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MARCH 2025

Russian Information Security Posters

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This series of military information security posters is making the rounds in the Russian segment of the Internet, urging servicemen to be careful with current technology and social media.

The posters have nothing with the Russian Defense Ministry. The series is a fan art made by Eugeny Miroshnichenko. However, it is rather interesting.

“Guys, what the heck are you doin’? You want to blow our positions?”

“Oh man, make sure the new APC is in the shot, I want my friends to check it out later”

Making selfies, photos, and posting them on the Internet

Makes it easier for the enemy to catch you in his net

Posting photos, videos and other information about yourself and your service is forbidden

Russian Information Security Posters

Click to see the full-size image

Using geolocation

Lets out vital information!

Using devices with geolocation is forbidden during service and off duty

Russian Information Security Posters

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Do not put your trust in cellphone security

The enemy can hear you with surety

Discussing official business and highly sensitive information over cellphone is forbidden

Russian Information Security Posters

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Even when not in formation

Do not leak the information

Working with classified documents outside the designated areas (e.g. at home) is forbidden

Copying the classified documents is forbidden

Russian Information Security Posters

Click to see the full-size image

With important documents going for night on the town

Will surely and steadfastly let your country down!

Transporting classified documents on the public transit system and going off designated route is forbidden

Russian Information Security Posters

Click to see the full-size image

“Eh, easy for you “map crawlers” to say. Try crossing the desert like us.”

“To each his own. By the way, I saw the photo with the APC, it owned!”

Be careful of what you are telling and whispering

You never know who might be listening

Russian Information Security Posters

Click to see the full-size image

Leave personal appliances at the checkpoint!

Carrying personal electronic appliances is forbidden in restricted areas.

Russian Information Security Posters

Click to see the full-size image

Always sign off when and check when passing documents!

Handing off classified documents without signing off first is forbidden

Russian Information Security Posters

Click to see the full-size image

“Man, yesterday was crazy. Listen to this..”

“What’s new in the service?”

“How was your deployment? What were you doing?”

With state secrets do not run your mouth

Or you’ll risk everything going south

Discussing service matters with people without access to the information and in public is forbidden

Russian Information Security Posters

Click to see the full-size image

Service equipment is meant for service matters!

Using social networks, creating wi-fi connections, using extraneous software and connecting cell phones to service PCs is forbidden

Russian Information Security Posters

Click to see the full-size image

Transfer the documents the right way

Or you’ll be locked away

Classified documents must be transported sealed, or with an escort

Russian Information Security Posters

Click to see the full-size image

Never let the documents on your desk,

Leave them in the safe.

When leaving the office, leaving the safe keys or documents on your desk is forbidden

Russian Information Security Posters

Click to see the full-size image

Vigilance is required

Lest security be mired

One must cut short the actions that may compromise the security of confidential information

Russian Information Security Posters

Click to see the full-size image

Of any possible provocation

Provide commander with information

One must inform the commanding officer of the attempts to learn confidential information by non-authorised personnel

Russian Information Security Posters

Click to see the full-size image

Antivirus you’ve turned off?

You can go and just f**k off.

Going on Internet without permission is forbidden

Russian Information Security Posters

Click to see the full-size image

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Russian segment of the Internet is already pissed off by the second poster, since it shows a tank being attacked by a surface-to-air missile.


Well maby the guy dosent know for what it is used for.

The Farney Fontenoy

The fact that someone, anyone, even felt the need to do this is a sign of poor discipline in the ranks!

Tudor Miron

This posters are funny. quote from the above article “The posters have nothing with the Russian Defense Ministry. The series is a fan art made by Eugeny Miroshnichenko.” but they do look funny being a parody of soviet army posters from 50s.

John Whitehot

they even translated some of them in rhyme like in the originals.

nice job : )

Alex Mayers

These posters are pure OPSEC for noobs :) Positive stuff

Денис Черкасов

Haha those are pretty awesome. Reminds me about soviet postures.


The guy who made this fan art deserves a week in Crimea with a prostitute of his choice, all expenses paid by Russian Republic. These posters are excellent regardless some inaccuracies regarding proper use of weapon systems. They should be modified if necessary to be factually correct and utilized.

There was an American Navy sailor jailed for taking selfies in a nuclear submarine. He’s asking mercy from Trump currently.

Better yet, I hope the Americans modify these posters with American looking soldiers and utilize them though it will never happen. Again, I tip my hat to this artist!

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