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MARCH 2025

In Videos: Russian Transport Aircraft Deploy More Troops And Equipment To Northeastern Syria

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The Russian military has been increasing its presence in the northeastern part of Syria amid tensions between the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and Turkish proxies. According to reports, IL-76 transport aircraft deployed fresh Russian reinforcements to the region via the Qamishli airport.

The Kurdish-dominated SDF continues to sabotage the reconciliation with the Damascus government and tries to limit the presence of the Syrian Army in key areas in this part of the country. Instead, it prefers to loot Syria’s oil resources in the cooperation with the United States and make unsuccessful efforts in creating some kind of the Kurdish-dominated pseudo-state under the US protectorate in the Arab majority areas that it captured. The problem of this approach is that the US is not going to protect the SDF from Turkey, which considers it to be a terrorist group. The Turkish recent operation in northeastern Syria already demonstrated this. Nonetheless, the SDF continues to undermine terms of the ceasefire agreement reached with Turkey through Damascus and Russia. Thus, it creates conditions for a new escalation in the region.


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Lone Ranger

CIA trolls and hasbarats will cry and rage ?


And they will spread their usual Lies Delusions + Propaganda about the Russian aggression + escalation and similar BS fantasies.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“The problem of this approach is that the US is not going to protect the SDF from Turkey, which considers it to be a terrorist group. The Turkish recent operation in northeastern Syria already demonstrated this”.

The Turkish operations showed the whole world the Turks aren’t scared of the Russians, that’s all they did, because the Turks didn’t blow a part of the US’s defensive infrastructure, they blew up a part of Russia’s defensive infrastructure, so how did that demonstrate the US wasn’t going to stick to it’s resolve to protect the Kurds, it’s got nothing to do with the US, it’s a matter that Russia has to wear on it’s own. What a remarkably pitiful story this one is, the Russians didn’t speed in to beef up the SDF defenses, the SAA alone did that, then the Russians RELUCTANTLY arrived a few days later, that’s what really happened. And all the SF stories at the time were saying this, “the Kurds better come to a deal with the Syrian Government before the Turks start an operation to remove them”, which I kept saying was nothing more than pitiful attempt at blackmail, and it didn’t work. Trump hated the Kurds but the US bureaucracy didn’t, but Biden likes the Kurds and so will his government, so how is it going to get worse for the Kurds, if anything I’d say things are on the up for them at the moment. I have a funny feeling resolution 2254 is going to get another mention soon, perhaps there may be some new amendments added to help limit the protocols needed for the US backed autonomous Government to occupy all the areas it does, which would allow Assad the right to regain some of the territory the SDF still occupy, that would be a good initiative but even if successful wouldn’t take hold until parliamentary elections are held in 4 years time. Pitiful story and out and out embarrassing too, any intelligent person following the situation would know this is just a desperate attempt to save face whilst deflecting blame, but how stupid do they think most people are, not that stupid I hope.

Jim Allen

What makes you think Turkey doesn’t fear Russia ? As we’ve been watching SAA push Turkey around Syria whatever direction SAA wants Turkey to move. Erdogan is a loose cannon, and appears to enjoy pressing his luck with Russia. Every time he’s pressed too far, the Bear goes up side his fat dumb head. Hard. Turkey needs Russia much more than Russia needs Turkey. US isn’t going to back Turkey, it’s made that clear. The Kurds appear to be dumb enough to be US politicians.


SAA should try to push Turkey out of Syria before trying to push it “arround” Syria. Go back to kindergarden, learn the basics of in vs around.

Jim Allen

“SAA should” continue what it’s doing, it sure as Hell doesn’t need you to advise it what to do, porky. It’s their war. I’m well aware of in vs around at the advanced level. Whereas it’s simply not possible to teach you……uh, genius.


It wasn’t an advice. Lol. Unlike your comments mine are not read by important people :)) It was an example to help you understand basic difference between in and around, Syria in our case. To push Turkey around Syria, they need to push it out first :) but you remember me of a story about a retarded kid that couldn’t count two apples and when his father was trying to help him, he was cheering of joy because he will eat apples.

Rhodium 10

If SAA dont expel Turks from South Idlib is because Turkey allow its airspace to Russian air force to supply Latakia base…beside Turks have been useful to enable that SAA enter in Northeast Syria where before it was a closed preserve for the USA&SDF….days ago we have seen Turkish army leaving post in areas under SAA control.


That’s what Erdogan said, that Trump pulled out because of his pressure, Teump promissed to totally eithdraw from Syria in the 2016 campaign. Actually Trump didn’t totally pull out from Syria to defend the kurds. SAA is not allowed by Russia to challenge Turkey in Idlib because Russia is afraid of an escalation with NATO and that’s the last thing they want.

cechas vodobenikov

typical bacon island evaluation


Putin is Erdogan’s bitch

Rhodium 10

“Russia is afraid of an escalation with NATO”..do you think that NATO are going to attack Russian army to protect Turks?….


Turks or Israelis. Yes. Totally. With nukes.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Because every deal they’ve ever made with Putin they’ve failed to deliver what they promised, and so far Putin has never once held them to account, so why would the Turks fear the Russians. Back in 2015 just after the Russians agreed to Turkish demands to find a political solution [resolution 2254], the Turks blew a Syrian fighter jet out of the skies, and that was after the Russians started cooperating with the Turks, that set a good precedent for things to come, and nothing much has changed since then.

“Turkey needs Russia much more than Russia needs Turkey”.

You have no idea how wrong you are there, ask any expert or consult any analysis of the situation and you’ll find the exact opposite of what you claim. Putin gave huge tax incentives to Russian companies/industry to expand and replace the supply of high tech EU and US products that Turkey could no longer source [due to EU and US sanctions], and now they have they’re very heavily dependent on exports to Turkey. But Turkey’s only dependent on Russian supplied products while sanctions are in place, if they’re ever lifted and Turkey decides to stop buying Russian and return to buying EU/US products, many of those Russian companies will suffer quite a bit and some will even fail. So perhaps you should do some research before you say I’m wrong about anything at all, the one thing I’ve discovered on SF is not too many of you have any idea about what you’re talking about, your statement is the perfect example, it’s like you want to believe it so much you just create a fantasy and believe it regardless of facts, but as I said do some checking and you’ll find you’re completely wrong.


“”” Putin gave huge tax incentives to Russian companies/industry to expand and replace the supply of high tech EU and US products that Turkey could no longer source [due to EU and US sanctions], and now they have they’re very heavily dependent on exports to Turkey.”””

What is that supposed to mean?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It means exactly what I said. Putin gave a lot of VERY HIGH TECH Russian companies involved in heavy industry massive tax incentives to expand their businesses and start producing the things the Turks could no longer source from other parties, especially things like high end military equipment. And if the Turks stopped buying all this new equipment all of a sudden, a lot of those Russian companies would no longer have a market for the goods they were producing, some of them would have to shrink, and some of them could also possibly even fail. And in both cases a lot of well trained experts that work in those industries would be out of jobs, and if they haven’t got new jobs to go to [which they mostly wont], they’ll have to take on less important jobs and no longer be as productive for the Russian economy, and no country like seeing it’s industry shrink, ESPECIALLY INDUSTRY INVOLVED IN HIGH TECH HEAVY PRODUCTION.


Your assessment is flawed, Putin or any other intelligent world leader would not put all his eggs in one basket. Turkey buys from Russia because they are not able to manufacture the product themselves. There are many countries worldwide that would do business with Russia as the western economies decline. Your infatuation that Russia relies on Turkey for its well being economically is nonsense.

Turkey ranks 7th in trade volume with Russia, China, Netherlands, Germany, Belarus, US, Italy precede Turkey.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I didn’t say Russia relies on Turkey, stop putting words in my mouth, I said “Russia has more to lose than Turkey does”, and “some important Russian companies have become dependent on those sales”, you’re the one saying Turkey has more to lose than Russia, AND THAT’S WRONG. And the S-400’s are now in the process of becoming a part of the Russia has more to lose than Turkey if they split equation.


In view of Turkish behavior towards Russian interests, those companies you call vulnerable, will diversify their operations. Turkey is currently under sanctions and it does not have the economic self sufficiency. I don’t think Russia cares much if Turkey buys more S400 or aircraft from them. Russia can sell those weapons to more reliant trading partners.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Hopefully Putin’s already warned his industry heads and taking measures to counter any problems just in case Turkey does do a backflip, and I suspect he has already has, if nothing else he’s usually one step ahead of the competition, sadly industry may not be able to diversify as easily as Putin wants, so finding new markets would be a better option I think.

cechas vodobenikov

as usual fatuous, ignorant

Willing Conscience (The Truths

What you call fatuous is actually called honesty, which is something people like you can’t accept because you prefer to believe propaganda, so you go live in your world of make believe fantasy and let me tell the truth.

cechas vodobenikov

Syria has created dread amongst amerikan generals. they observe the superiority of Russian troops. they are also dismayed that experience in Syria has produced many innovations in weapons and tactical use of weapons and unit coordination. as the amerikan planner Jeffries noted when Turkey challenged Russian troops the “cut to shit in pieces”. amerikans will always defeat themselves. their LGBT military is in negotiation w Antifa now to appoint hunter drug tsar and create new autonomous zone pederast San Francisco, transgender oblast Seattle, etc


Russians are so “scary” in Syria, Turkish military has to escort them.


I don’t get the Kurds, they have such an illogical and naive agenda. On the one hand they’re old-school leftist/marxists, but on the other they also love the US government. They also want their own homeland, but would prefer to let the Turk-backed jihadi’s defeat them yet again rather than ally with the Syrian government and fight them together. At best, they’ve only ever had token cooperation with the SAA.

Even after the US withdrew much of its forces, they still clung to Uncle Sam’s coattails like some sort of pathetic dumped girlfriend. Perhaps like many in Eastern Europe, they still foolishly believe the myth of American invincibility and will do anything to stay with them. Kinda sad.

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