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MARCH 2025

In Videos: Syrian Air Defense Forces Employed To Repel New Wave Of Israeli Strikes

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In Videos: Syrian Air Defense Forces Employed To Repel New Wave Of Israeli Strikes

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Early on February 15, air defense forces of the Syrian military were activated to repel a new wave of Israeli strikes on the country.

The attack took place at 01:18 am local time and the Israeli missiles were launched from the direction of the occupied Golan Heights, according to Syrian state media.

The strike were aimed at targets in the surroundings of Damascus City.


The impact of the strike currently remains unclear.


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klove and light

treacherous zionist pig putin.period.

death to america death to israel curse on the jews—houthis………spot on!

Jens Holm

Dont offend the pigs. They are more usefull then You. We even export them and decide their destination.

3 Syrians maybee ISIS friends to You are jailed here. 12 others close to them are more or less jailed too https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f1cf4767ec3ac2a5034d755c741ce227b4cda65a5aece7e8afcf627f08f06fa4.jpg

They are cute and better swimmers then Yours as well.


Thank you hasbara warrior. You’re dismissed. You can go contaminate yourself with Pfizer vaccine. We’re very thankful for your bravery.


Pfizer vaccine is working miracles in Israel … 92% effective

Israel will be the FIRST country to be fully immunized by the end of March …. in time for Passover

Passover … the holiday Christians call Easter when Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem … eh?

Jens Holm

Very unclear cloudy article. At least it was short. Thanks for that.

It can be confirmed it happend. One source says 6 non syrians was killed.

Adam Prisbit

yes 6 IRGC terrorists send to paradise by IDF F-35 glide bomb sdb-39


Just sleeping woman and children as always.


There will be many more ‘sleeping’ soon enough … MAKE MY DAY


Frankly, only an insecure dolt would upvote themselves. No one likes Jews.


No one likes the vile Iranian Police State …

Rhodium 10

As Usual pro oposition&Zionist propagande told the same in each IAF attacks!…7 years doing the same while every week 3-4 Iran 747 cargo send weapons to Syria and SAD shot down expensive Israeli missile…


Denial …

Adam Prisbit

sheet off! I bet you sold your rhoidum already! miss out on price spike? hehe

J Ramirez


Adam Prisbit

yes ok hispanic lard

J Ramirez

You get but hurt so easily :)

J Ramirez

How was copper wire invented? Two jews fighting over a penny.

Adam Prisbit

Hehe! IDF F-35 jammed Syrian air defense system, missile seeker confused and crashed into ground! ON VIDEO! Mighty Israeli electronic warfare is unbeatable. Sorry S-400.

F-35 an/asq-235 barracuda ECM most POWERFUL electronic warfare pod in history of warfare.


Putin is protecting the Zionists and no S400 has ever been used. Another excited teenage hasbara troll eh!


You’re the punk …

J Ramirez

You got your feelings hurt, so sorry ;}


Hardly …. I’m not a punk … eh?

Adam Prisbit

and to the piss off you go!

Just Me



thought it was a cousin of adolf hitler, striking resemblance in face and mind. must be lamp-posted asap.


nazi will get his comeuppance … eh verner?


Scary …. lol

Adam Prisbit

Syrian Pantsir destroyed! IRGC ballistic missile also destroyed in bunker! Syrian air defense missile JAMMED and crashed back down to ground! HE HE suckas

Just Me

What kind of a desperate Jew A$$hole upvotes themselves ROFLMAO!

Adam Prisbit

to the piss off you go! SHIT HED

Adam Prisbit

I smoke truth and supreme law of God of Judae all day Yeshua. You see? Iran antisemite piece of shet! I judo throw you into Earth orbit! You will fly into another universe dimenson outer space! Krav maga my whole life I fight punks for living


It is quite incredulous that Russia and specifically Putin is allowing this militarily pointless Zionist aggression against Syria, endangering its own forces and credibility. It is time to hit Zionist planes over Occupied Golan and Lebanon.

Supreme Blyat

They should buy more S-300, Tor, Buk, Srela, Pantsir.


Frankly, Russia needs to up its game. The S300 are enough to down any Zionist aircraft but Putin needs to authorize their use. The S300 radar is adequate to cover all of Occupied Palestine and Lebanon.

Supreme Blyat

Why should Russia care about Palestine and Lebanon? The majority of the Muslim countries don’t care.


True, but Russia pretends to be Syria’s “ally” and is losing men to Zionists and America. Not long since IL 20 was downed.

Supreme Blyat

Some times you must know your place in the global economy. Soviets didn’t, China did.


No Russians killed …

No Russian bases attacked …


Putin could hit those bases where the missiles are launched with Kalibr missiles,its clear at the moment he doesn’t want to do that,why i am not sure about.


Putin going to war against Israel?


Why would he?


Why buy it then … hello?

Who are you fooling?

The thing is a piece of JUNK …

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Putin can neither will nor will interfere in wars in ME. Russia only protects its bases and helps Syria fight criminal IS in Syria.


The Axis of Resistance has ONE THING IN COMMON …

They have NO AIR FORCE … capable of defending themselves … hello?


Russia entered the Syrian war in 2015 with specific military and political objectives. I’m not going to explain them here …. google it.

These objectives weren’t to defeat Israel on behalf of the Arabs, start WW3 or to supplant the USA as Saudi Arabia’s protector in exchange for the ruble as the worlds oil trading currency.

Please explain how going to war with Israel on behalf of Syria or iran advances Russia’s objectives in Syria?

Is it not enough for you that they are helping the Syrians fight insurgents … you seem to think they should risk war with Israel and the USA and the massive expense and Russian lives that goes with it as well.

Just how would starting a war against Israel make the Russian people more secure or make their lives better or safer in any way?

The Russian military serves the Russian people not Syria …. the same way the US military serves US based corporations and their investors, not the US people.

Rhodium 10

Russia has provided enough air defense to Syria beside radar warning alert….all israeli missile have been shot down like in last attack vs Damascus…this is just a training for Syrian air defense!..of course Debris can cause damage on ground beside AD missile when dive to hit low incoming target close to buildings.

Just Me

As usual the Zionist cowards are killing Syrian civilians as by any standard these long range stand off missiles have zero strategic value. The Zionist scum are just committing more war crimes with Putin’s collusion.



200 DEAD IRGC TROOPS killed in the last few months by IDF … reported

Blaming Putin? Why not your mommy? The Ayatollah Khamanei? pmsl


I’ve said it before and i’ll say it again – a people that after 2000 years have not learned the rules that regulates the intercourse between people and countries and thus is in continuous breach of those rules does not have the right to continue being part of mankind, that right is forfeited and the people, the jews, must be terminated by the rest of mankind – it is unacceptable that one people, the jews, put the entire mankind at risk and it is better for mankind to draw the conclusion that the world will be a better and more peaceful place when the jews are gone, and that means no jews, ever anywhere.


A world without Jews would be peaceful and more human.


That’s all you say verner … ya f/kn nazi swine

johnny rotten

The frustration of the Zionists grows every hour, but all that remains is to make a show, being careful not to hit real targets because they fear the harsh reaction of the Axis of the Resistance, their wet dream remains to drag their Western servants into a war on their behalf, a clearly suicidal dream because if the region catches fire they will be wiped out in an amen.


Denial is that ALL YOU GOT? lol

Schoolyard braggarts … a punk

Concrete Mike

Keep chest thumping you waffen ss nazi pig!


Count on it … ya f/kn slug


Cheering up the ‘troops’ who are losing belief in the ‘cause’ … Ali?


Hind Abyad

Yes Ali, tell us who finances your SOHR?

Proud Hindu

Lol.Shiite militias destroyed by mighty Israeli!


Frankly, the Zionist cowards need to be hit.



Supreme Blyat

Syria should buy more S-300 systems if they want to be fully covered. Wonder why they didn’t figure that out yet.


Major problem is Lebanon,those bastards violate their airspce every day and the Lebanise still haven’t built an airforce or state of the art air defence system,its been going on for decades,so they have had plenty of time to do it.



Lebanon = Hezbollah = IRGC

Soleimani is DEAD … hello?

That was YOUR brightest candle … eh?


Supreme Blyat

Russian warplanes enter Lebanon airspace from time to time. But Israel is ready for anyrhing if red line is crossed. Latakia is not that important for Russia to start WWIII.


They’re pieces of JUNK … that’s why!

Supreme Blyat

That’s what everyonelse believe, but Russians know the truth


They’re pieces of JUNK …

if Putin’s lips are moving he’s lying


I wonder if that will ‘cross the red line’ set by the Iranian minister … eh?

I’m sure we’ll know by the morning … eh? LET ME BET … the Iranian minister will wuss out … like the paper tiger he is … meow

The Jews/Zionists/Israelis have a few of their OWN ‘red lines’ … eh?

Let me predict that if Iran crosses ONE of Israel’s ‘red lines’ the vile Shia Police State will be crushed … eh?


The Objective

Damn it!


the jews must go, be terminated, buried, lamp-posted since no peace in the world as long as one single friggin pervert jew is allowed to kick about. the world needs the jews as much as netanyahu needs a hole in his head!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Hitting pro Iranian targets again,

“Syrian Army 4th division hit by Israeli missile in South West Damascus Note, some AD batteries which were active earlier were stationed very close by to the 4th division in South Qudssaya. MoD did not announce any injuries or dead, but it did not mention only material damage”,

“The outcome of Israel’s strikes near Damascus on Sunday / Monday night: Six non-Syrian fighters were killed”.

The Syrian Government recently stood down alert levels for the army and they’re now concentrating on eliminating Isis from the central desert areas, and what is Iran doing, they’re pulling their forces out of the central desert areas and sending them south to reinforcing their troops stationed in the southern Governorates near Israel. So how is that helping Syria, Iran’s protecting Syria from Israel which is only attacking Syria because Iran’s menacing them at the border, what a ridiculous scenario, meanwhile Isis has free reign to do what it wants in Deir ez Zor, so another hilarious episode of the Keystone Cops.

Where are the mighty air defense systems Iran !!! PROMISED !!! to send to Syria, they were supposed to stop the Israelis airstrikes 12 months ago but they still haven’t arrived yet, or did one of them arrive on Monday but now it’s blown to smithereens, maybe that’s what’s happened to all the Iranian AA systems, they do send them to Syria but they get blown up before they can be deployed. Anybody know the real reason the Iranians still haven got AA systems operating in Syria more than 12 months after they PROMISED to deploy them, I’d love to hear the reason/excuse.

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