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Instagram Is Now Blocking Links To SouthFront.org, Even In Your Private Messages

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Instagram Is Now Blocking Links To SouthFront.org, Even In Your Private Messages


SouthFront is now being censored by 4 largest mainstream social media platforms: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter… and even Instagram

As of September 23, Instagram has started blocking all links to SouthFront’s website (southfront.org) including those in your private messages. When a user tries to share or send a link to southfront.org, Instagram shows an error and does not allow to send a message with a link.

Instagram Is Now Blocking Links To SouthFront.org, Even In Your Private Messages

A message showed by Instagram when user tries to share a link to southfront.org

Instagram Is Now Blocking Links To SouthFront.org, Even In Your Private Messages

Private messages with links to southfront.org are blocked

The sad irony of the situation is that SouthFront does not even have an active account in Instagram. Therefore, this ban mostly affects Instagram’s own users. Their ability to receive and even discuss independent news and analyses are now limited.

No advance notification or real explanation has been provided by the service (as always).

The ban in Instagram became the most recent step in the unprecedented censorship and pressure campaign against SouthFront:

On September 5, Twitter suspended SouthFront’s official account with over 28,000 followers claiming that SouthFront somehow violated Twitter Rules.

On August 21, Google unilaterally disabled SouthFront’s official Google AdSense account claiming that it “was found to be non-compliant with the AdSense program policies”. Funds collected on the account for the previous 1.5 months were in fact stolen.

Earlier, Facebook and YouTube (Google) took extensive steps to censor SouthFront work and prevent the sharing of SouthFront content on their platforms. (The long story of SouthFront censorship on YouTube and Facebook can be found here: 1 – Facebook2 – YouTube)

SouthFront work was also noticed on the highest level by the US State Department, which released a detailed report accusing SouthFront of being a “pillar” of Russia’s disinformation and propaganda, and de-facto asking millions of dollars to fight against us.

The Euro-Atlantic establishment and global corporations are so scared by SouthFront work that they seem to be ready to fight our team at any cost, violating laws and own terms of service.

They apparently do not understand or do not want to understand that their own actions (lies, double-faced policies and distortion of facts) set the basis for SouthFront’s power and influence. The current situation concerns people around the world and inspires them to get an independent point of view.

Despite the increased pressure campaign, SouthFront Team is not going to surrender and will continue its against the mainstream censorship and propaganda until our last breath.



Account: southfront@list.ru

Instagram Is Now Blocking Links To SouthFront.org, Even In Your Private Messages

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Instagram Is Now Blocking Links To SouthFront.org, Even In Your Private Messages

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Instagram Is Now Blocking Links To SouthFront.org, Even In Your Private Messages


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Instagram Is Now Blocking Links To SouthFront.org, Even In Your Private Messages

Instagram Is Now Blocking Links To SouthFront.org, Even In Your Private Messages Instagram Is Now Blocking Links To SouthFront.org, Even In Your Private Messages Instagram Is Now Blocking Links To SouthFront.org, Even In Your Private Messages Instagram Is Now Blocking Links To SouthFront.org, Even In Your Private Messages Instagram Is Now Blocking Links To SouthFront.org, Even In Your Private Messages


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Instagram Is Now Blocking Links To SouthFront.org, Even In Your Private Messages

SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence Team

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rightiswrong rightiswrong

Nothing to do with me.

NoseBook and Instanrecognitionbythegovernment are the reason why they know your business.

Jim Allen

Good attitude.

Jim Allen

It’s not like any of these sites, apps, channels, etc., care what their products think, or want in social media, news. Political correctness, military PsyOps, propaganda, censorship, surveillance, and reporting it to their masters. These are the worst pond scum Zionist Khazar Atheist Atheists pretending to be God’s Chosen Ones have to offer. Useful idiots, very wealthy useful idiots, that may not make the cut in the UN Agenda 21/2030 Sustainability Development Guidelines world de-population plans their Globalist masters have underway since 1992, and in recent years have accelerated their pet agenda’s, this compliments their one world Government agenda. The censorship is to prevent US citizens (currently) from being subjected to the truth, facts, and God forbid the reality of what their Government is doing to us. South Front represents everything US Government, and The City of London hate. The Zionist Khazar criminal Banking Cabal has invested a large sum of money into their indoctrination PsyOps that brainwashes the people, and turns them into sheeples. Their hold on the people is only strong to a point, and just a tiny bit more shatters that hold, and the people awaken. You’re among the most real, straightforward, and honorable sites in all of media. Press TV is gone, there’s many others, individuals such as Inessa S. who’s main thing is being one of the finest translators of Russian to English ever. She chooses articles to post on her channel, of a political nature. She’s been threatened with extreme consequences for her work. She’s been quiet a long time. Syrian Girl is another that’s reduced her presense to a trickle. Big losses to the real news sources. It may be time to move to another website. As much as I hate to say it. I’m out on donating until October.


Censorship, and WHO is directing it, from The Lancet; How to fight an infodemic – The Lancet https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30461-X/fulltext

Luke Hemmming

Well lucky i dont have insta or any social media with my real identity. My fb is a fake account…obviously i dont wear a burka nor am i even muslim. NSA, UNIT 8200 and others can go suck my left nut.

Антон С

Same as mine. No single photo with my face in internet uploaded by me. But name is real. Not NSA only can collect your data. Thieves can rob your house, if you write at your page that you are going to travel. Shouting loud that nobody home = welcome message to thieves.

Антон С

“Instagram” is property of Zukerberg. If he buys NA division of “Tik-tok”, TT will have the same censorship as FB and “Google’s” YT.

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