they only have Putin and Russia in their mouth !

stupid is as stupid does

“Mob mentality” , “hate” LOL !! Now we are talking about gangsters here, is this about Mafia huh, Zionism = EVIL? And whom do I “hate”? Well people with double accounts like you ”fuck this site up”! You push your agenda trigger people with provocation than you use new account for attack strategy ! Not nice my Pakistani friend ! How is the weather in UK….huh?


Mr. stupid: English is not my mother language. Still i am able to use one of the dozens of so free internet dictionarys, before i get hooked up on a word i dont understand. Mob has only a secondary meaning as “mafia”. Its firstmost meaning in the context of “mob mentality” is exactly this: The teaming up of a group to attack others, while being to bichty an not man enough to face an argument alone, man to man.

And please, when someone like Jorge above attacks you, dont be a bitch. Instead of crying “oh no, i dont do that, the other guy other there does that”, man up and defend yourself, instead of shifting blame from you to others.


I only expressed a methodical doubt, nothing else.

stupid is as stupid does

Correction “Zionism = EVIL” and ”EveryoneIsBiased” is one and same person !

He uses new identity new account for the revenge against me. We had dispute and he has shown his true colors of Russophobia! I think that he is younger Pakistani from UK.


LOL, he attacks you and instead you smear someone else.. Funny. Younger Pak from UK. Maybe thats why German is my motherlanguage. ;) Seems i really triggered you, Millenial. And also funny how of all people i should be Mr. Zionism, as much as i qeustion anyone here who looks at the world in that narrow minded view, where “Zionists” are the cause of all evil. Next time, defend youself without being a bitch and smearing others.


“He uses new identity new account as ”EveryoneIsBiased” to attack me, for the revenge against me.” I don’t think so! Just compare how they post on this site. LOL

stupid is as stupid does

“Just compare how they post on this site” What do you mean ? Timing of posting …or something else? I don’t get it sorry.. One thing is sure he has new account.

stupid is as stupid does

So it is writing style?………. Well I’ll take look……… Thanks for observation


Thanks for being so stupid. I told you again and again, you would only need to read. And a man would tell he made a mistake. Though, no fear, i dont expect his from you. Like you said, you “think about leaving this forum”. Do it now, or man up and be honest like i did.


Thank you. Sadly this kid is not able to understand sense. Even though the calls others “stupid” go figure. ;)

stupid is as stupid does

This is not about argument, about write or wrong, but about simple personal pleasure !


Yeah, you one of those, who attack others so you can fell better about your insecure personality. Its called a psychological disorder. Degrading others to make your own self esteem higer. Classy.


And you are attacking everyone that is able to remeber the progress of the war. gustavo is here for many here, and he KNOWS while you DONT KNOW that Russia did not give the SAA this support as it does now because of the Idlib deal.

Why do you attack other for pointing out the truth? You now look stupid to everyone here who followed the war for years.


stupid is as stupid does

If gustavo can spit on Russia I can spit on gustavo ! Russia is giving crucial support ! Nothing of this would be possible without Russia!


Without Russia the SAA ,Iran and Hezbollah would LOSE again like before! And I find people who badmouth Russia fucking ungrateful !!! I would react the same if anybody of you would attack Iran or Hezbollah the way you spit on Russia !!! But no nobody attacks Iran or Hezzbolah for anything ever. Only Russia can be guilty and accused for anything ! Well in that case fuck all of you who attack Russia! Because EVERYBODY attacks only them and Putin all the time and gustavo more than others ! Russians died in Syria defending Syrians ! And how many died from your country for defending Syria?! What did you country do for Syria?

What did you do personally for Syria or better than Russia did? I really want to hear, TELL ME THAT PLEASE ?

And if you didn’t do anything what gives you such high moral ground to lecture me you hypocrite ?! What gives gustavo such fucking high moral ground?! Was Italy helping maybe to remove terrorists from Syria? Did they lose pilots, soldiers, doctors, helicopters, and what not? Or gustavo… did he maybe go to Syria to fight ISIS?! You HYPOCRITES ! When, attacking Russia you do not give support to fight for free Syria but for the Jews and NATO and all other rats. By attacking the country without whose participation victory is not possible you are doing something you do not have right to do !!!

You can not know Russian reasons why they do things the way they do. But people like gustavo know that Russia did what they did because they are TRAITORS..? Why is that? Future of Syria is not possible without Russian help so I will attack him any day I feel like do you hear me?!

i don’t see China rushing to help or any other country so leave Russia alone !

And if you label me “troll” I will call you both anti Russian trolls and tell you always what is on my mind!!


LOL. Sorry to trigger you millenial.

Well, you lost me at “Nothing of this would be possible without Russia!” Now you cerntainly dont look biased or as someone who is trolling. Sure.

But i take one last try to ask you for an argument. Please answer with a counteragrument, and not by 1000 claims that i have neither denied nor spoken about.

I wrote: “”And you are attacking everyone that is able to remeber the progress of the war.” and “Troll”.

i will eleborate on this:

You are attacking anyone who has a different view. You dont post nothing of value yourself, and only when someone mentions the word Russia, you are magically triggered.

Thats what trolls do, you try to scream down others, without being able to engage in a construtive discussion. Thats the very definition of a troll.

Sorry. But look up the definiton if you dont know.

I also wrote: “gustavo is here for many here, and he KNOWS while you DONT KNOW that Russia did not give the SAA this support as it does now because of the Idlib deal.”

Now, everyone who followed the war, followed the Idlib deal. In this deal, Putin made consessions to Turkey, in the hope to in turn get Turkey to control the Jihadists and achieve a political settlement. While the deal said, that all extremists groups need to be dissolved and removed of their weapons, plus all militans must remove heavy weapons and move out of the buffer zone.

Neither has happend, which let 2-3 months ago into Putin giving the SAA the green light for a offensive.

Now why do you attack people, when one only points out this obvious thruth, that everyone who follows the war, regarding on which side, knows?

Dont you know it youself? Or do you attack anyone who says the word Russia, regardless if one simply points our political and historic facts?

So being neutral is in your book betrayal, or an attack on Russia? That speaks volumes about your world view.

Xoli Xoli

Russian Astana agreement under Putin allow Turkey forces to invade Syria. Russian de escalation zone allowed USA NATO to settle while not approved by Syrian government.All the terrorists which surrendered to Iran and Hisbollah forces were transported to Idlib after cleared by Russian reconciliation centers in Syria.Putin fears Erdogan and call all the ceasefires on behalf of Turkey concerns. Including USA and Israel concerns as well.

stupid is as stupid does

Before I say anything: If one is accusing somebody than one must provide links to the proves immediately !. That is the normal way to do it. Links to the proves – documents please. ——-…………………………………………………………………- “Russian” Astana agreement is NOT “Russian”. Why are you calling it “Russian”.? Astana agreement is Astana agreement. Iran was there also remember? Syria willingly or not have accepted in their free will the agreement. End of the story. So why is everybody all the time attacking Russia? Can you explain me what is the Russian guilt in Astana agreement ?

“Russian de escalation zone allowed USA NATO” I don’t know nothing about that agreement. Have you seen it? Did you read it? What proves do you have to confirm accusations against Russia? I want to see proves please?

So to recapitulate ; You are actually accusing Russia of being pro US & NATO&Jihad ?! Don’t you realize that sounds insane?! Why would Russia be on USA NATO – Jihad, side against Syria? WHY tell me please?! They have invested quite lot of money; equipment and even Russian lives in liberating Syria. So why would they help their enemies and do totally opposite? You all here are using sources from dubious journalists who are equally uninformed or working for some secret services or similar . And I am sure you have no valid documents or any other concrete evidence to beck up your accusations against Russia. Accusing Russia to fight against Russian interests is insane accusation. One can not say accusation without proves. Oh yes; ”Russian did that because they are evil !” Is that the answer?! Sorry… If you can’t give logical explanation with proves I can’t accept such nonsense accusation.

How the hell do you know what really happened if you weren’t there? “Russian” de escalation zone ? There you go again! Why “Russian”!? It is Astana agreement de escalation zone not “Russian”!

“All the terrorists which surrendered to Iran and Hisbollah forces were transported to Idlib after cleared by Russian reconciliation centers in Syria.”

Green buses? I know about that. They were surrendering more easily and Assad was clearing the area around Damascus very quickly because of “Green Buses”. I think that was not so bad idea as it might look like. To liberate Damascus from bombardments was absolute priority. That was not best solution far from it but it was not worst either… You are exaggerating the problem. Terrorists were surrendering territory much more easily with Green buses…end of story.

“Putin fears Erdogan and call all the ceasefires on behalf of Turkey concerns” You have no clue at all about Putin reasons for the ceasefires. The most definitely it is not that Putin fears Erdogan! Why would he fear Erdogan?! Observation like that is totally retarded. You have no clue about Russian motives for ceasefires yet you keep accusing.

Give me a single written evidence-agreement for any of your accusation and I’ll accept them all. I am sure that you don’t have single valid evidence on agreement for ceasefires or anything else And journalists who spread “news” like that are talking out of their arse with no real evidence also!

Xoli Xoli

Please keep you arsenal for speechless Syrian due to this west orchestrated terrorist wars.We need you comment so dearly and occasional bases. We appreciate if you correct us.Lets not take correction as personal attack.

In life no one will ever accept that he is wrong. But it is obvious you will see my faults and I will see yours and if we cant present this errors to one another then it’s a total failure.

Xoli Xoli

Remember we are not journalists we are commentators with own opinions whereby everybody is entitle to its opinion. You want written prove which is irrelevant and time wasting.Who approved all ceasefire prior to the current wants which Erdogan NATO calls.Please with due respect for your intellectually please start refresh yourself with how the war start and losing compass .Please find out why did USA NATO attack 200 Russian reserve mercenary forces,Who attack aid convoys,who down Russian choppers and intelligence reconnaissance jet.

Find out how did Turkey inter Syria.Find out how many times did Putin withdraw Russian Soldiers.Find out how many time did Trump attack Syria.Find out who made close door agreements with USA,Israel and order the withdrawal of Iranian and Hisbollah forces first from the borders.

Xoli Xoli

No Bru no more fight please we need both you and Gustavo.


True that, and dont get angered by this stupid troll.

He either has not followed the war as closely as we, or he is too “stupid” to understand it. Either way, one more brain dead at SF that attacks people because their own world view is challanged.


Smelling sarcasm https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5f3aa28aaaac9bfdebbf6594cbef1f2b6ecd03d247043641e1f546da852fe936.jpg


Well, that seems to be the mindset of some here. ;)


bravo RUAF!!!


Et-Tah is more to north, no? So north that’s even out of the map of this article, or I’m wrong? Anway, https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/201908231076620347-syrian-army-to-advance-to-idlib-province-after-liberating-khan-sheikhoun-in-northern-hama/

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