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MARCH 2025

In Videos: Syrian Air Defense Activated To Repel Israeli Strikes On Damascus, Daraa

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Late on August 31, air defense forces of Syria were activated to repel an Israeli missile strike on the countryside of the Syrian capital of Damascus and the southern part of the country.

According to reports, Israeli missiles targeted positions of Iranian-backed forces in the area of Mahajah and Hezbollah positions in the area of Izraa in the province of Daraa. Another group of missiles reportedly hit alleged positions of Iranian-backed forces in the area of Sahnaya in the Damascus countryside.

The missiles were allegedly launched from the area of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. According to Syrian media, at least 2 people were killed and 7 others were injured in the attack. The material damage was also reported.


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johnny rotten

Against all human and divine law, the cowardice of these attacks clarifies beyond any reasonable doubt the criminal and inhuman nature of israhell, without however obtaining any militarily useful results.


What’s that roach? we like to smash scums like you.

Aaron Aarons

Aren’t you Zioscum too busy copulating with the Gulf monarchist scum?


I’ll be alot busy when they call me back to service, old fuck.

Lux et Veritas

Angry teenage hasbara troll would be lucky to jerk off.


The terrorist Ziojew filth are trying to tell Iran “we know where you are”. Unfortunately for them, only an all-out Zioterrorist invasion could keep Iran from deploying more forces and weapons in Syria.

Fog of War

They have Hezbollah where they want them as Israhell wants Hezbollah to retaliate. However, if that happens uncle ZioAmerica will step in. Hezbollah knows this and is trapped.


Hezbollah said that they will kill a Zionist IDF coward for every soldier, wonder when Syria will ever hit back? if ever. This time many Syrians were killed and so far nothing in response.


There we go I missed it, took us some time to return to action. Where are the Hezbollah rats? I’m still waiting for their response. Uniforms and backpack are ready for my call.


All these strikes over several years & Israel is still waiting for Iran to get out of Syria, I predict they will have a long wait.


I agree, it’s time to enter Syria with ground forces to the other side of the Golan.

Icarus Tanović

Let’s just say that you are a coward.


Not at all, if you want me come and get me in Israael. Period.


When the global Ziocorporate terrorists almost killed Assad in the 2012 bombing in Damascus they wouldn’t have guessed that 8 yrs later they’d have to be dealing with Iranian fighters and SAM systems right next to the Rothschild neocolony in Palestine.

Lux et Veritas

Syria even though hampered by the Jew Putin, need to fight back.

Servet Köseoğlu

LMAOOO….Syrian ministry of tourism presentating:Exotic nights under the syrian sky..book us from booking.com and you will see the falling missiles to your balcon….looks like this song will play on loop eternally over Syria..



Codenamed 'Gordon'

Turk hasbara troll at work

Servet Köseoğlu

here is the one sentence guy..ı will buy you chocolate when you complete the sentences..ps:your avatar is telling the opposite,you are the one hell of troll…

Furkan Sahin

i am turk i hate Erdogan

Servet Köseoğlu

so what jack ass?am ı supposed to start drink whisky,divorce my wife,start living at south korea because you hate him…

Furkan Sahin

no Erdogan just support terrorist Long live Ekrem Imamoglu :D

Icarus Tanović

Don’t talk to him. He’s a Wahhabi hypocrite.


Bulgaria would be a much shorter drive for you. Would still be able to sit by the Black Sea and consume much Rakia brandy.

Servet Köseoğlu

shorter but south korea loves us(korean war)..different culture ı will attend star-craft tournaments at internet cafe..

Furkan Sahin

he is worst president happend in Turkey

Servet Köseoğlu

with that english,,ı am woooow how you manage to log in here…

Furkan Sahin

haha you are funny

Furkan Sahin

do you support Erodgan or what?

Servet Köseoğlu

time to sleep..ı dont have to listen”cataclysm”

Icarus Tanović

Yes, he is.

Jens Holm

I have seen the commerciels. Its open air arrangements in houses with no roof:) . UN is feeding them.

Lazy Gamer

And then Nasrallah says, they lost a brigade. lol This one is on Nasrallah. lol

In Exile

I have an ancestor buried in Damascus he died doing his duty for the bankers in WW1. To date Mister Goldberg hasn’t paid the family any compensation though he did get some cheap cupro nickel medals too bad Harold never got to see them. Time for Goldberg to pony up.

Assad must stay

I wonder if Iran’s new SAM system were used?

Furkan Sahin

Assad must buy 50 pantsir to protect all of Syria


Yes, Syria needs more. Pantsir has proven it’s worth in point defense, they also need more Russian Electronic Warfare.

Assad must stay

russia should just give some to him free of charge

Антон С

Russia doesn’t owe anyone anything, except own citizens.

Assad must stay

Wasn’t talking about owing anyone

Jim Allen

The commitments Russia has made to it’s allies. But then it’s keeping it’s commitments to the letter.

Антон С

Is there any treaty with Syria with obligations to gift expensive hardware? The biggest possible gift is discount to the level of internal price, i.e price with no margin and some humanitarian aid.

Lux et Veritas

Not as long as Putin is in cahoots with his Zionist masters.

Assad must stay

do u know if they downed any zionist aircraft?

Assad must stay

do u know if they downed any of the missiles? i read on almasdarnews that iran deployed the third khordad somewhere on syrian-lebanese border

Fog of War

The Golan is Syrian airspace is it not ?

Fog of War

It is legally, historically, and demographically Syrian. Therefore, the Khazars are attacking Syria from Syrian territory and should be blown out of the sky. All perfectly legal of course.

Potato Man

I still believe they are looking for all out war, October is coming and they can’t stop it. Iran is strong and getting stronger, and we see the failure of Wahhabi States to the point they are openly asking for help from Israel. Syria and Iraq also slowly rebuilding their country. The stronger Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon become the deeper Zion and Wahhabi States grave will be.

Free man

cão que ladra não morde : https://twitter.com/Faytuks/status/1300536418595373056




u know how this ended? why didn’t you show it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-YQdQN3d9c

Free man

The video in my post best expresses the relationship between the Islamist Jihadist Republic and Israel. The Mullahs regime barks stupidity and receives blows from Israel.

Rodney Loder

Nobody minded when the vermin Jew maggots were abusing me and my children all these many long decades, knowingly I’ve had to put it with their criminal abuse and insanity for nearly half a century before that for 20 years it was much worse, anyhow the maggots claim there is good Jews out there not Zionists, but let me tell you something about Jew eschatology, every Jew believes the Jews will arise from Jerusalem in the final years and many Nations will support them and recognise their rubbish about Yahoo or whatever they call their BS, furthermore maggot Jews believe Christ (me) is being boiled in excrement as I post, they tried to literally convince the world of that rubbish by abusing me in like manner now I’ve heard some of the principal’s are dying disciples of the homosexual Sid Loder, and about to receive Judgement, what goes around comes around.


You can join Aaron here, 2 old fucks waiting to go to the grave. Don’t forget to burn in hell while you’re there.


Your life may be a lot shorter than you think, once the zionist attack dog USA descends into the coming civil war.


Let’s see about that.

Rodney Loder

The difference between you and me is the fact your a liar and I’m not, the discerning difference between you and me is the fact that everyone knows it Jew maggot.

Why don’t you publish your name and address like I do I’m Terry Loder on Quora my address is accurate along with my name and identity, my Salafist Brothers would enjoy meeting you little lying little Jew maggot, also I’m RTfriend on One Political Plaza why don’t you join up as a Trump supporter and discredit me Jew maggot, , I’ll tell you why you don’t Jew maggot, it’s because they all know and accept me anyhow Jew maggot.


I’m a Jew superior for you filthy old scum. You and your Islamic pigs are welcomed to come and meet me and my unit on the battlefield anytime. I will blow your heads off motherfuckers.

Rodney Loder

The battle field is only a couple of months away, President Trump might unfortunately lose but even so if Biden wins and China and Russia take over economically and financially joining with maggot Jews against the Atlantic Alliance, I still can’t imagine a Chinese or Russian except the retarded Russians living in Israel already sacrificing themselves for lying child abusing Jews, it will just take a bit longer to clean the garbage out of the Holy Land that’s all.


You aren’t Christ, you blasphemous fool

Rodney Loder

Well I did bring the Holy Ghost to Earth explaining beginning within the construct of the reason for it, the homosexual Sid Loder and his disciples used my Power of God capabilities simply by torturing me all these years, many long “all these years” only by extending that reason to humanity who supported the pig, everything the Freemason vermin used my intellectual property for turned out to be dead wrong, that’s one thing there are many others, bescides that do you want to be the servant of a Jew maggot ?, does Assad like Damascus being targeted continually ?,

Wouldn’t it be better to tell the truth and obey the law and let my Salafist Brothers live in peace by recognising reality, dumping General Haftar and send the Kurds back to wherever, no matter wherever that is that they came from ?.

Brother Erdogan is not interested in occupying Syria he knows Scici UAE and KSA are 3 evils and wants them gone that’s all.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

2 Hezbollah fighters killed and 7 injured by the Israeli attacks, and sadly a woman was also killed and her husband injured by an anti aircraft missile that landed on them.

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