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MARCH 2025

Infamous War Criminal And Iran-Hater Elliott Abrams Appointed US Special Representative For Iran

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Infamous War Criminal And Iran-Hater Elliott Abrams Appointed US Special Representative For Iran

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On August 6th, Brian Hook, U.S. Special Representative for Iran and Senior Advisor to the Secretary of State was let go from his position.

As US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s statement read:

“Hook has been my point person on Iran for over two years and he has achieved historic results countering the Iranian regime.

He successfully negotiated with the Iranians the release of Michael White and Xiyue Wang from prison. Special Representative Hook also served with distinction as the Director of Policy Planning and set into motion a range of new strategies that advanced the national security interests of the United States and our allies. He has been a trusted advisor to me and a good friend. I thank him for his service.”

At the same time, he apparently didn’t do enough in attempting to change Iran’s “behavior” and didn’t achieve any semblance of a regime change as result of the massive pressure that was exerted on Tehran, throughout 2019 and the first 8 months of 2020.

The new US Special Representative for Iran, however, is an infamous hawk with ample experience in regime change.

He is best known for his involvement in the Iran-Contra scandal during the Reagan administration, which led to his conviction in 1991 on two misdemeanor counts of unlawfully withholding information from Congress. He was later pardoned by George H.W. Bush.

Elliott Abrams, back in 1991 was Assistant Secretary of State and convicted of withholding evidence, but after a plea bargain was given only two years of probation, and was later pardoned by President George H. W. Bush.

He is, regardless, a convicted war criminal.

Abrams was a key architect of the 2003 US invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Most recently, Elliott Abrams served (and continues serving, yes he will assume both posts) as US Special Representative to Venezuela in the efforts at regime change that began in April 2019 and entirely failed.

“The appointment of a man known for his hatred of Iran and track record of seeking regime change whether in Latin America or the Middle East can only be seen as a signal that Trump is hell-bent on reckless confrontation with Iran, whether he really means it or not”, former UK ambassador to Syria Peter Ford said.

Former UN Diplomat Jim Paul said Trump’s appointment of Abrams is a sign that a new phase of US intervention in Iran may be about to begin.

At first glance, Paul explained, it might seem odd that Abrams would be given the Iran portfolio when he is already envoy for Venezuela, but the two posts are very similar.

“For decades, Abrams has been a leading figure in Washington associated with organizing and promoting US intervention. Though he has worked especially on Latin America, he has also been involved in the Middle East, especially in support of Israel”, Paul said. “He is a hawkish neocon ideologue who can be expected to launch regime-change initiatives against Iran.”

Ford said Abrams’ appointment would certainly not frighten or deter Iran, which has demonstrated in the Gulf that it will not be awed and can strike back “with venom against aggression”.

Ford said “the least bad outcome” would be for Iran to read Trump’s move as an election ploy and not give it much attention.

“The worst would be for it to be a genuine harbinger of a hot war in the Middle East which would make Afghanistan and Iraq look like playgrounds”, the former UK ambassador to Syria said.

Ford said that Abrams appointment is worrying, to put it very lightly.

“Putting Abrams in charge of Iran policy is like putting an arsonist in charge of the fire brigade”, Ford concluded.


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Elliott Abrams is a convicted war criminal and a Zionist maniac and has blood of hundreds of thousands of Hispanics on his filthy hands.

Zionism = EVIL


Ashok Varma

The other day the US State Department was trying to stifle Southfront and now they have sunk to a new low by appointing a convicted war criminal as the new point man to destabilize Iran. He is headed for failure too.


A traitor’s opinion is not relevant.

Free man



He knows exactly the cost of that action, I’m not worried.

Free man

This is what the Lebanese think: https://twitter.com/HeshmatAlavi/status/1291988181039153152


It’s a well known fact Free Man, Hezbollah holds the Lebanese people as hostages for iran’s interests. Only Israel can remove Hezbollah forcefully, but the question is will the Lebanese people also support us or side with Hezbollah.

Free man

Read the Lebanese’s responses to the speech of the Beirut rat : http://www.naharnet.com/stories/en/274009-nasrallah-denies-storing-arms-at-beirut-port-calls-for-benefiting-from-int-l-support


Thank you man, there is still hope for a change.

Free man

The Lebanese are waking up and realizing that Hezbollah / the mullah regime is responsible for the dire situation in which Lebanon finds itself. Demonstrations will begin today against Hezbollah and its corrupt politicians.


We also have big demonstrations planned against Bibi today all across Israel, I will be there today in a smaller one at my city. Bibi is scared for his seat, if Gantz doesn’t approve his budget plan, then we are going to a fourth elections more 17 days.

Free man

You need to overthrow your corrupt politicians and the Lebanese need to overthrow their corrupt politicians. Only then will there be a chance for peace. Good luck to you and your friends.


Thanks man, Bibi’s time is over wheter he likes it or not. Our society has been torn apart for 2 years now.

Free man

Also in Lebanon the Beirut rat is unpopular: https://twitter.com/Natsecjeff/status/1292095644501499904


I hope they show more of it in our media, so Israelis can see what Lebanese think.

Free man

The Lebanese are not your enemies, the mullahs regime and Iranian militias like Hezbollah are your enemy.


Are they? Why? Please explain with specifics. I am not holding my breath you will reply, but I am prepared for a surprise.

Lux et Veritas

Seek the light of truth, than remain in darkness.


If not for Hezbollah the Israelis would be occupying Lebanon by now,maybe thats whay you want,Prick.

Free man


The Objective

Hezbollah could easily absorb into the Lebanese official army, and take its instructions ONLY from the Lebanese government just like the current Lebanese army does. I am sure that’ll be a welcomed development in Lebanon by both the government and Lebanese people. But why does Hezbollah insist on operating independently? This reluctance is enough to proof that Hezbollah serves other interests apart from defending Lebanon.


Keep up those wet dreams, kiddo, you’ll need it.

The Objective

It is important for them to realize Hezbollah is only an Iranian tentacle. Left unchecked, such tentacles will crawl into every Sunni Muslim country on Earth. Iran must be stopped from its destabilizing policy of creating separate armies in sovereign countries under the guise of “resistance against the west”. They are evangelizing Sunni societies secretly but vigorously in the hope that they’ll one day rule the Muslim world. This will not happen. If it means a regional war to stop Iran, so be it.


Only Israel can remove Hezbollah forcefully ……

Just like in 2006, right?


We needed more time, but yes we can.


More time? You guys have been at it from day 1 Hezbollah was formed. Are you drunk, or what? 2006 demonstrated irrefutable and incontrovertibly you cannot handle it. And Hezbollah is even stronger than in 2006: more, better missiles, battle experience, whereas your revered swamp rats have not had any significant battle experience for years.

More time? Who are you trying to kid?

The Objective

This is not 2006 man. Victory in 2006 doesn’t guarantee victory in 2020. The stakes are high for both Hezbollah and Iran. They are doing all they can to dodge a war they see coming. They are clearly on the defensive.


No, this is not 2006. Hezbollah now has 150,000+ precision missiles with which it can cause significant damage to the zioracist cancerous boil, if not wipe it off the map. Also, it fighters have significant battle experience gained in Syria, contrary to those couch potatoes of the Hollywood army across the border.

As for Hezbollah and Iran dodging a war, it seems to me you have your knickers in a twist: the zioracist Hollywood army is specialised in attacking defenceless civilians and children, for the simple reason that they are scared sh*tless to take on a real opponent. The reason for that is they remember 2006 only too well.

So, kiddo, I suggest you upgrade your internal hard drive with some real info.

The Objective

The only thing stopping the Zionist starting a big war is public opinion in America. Both Iran and Hezbollah are careful not to take actions that will anger the American public to such an extent that they support a war. Had Iran killed American soldiers openly after the assassination of Soleimani – especially killing a large number – say 50 or above, I am certain the American public will be so angered that majority will support Trump to attack Iran directly. That was why Iran refrained from taking actions that’ll give Trump the domestic support to start a war. The Iranians understand American politics pretty well, and tread carefully. Without public support, no U.S president will dare start a war. The earlier you get this fact, the better you’ll understand what’s happening between Iran and America and why there hasn’t been a war till now.

Hezbollah has lots of Missiles, many of which are precision guided and much more powerful that anything they had before. And Hezbollah is battle hardened from its experience in Syria. But what is different this time is the American B-series bombers and others that Will certainly join the fight as long as Trump is in office. Much of Hezbollah’s underground tunnels will be reduced to rubles should the U.S. be involved. America is a dying empire, but it appears to still have many more years ahead and still wields a highly deadly force.

Belief me guy, should Hezbollah or Iran start something while Trump is in office, all hell will break loose. Iran doesn’t even dare pull out of the nuclear deal even after crushing sanctions, Europe failing to deliver, Assassinations, Israeli bombings and sabotage blessed by America, and many other hostile acts against Iran. Iran is benefiting nothing by abiding by the nuclear deal. And yes, I’ll bet my life savings, the nuclear deal will collapse before Trump leaves office. Iran’s arms embargo is highly unlikely to expire.


You leave 1 parameter out of the equation: the zioracist entity, or more precisely, its existence.

Neither Iran nor Hezbollah want to start a war, they have proven that over the years, Iran even over the past 300 years !

The only parties that have been responsible for wars, death and destruction in the Middle East are the U.S. and its garrison zioracist statelet. If any of those 2 were to start anything against Iran, the zioracist entity would be pounded by missile rains from both Iran and Hezbollah, and the zioracist entity would be turned into rubble. Neither its nukes nor those of the U.S. could prevent that.

Both the U.S. and the zioracist entity know it, which is why they have not dared to attack Iran.

As most commentators, you turn the argument upside down by saying Iran does not dare to attack, but its the U.S. and the zioracist entity that don’t dare, their sick bluster and criminal activities notwithstanding.

The Objective

Iran hasn’t started a war in 300 years? The Iran of today isn’t Persia. It’s a theocracy ruled by one of the must evil and defiant brand of Shiism. Today’s Iran is only 4 decades old – since 1979. So stop bringing up Persian history cos the Mullahs ruling Iran are widely different from ancient Persians.

Iran does not invade countries the conventional way. It invades using proxies. Prior to 1979, there were no Iranian proxy forces in any country. But after 1979, we have proxies in Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine. And this list will grow if Iran is not stopped.

Your comment about raining missiles on Israel is unrealistic. For starter, Israel has enough nukes to make Iran uninhabitable for generations. Iran will not respond in such a way as to endanger the lives of millions in Iran. It’s all bluster, believe. The U.S can go hard on Iran, including destroying its nuclear sites, and Iran won’t take such extreme actions as raining missiles of Israel.

The U.S and Israel don’t need to invade Iran to bring it to its knees. A combination of external and internal pressure, destruction of its proxy forces across the Middle East, and sabotage will very likely bring down the Iranian regime, because the Iranian public will one day get tired of living under hardship.

I support America dismantling Iran’s proxies, but I don’t like the way America is going about it. The U.S. wants to stir up domestic opposition against these proxies and also pressure the governments of these countries to dismantle such proxies. It won’t work that way without starting civil wars in these countries, and civilians will bear the grunt of it all. I understand the U.S. and Israel are trying to cut the cost of taking on these proxies themselves, but it’s still cruel to put a country at risk of a civil war over Iran’s proxy armies. It is better to take them head on and destroy such proxies.


You can turn it any which way you want, the fact is that Iran has not attacked any country in the past 300 years, polity changes notwithstanding. Period.

Iran supports its allies in the region, just like the U.S. and the zioracist dump do, and the latter’s proxies only consist of terrorist groups they created, notably ISIS and al-Qa’ida. Iran’s allies are fighting for their own country, the U.S./zioracist proxies are not fighting for their own country, they’re fighting to take over other countries. Double standards.

And why should Iran not be allowed to support its Shia brethren? Double standards.

The zioracist entity’s nukes could cause a lot of damage to Iran, there is no doubt about it, but they cannot take out Iran’s missile shelters, in any case a good part of them they cannot. And the same goes for U.S. nukes against Iran.

The zioracist dump cannot use nukes on Lebanon to destroy Hezbollah’s missiles because radioactive fallout would cause major damage in the dump itself.

So, between them Iran and Hezbollah could wipe the dump off the map, without using nukes. BTW, why is Iran not allowed to have nukes when the zioracist sewer has them?

The U.S. has absolutely no business in the Middle East, it does not need its oil, it is not threatened by anyone. Iran’s “proxies” are just an excuse. Double standards.

The only proxy that should be dismantled is the U.S.’s own settler-colonial, genocidal proxy, viz. the zioracist garbage dump. That stinking sewer has been the source of 99% of trouble in the region ever since its illegal creation by Khazar Jews who had no business there either.

Your are using the usual Western hypocrisy, double standards, and lies to judge others by while putting the West on a pedestal as good guys.

The Objective

Do not mistake me for someone supporting Israel or the U.S. both are evil countries, responsible for the suffering of millions. But that doesn’t make Iran innocent or give it a free-pass to stir up trouble in neighboring countries. Iran is clearly trying to weaken the Sunni Muslim world, starting from the Middle East. Deny this as much as you can, because denial (taqiyya) is part of your religion. But that won’t deceive me for a second.

Iran supports its “allies”? what do you mean allies. Iran has no ally except Syria. All others are mere proxies with no international recognition or official control in their countries. America’s puppets are at least the official representatives of their countries. Iran should also work to win over more governments on its side instead of creating private armies within any country with a sizable Shiite population. What Iran does cannot be justified at all. It’s policy of training proxy forces that act as armies in many countries will devastate the region one day. Perhaps that’s what the plan is – to devastate the Middle East. For this, I pray that Allah brings war upon Iran if it doesn’t quit creating governments within governments in Sunni societies.

My point about nukes was only to tell you that Iran won’t take such extreme actions against Israel as you think. It’s all bluster. They’re scared to shitless of the Trump administration.

I certainly agree that America has no business in the Middle East. But Iran too has no business meddling in the affair of Sunni countries.

Rather than Iran have a free-pass to do whatever it wants in the Middle East, I prefer the U.S. to stay.

Iranian proxy forces will soon have to face the U.S military throughout the Middle East. They can dodge this war as much as they like, preferring to spread evil without the cost of war, but I can see this war coming – unless Iran backs down. If the war does not involve Iran directly, it’ll at least destroy its proxies and isolate it like never before. This is near certainty whether Trump or Biden wins.


Iran is clearly trying to weaken the Sunni Muslim world …… What is wrong with that???? I assume you’re unaware that the terrorism in the Middle East, apart from that committed by the zioracists and their trans-Atlantic lapdog, is committed by Sunnis: al-Qa’ida and ISIS, together with all their affiliated organisations are Sunni.

What’s more, they are targeting the Shias too, led by Iran’s 1st and foremost enemy Saudi Arabia. So, you expect Iran to just roll over and let SA have its way?

Iran most certainly has allies in the region: apart from Syria there are the Houthis and Hezbollah, neither of which are proxies. A proxy is an entity that acts on behalf of another entity. The Houthis fight for their country against a foreign aggressor, and so does Hezbollah, and so does Hamas. The latter of course is a Sunni organisation but receives support from Iran.

The U.S. is finished in the Middle East. It overstepped the line with the illegal, vile assassination of Qaseem Soleimani, so its soldiers will be harassed until they withdraw.

The Gulf states, whose governments lack legitimacy, need the U.S. to keep them in power, but that is a very tenuous situation. They’ll give safe havens to the trans-Atlantic Hollywood army but that does not mean the latter has influence over Middle Eastern affairs.

The U.S. is the world’s self-appointed policeman who decided which governments are acceptable and which aren’t. The latter are attacked, which is a sick state of affairs and the reason for 99% of the death and destruction in the Middle East.

The Middle East belongs to the people there and should be left to them to sort their lives out, instead of by a foreign imperialist power.

The Objective

I have no defense whatsoever for the U.S. and its gulf puppets. Iran’s effort to weaken the Sunni Muslim world has nothing to do with terrorism. You need to look up some Sunni-Shiite history to understand this. and also, here is an interesting book that captures almost all their differences. https://mahajjah.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/UMS-UPDATED-FINAL.pdf

Hezbollah is not an Iranian ally. It’s a proxy because it does not represent the official Lebanese government, neither is it on the government’s payroll. Hezbollah doesn’t answer to the Lebanese government and doesn’t take permission from the government before engaging in activities that may harm Lebanese interest – like Hezbollah’s involvement in Syria. Houthis are a more complicated case. But they are still Iran’s proxies. Houthis are also predominantly Shiite despite the anti-Western opposition in Yemen being predominantly Sunni. Iran supports the Houthis more so that when the opposition finally expels Saudi Arabia from the country, Houthis will be more powerful and hopefully take control of the country. This is what you fail to notice.


Hezbollah is part of the Lebanese parliament and has saved the country twice from the zioracist entity’s onslaught: in 2000 and in 2006.

You refuse to accept that a proxy works for a foreign government. Hezbollah does not work for any foreign government, therefore is not a proxy. Period. It does not represent the Lebanese government, but it represents many Lebanese and as such is an ally of Iran.

The Sunni-Shia divide did not exist to the murderous extent it exists now, until it was created by the U.S. and its zioracist Middle Eastern master.

The Houthis are NOT an Iranian proxy because they do not work for the Iranian government, they are defending their country against the Saudi-led, U.S.-orchestrated war waged against their country. Period.

Yes Iran supports the Houthis, and why not????? What’s wrong with that? The U.S. supports Saudi Arabia and the zioracist garbage dump. Why do you use double standards.

So, let me bring this to an end. You are refusing to accept the principle that a proxy works for a foreign government in order to try to justify your specious argument about Hezbollah and the Houthis. Furthermore, you are insisting on using double standards to try to justify your bogus arguments about Iran’s activities and you refuse to hold the rest of the actors to the same standards.

You are even contradicting yourself by saying that the U.S. has no business in the region, yet supporting its illegal activities there.

In conclusion, I note that you are unable to demonstrate irrefutably your case about Iran, having to rely on hypocrisy and double standards. I am stopping this discussion, but by all means feel free to have the last word.


Essentially it boils down to this: if Iran is really the evil force it is purported to be, why do the U.S. and its Middle Eastern zioracist master need to fabricate lies about Iran’s nuclear programme?

Why did the U.S. pull out of the JCPOA when the IAEA AND the U.S. nuclear experts too had certfied that Iran was in FULL compliance with the contract?

The answer to these 2 questions is simple: they do not have a case against Iran so they fabricate a case. That fabricated case allows them, they believe, to keep threatening Iran with war; the zioracist Führer has even threatened Iran with nuclear annihilation !! Imagine the world’s reaction if the reverse would have happened.

The Objective

You are right, they fabricate cases against Iran wherever they can. This they do to build domestic support for war. Obama was the only U.S. president in recent times to do everything within its power to stop the planned war with Iran. But Obama is gone now.

However, Iran too is not completely innocent of the accusations against it. The only place I disagree with Iran is its efforts in creating proxy forces in other countries. Look now, Lebanon is dragged into the cold war between the U.S. and Iran. It is Iran’s fault for insisting on Hezbollah being an independent answerable to non but Iran. Lebanon has an official army, and instead of training and arming a separate army, Iran should have integrated them into the Lebanese army and then provide assistance for the entire army. I am sure Lebanon won’t do anything to harm Iran. But also won’t face such sabotage and economic warfare being waged on the country right now. You got to admit this man. It’s clear.


…… Iran should have integrated them into the Lebanese army ……

Don’t you realise this statement is complete nonsense? Iran has no authority to organise the Lebanese army !!!


The Objective

Iran doesn’t give the order to the Lebanese government or army. It should just instruct Hezbollah and push for its integration into the army. The hundreds of millions it spends on Hezbollah can go the entire Lebanese army then. So too will the large caches of weapons, training, and tech assistance.

Iran has no valid reason to argue why Hezbollah should remain an independent force.

You are only making excuses, but you are not going to fool anyone with that feeble argument that Lebanon can only be defended by Hezbollah. Hezbollah are made of Lebanese citizens. So too is the Lebanese army.

Can you tell us the position of the Lebanese government regarding Syria? How many Lebanese soldiers are fighting in Syria. Contrast that with Hezbollah and you will realize there are two, not one governments in Lebanon.

The Objective

Some will side with Hezbollah, but I don’t think any will side with Israel.One wonders why Hezbollah doesn’t just integrate into the Lebanese official army and be fully under government control.

Potato Man

This guy would suck Pompeo dick and let him fuk this mother, that how low of human being he is let alone to call this ape a human. He run away and can cry all he wants but in reality he is just like a goy sucker like you bud. I love what you share, great sources. First one is Suida own News LMFAO and the other one is MEK goy sucker LMFAO. What next? Bibi nudes and you going to call him your god?

Schlomo Bin Wahab

You should be extremely worried.

Potato Man

I really love you bud. “Al Arabiya is a Saudi owned free-to-air television news channel based in Dubai. It is broadcast in Modern Standard Arabic to a pan-Arab audience.”

Zionism = EVIL

Dumbass morons have brought a senile 73 year old Zionist war criminal out of mothballs. Look at the hooked nosed cunts ugly face ROFLMAO.


When SF is crying, I know he is the right man for the job. I wish him best of luck to throw the mullahs into the garbage can of history.

Lone Ranger

Too bad you aint better than them. In fact your leadership is worse. Throwing tactical nukes around… Whoopsy…


Bring a proof or you’re a liar.

Lone Ranger

Its not a lie. We both know that. Iran told they have underground coastal bases a week ago.. 24 hours before the the incident Israel said they wont hit Hezbollah targets… Yeah right… Exactly 24 hours later the strike happens… Furst a sub or ship fired a cruise missile, probably a Harpoon, striking tbe ammonium nitrate as a cover up, than 10mins later an F-15 launched a tactical nuclear tipped bunker buster. Its clear as daylight. That crater is a 100+meter wide and deep, no non nuclear detonation can do that with concrete, its just wont happen. It was a shameful and coward act, no better to any terror group.


Again, bring a concrete proof for your claims then I would agree. If not, then it’s pointless to discuss it.

Lone Ranger



All I saw was a raondom video, editted with some rocket picture but not a full authentic video showing any missile hit on the port as one chunk video. If as you claim it was a missle attack, then they need to find the debris.

Lone Ranger

And the serial numbers too right? And the written orders by Bibi presented on CNN and Haeretz News… Get real. Im not your usual fool, just sayin, being totally humble now :) MSM is in overdrive to white wash it same as they did with the Gulf of Tonkin incident, USS Liberty incident, 9/11, only to name the more prominent ones. It was a nuke strike. I dont know what was there but you guys destroyed it. Probably an underground base. Its worth to mention that the same type of tactical nuke bunkerbusters were used in Yemen a few years ago by Saudisis and by thd U.S. in Tianjin, China. Somebody is very triggerhappy…


Accept it Ranger, it was not us and we are not crazy enough to do it unless a war start and we did something like that as a retaliation for thousands of dead Israelis. That is the only case we might use our massive weapons, on any other case it would be a mistake of our side because we will be sanctioned.

Lone Ranger

Sanctions are pretty worthless these days arent day? And Israel never really cared about international pressure in the past, why would that change… Especially against relatively wealthy countries whom have free trade. I dont accept it. Im not buying the fertilizer story. And it wasnt the first time such type of weapons were used.


Its okay if you don’t accept the story, but untill proven otherwise – Israel is innocent in this case. Hezbollah will use it ofcourse for his own needs, I just hope the Lebanese public is not stupid enough to follow Nasrallah’s lies. The last thing they need now is a war against us.

Lone Ranger

I doubt they will. If this comes out publicly in the mainstream media Hezbollah and Iran have only two options left full on war or admit partial defeat, are they ready for a full on war? Or even do they want one? I dont know to be honest. But Im sure they dont want to lose face. China did the same, they kept quite over Tianjin. This doesnt mean they wont respond at a later time… China already started dismantling the U.S. non-economic system… Again U.S. actions were counterproductive aside from being non-ethical. It only accelerated the collapse of the U.S. Empire. But than again, what do I know, Im only a nobody…


Never said you’re a nobody Ranger, you’re actually far better than the rest of the lunatics here. They bring me to dirty talk, with you I can talk with reason.

Lone Ranger

Thanks. Albeit Im pretty sure I will get a lot of flak for this… I prefer diplomacy where its possible over brute force.

Lone Ranger

P.S. the bunkerbuster was filmed. Google it.

Zionism = EVIL

HUSH little Jew TWAT!


He will fail like he did with trying to get rid of Maduro recently


Time will tell.

Ashok Varma

Silly little boy.


Again, a traitor’s opinion is not relevant.

Ashok Varma

Dozens of US envoys and presidents have suffered the same failure. It is just an acknowledgement that Brian Hooks was an abject failure despite threats and hollow bombast.

Joao Alfaiate

More likely it is the Zionist enterprise headed for the dust bin of history along with Hitler’s 1000 year Reich, unsinkable ships, unconquerable capitals, etc., etc.

Zionism = EVIL

For 41 years the dumbass Americunt morons have had 6 Presidents bite the dust over Iran and 14 “ambassadors” and “special advisors” who have failed miserable to “contain” Iran. The opposite is true now as Iran is in the strongest position in recent history. Now the pathetic cunts have some down to getting a senile 73 year old ugly hooked nosed Jew fuck out of mothballs. This cowardly cunt has killed thousands in South America and was the architect of death squads and the Iran-Contra fiasco along with the fat faggot Oliver North.

Trump Blasted for Naming ‘War Criminal’ and Iran-Contra Convict Elliott Abrams as Iran Envoy in act of desperation at repeated failures.

“Elliott Abrams has made a career of lying and committing criminal acts that have led to the death and suffering of innocent people from Guatemala to Iraq.


Lone Ranger

That troll looks like a villain straight out of a 60s Bond movie.

Zionism = EVIL

He is revolting creature from the depths of hell. Elliott Abrams was once a perverted child. And then he decided to spend the rest of his life covering up brutal atrocities and murdering civilians and setting up right-wing death squads and running the CIA drug operations to pay for terrorism and propping up the most vile regimes like Israel.


In other words he is a Gangster.


I am reading this as an interesting and very desperate move. Mr. Abrams has been effective in bringing harm to Venezuela but, not much else. His efforts there have forged and hardened relationships the US absolutely did not want to occur. He blew it sky high. So for one, I think the group steering policy at this point is rather small, despite the size of the departments in action. Another is they are flat out running out of talent to get the job done, so exposed, worn out, well calculated retreads from back in my day are being put to task for endeavors in which they will truly and spectacularly fail ….. again and again.

Folks, they are really, really scraping the last area at the bottom of some barrel they found in an alley. I know I am being a bit hard here but, this is just plain stupidity in my book. Anybody can see what is coming a mile away. The other side has probably been tracking this development since inception, watching the pieces move into place one at a time and are smiling that it has finally arrived. My take, I wish well to all.


It is an acknowledgement of US policy failures and bankruptcy. The only suicidal option left now for the US is to attack Iran and that is not even in the realm of crazies.


I agree. This was an incredibly stupid move. They are finished, the foreign policy drivers.


Sanctions and threats could not topple Castro for 60 years, let alone have an impact on a large rich nation like Iran, controlling the world’s jugular and situated in the key Eurasian power pole.


Trump says if he wins election he will make deals with Iran, North Korean ‘very quickly’. They are both powerful nations and we need to be friends.

By News Desk – 2020-08-08

Potato Man

LMFAO no he wouldn’t :) bud words are words.

johnny rotten

I stayed in the old days when murderous psychopaths were locked up for life, the changes have been drastic if the insane have important positions in the most at-risk areas of the world, I just hope that the incompetence of the insane counteracts his thirst for blood.

Richard Aahs

One way of exposing a flaw, is to put it directly into the light. The President seems to be a master at this tactic.

Schlomo Bin Wahab

This is the new ugly face of failed US policy.


This rat should be a dead man walking.

Joao Alfaiate

Anyone who doubts Abrams’ attachment to the state of Israel should be directed to his oft-quoted remark that Jews “are in a permanent covenant with God and with the land of Israel and its people.”

Potato Man

“Anyone who doubts Abrams’ attachment to the state of Israel” hmmm maybe because he is Jewish bud.

“Elliott Abrams was born into a Jewish family in New York in 1948. His father was an immigration lawyer.”


Never ever has this piece of trash accomplished his overlords’ objectives. Yes, he killed a lot of people and deserves a bullet, but he never accomplished regime change.

His Venezuela project is a complete disaster and failure from a U.S. point of view, and now the overlords give him another project. ROFLMAO ?

Potato Man

Trump owe a lot to Jews in NYC and not just money. The Jews are happy as long they have one of their people up there.


Yep, except that this one isn’t going to give them what they expect. Oh well, a surprise in the making.

Potato Man

I’m just waiting for October to come and when was the last time any of them achieve their goals again. The Israeli lobby is only good at looting Americans taxpayers and put clowns in power in US. (Those clowns also owe a lot to Jews ofc).

Potato Man

“Elliott Abrams was born into a Jewish family in New York in 1948. His father was an immigration lawyer.”

Michael Paul Lynch

Couldn’t post this to Facebook

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