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Independent American Journalist Disappeared In Kharkiv, Ukraine

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Independent American Journalist Disappeared In Kharkiv, Ukraine

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For the past few days, American-Chilean youtuber, journalist, and filmmaker Gonzalo Lira, who has also become a war blogger, gained wide popularity during the military conflict in Ukraine. Gonzalo went to Ukraine to show the war and to share the information about the confrontation between the Ukrainian and Russian armies with the world.

During his stay, Gonzalo has visited several cities in Ukraine. He has published photos and videos from Kharkiv, written Twitter posts about his views on the war, done debriefings on fake reports by Ukrainian journalists, reviewed the massacre in Bucha and interviewed detained AFU soldiers. He openly criticized the Ukrainian government.

The public ‘s attitude towards Gonzalo Lira is ambiguous. Some thought he was a pro-Russian journalist and an agent of the Kremlin, while others thought he was an objective journalist.

Being a controversial figure in the war zone, one day Gonzalo Lira disappeared. On April 17, contact with Gonzalo was lost, Since then, no new materials were published on his channels.

According to one version, he was taken hostage by the SBU or by groups of local Ukrainian neo-Nazis. The Ukrainian security forces’ tweet commented on Gonzalo Lira’s disappearance with a hint that they know where the journalist is.

Independent American Journalist Disappeared In Kharkiv, Ukraine

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Independent American Journalist Disappeared In Kharkiv, Ukraine

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Independent American Journalist Disappeared In Kharkiv, Ukraine

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Independent American Journalist Disappeared In Kharkiv, Ukraine

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Independent American Journalist Disappeared In Kharkiv, Ukraine

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Independent American Journalist Disappeared In Kharkiv, Ukraine

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At the moment there is no way to verify these tweets and it is unclear whether this is a bluff or whether the AFU security forces know where the journalist is.

At the same time, someone hacked Gonzalo Lira’s accounts on social networks and started posting comments on his behalf. Since April 17, Gonzalo has not posted a single video showing his face. Moreover, a fake Youtube account was created.

Independent American Journalist Disappeared In Kharkiv, Ukraine

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Independent American Journalist Disappeared In Kharkiv, Ukraine

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Independent American Journalist Disappeared In Kharkiv, Ukraine

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Independent American Journalist Disappeared In Kharkiv, Ukraine

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On April 18, “Botsman” (one of the generals of the Ukrainian army) tweeted that Gonzalo had been stolen by  the notorious Ukrainian militant Sergei Olegovich Velichko, nicknamed “Chile”.

Independent American Journalist Disappeared In Kharkiv, Ukraine

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Independent American Journalist Disappeared In Kharkiv, Ukraine

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Independent American Journalist Disappeared In Kharkiv, Ukraine

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Independent American Journalist Disappeared In Kharkiv, Ukraine

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Gonzalo Lira’s real Youtube account keeps posting video clips. There are great doubts about the authenticity of these videos.

Independent American Journalist Disappeared In Kharkiv, Ukraine

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On April 19 there was information that Sergei Velichko (“Chile”) claimed that he had no idea who Gonzalo Lira is and had never heard of him, although they were both in Kharkiv.

At this point there is no exact information about where Gonzalo Lira is now. Most likely, he was caught indeed. The question of whether the journalist is alive at the moment is still open.


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Lesco Brandon

Evil bastards. I can’t stay I agreed with everything Gonzalo said but very upsetting to hear he could be dead


Pray. If nominally Christian, do the Our Father. If nominally RC do the Hail Marys too. If you can do a Rosary, do that.


New ukro crime


Time to shoot a bullet in the head of this nazi whore.


A bullet is too good for him. He needs to suffer. A lot…

jens holm

You could divorse.

Ukraine, Land of Psychopaths

Crimea and finally Donbass did divorce. So what’s your problem now? Live with the results like Serbia did.


Valera Kuleshov – blogger/activist has been murdered in kherson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_8c7zBOo8E

simple math

SBU = Gestapo

Pamfil Military Academy

Indeed a true unbiased reporter showing the massive crimes and lies of the US/NATO Empire of terror and clearly an …idiot. Sorry for that but not taking any precautions against the nazi banderiputas goons and streaming from theirs den is just pure stupidity.


There are still some 300 young women missing in the villages the ruski invaded is there a possibility they get as much attention as this Gonzales?


Very sad. I remember him from watching some of his videos. Perhaps he should have kept his location secret? I hope he gets free!


War is not for entertaining.

Muhammad your Prophet

I saw a massive moronic Russian convoy from Kiev to Chernobyl disappear. I heard that the morons who dug the trenches at Chernobyl’s radioactive forest are now at a Moscow hospital asking a nurse to scratch their balls.


Some people who are evil look like they are without intelligence and look like rough animals. Those who have regular balanced features, intelligence, although of the evil kind which is very different from human intelligence, they have a beauty and those ones are DEADLY. Lucifer, the angel of light, through his rebellion became satan, the accuser and also the father and MASTER of deception. Though hideous, he can appear in forms which are attractive, angelic looking and with his deceptions and masquerades he is the master of disguise. He ,who was once the angel of light, he is extremely vain. A third of the angels in heaven were cast out in a war by the Holy Angels and St Michael. Here they prey on humanity like parasites. Sin and human sacrifice seems to give them power, especially abortion, child sacrifice and molestation. HOLY WATER should be sprayed all over Ukraine. You need the Priests to help.


The children of Fatima SAW hell. They saw a beautiful woman with blond hair descend into hell for sins of the flesh. Her appearance changed and became hideous like a grotesque animal. Ho;y water sprayed with those DRONES and from helicopters, sprayed by us over the streets and homes, this WILL help! We need priests and prayer in this war. When evil lurking things are sprayed with Holy Water, it BURNS them.


Baby face Chile hasn’t even had to fight anyone – no scars on that baby face means he is a toy boy.

Dr. Zeus

Psychopaths are very adept at getting someone else to do the fighting for them. Just look at Washington’s neocons for proof.


It seems that slavic nationalists always end up the useful idiots of the British Empire :(

Tugboat Annie

Someday, somebody is going to tow that troublesome island out to the middle of the Atlantic and sink it.


Soooohoho, Lira is a Natzee, Il be dammed, or maybe a lizard, santa claudia, or just a poor 12 year old African girl, yup, why not, everything goes this days.

Our VG and the Nazees, do watch, its just one image but you will get the rest, its one of the most hillarious articles I have ever seen, reality beats fiction anygiventime. https://www.vg.no/nyheter/utenriks/i/MRmoLm/liseberg-sliter-med-uoenskede-nazihilsener

So, even SF dont like to talk about WHO is behind this, and just to show how low the NorDick nations have fallen, eh…. regarding the MSM ability to see Natzees everywhere, all the time, in any imaginary situation one can possibly think of, and belive me, the Sweds and the decapitaed “Vikings” are highly immaginative when it comes to delivering drivel, just like most of the HasbaRats and their union of units, aka Uhu whom with their stupidity makes questions about Bugs intellegence to an no brainer.

The Only place the NAZI actualy means what most talk about, is in AzkheNazi/s, the scum of this earth, the one owning D. Beast, the journalists like he above mentioned are Jews, their Voldemort Da Zees kingdom is run by Jews, and to their so called Natzees, groups teached, founded and armed by Jews whom in the Imperial banana republic is known as Jews and Neo-CONs, guids their bitches and the various groups, like the Jewish Kranken, I know, its their silly use of names, easy to spot who is who, idiots usualy arent able to change things, been Jews, to used to copy others that alone they expose them selfs, as just a Jew, the scum of this earth.



He knew the risks. Hope he didn’t have to suffer.


Huge risks for no reason. I don’t understand how he expected to be safe in Kharkov among these degenerates…


The staff at US media website The Daily Beast are responsible for this kidnap and possible murder – they informed US agencies and Ukrainian SBU that there was an independent (non-NATO controlled) journalist working inside Kharkov.

Spread the word – The US Daily Beast media company is responsible for silencing an independent media operator, in another country, by directly informing on this journalist’s location in a dangerous conflict zone, and in full knowledge this would endanger his life, likely result in physical violence, if not torture and death for the journalist.

Thus is US MSM crossing over to becoming ACTIVELY involved in media and information suppression from war in Ukraine.

Fuck The Daily Beast, its Editor and writers who did this.

Last edited 2 years ago by SaharaWinds
The Daily Beast = The Nazi Beast

Hell, they’ve been ACTIVELY involved in media and information suppression for years. Now they’re actively involved in outright murder.


There was a link to a you tube clip and a silver car badly parked with blood on the ground, smashed glass and bullet holes in the car. A small group of locals were around the car recording it and they swept up the glass.


This is concerning. I hope he’s ok. The fighting does reach parts of Kharkov. Perhaps he just doesn’t have cell service and he’s safe, just hiding out in a basement somewhere to avoid the shelling and conflict.

Karl Wolfe

It would be nice to read about the elimination of this evil and self aggrandized piece of trash that went after the journalist. I suspect it’s only a matter of time. He won’t have that smirk when he gets to his final destination and discovers his Judgment.

Wake up, fool

Judgment? capitalized? You think God supports Nazis? Man, you are way too far gone. Only one solution for you.


Didn’t he mean Chili and not Lira?

Karl Wolfe

The kgb was the secret police of the communist party that used to control the Soviet Union. It took the Russian People 75 years of abuse, torture and murder before they had endured enough suffering that the corrupt system controlling them was thrown into the dust bin of history where it belonged. Mr. Zelensky is nothing but a used piece of male ass that was passed around by the Powers That Be until they needed a Stooge to stand in while an elected government in Ukraine was overthrown. You should actually read a book once in a while so as to understand the corrupting nature of Bureaucracy and in particular bureaucracies that exist OUTSIDE the law of limited government such as was the intent of the Founders of the United States. 18 separate and distinct “intelligence agencies” exist in the US: NOT one of them did their DUTY to the previous president and informed him that the election was being stolen. It took an independent businessman to hire the technical people to go out and scientifically investigate and PROVE the illegal events that last election. Put your trust in bureaucracies accountable to nobody but themselves do you? They failed their own Commander in Chief: that’s called TREASON.

Ukraine, Land of Psychopaths

Obviously, someone’s fishing for who might be following or subscribed to Lira in Ukraine.

Tortured and dead or soon to be most likely. Chilean or US embassy couldn’t care less.

Last edited 2 years ago by Ukraine, Land of Psychopaths
Reality Knocks

Ukrainian Gestapo at work.


Remember when the CIA and MI6 overthrew a democratically elected president of Iran by using criminal thugs to stir up a fake revolution, then ran the Shah’s Savak torture police for decades and how it finally triggered the Iranian revolution?

Grisly truth of Iran’s torture prisons revealed in new ….thesun.co.uk › news › 5062464 › iran-torture-prison-museum …..The ruthless SAVAK have been named as one of the root causes of the discontent that lead to the 1979 revolution

SBU/CIA/MI6 collusion is SAVAK on steroids

Remember Bucha!

Lira was on obvious russian spy…we all know what happens to spies who are caught during wartime, eh…?

Hey, Thanks

I remember Bucha as yet another mark of Ukrainian atrocity on its own people for propaganda purposes. Thanks for reminding me to never forgive and never forget.

Gorgeous George

They will all be found, like the Chechen terror leaders

Yamil Perez

Your CIAisis run EU standard liberal rapist cannibal headchopper Azovnaziss. Aka your friendly neighborhood nazis…


the daily beast tranny journo in ukraine doxxed him and same filth is now calling for patrick lancaster to be murdered, hooe that thing finds its karma .


First the Moscow now the head propagandist sunk, Russia has no luck!


Russia does not need any luck. They have to win. They will grind through this.


They are clearly winning and These morons ukro-friends can only cry 😁👌


As far as I followed the events, Gonzalo went dark since 15th. He was supposed to be on George’s MOAT but they couldn’t reach him and no one heard from him since. I pray for him every day. He shoved something into the hornets’ nest with his videos, specially the ones on Nuland and debunking some propaganda videos.

That being said, take your internet footprint very seriously. One of the gravest of mistakes is to remain online (and worst, broadcasting live) for an extended amount of time. We and others warned him not to do it and to skip live sessions, specially since he was exposing a regime that controlled his internet connection and certainly not bring any random guests and followers online. He did it anyway, he definitely is much more brave than I am.

Regarding the “hints” that NAZIs give us about the Coach, the bragging started 2-3 days after he went silent. I think these tweets and messages are opportunistic in nature and a reaction to the huge amount of concern the people who followed Gonzalo showed. With each passing day I’m more inclined to think they actually don’t have him otherwise they’d give a definitive hint to prove they have him since they are not shy to film their crimes at all. I’m sure they enjoy torturing people and wouldn’t miss an opportunity to do it to more than 150k of people in one go. If they had him, there was no need to create fake accounts at all. But some sent messages to him show double-check marks, I don’t know what to make of it. :(

Maybe that’s just me refusing to accept a harsh reality. I know he planned in advance for such an outcome and hope to see him well and healthy again.

And about the newer videos, there’s nothing new (after his live with Scott Ritter) on the channel he created specifically in YouTube for the Ukraine-related issues (Gonzalo Lira).

PS. I definitely won’t feed the trolls. Please consider doing so, at least if any troll replied to me. Thank you.

Last edited 2 years ago by Garga
mike brown

Sad day for good people

duke of lilywhite

If Gonzalo Lira were picked up by the Ukrainian secret police or, Worse The Azov, his fate would be similar to William Stewart of ABC News.

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