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MARCH 2025

Infantry Shortage And Morale Drop Harming Ukraine

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Infantry Shortage And Morale Drop Harming Ukraine

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant

The Western media can no longer disguise the critical situation of the Ukrainian troops. In a recent article published by the Washington Post, journalists exposed the lack of personnel in the Ukrainian infantry as well as the serious effects on military morale. The case shows once again how the Ukrainian defeat is an inevitable reality, with all attempts to change the final outcome of the conflict being absolutely futile.

On-the-ground journalists reported to the Washington Post on February 8 that Ukrainian forces are suffering from an “acute shortage” of infantry soldiers on the front lines. In interviews with reporters, Ukrainian military commanders made clear their concerns about the deficiency of troops, as without a sufficient number of fighters it is impossible to conduct operations.

According to Ukrainian military interviewed by the newspaper, the number of casualties has increased in recent times due to intense Russian attacks. With the failure of the Ukrainian counteroffensive, Moscow is said to have taken the “offensive initiative” on the battlefield, leading to high-intensity operations that are annihilating Ukrainian soldiers, inflicting massive casualties on infantry units. The article’s sources say that many of the Ukrainian combat units are working with an extremely reduced number of soldiers. In some battalions, the actual number of troops is less than half of what would be an adequate quantity.

“In interviews across the front line in recent days, nearly a dozen soldiers and commanders told The Washington Post that personnel deficits were their most critical problem now, as Russia has regained the offensive initiative on the battlefield and is stepping up its attacks. One battalion commander in a mechanized brigade fighting in eastern Ukraine said that his unit currently has fewer than 40 infantry troops — the soldiers deployed in front-line trenches who hold off Russian assaults. A fully equipped battalion would have more than 200, the commander said. Another commander in an infantry battalion of a different brigade said his unit is similarly depleted.”, the article reads.

Another worrying side effect of the constant losses is the psychological destabilization of Ukrainians. Unable to escape the conflict or end it once and for all, soldiers on the frontlines end up despairing and having their morale damaged – which obviously has terrible consequences on the battlefield.

“They need to be replaced by someone (…) There is no one to replace them, so they sit there more, their morale drops, they get sick or suffer frostbite. They are running out. There is no one to replace them. The front is cracking. The front is crumbling. Why can’t we replace them? Because we don’t have people; nobody comes to the army. Why doesn’t anyone come to the army? Because the country didn’t tell people that they should go to the army. The state failed to explain to people that they should go to the army. Those who knew that they should go, they have already all run out.”, Aleksandr, a battalion commander, told journalists.

Also, Sergey, a commander fighting in Avdiivka, said:

“You can feel it; people are exhausted both morally and physically (…) It’s very hard, the weather conditions, the constant shelling. They have a great impact on the human psyche.”

In fact, the report points out some serious problems in the military situation of Ukraine. The absence of infantry men is due to the rapid exhaustion of Kiev’s forces. Ukrainian troops have been losing soldiers since the launching of the Russian operation, with the regime imposing forced mobilization measures to try to solve the problem. However, given the prolongation of hostilities, there are fewer and fewer citizens able to be recruited – which explains the minimal number of soldiers on the frontlines.

In the same sense, the psychological effects of this “meat grinder” are many. As a large part of the current Ukrainian army is made up of elderly people and teenagers with no previous military training, conscripts tend to become desperate in the face of war, not knowing how to react and simply losing any will to fight – which leads to surrenders and desertions.

Moral-psychological defeat is a key point in military sciences. The side that manages to impose such a defeat on its enemy gains a huge advantage on the battlefield. Even strong and well-equipped armies become unable to win a battle when they are psychologically affected to the point of losing the will to fight. In the Ukrainian case, it is even more serious, since both the material and psychological situations are terrible, there being no way to escape defeat.

There seems to be a vicious cycle in which the more Kiev spends on war and mobilizes soldiers, the more deaths and psychological defeats it suffers. This impasse makes it clear that, for Kiev, there is no military solution to the war. If the regime really wants peace and the reconstruction of the country, it must surrender and sign a peaceful agreement with Russia – otherwise, the losses will be even greater and, even so, there will be no change in the final result, since Russian victory is inevitable.

You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram.


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ukraine never had a chance and neither did the u.s / nato in this proxy war.


main objective of this war for usa, was to do as much harm to russia as possible. considering that, they didn’t fail completely the main objective . much better question is what interest russia had to play a passive loser in cia game of “color revolutions” and maidan coup in ukraine turning that way ukraine into the weapon against russia.


they did no real damage to russia (actually made it stronger) but destroyed plenty of western economies and lost all trust from their own people.

no one trusts western mainstream media anymore and the over 110 million views on the tucker carlson interview with putin show it and the numbers keep growing every minute. good job being the actual losers.


i knew it already that somebody will push that narrative of “russia even stronger”. you were the fastest. plenty of others with the same song behind you. there are at least 50 000 dead russian soldiers (crippled number unknown) and wasted huge amount of money for all that is needed for that war. money that could have been used for modernization, rebuilding of neglected russian industry


slavic genetic pool irreversibly destroyed with hundreds of thousands dead, with millions of immigration that will never come back. russia already in demographic impasse even before this war will face the similar situation like ukraine. uncontrolled mass immigration. millions of muslim population from central asia resembling usa and eu in scope. slavic christians are total losers in this war courtesy vvputin.


don’t worry you western nazi are destroying yourselves much quicker than any slavs, feminist cat ladies and soy boys galore. all you can do is import brown and black people to replace you in the west. which is exactly what your governments are doing on purpose.good luck with that.


actually statistically more migrants crossed the border into the u.s this year than actual babies of american citizens were born. so yes americans are getting replaced.


“you western nazi “??! i’m orthodox slav with russian blood in my veins also, not “western nazi”. dan you are most definitely not one of the brightest among anglo saxons


simply too cold for most southern races, compare the ethnic makeup of alaska (mostly white or native indian) vs southern states of usa.


can’t follow you, what “races”?!? never talked about races…


“slavic genetic pool” seems like talk about races.


probably a translation error, этническая принадлежность или раса, нет гонка. most whites suffer in hot climates, tropical diseases, skin cancer, heat stroke, sweat a lot and smell bad, while most blacks suffer in the far north, vitamin d deficiency, low resistance to frostbite, feel the cold a lot. always some exceptions of course.


lol you tard the amount of citizens russia gained in the 4 regions is millions more than how many russia lost. and russia isn’t standing still in innovation, it’s moving forward, creating new jobs building new infrastructure, developing technology and science. you are simply projecting where the west and ukraine are at and heading even deeper into the abyss , nothing more. long after western economies collapse russia will still be there and thriving too.


demographic hole was created by gorbatchev and specially yeltsin. whole generations were lost and repercussions of that disaster are now. population is in decline, more people die, than born. russians were not having children even before this war. there is no reason situation will change. huge number of younger people with children emigrated on west. old ppl stayed in ukraine.


what part of more brown migrants illegally entered the u.s than american babies were born, do you not understand? what white westerners are making enough babies to replace themselves instead of becoming minorities? i’ll wait.


i couldn’t care less about the subject you try to impose. future of usa is of no concern to me. there was nothing but wars, evil deeds propagated from that country for decades.


russian fertility rate steadily goes up every year and is one of the highest on the european continent. and yes the situation is changing rapidly. it will get up to replacement rate in no time. also a ton of people who migrated in the 90s and 2000s are now coming back to russia recently with their kids grandkids etc and settling back in russia (even many of the volga germans that left in the 90s are coming back.) they don’t want to live in the degenerate lgbt forced hormone replacement west.


i think that you are more into window dressing than into the facts. suit yourself i couldn’t care less


you have no facts so you deflect


trolstoyevski, the bitter truth is that it is a depopulation campaign of both sides. i was aware of this by feb 25h 2022 and unfortunately it is all a ritual of death.

that said, ukraine is going to lose this, as it was never meant to win. they just recently installed syrsky and the chief commander, also nicknamed general 200. they removed zaluhny because that goblin didn’t actually like the script, whereas syrsky will comply just fine.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny

russia was sold out under gorbachev. the damage was done before yeltsin was installed by the americans. the soviet union was weaker than the us empire, and it lost the hybrid war. it was a testament to the fortitude of the various peoples in the soviet union that it lasted forty-five years after ww2. the us propaganda notion that the people were saved from communism is infantile and completely unsupportable with historical evidence.


that dumb german chick that got killed on the front lines by the russians recently is the perfect example of a modern western woman of today, 36 years old, childless, has no purpose in life, no husband no family of her own and has become a darwin awardee. but at least she died a “girl boss” 🤪🤡


from my perspective western civilization is fucked up totally. nucleus of the family (society) is irreversibly destroyed. atomization of the society reinforced with uncontrolled influx of illegal immigration and growing perversions of all the values of the society are in full swing. decadent west is dying.


your perspective was extremely limited. industrial capitalism had more or less the same alienating effects on the population that industrialized socialism did. the nuclear family, which is essentially the outcome in both systems, is the perversion of a million or so years of humans living in family groups. the current immigration and identitarian rubbish is to prevent people from coalescing in the face of the onslaught from globalized financial capitalism.

Last edited 1 year ago by Clyde
Duran meran

114 million views now on the putin interview its gaining million of views in minutes. that’s what the actual world thinks of you western globalist turds 💩


115 million views now on tucker carlsons putin interview. i’m sure it will sat a record. literally took 5 minutes to go a full million which is crazy!


i’m sorry, 118 million views!


good comments d, as always, nice to read from intelligent, rational people.


yet putin didn’t say anything that was not already said by him on plenty occasions in his speeches (for those who follow russian media). it seams that interview was galvanized by systematic western isolation of russia. blockade of russian media and putin’s public speeches had opposite boomerang effect with the western public tired of listening infinite monologue of western propaganda only.

Last edited 1 year ago by Trolstoyevski

it’s just window dressing to bolster the divide and rule program in the us empire. the notion that carlson and the militarists who cheer-lead the confrontation with china are supportive of the russian or ukrainian people is quite silly.


it’s not about supporting anybody it’s all about getting the others perspective to the informationally censored western population. tucker literally said that in the beginning of his interview in the intro. you have zero listening comprehension and that’s why you and ol’ buddy trolstoyevski say a bunch of b.s over and over again.


window dressing. carlson’s a propagandist. so it’s about getting a perspective out in a context that suits carlson and the us mic. thanks for playing, derpster.

jens holm

i laik uras so i cann haelp them by sending my used dildoes and my waif’s vibrators

_Tom Sawyer_

guys, im here to remind you all that i am gay. but not just normal gay, no, im super gay!


what says the drugged pig zelensky?

shopping villas at an excelerated pace…?


its a strange war. here in the west we are told that russia is an existential threat not just to ukraine but also the rest of europe. and yet, ukraine and ukrainians seem indifferent to their fate. there’s no flood of volunteers from the remaining populace within ukraine and no flood of returnees from outwith ukraine.


if knuckleheaded bozos hadn’t spent their lives on attacking superior positions to no end, ukraine would have a fighting chance, at least to slow down the advance and make it costly. of course, the lives of others or the good of ukraine was never really the objective.

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