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MARCH 2025

Intense Russian Airstrikes Hit Militant Positions In Syria’s Greater Idlib

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On November 7th, warplanes of the Russian Aerospace Forces carried out a series of airstrikes on militants’ positions in the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib.

According to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, more than 13 airstrikes hit the towns of Sarjah, Shnan, Farkia, Benin and Ehsim. The towns are located within the al-Zawiya Mount in southern Idlib.

Opposition activists released several videos and photos showing some of the Russian airstrikes. No causalities have been reported, so far.

In the recent briefing, the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria warned that al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) is disarming moderate factions and occupy their positions in the al-Zawiay Mount.

HTS and its allies are violating the ceasefire in Greater Idlib, which was brokered by Russia and Turkey on March 5, on a regular basis.

The militants’ attacks have claimed the lives of 39 Syrian service members and injured at least 40 others since October 1.

The new wave of airstrikes may be a sign of a near large-scale ground operation in Greater Idlib. The Syrian Arab Army and its allies have been preparing to launch an operation in the region for several months now. If this happens, Turkey will likely back HTS and its proxies.


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so sad for turkey

The Objective

Turkey is still occupied with other issues, but their attention will return to Syria. Frankly, I don’t thing Turkey will back down. In fact, over Syria, I think Erdogan is willing to fight Russia in Syria – and I support that. Bullies need to be stood up to. A simple way to solve the Syrian problem is to negotiate between the Assad regime and the opposition. A transition government should be put in place by both Russia and the U.S, and Syrian refugees returned home. Then when things calm down after reconstruction, there can be a nationwide election where the Syrians choose their leader. Russia obviously doesn’t want this solution, and that’s why Russia is a bad guy in Syria despite been invited by the illegal regime of Assad. Iran too doesn’t want that. They know that democracy in Syria means a Sunni victory. They want to reimpose a dictator on Syrians. I hope that the Syrians don’t give up after making so many sacrifices in lives and treasure. I also pray for God to support Turkey in its attempts to see that the Syrian people get the chance they deserve to choose their leader. Erdogan should not back down even if came to a shooting war. No sacrifice is too great for our Muslim brothers in Syria. We should be prepared to fight this war for decades. It’s a good idea that Turkey has trained so many Syrians to fight, and they are doing quite well on the battlefields. If push comes to shove, the Turkish group will win God willing. Weaken Russia’s air power and Assad is gone. Bomb airbase used by the Russia aerospace forces and force them to fight a ground war. Iran will join. Then Israel. Then America will follow even under Joe Biden. They can either join the war on Turkish side or lose as well. I can’t see Israel ignoring that.

Icarus Tanović

Just fuck of.

The Objective

No, you fuck off. I’m going to promise you one thing: that Assad will never rule Syria like before again. You watch and see.

Icarus Tanović

Who repeats my words eats shit of mongoloid hordes.

cechas vodobenikov

u don’t think

Fog of War

” Russia obviously doesn’t want this solution, ”

You’re fooling yourself, this is exactly what Putin wants.

The Objective

“You’re fooling yourself, this is exactly what Putin wants” Interesting comment. I’d like to believe that, honestly. Because it’ll be good for Syrians – at least they can return home and have some hope of a future. But your comment is contrary to logic. If Russia truly wants democracy in Syria, then tell us who is preventing it, why, and how. If you can’t answer this question, then your comment has no basis.

Fog of War

Let me clarify. Russia, the UN, and the Ziowest want to maneuver Syria into accepting a new UN sponsored, Western style constitution which will forever damage Syrian society, put in perpetual internal political ,and cultural conflict and leave it wide open for Zionist infiltration and global corporate rape. That is what Assad is still resisting.


It’s a war crime & a crime against humanity the way the US, NATO, Turkey, and Russia are all bombarding Syria under the false pretense of fighting terrorism” when all they’re doing is destabilizing Syria for its natural resources, mostly natural gas in the Northeastern region.

Not a single terrorist group existed under Assad, who dealt with such matters with a firm hand.

What an inverted, upside-down world we live in where everything’s radically wrong.


Very close to the truth. They need to keep the war going so Israel can bomb any place in Syria without any repercursions. New technology make arms more smaller and more precise and anyone can acess them including Iran and Hezbollah. Israel is a small country, hard to defeat against drones so until they find a bullet proof solution against this problem they need to keep the war going and all the countries help them. Natural resources is a false flag, Syria has 3-4 times less oil than Azerbaijan or Mexico. Both White House and Kremlin are working for them.

Fog of War

” Both White House and Kremlin are working for them. ”

Welcome Bacon, we’ve been waiting for you.


At least hide the knives, until we shake the hands :)

Fog of War

I mentioned this many times before. Russia’s job in Syria is to prevent Assad from getting total victory and to prevent the Jihadis from turning on Israhell. Anyone who believes otherwise is fooling themselves.


The jihadis don’t have a problem with Israel,where the hell have you been?

Fog of War

Spare me your sanctimonious outbursts. Its just a temporary marriage of convenience . If the Jihadis are likely to turn on their fellow Muslim Turkish benefactors then they’re highly likely to turn on the Khazars. Basic logic, you should try it.

Icarus Tanović

Wahhabis are Ziomafias army.

Fog of War

True, at the highest levels, but not the foot soldiers. Additionally, arent they Turkey’s army also, and if so , why is Turkey afraid of them turning on it ?

Icarus Tanović

Yes, they are, because dirtbag is from Muslim brotherhood. As you see they are cannon fodder from Syria, Lybia, NK, etc. You see? It is tottal catastrophe and mess in Turkish occupied northern Syria, we don’t get much info on that here, but it is tottaly out of their control. And Erdogan’s Wahhabi headchoppers regime doesn’t seem to like it, nor it can do anything to stop it. It is easy to blame everything on ISIS, but those are covert ops.

Fog of War

Possibly true, although my point is that they are as likely to turn on Israhell as anyone else.

Icarus Tanović

On Zionists? Those are their creations and their masters. It will NEVER happen.


Totally agree.

Icarus Tanović

Indeed we have.

Fog of War

Yes, smoke and mirrors.

Lone Ranger

Not Russia.


Yeah, but it is a known fact that mercenaries have been sent to Syria in the hundreds of thousands. Russia was very reluctant to put boots on the ground in Syria. It was a lobbying campaign by Qassem Soleimani, who convinced Putin to act.

To problem is that war creates hatred and now there are millions of people who have been bombed by Assad forces, lost their parents and so, that really hate him. Maybe even people who approved him before the war. War creates a vicious circle.

Russia knows this and knows that the only way forward is to completely destroy every resistance to Assad’s ruling. Or, at least, make the war so long that people will be fed up and will ask for peace, even at cost of forgetting revenge.


I’ve read your comment, and all I have to say is that all foreign entities should withdraw their troops from Syria unless it’s been given official authority by the country, such as the case with Iran.

The more interference, the more chaos, instability, and death.

The Objective

That won’t happen on Muslim land no matter how long you prolong this war. Look at Afghanistan. Syrian rebels have proved a formidable foe. without an airforce, ballistic missiles, and navy, they still managed to fight Russia for 5 years now.


Thats because Russia didn’t take the gloves off,if they had Idlib would be a mountain of roasted rats.

Icarus Tanović


The Objective

Russia would have taken the gloves off if not for Turkey’s deterrence.

cechas vodobenikov

an incompetent foe–now reduced to sharing 12% of Syrian territory w their turkey employers, CIA/SDF

The Objective

You really believe Assad will be re-instated don’t you?

cechas vodobenikov

more CIA propaganda–Assad is widely admired in Syria


Russia wouldn’t have been there if US/Saudi’s/UAE/Israel haven’t armed and funded these Al-Qaida rats, and Iran and Syria’s pleading as well as the thousands of orthodox Christians living in the old city in Syria.

and the amount of natural recourses Syria has is little to nothing for Russia, and as we all know the oil fields are under the control of the US and Turkish backed groups, that keep smuggling oil to turkey .


Agreed. It’s all about resources, and the parties you mentioned are indeed complicit. I particularly find US-backed Saudi/UAE aggression on Yemen the most appalling seeing as it’s hugely impoverished, with children suffering from widespread preventable diseases, malnutrition, and famine.

Only in a world that’s as perverse as ours would such crimes go on like this without accountability.

There’s absolutely no humanity in such actions, nor is there civility.

cechas vodobenikov

not resources–geopolitical NK is devoid of resources yet thousands died in 1990’s and are dying today

Icarus Tanović

Russia saved Syria, and it is there because Syrian government invited them. Us/Turkey, are aggressors. Period.

cechas vodobenikov

false equivalence

Samuel Vanguard

all militants in idlib should be eliminated


and they will be. To the last one. Tractations have come to a near-end, Erdogan was made foolish and inconsiderate with his neo-Ottoman folly on no less than 5 fronts simultaneously (Syria, Cyprus, Greece, Libya, Armenia), which led him to direly underestimate his regional partners’ patience, namely Putin’s Russia. He thought his largesse had unlimited tolerance and the dog was dead wrong. With Donald out of the picture Putin will not even blink regarding what POTUS thinks of his actions here, as he knows there going to be zero space for shady ententes with the likes of Biden.

Icarus Tanović

Ay yes, absolutely agreed. I was waiting and waiting for this moment to happen. I was thinking three fronts are there, now you opened my eyes, and thank you. Five in reality. Idlib will be liberated.

cechas vodobenikov

this requires patience so as to target HTS rather than the population

Lone Ranger

Condolences to the fallen CIAisis and wahabimossad operators. May they rest in pieces…

Icarus Tanović

Duke Nukem was great game.


ahahah good tastes I see :D I still play DN 2 and the very first in 3D. Waiting for a good Next-Gen port though :D

Icarus Tanović

His memorable relplies, such are:’Rest…in…PIECES…’. No more games like that, Serious Sam, HEXEN, Blade of darkness, Quake IV, etc. Now we have stupid people with all super high tech 3d softwares doing stupid games. It is all about technology, and NOT gameplay at all, it is in the second place.


Ahahah you bet mate ! not to mention “You wanna dance” and “shake it baby” that triggered the conservative crowd so many times over, it was hilarious in a way unseen since the golden age of the very first Doom in ’93.

Command & Conquer, Another World, Flashback, Alone in the Dark, Dark Forces, Descent, Heretic, Quake 2, Half-Life and of course countless point & clicks from Lucasarts… the good old days, you name it mate !

High tech can also bring some interesting pieces of games nowadays namely on the indie side, but indeed in the majority of cases sadly AAA games have to boast some form of Multiplayer or Coop no matter if those nice catchy labels fit into the design or make any sense at all. That “game fits all” obsession from producers and editors has ruined so many games in this generation. They’ve pretty much standardized a bunch of mandatory components, must-haves that make every game deviate from its core idea or coerce an interesting game into a dominant format. Priority for devs now is to make a game catchy enough to be bought by a 10 year old indifferently from a 35 or 60 to satisfy shareholders, which is basically a no-go in terms of quality titles. Casual gamers (aka fake gamers) have de-facto become the ones that give the tone to budgetary constraints and deadlines, and bar a few exceptions like Id Software or CDProjekt, everybody seems to cave in to contemporary pressure… that’s so sad, that phenomenon recalls what also similarly happens in movie blockbusters that have lost their souls and look like each other one release to the other…

Ahah thank you mate anyhow for that little off-topic ride, I wouldn’t have expected to touch upon games in a thread or site like that, like ever ahahah xD

Icarus Tanović

If I’d be in position I’d make team of programers, and 3d artist and would make some super cool game, like those I’ve mentioned before. Let’s start with some fps, something like Quake IV singleplayer, now it is on you to start the story.


ahah great idea :D sadly that ship has sailed for my ever since uni days where I failed to make a name for myself within the dev community. But I am sure guys like you can still make a difference today with enough heart put to it :D Anyway, talk to you around soon mate. Tc

PS :Q4 was one of the most underrated and unfairly underappreciated gems of its generation, no doubt about that. I dream about a reboot or remake of some sort that would render justice to it. Maybe once Bethesda is done asking for new Wolfensteins from Id, who knows.


Just Give the Syrians sufficient air defense with electronic warfare cover and the land army should blitzkrieg through Idlib, that’s what they should’ve done last year

if not then Russia is not series about liberating idlib, as it tries to maintain a good relationship with turkey as usual .

Fog of War

” if not then Russia is not series about liberating idlib, as it tries to maintain a good relationship with turkey as usual . ”

Its much deeper then that.

The Objective

Russia is aware that Turkey is not afraid of a fight with Russia in Syria. That’s the reason Russia is reluctant to use brute force. It’s one thing to fight rebels without (who do not have an air-foce, navy, missiles, drone swarms), but an entirely different ballgame to fight a modern army with all these war machines. Turkish drones alone will inflict serious casualties on any adversary in Syria.

They know from the last episode that Turkey when pushed to the wall can really bite too. And Turkey have allies that are ever willing to help both militarily and economically. Qatar, Azerbaijan, and Pakistan. Turkey is not an isolated country without friends as most think. It’ll take quite some fighting for Russia to defeat these three countries combined. In fact, Russia cannot win a conventional war over Turkey.

And should Russia keep threatening Turkey, Erdogan will publicly announce that he’s pursuing nukes even if the US will sanction Turkey to become the poorest country in the world. they’ll get nukes openly, unlike the coward Iranians who keep denying while it’s obvious even to a child that they are pursuing nukes.

The real reason Russia hasn’t taken back Idlib is due to Turkey’s deterrent.


You are a delusional Turk, as often overestimating yourselves. Russia could crush Turkey as a grape, together with those cannon fodder Al Qaeda Muhamedan jihadists.


Russia is looking it from a practical side, trying to persuade Turkey away from the USA, it has a geo-political reason why Russia is being careful with the Turkish regime, if not Russia could wipe out the mediocre army of the Turks with ease.

cechas vodobenikov

turkey has a capable military but no match for many. geopolitical is most apt…Turk economy has suffered due to decreasing exports to and declining tourism from Russians


Capable but not more then average, they use the tactic of bullying with numbers, not with quality. But one month of sanctions and Turkey is economicaly in peril.

The Objective

That’s what you guys keep claiming with technologies that have not been put to real test. How are your air defense systems handling the drones. What logistical nodes will Russia use to resupply its forces in Syria when a real war starts? Russia hasn’t the capability to project power far from its border in times of war. Again, the Russian economy cannot handle a war with Turkey. Don’t forget Israel and the U.S too. They won’t watch Russia take back Syria even if they hate Erdogan.


Drones are not unlimited and the Turkish economy getting severe hits. Turkey fighting Russia, what a delusional thoughts, it is comparing a kid fighting a grown MMA-fighter, you islamic cheerleaders live under a rock.

Icarus Tanović

He’s Indian Muslim delusional that he is Turk in fact, and he is member of Islamic brotherhood, so that is why punk is spreading these lies.


Indian muslim brotherhood cheerleader, now i have heared it all, does he know about his own country? The genocide of millions of Hindus by the Islamic hordes he is a member of,

The Objective

If that were true, then Idlib would have been taken forcibly by now. Turkey has no intention nor desire to fight Russia. But if Russia attacks Turkish soldiers in Syria, they’ll certain get a painful answer much more deadly than anything they’ve faced in decades. This thing had better be resolved peacefully. Your Russia is not all-powerful. even if she’s better-armed than Turkey, she’ll bleed too – a lot.

cechas vodobenikov

tread carefully? only because we refuse to murder civilians turks uses as “human shields”. USA/Israel will not challenge Russia…every turkey drone send to Tartus/Hneimen has been destroyed by anti-Missile defenses…turkeys have a bird economy–only Brazilian rial has lost as much value as lira in the past 6 months…any turk American plane that attempts to encroach on Russian/Syria no fly zone will be destroyed—this is why u do not fly in Syrian airspace—turkeys cannot fly, in any case

The Objective

“every turkey drone send to Tartus/Hneimen” No Turkish drones were sent to those bases. The mockups were most likely used to probe the defenses and find a weakness. Then in Feb/March of this year, the drones killed many SAA members, beat back Haftar with his Russian AA systems, and now Armenia is having its ass handed to it despite wielding the Russian INVINCIBLE anti-aircraft systems. You’ll soon be telling us Armenia didn’t want to create a no-fly zone over NK. Thus, Armenia prefers to allow a NK defeat than use its AA systems to create a no-fly zone.

“turkeys have a bird economy” So is Russia’s economy. Even though I wanted a Trump win to deal with Iran’s militias, Biden still isn’t bad, cos he thinks Russia is the greatest enemy to America. Expect more sanctions on Russia’s HEALTHY economy. Again, Iran despite having a poorer economy that Turkey has managed to survive the West and even somewhat deter an attack. So will Turkey, back by allies like Qatar, Azerbaijan, Pakistan. Iran has no allies willing to take any pains for it, yet it managed to survive this long.

“any turk American plane that attempts to encroach on Russian/Syria no fly zone will be destroyed—this is why u do not fly in Syrian airspace—turkeys cannot fly, in any case” This only happens because there is no open war between Turkey and Russia. The killing of about 40 Turkish soldiers by either SAA or Russia was done with at least Russian approval to scare Turkey into leaving Syria and also to see if Turkey is willing to stand up to the bully. Russia never openly took credit for the airstrike. In fact it denied it. So Erdogan was not obliged to strike Russian forces. But the SAA suffered dearly for it. After that incident, it’s unthinkable that they’ll repeat such, having known that if Turkish soldiers are killed, Turkey is willing to confront Russia in a fight in Syria. That message was well understood and deterrence restored. The Russians tried the same thing with Americans, and it resulted in the deaths of 300 Russians. Thus, Putin CANNOT reinstate Assad by force of arms. Which is why his selecting his targets carefully. It remains to be seen if he is crazy enough to start a war with Turkey in Syria just to save Assad’s regime. Don’t forget, it’s not only Turkey that wants democracy in Syria. Both Israel and America want the same – more so under Biden. BECAUSE A DEMOCRATIC SYRIA WILL CUT IRAN OFF FROM HEZBOLLAH.


You are aan totally delusional like that Turkish regime..

The Objective

My friend, after what has happened in Libya, Syria, and now NK, do you really think that Russian AA systems in Syria can handle a swarm of Turkish drones operated by the Turks?

The Objective

For one thing I’m not a Turk. I won’t deny it if I were cos I fear no one on this forum. I’m just an observer from Africa who understands to a great extent what’s going on in Syria. Rather than abandon the Muslims of Syria, I think Erdogan will be willing to fight Russia to protect those Syrian Muslims. And that’s an honorable task, and that’s why the Sunni Muslim world largely support his policies there. They know Russia wants to rule Syria through their Assad puppet. The Syrians have paid a lot in blood and treasure until now. And that sacrifice shouldn’t go in vain even at the cost of a war with Russia. Turkey sacrificing a lot to help the Syrians won’t be forgotten by the Muslim world, and hopefully, God will admit their fallen soldiers to Jannah. Muslims should always keep these brave men and their leader (Erdogan) in prayers, and request God’s assistance for them. It’s very possible that the Turkish nation is the only Muslim country fighting real jihad now. If they are doing this for the sake of Allah, then have no doubt that Russia and its mob will be defeated and chased out of Syria with time.

Simplekindof Man

Yep, delusional. Russia is just taking precautions because of the NATO/US gangsters alliance.

cechas vodobenikov

the subjective from durakistan; Russia can easily occupy all of turkey…Qata/Azeris irrelevant…Pakistan? LOL. Russia obliterates turk soldiers in Syria and Erdogan crawls to Moscow to beg for ceasefire–today turk/HTS/SDF/CIA only occupies 12% of Syria—shrinking each month

The Objective

“Russia obliterates Turk soldiers in Syria”. Why didn’t Russia take credit for the attack. Why did Russia deny it? How many SAA soldiers perished after that? How many Russian soldiers integrated with those SAA soldiers perished? You really think Russia is willing to have total economic collapse and a devastated army just to save the Assad regime? Like I said before, that airstrike was a test of Turkey’s resolve, and there’s no doubt the answer was well understood.

The Objective

Putin: “We are not going to fight against anyone. We are going to create conditions so that nobody wants to fight against us,” https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/02/putin-says-russia-doesnt-want-war-as-turkey-syria-tensions-rise.html This is because a war with Turkey will bring Putin down but lift Erdogan up.

Icarus Tanović

Who gives a shit what do you mumbling about.

The Objective

You do give a shit about what I’m mumbling, because you’re replying to it. Just ignore me if I’m not making sense.


This is the result of the so called ceasefire,its bullshit its a ridiculous situation.


the war in syria is drawing to an end, nothing erdogan or ever evil netanyahu can do about it. the axis iran syria hezbollah is there and will be completed in due course and the friggin’ cheating and lying and murdering jews will be left to fend for themselves, nukes or no nukes. they better duck and run for the hills and safety but they sure as a clucking bell haven’t a chance better than a snowball’s in hell. they will be eviscerated to the bones unless they duck and run!!!!

Fog of War

” the war in syria is drawing to an end, ”

Please send us whatever your smoking, it sounds like very strong stuff. Thanks.

Porc Halal

“Turkey will likely back HTS and its proxies”…more likely turkey will suck the thumb like this…




Anybody, who witnessed bigger military explosions in real life knows the sound of the jet and the very silent smoke.. and… later… how the delay of the incoming sound of the explosion is correct, judging by the distance.

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