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MARCH 2025

India Deploys Special Forces To Eastern Border, As Tensions With China Reportedly Flare

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India Deploys Special Forces To Eastern Border, As Tensions With China Reportedly Flare

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The tensions between China and India have, once again, flared in the contested Himalayan region of Ladakh.

India deployed its Special Frontier Force (SFF) after Chinese troops allegedly attempted to claim an area of the Ladakh region in the north of the country.

There were also reports that a soldier of Tibetan origin, part of the Indian special forces had been killed in skirmishes with Chinese forces.

The Indian government has not commented on the reports of the death, but Namgyal Dolkar Lhagyari, a member of the Tibetan Parliament in exile said that a soldier had been killed and another had been wounded.

China’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying, however, said on Wednesday that no Indian troops had died in the latest flare-up on their frontier.

Tensions have been a bit strained since June 15th, when both sides had a skirmish without firearms in which India admitted that it lost 20 soldiers, and China lost an undisclosed number.

On August 29th, India’s defence ministry said Chinese troops “carried out provocative military movements to change the status quo” at the border.

China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) said that India was “seriously violating China’s territorial sovereignty” with its operation on August 31st and demanded that Indian troops withdraw.

A Chinese embassy spokeswoman in New Delhi also denied that Chinese troops started the latest flare-up, accusing Indian troops of trespassing across the Line of Actual Control – the de facto border – and conducting “flagrant provocations”.

On September 1st, India’s foreign ministry said on Tuesday that China had caused the latest incident “even as ground commanders of the two sides were in discussions to de-escalate the situation”.

“Due to timely defensive action, the Indian side was able to prevent these attempts from unilaterally altering the status quo,” ministry spokesman Anurag Srivastava said in a statement.

Reuters cited Ayushi Sudan, Anjaw’s chief civil servant who said that India was working to reinforce its Eastern border ever since June.

“The military presence has surely increased, but as far as incursions are concerned, there are no verified reports as such,” she said, adding that several Indian army battalions were stationed there.

“There has been an increase in troop deployment since the Galwan incident and even prior to that we’d started,” she told Reuters by telephone.

According to India there was no cause to concern along the border.

Indian military spokesman, Lieutenant Colonel Harsh Wardhan Pande, said that it was standard procedure.

“Basically, it’s units changing. That’s happening as it happens every time, nothing much,” Pande told Reuters from near Guwahati, the largest city in northeastern India.

“As of now, there’s nothing to worry about on that front.”


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Lone Ranger

Modi is a fuckin retard used by pimpeo as a sock puppet. Does he realise that both India and China are part of the SCO? What is in the mountains that’s worth a war? Yeti?


Chinese jet was just shot down by USA in Taiwan


Are you Indian and an exaggerator? post a link to your delirious claims.


You were again drinking that piss, feces full water from Ganges river?!! So your brain tumor is turning nasty again and you are speaking out off delirium ?


Go hide under a bunker.Turkey is coming :D


Pathetic Anglo-Saxon slave!


I am waiting for the Bollywood news about Chinese jet being shot down, just like you shot down Pakistan F-16 :)


Fuck your paedophile prophet asshole


And what prophet would that be for an atheist :)


The thing is ….nobody is scared from India…and you shit heads want to scare China?!? What is wrong with you all?!


Tiny village offers window into India’s abominable hygienic conditions and worst surging COVID-19 caseload.

And this idiot wants a war with China. Some logic.


Probably their dream is to go behind the Chinese house to take shit like they do back home every day.


Turkey and Greece are engaged in peace talks and so should you and the Chinese need to be. India is in weaker shape than Greece which is a modern NATO power, while Indian military is still equipped with WW2 vintage British surplus rifles and now buying the excellent Russian AK-103.

India and Russia have concluded an Inter-Governmental Agreement (IGA) for a multi-billion deal to locally bulk manufacture AK-103 .


Sadly, Indians think like that, their caste based “culture” is based on built in inferiority complex. In 1962, their army was boasting of beating back the Chinese until the PLA showed up in their headquarters. Most of the defeated generals were sacked.

Lone Ranger

If true, this means war… That the U.S. will lose.


Not true by a mile. It would be breaking news all over the world. The Indians are worse liars than even the Zionists. This guy should apply for Baghdad Bob’s vacant position.

Lone Ranger

I found multiple articles about it. I say it’s probably true. It was hit by a THAAD SAM. We shall see. But if true Taiwan made a grave mistake they will regret very soon.


I have yet to find a credible source. Just checked Xinhua and RT, nothing there. So I am skeptical.

Lone Ranger

I hope it’s fake I’m afraid it’s not. If China doesn’t hit at least the THAAD batteries responsible for this incident they will look weak. They have to act, hit em and hit em hard.


China will have to respond as in Han culture losing face is bad, that is why the Chinese are polite and avoid conflict.

Vox Populi

It was all a hoax created by Indian twitter users. Taiwan and US just denied any incident.


It would appear that a Indian online blog called Times started this rumor and US has rejected the claim. @TimesNow Reports: Sukhoi 35 PLA aircraft that was flying over Taiwanese airspace shot down. Neither the Chinese nor Taiwanese sides have confirmed the reports. It appears to be a hoax or usual Indian propaganda.


FAKE NEWS ! China would sink Taiwan for something like that !


I don’t believe that Indians are that stupid to commit suicide. They tend to lie and exaggerate a lot but not to the extent of committing national suicide at a time their dirt poor failed state is being decimated by the virus as even the retard Modi acknowledged.

Vox Populi

Modi represents a very bizarre Hindu fringe that uses bluster, however, provoking China and perhaps opening up a second front with its eternal enemy Pakistan, would spell a disaster for India, which is in the grip of economic collapse caused by Covid 19 and its inability to medically cope with it.

Liberal guy

I hope their is no war

Traiano Welcome

“What is in the mountains that’s worth a war?”

– Himalayan water sources. – High ground to attack from

… You’re right about him being a sock puppet though …


As I told everyone days ago India has captured Chinese territory :D


No such event even happened in Bollywood. How old are you and what’s the current psychiatric status?


Read the article idiot and stop believing Shia fantasy stories.The Pla has told that Indian troops intruded in Chinese territory


What does your lies have to do with Shias, Christians or Jews? Are you some kind of a religious nut? Don’t make up lies and post adult comments.


Hindu in general despise Christians, Muslims, he personally hates the Shia but they all do like Jews


The British used religion to divide and control them. Their extremist Hindus have been attacking churches and mosques and now the Zionists have gained control of Modi and the extremist Hindu RSS/BJP. India would tear itself apart as the Sikhs also want independence. In Canada they committed worst terrorist act by blowing up an Air India 747.


Yes we like the Jews because they keep you nazi bastards under control and they help us fight China and Pakistan


Jews won’t fight for anyone.


But they supply us with weapons.While they are refusing to sell weapons to China


They sold China almost every stolen US military blueprints from F-16 (Lavi) to drones. You are not well educated and too emotional. They are ripping off India with high priced knock-offs.


They sold a few systems but then they stopped after they made an alliance with India.We don’t need anyone to fight for us.We have fought alone for the past 1000 years.The only mistake we made was we were defensive and not offensive.That has all changed now and you will see some things change(If modi doesn’t accept a ceasefire).


And lost to every invader in that period. India has only been nominally independent since 1947, albeit in a partitioned state.


In your Shia dreams that’s true.Yu p I agree


I would convert to Shia if there was any value, you may follow suit too :) You seem enamored with the Shia, what’s your fascination?

Traiano Welcome

“They sold a few systems but then they stopped after they made an alliance with India”

You’re a moron.

On 13 August 2012, vessels from the PLA Navy’s 11th escort fleet, led by Rear Admiral Yang Jun-fei, anchored at Israel’s Haifa naval base for a four-day goodwill visit to mark 20 years of cooperation between the Israel Defense Forces and the PLA.[74][75] The vessels and crewmen were welcomed by the Haifa base commander, Brigadier General Eli Sharvit,[75] and Chinese embassy officials.[74] In July 2018, 180 acres of the Northern port in Haifa were transferred to Shanghai International Port Group Co. (SIPG) for a 25-year period of management. This sparked a heated discussion in the Israeli press and the academy, as well as a special discussion by the Israeli cabinet. It also came up in discussions between US National Security Advisor John Bolton and Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu when they met on January 7, 2019. However economically insignificant it may be for both China and the US, the Haifa port could become a critical battleground in a new Cold War between the two superpowers.[76]

Traiano Welcome

Omg you’re one stupid curry muncher.

Is it beyond your ability to read a paper on the subject until you know something?


Even jewpedia could help your stupidity:


The jews are arming your enemies and laughing at you while doing it.


We Orthodox Christians were major enemy of the Nazi’s and were considered as “lower race’ comparing to the “German race”! I’m almost half Russian. How the fuck you can call Russians a ‘Nazi’s’ who won the war against NAZI’s ? Your Jews, didn’t win shit against Nazi’s except in movie with Brad Pitt


Soviet people lost 28 million lives defeating the Nazis, however Hollywood makes it look like a few well groomed WASPS and kikes in tow defeated the Nazis all by themselves. The British racists have a million Indian slave soldiers killed for their empire from Singapore to Africa though. Indians don’t even know their own history.

Vox Populi

Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’ The president has repeatedly disparaged the intelligence of service members, and asked that wounded veterans be kept out of military parades, multiple sources have confirmed Trump’s insulting comments.


It’s Russian proponganda.The thing is Russia was about to be taken over by Nazis and the US came to your help.Stop believing Russian proponganda.Even turkey will be able to defeat Russia


You are going insane ….I can see some “Jens” symptoms in your comments.

Traiano Welcome

I spotted Jens too. The shapeshifting reptilians have changed their skins again …


Jens is turning into the virus :)

Traiano Welcome

You’re a complete idiot.

Ever heard of operation Barbarossa? Russia won most of the battles and did most of the fighting leading up to the defeat of the Wehrmacht.

How many times in history has Russia smashed Turkey? Many times. Turkey would get smashed in a battle with Russia.

Meantime, what battles did India win? India is still figuring out public sanitation while China manufactures Quantum Communication systems.


The thing is you are a braindead monkey…. a clueless braindead monkey. probably an alter account of that fake israeli troll ‘iron_zion’. In reality just some dumbass, pathetic loser with zillion accounts and no brain at all.

Traiano Welcome

You’re being Jewplayed idiot.

They’re deep in bed with Chinas CCP.

The Jews couldn’t care less about India.


“paul” and iron_zion are obviously the same troll. Also ‘@owen friday’ and perhaps a few more accounts. But these 3 are the same. I don’t know if he’s from Israel or India, or most likely just some loser retard from America, but it’s the same idiot. he even upvotes his every comment everywhere.

Traiano Welcome

Hard to tell. Iron_Zion is dumb, you’ll notice he never says anything intelligent. But Paul is even dumber.

In any case, these hasbara trolls work in a team from an office in Tel Aviv. You’ll notice they always have the same peculiar alignment which mirrors the Zionist-Hindu-Nationalist axis.

Which is why you’ll notice the odd phenomenon of jew zionists showing up on a China-India issues forum and supporting a hindu supremacist, voting up every dumb statement he makes …


The only ‘intrusion” you do on Chinese territory is as tourists with regular visas.


Waiting for Turkey to take over your territory you nazi bastard


Which territory that would be? Some are already declaring Turkey as an allay of Russia, Iran and China I am not well informed so I must sit and wait till they announce what the fuck is happening…


You do know that Turks hate the Indians and are the biggest supporters of Pakistan and want India out of Kashmir. So now your are cheering for your enemies? what kind of a teenage logic is that?


China trade with India is one sided, they export over $100 billion. The main items to be exported from China to India are electrical machinery and equipment, organic chemicals, nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery, silk, mineral fuels, and oils. Value added items also dominate Chinese exports to India, like machinery, specially electrical machinery, which forms about 36% of Chinese exports to India.


If Indians had anything in their brains they would join China ! Since they have world class programmers they could join Chinese IT revolution and taking over the planet as winners in win win situation for both sides

Instead they choose to be Anglo-Saxon lowest level servants even politically


It is called the White Man’s burden in India. They gave the Indians the worst cultural and racial cringe and hence the shameful market for skin whitening creams that has killed so many Indians with skin infections.


Yeah, like freaking Michael Jackson who turned even whiter than me at the end ;)


It is sad that Indians are still in the Victorian era, even the Africans now value their dark skin with Black is Beautiful campaign. The color of skin has to do with melanin content and nothing to do with looks.


I don’t know which era they are in, but something is most definitely fucked up in their system.


Caste system? they still have slaves and “untouchables”. They kill each other if you drink or eat with an “untouchable” and retain these sick practices even in the west.


I know about “caste system”. Every normal country has its traditions. But the problem when a country is deeply stack in the past and does not move or progress at all…Preserving elements of the past that are hardly acceptable for modern society is big problem.

Japan is very respectful of their own past yet they have found formula how to preserve past and move forward in progress and modernization.

Romeo Pesiao

China is great in copying the US invention, from fighter jet, submarine, battleship drones etc., thru hacking, china has no original idea.


I would not concur. That could be said of China a decade ago, now they turn out more R&D and innovation that all of the US and EU combined. Mostly it is the west’s own short-sightedness to allow millions of Chinese graduate students in since 1984 that has given China the intellectual edge.


China is by far the leader in number of registered patents and innovations today. I advise you to take look at first Japanese Toyota that have looked like very bad Western copy. Today they are reference of top quality brand and nobody is making jokes about Japanese high tech products for long decades.

You need reality check! Or you are just propagandist clown and typical US shithead.


A lot of these posters are either ignorant or just blinded by Sinophobia, Russophobia and perpetual Iranophobia and can’t get see the reality. It is sad to project such distortions and ignorance in this day and age. Russia for instance despite having 140 million people graduates more engineers and science grads than even China. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bc23dd46018d4e245916c768241f86e32393a018dd3f6bc02a38b1875ff8ae5e.jpg


World Economic Forum maybe doesn’t know but I know that China has huge number of engineers. Maybe not in percentage as good as Russia since Russian population less than half of US population yet they have almost 2 times more engineers than US! But as sheer numbers China is far above Russia and India. India’s strongest point are world famous programmers and IT experts in general. They would say: If you have impossible problem to resolve in programing call Russian, but if you have extremely complex program to write call Indian.

Traiano Welcome

These are the 2015 stats though – what’s the 2019 numbers?


Well done! :)

Traiano Welcome

Good boy Paul!

Have a doggie biscuit!

Your master approves!


I am not his master, he is a free Indian person to do whatever is good for him. We see eye to eye the threats from the Islamic terrorists, and ofcourse China’s aggression against Indian lands.

Traiano Welcome

Nice Alibi.


You are not his master, because ‘paul’ is your alter account. And also @Owen Friday = the same troll. You are probably not even from Israel, perhaps that Jacob Wohl psycho or some similar loser from America.

Traiano Welcome

Which Chinese territory *exactly* did India capture?


China town in New Delhi …The noodle shop have had put up the sturdiest fight while the intervention of the Indian paratroopers have turned the tide on the Indian side in the last moment. The 1st Indian armored division has proudly put Indian flag flying over the Chinese territory. The resistance is no more!

Traiano Welcome


If you go back far enough, India had it’s Chinese prison camps like China has it’s Uigher camps:

“Chinese in India faced anti-national sentiment during the Sino Indian war of 1962.[61] After the war, India passed the Defence of India Act in December 1962,[62] permitting the “apprehension and detention in custody of any person [suspected] of being of hostile origin.” The broad language of the act allowed for the arrest of any person simply for having a Chinese surname, a drop of Chinese blood, or a Chinese spouse.[63] Under the draconian law, 10,000 people of Chinese origin were estimated to have been detained at the desert prison camp in Deoli, Rajasthan. All of them were accused of being spies, but not a single charge has ever been proven.[62] In 1964, many internees were forcibly and arbitrarily deported, resulting in the breakup of many families.[62] The rest were released starting in 1965. The last internees were released from Deoli in mid-1967, after four and half years of captivity. The Chinese population in Calcutta decreased by half, from 20,000 to 10,000. Those who remained were seen as enemies, and most could not hold any job except in the restaurant, tanning, and shoemaking businesses. Moreover, their movements were restricted. They were required to report to designated police stations once a month, and until the mid-1990s, they had to apply for special permits to travel more than a few kilometres from their homes. The situation was alleviated when India and China resumed diplomatic relations in 1976. However, it was not until 1998 that ethnic Chinese were allowed naturalized Indian citizenship.[61] In 2005, the first road sign in Chinese characters was put up in Chinatown, Tangra. In Assam, Chinese people living in different places were rounded up by the armed forces and compelled to leave their houses.”


Are you somebody who is studying these phenomenons in societies or you are just freak who likes to know everything? Or you like to copy paste a lot? Thanks for the long explanation BTW.

Traiano Welcome

I could ask you the same question.

I’m studying this shit, if you must know.


No I was just surprised, since your knowledge goes far above the average in that domain. That’s all ….no big deal. Sorry for upsetting you.

Traiano Welcome

No upset taken. Cheers.


As China has rightly stated, it is the US provoking a clash of the two largest nations on earth. India being weaker and impoverished and China, the global giant. India would be foolish to fall for US desperate intrigues.

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