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Inter-Korean Summit Triggers Cold Response From Radicals In South Korea, Washington Establishment

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The inter-Korean summit took place between South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un on the South Korean side of the Joint Security Area on April 27. This meeting was an important step towards a peace in the region and a significant event for the entire eastern part of t Eurasia.

Following the summit, the sides signed a joint declaration that affirms bringing peace and unification of the Korean Peninsula. It aims at “achieving a nuclear-free Korean Peninsula through complete denuclearization” and establishing “a joint liaison office with resident representatives of both sides in the Gaesong region in order to facilitate close consultation between the authorities as well as smooth exchanges and cooperation between the peoples”.

China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement of spokesperson Lu Kang’ saying Beijing “welcomed” positive outcomes of the summit. Kang stressed that “China stands ready to continue to play its positive role to this end”.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and South Korean President Moon Jae-in had a telephone conversation over the North-South Korean summit, Kremlin Press Office stated on April 29:

“While exchanging their opinions, the two sides positively assessed the agreements reached at that meeting. Special attention was paid to the intention to secure the non-nuclear status of the Korean Peninsula enshrined in the Panmunjom Declaration through its total denuclearization.”

According to the statement, “Vladimir Putin reaffirmed Russia’s readiness to continue facilitating practical cooperation between the Republic of Korea and the DPRK, including through major trilateral projects in infrastructure and energy.”

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on April 27 Japan welcomed the summit between the leaders of the North and the South as a positive step and he strongly expected Pyongyang to take concrete steps towards to carry out its promises.

Japan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Japan “hopes that North Korea, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions, takes concrete actions for the dismantlement of all weapons of mass destruction”.

It is interesting to note that a mango mousse that had been on the menu for the inter-Korean summit caused a stir in Tokyo because it had featured a map of the Korean peninsula including islands Japan claims as its own.  “It is extremely regrettable,” Japanese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said on April 25 adding that Japan had lodged a protest.

Inter-Korean Summit Triggers Cold Response From Radicals In South Korea, Washington Establishment

The Presidential Blue House / Reuters / Scanpix / LETA

US President Donald Trump praised the declaration between Moon and Kim, writing “KOREAN WAR TO END!” in Twitter. Now Washington is reportedly setting the details over the becoming meeting between North Korea and the US.

Meanwhile, a number of soft power tools and means has been implemented to undermine the results of the 2018 summit.

On April 27, hundreds of South Korean activists under South Korean, US, Israeli flags gathered for an anti-North protest with controversial banners, calling for their northern neighbors to be ‘bombed’. “It’s time to bomb North Korea,” claimed a banner seen in the protest against the inter-Korean summit in Paju city, just south of the “truce village” of Panmunjom.

Some US official also raised their skepticism over the North Korean intend to denuclearize, saying the dismantling of the North’s weapons program must be “irreversible” and verifiable.

National security adviser John Bolton reacted coolly to word that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un would be willing to give up his nuclear weapons. On April 29, Bolton said on CBS’ TV channel “we’ve heard this before.” He stated that North Korea’s propaganda playbook “is an infinitely rich resource.”

Some analysts consider Moon’s agreement with Kim at the summit as a disappointment, citing the lack of references to verification and timeframes and also the absence of a definition on what would constitute a “complete” denuclearization of the peninsula.

A major part of the Washington establishment is not interested in the Korean peace and unity. Thus, certain direct or indirect action may be carried out to prevent the further detente and reintegration at the Korean peninsula.

For own part, SouthFront heartily congratulates the Korean nation with this important step en route to the peace and reunification. We hope that no deconstructive interference will influence further development of the Korean peace process.

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Expo Marker

It’s good to see at the end of the day brotherhood prevails in Korea.


However given that tension there is the only justification for US military presence and domination which is part of US ‘Contain China’ policy do expect the US to pay lip service only to a peace process while fighting it every step of the way to derail it.

Boris Kazlov

Of course, peace on the Korean peninsula will deprive U$AIPAC of its occupation rationale, the withdrawal of U$AIPAC would also deprive of a rationale for occupying Okinawa and the rest of Japan.

Daniel Martin

These are those so called Soros “patriots” that we’ve seen them from Belgrade, Maidan, Budapest to Libya and Syria and many many more. They always seem to “suddenly” appear when something is going against American interests or American interests are excluded from a deal.


war, war, war. the world is full of suicidal psychotics isn’t it. and of course bibi’s bonified boneheads are a part of it. what a disgusting nation it is.

Jeth Roderet

If the south is serious about peace and reunification, they will have to kick out the US military and crush all forces in their society that support continued US occupation.


True! It is not only being serious about it, it is actually a necessary pre-condition for a unified Korea. Imagine if US doesn’t leave – suddenly they will have unhindered access to N Korea in its entirely and then they will be on the border with China. US might actually like this result! They would have the entire Korean peninsula as a vassal state, not just a half. US would have no need to keep S Korean economy going, so S Korean would suffer disproportionately, and economic collapse and slavery would come as a result of IMF loans in perpetuity.


Yes USA and it’s great people should be proud that maybe for once they can put out the fires it’s started instead letting it spread and left it to others to be put out.

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