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In Videos: Syrian Army Is Advancing In Southern Idlib

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Over the past few days, the Syrian Army and its allies have liberated over two dozens of villages from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and its allies in southern Idlib. MORE HERE


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You can call me Al

Did I see Tiger forces !!……. yabadabadoo.


At the gates of Jarjanaz now Al!

Hasbara Hunter

Noice ain’t it Brother?

Icarus Tanović

Nice, ain’t it, brother? Yes it is…

Concrete Mike

…your dutch yet you talk like north american folks, me and my wife have been saying noice fornyears. Its bizzare

I love you bro5her dont change.


The evil influence of American movies and TV series? ;-)

I got berated in secondary education (or high school as you would call it) for speaking English with an American accent already back in the 80’s.

Hasbara Hunter

Been hangin’ around with you guys too friggin long I guess….hehehe….much love here to Brother….


idlib is just a matter of time whatever the ever evil squatters hope for or the more than unhinged states of A ever can hope for – they’re are toast and the kurds better get in line as the tenants in the borderland. and once the american/israeli orchestrated war is won by assad, the squatters will be next in line. what with turkey and iran and war trained syria and iraq, the squatters don’t stand a chance and will be obliterated to wet stains in the sand of palestine. a day to behold!

Clyde Cash

Do not hesitate any longer. ADVANCE TO IDLIB!


Just read on AMN News that SAA have surrounded Turkish observation post at Sarman. However, they are allowing Turkish troops use of the road to re-supply themselves. Russian forces will take over responsibility in the coming days. Tigers and the 5th on a roll.

Avi Schwartz (IDF:71, hamas:0)

IDF have just struck the butcher regime and its IRGC allies in Damascus! Mazel Tov, Israeli Airforce! Rumors that the IDF have also destroyed an Iranian Bavar 373 air defense system at T4 Airbase! Huge if true! :D

Hasbara Hunter

Hahahaha you are going DOWN CUNT…hahahahaha you are so fuckn done Filthy Khazarian ZioNazi Epstein Parasite…The Last pitiful remnants of Your Headchopping AngloZioNazi Vermin In Idlibistan are getting Exterminated at this very moment


Icarus Tanović

Hahahaha, you rock buddy!

John Wallace

Did your dad tell you that . No one believes a word he says so follows nothing you say is true either. Is that Dead IDF 71 Hamas 0 . sounds about right. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/369d069c088173683c862f027c2892dd6cc8d32c8a43f9196c6266ad364ba378.jpg

Concrete Mike

Al nusrah air support didnt change a damn thing on the ground.

Go fuck yourself usurper of the jewish faith.


Rumors also say you are dumb, even for a clown-faced troll, so what :)

J Ramirez

Is it true that Jewish don’t buy diesel cars? Something about the smell and home cooking ;}

Concrete Mike

Looks like your airstrike failed.

Thanks.for the free.intel.beforehand shitnhead!!

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Butcher to whom of importance? Run of the mill criminal, gangster, psychopaths who work for various Salafist orgs, funded and supported by Israel, KSA, Qatar, UK, France, USA, et al? Sad that you cheer on the side of these mooks. Speaks volumes about your character.

Hasbara Hunter

Hahahahahahaha Erdogan is asking the European Union to help his Headchopping brothers in Idlib…All them AngloZioNazi Headchoppers are running for the Turkish Border


Icarus Tanović

Just sent them more, from Europe more Wahhabi pigggggggs, we will done with them.

Icarus Tanović

Run to Turkey you cowardly pigs, just run. Erdogan’s regime will save you, Wahhabi cockroaches.

anders hansen

Why is Putin not sending them some t72 instead of that old t55 shit tanks, they have 1000 and 1000 in there reserve chambers , when giving them some few T90 even

Azriel Herskowitz

Israeli strikes on Mullah terrorist positions in Syria! Syrian “air defenses” failed miserably trying to stop IDF strikes. Soon T4 will be reduced to rubble!


You’v got mail. Tiger spam for Jacob Liarwitz. :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/891e929023165434e107503c7242adab16412632a94090f58610e3ea8e81df4e.jpg

John Wallace

Never give up on your Fake News do you dog shit. Crying your heart out yesterday when found out on your lies and again today the bullshit flows. If you were turned into a blow up dildo you would still be useless as you would be so full of holes no one could get you hard enough to use.

John Wallace

I am off to Auschwitz showers to have a wank and see if I can put some life into the place. Want to come with and see if you can get your grandparents back.

J Ramirez

What’s the difference between a Jew and a canoe? Give up? You might get a tip from a canoe ;}

J Ramirez

How was copper wire invented? Two jews fighting over a penny.

Pit-Stop SixtyFive

der ewige jude …

Concrete Mike

Word on the street is that all missiles were intercepted.

IDF failed miserably. IDF failed at airnsupport ofnal.nusrahhh

Hahahaha go cry.some.more bitch!!!

J Ramirez

Hitler calls a meeting of his best soldiers and commanders and tells them “Alright I want to order the assassination of one thousand jews and four hedgehogs.” Then one of his generals stands and says “But… Mein furhur why four hedgehogs?” Hitler then smiles and says “See? No one gives a f*ck about the jews.”

J Ramirez

What’s faster than a speeding bullet? A Jew with a coupon.

J Ramirez

Who’s the most famous Jewish cook in history? Hitler.

J Ramirez

How do you start a Jewish parade? Throw a penny down main street.

J Ramirez

What is the difference between a Jew and a boy scout? the boy Scott gets to go home after camp.

J Ramirez

Guy gets pulled over in his car by a pair of dudes in balaclavas, pointing guns in his face. Terrorist (menacing voice): “Are you a Catholic or a Protestant?” Driver, panicking, doesn’t know which answer will save his life, has a bright idea. Driver: “Neither, actually. In fact I’m Jewish.” Terrorist shouts to other terrorist: “Fucking hell Abdul, we’ve got one at last!”

J Ramirez

How do you fit 100 Jews in a car? Three in the back, two in the front and the rest in the ashtray.

J Ramirez

What is the difference between Harry Potter and a jew? Harry Potter escaped the chamber.

J Ramirez

Should I keep going or you want to shut the fuck up already?

Azriel Herskowitz

Get this antisemitic crap out of here

J Ramirez

Get your Jewish crap out here!

J Ramirez

Anti-Semitism or a justifiable demand that Israelis stop persecuting Palestinians? The reality is that by simply asking such a valid question innocent people can become targets for unjustified accusations of anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial which together have become the most powerful weapon — by conflating Zionism with Judaism — for silencing criticism of, or preventing activism against Israeli violations of international law including a barbarous disregard for human rights. Maintaining this effective Zionist policy has required the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and other Jewish groups to covertly contribute vast sums, to politically coerce, and to calculatingly con the mainstream media into perpetuating the totally false premise that only Jews are semites. This appropriation of the word “semite” and the subsequent evolvement of the term “anti-Semitism” has with irresponsible impunity facilitated the silencing of Israel’s critics even to the extent of wrecking their careers, their social standing, and their lives. Consequently people in politics, the media, and other public service professions cringe at at the thought of being labeled, “anti-semitic” and unfortunately — even against the better judgment of their conscience — succumb to Zionist blackmail, bribery, or bullying and publicly present themselves as being diehard supporters of Israel.

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

And the fact that many are not even Semitic to begin with! No real roots to the original tribes mentioned in the OT. Eastern European, Russian, Mongolian, Khazarian, et al. But not Semitic.

S Melanson

I suppose that includes Orthodox Jews that view Zionism as an affront to God. The revelation at Sinai of Jewish atonement as judged by God as a Pre-condition for establishing a Jewish nation was thrown into the rubbish can by the Zionists. Zionism presumes Jewish atonement in establishing a nation state through violence.

I do not oppose a homeland, but your methods are taking the world down a path best not travelled as the destination is the Golan heights I fear where the short lived Jewish nation will fall along with many other nations.

There is another path and difficult as it may be, your young nation has been through worse.

John Wallace

You come here by choice and continually spread fake news and lies and YOU want to complain with what comes back. YOU are the problem so YOU FUCK OFF YOU anti semite shit stirring piece of dog shit. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/859b41962e27e26de9cd3300eff8667c2d73d966262805455b7b645590f1c6aa.jpg

John Wallace

Heard of the boy who forever cried wolf. You are forever crying antisemtism to shut down those you don’t agree with but you are the one causing the problem. So throw the shit expect some back. If you can’t take it , and you can’t, don’t throw it. Crying antisemtic does not give you a free pass. You get what you ask for ..


At least be honest Israeli is trying to protect the jihadis in Idlib from certain defeat – it happens all the time the SAA make advances

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The SAA’s cutting through the terrorists like a hot knife cuts through butter, they make it look so damn easy when they’re allowed to, so hopefully no one stops them before they finish the job properly. Just a few more days of this and the war for Idlib will be over, once the refugees start stampeding across the Turkish border Turkey’s stuffed, and the refugees are already crossing in big numbers already. NO MORE CEASEFIRES.

Liberal guy

How much days it will take to destroy there left flank marat Al numan

S Melanson

I have noticed a fair number of new faces in the comments sections singing the praises of the IDF and the Jewish nation. I think most here know what you are about but I have an important message for your handlers – they probably know well enough but I feel an urge to remind them.

In response to one of your posts claiming anti Semitic I had this to say:

I suppose that includes Orthodox Jews that view Zionism as an affront to God. The revelation at Sinai of Jewish atonement as judged by God as a Pre-condition for establishing a Jewish nation was thrown into the rubbish can by the Zionists. Zionism presumes Jewish atonement in establishing a nation state through violence.

I do not oppose a homeland, but your methods are taking the world down a path best not travelled as the destination is the Golan heights I fear where the short lived Jewish nation will fall along with many other nations.

There is another path and difficult as it may be, your young nation has been through worse.

Karen Bartlett

Go, SAA and Tiger Forces!

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