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Intense Fighting Erupted Among Turkish-backed Groups In Syria’s Azaz

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Intense Fighting Erupted Among Turkish-backed Groups In Syria's Azaz

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On March 11, an intense fighting erupted among Turkish-backed militant groups in the town of Azaz in northwestern Syria. According to reports, the clashes took place in the southern vicinity of the town and caused a state of panic among locals. The main reason of tensions is contradictions between Turkish proxies that are involved in a wide range of criminal activities and regularly clash for spheres of influence.

The previous large incident of this kind took place on the road between Sukariya Kabira and Jeb al-Naasan, when Ahrar al-Sham members (this group is a part of the National Front for Liberation) attacked fifghters of a smaller militant group that operates in the area.

Another source of instability in northwestern Syria is regular incidents involving IED and car bombing in settlements and towns controlled by Turkish-backed miltiants. Turkish sources often blame Kurdish rebels for these attacks, but most of them are a result of the local standoff in the criminal sphere.

Intense Fighting Erupted Among Turkish-backed Groups In Syria's Azaz

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bouncer dogsly

Let bastards kill each other and hopefully the Russians are stirring them up. Russians are good at psychological ops.


It’s just the spirit of the Revolution, Freedom and Democracy there. Move along, nothing to see here…

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Did they stop fighting each other did they, oh that’s right they joined together to fight against the SAA for a while, but when they weren’t fighting the SAA they were at each others throats half the time weren’t they, and now they have to stop fighting the SAA again, mmm, I wonder what will happen now, will they be at each others throats again, LOL. Some things just never change do they, and aren’t we glad they don’t sometimes. :]

MH370 Atok The Deceiver

SAA gaining turkroach draining trukroach killing each other ;)


Terroristler Bashi Bazouk Brigades fighting over the last virgin goat…


rightiswrong rightiswrong

Armed escort, this goat is for Recep himself.

Poor kid. lol

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