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India Test Fires ‘NextGen Hypersonic Weapon’ As Border Tensions With China Surge

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

With a military standoff between India and China intensifying, the Indian military has decided to increase geopolitical instabilities in the region, on Monday, as it test-fired a new class of ultra-modern weapons that can travel at hypersonic speeds.

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), an agency under the Indian Ministry of Defence, tasked with weapon development, released a statement Monday announcing it “successfully flight tested” a domestic hypersonic technology demonstrator vehicle (HSTDV) for the first-time.

Defense minister Rajnath Singh congratulated DRDO for the “successful” launch of the HSTDV, describing the advanced engine technology as a scramjet propulsion system. Singh said the vehicle hit speeds in excess of Mach 6 (4,600 mph).

India Test Fires 'NextGen Hypersonic Weapon' As Border Tensions With China Surge

Here’s a video of the HSTDV launch.

“The cruise vehicle separated from the launch vehicle and the air intake opened as planned. The hypersonic combustion sustained and the cruise vehicle continued on its desired flight path at a velocity of six times the speed of sound or nearly 2 km/second for more than 20 seconds,” the DRDO statement read. India’s first test of the HSTDV ended in failure in June 2019.

India Test Fires 'NextGen Hypersonic Weapon' As Border Tensions With China Surge

The successful test of the hypersonic vehicle is an important milestone for India as it now joins the US, Russia, and China in the hypersonic club.

“This has been some time in the making and the challenge now is to make a time-bound transition to the prototype testing phase. China is quite ahead in hypersonics and India cannot afford to lag behind,” Air Vice Marshal Manmohan Bahadur (Retired), additional director general, Centre for Air Power Studies, said.

The timing of the launch comes as India and China are locked in a monthslong military standoff along the Line of Actual Control, a 2,175 mile disputed border between both countries, that stretches from the Ladakh region in the north to the Indian state of Sikkim.

India Test Fires 'NextGen Hypersonic Weapon' As Border Tensions With China Surge

In the event of an unintentional war along the heavily disputed border, and China already developing hypersonic weapons and deploying stealth fighter jets, India is now playing catch up as it must modernize it forces as a hot conflict may be inevitable.

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Zionism = EVIL

India should not fall for the Americunt and Zionist parasites trap of baiting it into a suicidal war with China. The Indian defence Minister was in Tehran with a large military delegation and Iran has cautioned India, with which it has close ties, not to get sucked into a war that only benefits the racist neo-colonial western cunts.

Ashok Varma

Some of our media is also fanning jingoism, like Rupert Murdoch’s gutter media.


Heavy diplomatic traffic in Russia and Iran to pacify India and China.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/adf7df610abb1ccb9eb0042821ed0f18df6e3803eb080adc12d8bbea1fe4500b.jpg Indian Minister of External Affairs Subrahmanyam Jaishankar is in the Iranian capital for talks over bilateral ties as well as regional developments including Sino-Indian standoff.


He is not there for that.He is there to give them a message that if you side with China, there will be consequences.

Zionism = EVIL

Hush you stupid cunt. Arsehole, what did i tell you numerous times. I don’t think you are an Indian even, just a shithead attention seeker punk. Why do want a poor country like India to be destroyed?


Poor in your dreams.You will soon see the surprise ;)


India is much more advanced in tech than Iran. With already developed space program while Iran is making baby steps….and slowly…..


Yes dear, I am sure Iran and Russia will be so scared.


Leave Russia out of that! Good relations with India is very important for Russia. India is very important customer for Russian weapons and atomic energy. India has huge investment in Russian LNG

India has traditionally good relations with Russia for decades! Had excellent relations with USSR also.


You are no friend of Russia your Erdogan TWAT!


Agree for the first time with you


Chal be bhadwe


Now Indian foreign minister in Tehran ahead of visit to Moscow as both Russia and Iran close, allies of India play peacemaker in diffusing Sino-Indian conflict in the Himalayas.

Zionism = EVIL

Indians are not that stupid hopefully and will listen to Iranian and Russian advice.


India is obviously very worried and has approached Iran and Russia to pacify the Chinese based on India’s dismal past defeats since 1962.


Why would India “approach” Iran ? Russia is by far closest allay of China and world power.

Russia is at the moment building 6 nuclear power stations in India, selling to India hundreds of jets, choppers, tanks, to mention only most important, while Iran is not selling to India anything… not even oil, hardly anything else. So why are Iranian relations with India blooming so much comparing to Russia? Iran is surely not closer to China and hardly if at all as close as Russia to India…

So that “observation” is based on what?!!

On one big nothing? And hot air of Iranian imagined importance?


Since when is Iran in better relations with India and China than Russia? If there is really country well placed to seek appeasement between 2 countries than it is Russia above all others. Iran has just dumped India in agreed development of the oil field because of Chinese 400 billion loan so the oil field development went to China….So much of India-Iran friendship (I must admit that was Iranian revenge because India have dumped Iranian oil and have joined US blockade at the end)


India has no other alternative but to buy SU-57.

Problematic military situation without answer is today and hyper-sonic missile production is not for tomorrow immediately.

In the meantime they must have an answer to the Chinese stealth 5th generation jets already flying. The only credible answer is SU-57.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

After the Indians announced back in 2015 that the Su57 wasn’t any good?

And the Western press use that to denigrate Russian tech. Even though the Indians had never seen a Su57 till last year or so, never mind tested one.


Indians announced back in 2015 that the Su57 Not true that! India has rejected to participate because they wanted complete TOT =transfer of tech for the relatively small amount of money (for buying 125 SU-57 I think it was…) Russia has REJECTED flatly that saying that money doesn’t cover payment of 125 jets and TOT ! After that American lobbyists in India and Western anti-Russian media have made the usual anti – Russian spin that engines are crap and other bullshit!

Russia has offered to India NEW 5TH GENERATION engines coming out in production next year.

SU-57 is BETTER jet than F-22 and MUCH cheaper to buy and extremely cheap to fly comparing to F-22 or F-35 !

Indian command and air force perfectly understand problems that NEW engines will be installed next year and that jet is excellent value for the price and capabilities comparing to competition of F-35 ! SU-57 is true MULTI ROLE air superiority jet that can do anything from bombing to air superiority to attack on the ground and sea while F-35 is pile of crap that can’t do anything without help of other jets !

rightiswrong rightiswrong

I agree with you.

There is a movement within Indian politics to go with the West, and for sure they’re more pro Russian views, but they used the TOT issue at a time when Russia was only testing the first couple of prototypes. They bought Rafales, knowing that the French will do them over when it comes to hitting friends of NATO, and at double the cost of superior Russian jets. Some high ranking Indians at the time, helped the Western narrative that the aircraft was not stealthy, and a few other issues. It was complete BS, the Indians hadn’t even been near one of the prototypes. I don’t trust Modi myself, not that I’m deep into Indian affairs, but maybe he is just hedging his bets vis a vis China. He should remember the Soviets sending their fleet to warn off the US fleet during one of the India -Pakistan wars, but politics is a dirty game I suppose.

Agree totally with you, about Su57. Its price, technical specs, range, armament, radars makes the F22/35 appear like Zeros to a Mustang.


Indians are on one hand nice people on the other HORRIBLE in bargaining to the last cent! They have paid huge price for Rafales that is GREAT multi role jet but old design and VERY expensive! They have spent BILLONS to have bunch of Rafales with NO -“TOT”only because they want to “diversify” and to have nuke capable jet ! Now they are stack with no money and in great need for much more new jets! Thus they have bought 21 new MIG-29 (in ready made kits) dirty cheap! And 12 more of usual SU-30MKI to license produce them domestically in DRODO-India. They have bought 300 of SU-30MKI already and they use Super Sukhoi program to upgrade them with SU-35 engines and SU-35 radars! Modi is pro West no doubt about that… India normally tries to be in middle (not Russian and not US side either ) but under Modi they are leaning on the US side which is dangerous for hole planet. India has forgot already not only USSR help during US blockades and sanctions (some ordinary people remember but they don’t count) Russia NEVER sells weapons and than blackmails with blocking spare parts like US yet India prefers to forget that.

johnny rotten

Anyone able to produce missiles that go beyond Mach 5, the problem is to drive them, and so far it seems that only Russia and China are capable of it, note that all ICBMs are hypersonic but do not require guidance due to the ballistic trajectory, the real challenge is to communicate by crossing the layer of ions that are produced outside the missile, a very difficult technological barrier to overcome.

chris chuba

That’s what I’m getting at, is this new technology or just re-branding.

Albert Pike

The definition is as follows: ‘Hypersonic flight is flight through the atmosphere below about 90 km at speeds above Mach 5’ How anyone does that, if with rocket or Scram Jet, doesn’t matter. If your rocket flies with a speed of above Mach5 in a hight of under 90km, it’s called hypersonic.

Ideally would be if you could also still communicate with your missile and steer it, but that is not in the definition.

The technology to make this possible comes from the heatshield, makes it possibe that your missile doesn’t burn up…


“How anyone does that, if with rocket or Scram Jet, doesn’t matter

That is absolutely NOT TRUTH ! In that case why would they talk about hyper sonic missiles only now!?! Even after theWW2 there was plenty of rockets flying Mach 5+ -speed (or 5+ times speed of sound if you prefer)!


You are talking usual Western bullshit propaganda because US is not capable to produce hyper-sonic missiles!

You are stupid NATO propagandist jealous of Russia and China !

Albert Pike

Definition Missile: ‘In modern language, a missile, also known as a guided missile, is a guided airborne ranged weapon capable of self-propelled flight usually by a jet engine or rocket motor. Missiles have four system components: targeting/guidance system, flight system, engine and warhead.’ A missile can use a rocket engine, and what hypersonic flight is – there is also a definition for that: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypersonic_flight German rockets where ballistical rockets. Meaning you use your rocket to fly up on ballistic trajectory, till your fuel is used up. Then only the force of gravity puls the rocket back to ground. Result – your maximum speed reaches only its aerodynamically definded free fall speed. So the speed in the final flight phase, till your German Rocket hits the gound is no were near hypersonic. Would those have been hypersonic rockets, then they would have used the rocket engine also during re-entry and final flight, till they hit the target. Thats the difference – it doesn’t have to be a hypersonic cruise missile – it can also be a rocket, which flies under rocket-power during its final flight stage from hight 90km till zero, with more then mach 5.



Albert Pike

Now that is your own definition …be happy with it.


My definition?!?! READ: The Hypersonic Age is Near

Recent breakthroughs in scramjet engines could mean two-hour flights from New York to Tokyo. They could also mean missiles capable of striking any continent in a moment’s notice. No wonder the race to develop them is as fierce as ever


Hyper sonic speed is achieved 80 YEARS AGO BY ROCKETS !!! Hyper sonic missiles are using scramjet engines!!!




X 51 Waverider Scramjet hypersonic technology from https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=bF-XcvkoT4c






India reports success with its hypersonic scramjet https://asiatimes.com/2020/09/india-reports-success-with-its-hypersonic-scramjet/



DRDO successfully flight tests hypersonic technology vehicle https://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-test-fires-hypersonic-technology-demonstrator-vehicle-6586487/

The Objective

Stop replying to this lunatic, HiaNd. You guys were having a respectful argument and then he suddenly flies into his usual rage and insults. You obviously know more about hypersonic missiles than him. Even the name suggests that speed is a major precondition for a missile to be hypersonic regardless of the engine it uses. Provided that missile flies at hypersonic speed, it’s hypersonic. All the definitions I’ve read focus on speed and a 90km height ceiling. Too little said about engine. Yet this pig-headed ignoramus wants us to take his definition over those of experts he isn’t likely to reach their IQ until he dies. When he starts spewing garbage, ignore him.

Albert Pike

Will do – thank you…


He is a PUNK and very insecure.

cechas vodobenikov

I do not claim expertise there r various types according to reports –different fuel, speed, trajectories, lethality, range, accuracy…some r heat sensitive, guided remotely, some susceptible to radio jamming…it is reported that some are nearly impossible to intercept…some fly at low altitudes to reduce detection by radar, etc

Jaime Galarza

Can you be more civil? There is no reason to go into a rage. If you know more, then enlighten. Don’t start with ad hominems. I understand we’re on the same side.


Hyper-sonic missiles are not rockets and they have variable speed and rockets not! Any rocket based missile is not true hyper-sonic missile ! Hyper -sonic missiles are new tech and NOT re-branding ! Western propaganda deliberately obfuscate this not to be embarrassed by the fact to be taken over by Russia and China! Scramjet engine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scramjet#/media/File:Scramjet_operation_en.svg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scramjet#/media/File:X43a2_nasa_scramjet.jpg

rightiswrong rightiswrong

If it can manoeuvre at hypersonic speed, it’s new tech.


Modi’s legacy to be defined by virus war defeat and humiliation at Chinese hands

PM Narendra Modi seems blissfully ignorant of the crushing national loss he is presiding over as India is ravaged by the Covid 19 virus and its military is facing utter humiliation in the Himalayas. In an final insult, India had to plead to Iran and Russia to intercede on its behalf to restrain China.


As far as I know only Russia has production hyper-sonic missile Kinzhal. And only Russia has production Mach-27 glider

No other country has them ready yet !

You do not understand what is hyper-sonic tech. It is not about “trajectory” but about ramjet and scramjet engines that are integral part of the true hyper-sonic missiles while rockets use solid or liquid fuel boosters

All ballistic and all other older missiles are banal rockets.

Iskander short range “ballistic” missile doesn’t have true “ballistic” trajectory and it is also rocket tech. etc etc.

chris chuba

Hypersonic means >5X the speed of sound but ICBM’s which have been around for decades have always been many times that speed. So does a hypersonic weapon have to be rocket rather than ballistic, tactical instead of strategic / dropping down from low orbit?


Confusion comes lot from US propaganda (I’ll try to explain why) they do not have hyper sonic missiles so they call their missiles “hyper-sonic” (because of the speed) Ignorant idiots journalists helping in spreading confusion even more. Helped of course with other ignorant morons who pretend to be the experts (like some on this forum as well)

Hyper sonic speed is speed = above 5 times speed of sound but should NEVER be confused with hyper-sonic missiles automatically because ALL ROCKETS fly hyper-sonic speed above Mach 5

Hyper sonic missile is missile that not only fly above 5 times speed of sound, but also achieve that speed with the use of ramjet (and or only) scram-jet propulsion system Those missiles are true hyper – sonic missiles! (Those scram-jet engines permit variable speed and better maneuvering capabilities than rockets) Russian Kizhal air to ship or to ground already in production Mach-10 to Mach 12 speed Russian Zircon anti ship missile about to be introduced that can fly Mach 9 ( I think… check Wiki) Gliders are not true hyper-sonic missiles because they do no have scram-jet engine ! Russian glider speed is Mach – 27 !


In the event of any military conflict, China Tibetan side is sparsely populated area. Whereas Ladakh has a lot of Muslim population. Let’s see what is going to happen.


Plz don’t use Indian maps, but rather neutral ones. Kashmir is not “occupied by Pakistan” or “occupied by China”, but by India. Neutral maps use the term “administrated by”.

cechas vodobenikov

Definitions do not interest me. China has a formidable military with advanced weapons—likely India’s military is nearly as formidable; both have nukes. It is in neither nation’s interest to create a war. I suspect that this will be settled without the need for a full scale war

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