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“Indefinite” Ceasefire In Eastern Ukraine Is About To Collapse Just A Few Days After Its Start

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"Indefinite" Ceasefire In Eastern Ukraine Is About To Collapse Just A Few Days After Its Start

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The “comprehensive and complete ceasefire” in eastern Ukraine appears to be rapidly approaching its complete failure.

According to the Office of the People’s Militia of the Donetsk People’s Republic, despite the fact that the Ukrainian Armed Forces constantly violate the cease-fire regime, the Ukrainian command is not in a hurry to dish out any punishment on the guilty personnel.

“Within three days, the armed forces violate the existing truce, however, no trial or punishment of the perpetrators is presented by the Ukrainian side, which demonstrates who the true perpetrators behind the shelling are,” the Donetsk news agency reported.

The agreement for the indefinite and complete ceasefire in the Donbass came into force on July 21st, and it was in effect for approximately 12 hours, after which the DPR accused the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) of breaching it.

Mikhailovka, Gagarin, Verkhnetoretsk, Vasilyevka came under fire from various types of grenade launchers and small arms, including large-caliber weapons.

On the afternoon of July 23rd, for the first time since the beginning of the truce, the Ukrainian side used mortars in the shelling of the Dokuchaevsk frontline. The DPR expects heavier equipment to start being used soon.

As the head of the press service of the People’s Militia Department of the DPR, Major Daniil Bezsonov, said at a briefing in Donetsk, the Ukrainian military stationed 122- and 152-mm artillery pieces to the west of Gorlovka.

“According to the data we received from the territory controlled by Ukraine, a large concentration of enemy equipment was recorded in the area of forest near the Kalinovo and Tarasovka settlements,” Bezsonov said.

This not only means the actual breakdown of the truce, but also violates the provisions of the Minsk agreements on the withdrawal line.

On the Ukrainian side, the UAF said that it adhered to the ceasefire, but it had to stop invaders from the Luhansk People’s Republic.

“In the zone of action of tactical force “North”, Russian-led troops launched one attack from automatic grenade launcher and small arms on Ukrainian positions near Luhanske [59km north-east of Donetsk],” the press center of the Joint Forces Operation (JFO) Headquarters reports.

No casualties among Ukrainian troops were reported.

According to Ukrainian intelligence, three “invaders” were killed and another one was injured in an explosive device blast on July 23.

“The invaders” hadn’t violated the ceasefire as of mid-day on July 24th, the Ukrainian side claimed.

The UAF also alleged that ‘Russian snipers’ had arrived in the DPR and were destroying surveillance cameras of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission (SMM).

“According to available information, groups of Russian snipers arrived in occupied Donetsk with the task of preparing for and carrying out the elimination of the surveillance cameras that were installed in accordance with the Minsk agreements. This is an additional sign of deceit and of the Russian troops’ disrespect of international agreements,” the JFO report said.

The OSCE SMM, on its part, sent Chair of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s General Committee on Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Questions, Kyriakos Hadjiyianni and former chair Margareta Kiener Nellen to Mariupol on July 22nd.

“No more dead, no more wounded! I urge to strictly respect International Humanitarian Law and to demilitarize all villages,” Kiener Nellen stated.

And, indeed, on July 22nd the OSCE SMM saw less violations of the ceasefire.

Regardless, both sides had weaponry and fortified positions beyond the withdrawal lines and in the security zones, with Ukraine having significantly more.

The UAF somewhat reduced the frequency of their shelling, but traditionally in the last months, it is the UAF which has more weaponry beyond the withdrawal lines and continues shelling civilian infrastructure in the DPR/LPR.


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“Office of the People’s Militia of the Donetsk People’s Republic”… on short, terrorists.

cristi cristikosk



And ?

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/22abbbf2031a50af531a9a4692fdf05d3c629a3c9ab26fb24a1c7e7373a42e6b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4002b209bb66cea0ebf4b8c551d00db930d25e731648da5ad93c127ddb2ed940.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0e90d0a40f4f3db973956d90a82e05302f39e2ba4601ffbed4e046de355981d1.jpg

Black Waters

Those extremists are from Ukraine not donetsk or lugansk.

Second time i notice how you try to twist facts, you little hasbara troll.


Actually those are from moscow


Yes, you are right. It was a meeting organised by Navalni in 2012 in Moscow. I am glad you named this jew ( supported by soros) a terrorist. Thanks, Great exposure. You shot yourself badly. Bleed on. Lol.


OMG I named Navalni in your mind, please call the ambulance, don’t let me die like Navalni, I’m too young to die!


Navalni is still alive and you live in a world of delusions. No cure for such cases but it’s common knowledge they commit suicides. I’d rather not call an ambulance for you.:)


Dobry! :)


search nazi any country and you get pictures like that. https://www.google.com/search?q=USA+nazi&rlz=1C5CHFA_enCA827CA829&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjs0snSxs7jAhWIZM0KHRBHDBwQ_AUIESgB&biw=1750&bih=907 The difference with the Ukraine is Nazi’s held key positions in the governments and Nazi paramilitary organizations like Svoboda and Azov Batallion are armed and fight for the government. Russia has it’s National Unity party but I don’t believe they hold any seats and they certainly don’t fight for the Russian army.


Yeh many of those Berkut troops who were disbanded after shamefully defeated in Kiev originated from Donbas and when returned home formed armed gangs and attacked police stations so on.


No one denies there are nazis in Russia, US or anywhere else. But in Ukraine there are in power and fighting against ukranian citizens of russian etnicity. That is a hell lot of diference.


Nasty bitches


Yep. Terrorists to the Uke’s and freedom fighters to the Ruskies. It’s just a matter of perspective


Russia is the second terrorist country after China if terrorist means killing civilians and political dissidents.


Russia kills political dissidents? Russia doesn’t even have capital punishment. What are you talking about?


Who needs laws in Russia?


So in other word you’re just playing Lone Ranger to Toronto’s Tonto.


I’m playing with your fragile feelings


No doubt you are however you are barking up the wrong tree. It’s not you it’s me …. I’m just not into hairy assholes …. perhaps your buddy Tonto will be more receptive with your advances.


Go suck your last drop of vodka and beat your mom to give you her pension for more



Zionism = EVIL



Kadirovites got a good kick at the Donetsk airport from Ukraine’s helicopters

Toronto Tonto

Putin needs to pull out all his troops and weapons out of Ukraine and everything will be fine .

Zionism = EVIL

You are poster child for mandatory abortion.

Veritas Vincit

– “the United States and its European allies share most of the responsibility for the [Ukraine] crisis. The taproot of the trouble is NATO enlargement, the central element of a larger strategy to move Ukraine out of Russia’s orbit and integrate it into the West [EU economic and NATO military bloc]… Since the mid-1990s, Russian leaders have adamantly opposed NATO enlargement…” (Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault, Foreign Affairs, 20/08/2014)

– “NATO should’ve been buried at the end of the cold war: instead, the NATO-crats went on the offensive – breaching the understanding reached by Western leaders with then Russian leader Mikhail Gorbachev – and expanded into most of eastern Europe….. The seeds of World War III are being planted…” (Our Cold War With Russia Could Turn Hot, by Justin Raimondo, September 03, 2014)

– ‘Russian General Leonid Ivashev: We are at war’ “Apparently they [US and EU officials] have dedicated themselves, and continue to do so, to deeply and thoroughly studying the doctrine of Dr. Goebbels. . . They present everything backwards from reality. It is one of the formulas which Nazi propaganda employed most successfully: . . . They accuse the party that is defending itself, of aggression. What is happening in Ukraine and Syria is a project of the West, a new type of war: … wars today begin with psychological and information warfare operations. . . under the cover of information commotion, U.S. ships are entering the Black Sea, that is, near Ukraine. They are sending marines, and they have also begun to deploy more tanks in Europe. . . We see that on the heels of the disinformation operation a land-sea, and possibly air operation is being prepared.” (Russian General [Leonid Ivashov]: ‘We Are At War’, February 22, 2014)

In reality, the Cold War never ended, only the format changed. In the ongoing pursuit of global primacy (‘full spectrum dominance’) the U.S./NATO/allied bloc employed deceit successfully to dismantle the Soviet Union and subsequently integrated successive former Soviet states into the still expanding NATO military bloc in violation of former agreements (a project based on the replication of the former Soviet economic/military bloc model but in opposition to Russia). As adversarial operations are expanding/intensifying, the current situation is likely a relative calm preceding the logical progression of conflict (being escalation).

Veritas Vincit

‘The (long planned) integration of Georgia and Ukraine into the U.S./NATO bloc’

The intended project of Georgia and Ukraine (including Crimea) integration into the NATO military bloc (an aspect of broader NATO bloc expansion efforts), facilitated by the political engineering of a client government (through a U.S./NATO sponsored coup in Ukraine) had the objective of stationing NATO military forces/missile architecture ever closer to the border of Russia.

– “We stated that Ukraine, and Georgia, by the way, will become members of NATO” [NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen]. (NATO officials promised Ukraine eventual membership at a summit in 2008).

– “The Ukrainian armed forces are receiving funds, equipment and training in preparation for eventual NATO membership” (Ukraine a NATO Member in Everything but Name, 16/01/2015)

– “Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatseniuk and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg will discuss restoration of the state’s Euro-Atlantic course and [integration of] Ukraine [with] NATO”… “An agenda of the meeting includes [the] interoperability to NATO standards, reformation of defense and security sectors, defense industry and the Armed Forces of Ukraine according to NATO standards, development of interoperability of the Ukrainian army and NATO forces,” (NATO To Discuss Aid To Ukraine For “Hybrid” War With Russia, December 13, 2014)

– “The United States, for its part, were interested in forming a pro-Western government in Ukraine. They saw that Russia is on the rise, and were eager not to let it consolidate its position in the post-Soviet space. The success of the pro-Western forces in Ukraine would allow the U.S. to contain Russia. Russia calls the events that took place at the beginning of this year a coup d’etat organized by the United States. And it truly was the most blatant coup in history.” (Stratfor Chief’s “Most Blatant Coup in History” Interview Translated in Full, 20/01/2015)

While accusations of ‘Russian aggression’ are an established aspect of Western bloc narratives (propaganda intended to facilitate economic warfare/sanctions, politically isolate and cultivate hatred against Russia), an observation and consideration of the successive and globally expanding wars of the U.S.-NATO-allied bloc (Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc. with preparations for war against Iran, Venezuela, China and Russia [the build-up of military forces adjacent to Russian borders being interpreted by many analysts as conforming to a pre-war mobilisation for a potential kinetic stage of conflict, various forms of warfare being active]) clarifies the actual aggressor. Unfolding events in Ukraine are an aspect of these operations.

Veritas Vincit

Related information U.S.-NATO involvement in offensive operations against ethnic Russian populations

– “Dead bodies in NATO uniforms and a great number of US-made weapons have been recovered from under the debris of the Donetsk airport, Eduard Basurin, a spokesman for the defense ministry of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) said” (Dead bodies in NATO uniforms, US weapons recovered from under debris of Donetsk airport, Itar Tass, January 22, 2015) or (War With Russia Begins for US, VT, January 26, 2015)

– “About 400 elite commandos from a notorious US private security firm, Greystone Limited, the latest renaming of the former private CIA army Blackwater/Academi, are involved in a punitive operation mounted by Ukraine’s junta government against federalization supporters in eastern Ukraine, the German Bild am Sonntag newspaper reported on Sunday.” (400 US commandos help Kiev in its military offensive in east Ukraine – reports, 11 May, 2014)

– “Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Nikolai Azarov has blamed the United States for the political turmoil that started in his home country more than a year ago, when ex-president, Viktor Yanukovych, was ousted from power. “The script [for instigating the unrest in Ukraine] was not written in Kiev. It was [written] in the US embassy.” (US embassy orchestrated Ukraine coup d’état: Ex-premier, PressTV, Feb 22, 2015)

U.S.-NATO involvement in the sniper killings during the coup in Ukraine:

– “In all, about fifty mercenaries arrived in Kiev then and they were involved in the events on the Maidan afterwards and fired at the protesters on February 20……. The mercenaries split into groups of ten men each and were dispatched to different spots where from they delivered fire.” “Each of them [the mercenaries] received $5,000 for the job done,” he said. “In other words, these people had been brought [to Kiev] with a well-specified task to create a conflict.”…… These witnesses stated to Gian Micalessin, even more explosively, that the American Army was directly involved in the murders.

The clear objective of the Maidan massacre in Kiev on February 20, 2014 was to sow chaos and reap the fall of the democratically elected, pro-Russian Yanukovych government. People were slaughtered for no other reason than to destroy a government the NATO powers, especially the United States and Germany, wanted removed….. The western media and leaders quickly blamed the Yanukovych government for the killings during the Maidan demonstrations, but more evidence has become available indicating that the massacre in Kiev of police and civilians – which led to the escalation of protests, leading to the overthrow of the Yanukovych government – was the work of snipers working on orders of government opponents and their NATO controllers using the protests as a cover for a coup….. In the September 2015 issue of Oriental Review, Dr. Ivan Katchanovski, at the University of Ottawa, published a devastating paper on the Maidan killings setting out in extensive detail the conclusive evidence that it was a false flag operation and that members of the present Kiev regime, including Poroshenko himself were involved in the murders, not the government forces……

……..In the November 16 article in the Italian journal Il Giornale, and repeated on Italian TV Canale 5, journalist Gian Micalessin revealed that 3 Georgians, all trained army snipers, and with links to Mikheil Saakashvili and Georgian security forces were ordered to travel to Kiev from Tbilisi during the Maidan events…… they met with, among other people, an American soldier in uniform, a claimed “former” member of the US Army’s 101st Airborne Division, who gave them orders on what to do, which it turned out to be was to shoot into Maidan Square randomly targeting people, protestors and police alike, to create fear and confusion, to implicate the government forces as the shooters, to create the chaos necessary in order to undermine the government of President Yanukovych….. The name of the American soldier, or the alias he used, was Brian Christopher Boyenger. He showed up later as an adviser to the Ukrainian Georgian Legion. One of the snipers stated, “Once, I guess around February 15, Mamulashvili personally visited our tent. There was another guy with him wearing a uniform. Mamulashvili introduced him to us and told us he was an American military guy and will be our instructor.” Another stated, “This American was Brian Christopher Boyenger, a “former” soldier, a sniper, from the 101st Airborne Division.” “He was the one who gave us orders.”…….

…….No one can seriously doubt that his presence was known to the US ambassador in Kiev, Geoffrey Pyatt, who, according to then Vice President Joe Biden, was in hourly contact with Andriy Parubiy, the Ukrainian fascist who was in charge of “self defence units” made of heavily armed fascist thugs at Maidan. According to the Italian report, Parubiy was going in and out of the Hotel Ukraina from where many shots were fired and was aware of the presence of the American soldier so the American ambassador must have been aware and his government….. The western media has so far ignored the Italian interviews….. the reality is that the new evidence reported by the Italian press will change nothing in the narrative of the general western media which will conspire to suppress or better, ignore this evidence……

……the evidence, now coming in a flood, about what the NATO forces did in Kiev on February 20, 2014 show us that they are capable of anything, and will stop at nothing. (Georgian Snipers: An American Directed Kiev’s Maidan False Flag Massacre, Christopher Black, 21/12/2017)

It is likely the many globally expanding wars of the U.S.-NATO-Israel-allied bloc will in time be recognised as one.

Zionism = EVIL

Ukraine is a historical and integral part of Russia and has totally failed as a quasi “independent” Zionist controlled failed entity. It is time to reintegrate Ukraine back to the motherland.

Jimmy Jim

Uki Nazis and Zionists creating a cesspool in Ukraine.

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