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MARCH 2025

Intercepted Radio Communications Confirm Pro-Kiev Troops Continue Using Heavy Weapons On Daily Basis Despite Ceasefire In Eastern Ukraine

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On September 26, the Defense Ministry of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) released intercepted radio communications of service members of the 24th Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Ukrainain Armed Forces use heavy weapons and violate ceasefire on the contact line with the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics on a daily baiss.

– Uh… I do not know, to my (guys) I say a different thing “are you all right?”

– There are normal people that would not fire at “rabbits”

– I say them if you see a “body, kill them”

– I even allow 120mm (weapons; this kind of weapons had to be withdrawn from the contact line under the Minsk agreements)

– 82mm is not interesting, it’s better to use 120mm

– 120mm (shell) flies well immediately

– It is not allowed?

– Dunno, I gave my guys a green light, a green light if it’s under the radar

– If it’s needed, use 120mm. So, 120mm is just ready and that’s all.

There are two explanations:

  • Members of the Ukrainian Armed Forces ignore orders of their political and military leadership;
  • The Kiev regime is not really intereceted in the peace in eastern Ukraine.


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Mats Öhlén

A third explanation: the pro-russian separatist also used heavy weapons and the Ukrainian troops strike back with the same coin.


Goodbye Western idiot.


Thats not an explanation its an excuse.


don’t waste your time mate, analogy doesn’t get through dumb skulls of these trolls

Ralph London

Truth doesn’t enter the space where your SHIT for brains is.


quantum space?

Ralph London



black hole?

Ralph London

You’re full of stupid, ignorant shit. What part of Donbass DEFENDERS are you so fucking clueless about? Doesn’t your IQ rise to that level?

The satanic usg ignited a war against the Donbass people, and they have EVERY right to defend themselves, you fucking stupid shit for brains.

Jens Holm

I will say nothing happens unless they make changes.

The Ukrainiens should not need that part. They already has their own quamire. So those Russians should be voted back to the beloved Pution and his retreat to good old days.


Logical solution. Ukraine gives up those separated lands, establish a line of contact (potentially a border in future). And with more stability fix the economy and integrate to EU and NATO

AM Hants

They have to sort out their border problem first. On the Russian side, it has never been ratified in accordance with international law. The reason they could not join NATO in 1997, the reason they cannot join NATO or the EU now.

Wonder if people of Ukraine would have voted for $oro$/NED rule, back in 2014 and free cookies. Or gone for the Russian $15 billion, interest free loan and cheap gas?


no one cares mate. You seriously think Kremlin will be able to stop NATO integration with a small technicality. Don’t be naive mate, don’t be naive.

AM Hants

NATO still supplying NATO strength pampers to their forces operating near Russia’s borders? Brown Sh*ts in NATO kit, so comes to mind.

The Forces of Luxemburg and similar seriously unerve the Russians, I doubt.


seek shelter mate:))))

Ralph London

You’re out of your depth, you ignorant moron. Get educated, if that’s possible with you.


sir yes sir

Bruno Giordano

Still repeating your nonsense about that border?

In 2003 the presidents of Ukraine and Russia mutually recognized their land boundaries. In 2004 this treaty was ratified by the national parliaments.. FACT.

AM Hants

Yep. 2003, what you cite is Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine signing the agreement to form a common economic space. The borders are only recognised whilst members of CIS. As Ban ki Moon stated on UK Government funded Channel 5 News, back in 2014, Ukraine and Russia have never ratified their borders, in accordance with international law, since the fall of the Soviet Union back in 1991.

Bruno Giordano

Do I really have to rub your nose over it? http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/30823

Besides you can provide zero evidence that Ban Ki Moon stated what you claim “on UK Government funded Channel 5 News, back in 2014”, simply because he did not.

The question is why these lies are on your agenda.

AM Hants

Channel 5 News, back in 2014. A Channel partly funded by the UK Government, courtesy of the tax payer. Just because Google has a clear out, does not mean it does not exist, now does it?

If you read the summary of the 1997 Russia Ukraine Friendship Treaty, you will come across the fact it was never signed off by either Yeltsin or the Ukrainian President. Yeltsin, allegedly to ill health, but, conveniently for both parties. Page 60, the summary explains why and what it meant.

Bruno Giordano

You have zero evidence that Ban Ki Moon stated anything about the Russia-Ukraine border on your “UK Government funded Channel 5”, back in 2014. If he really would have stated something important concerning (non-)ratification of the borders, it would have been reported by many publishers and it would be easy to find that back. There is nothing, hants. Never existed. Just your BS.

AM Hants

According to you.

Now remind me, but wasn’t George Eliason, over on Op-ed News also reporting the interview, again back in 2014? Now why did the MSM ignore that story? Remind me, but, how many globalist corporations own and control the MSM? Is it 6 and all with their own agenda, singing from the same hymn sheet.

Bruno Giordano

Good that you admit that you hsve ZERO evidence.

AM Hants

Remind me, but, how many corporations own and control the media? Why do they all sing from the same hymn sheet? Now why wouldn’t the 6 report on the fact that Ban Ki Moon, back in 2014, before Google clean out, stated on UK Government funded Channel 5 News, that Russia and Ukraine had never ratified their borders, in accordance with international law, since the fall of the Soviet Union, back in 1991?

So what paperwork did President Putin and Pinchuk’s father-in-law forget to sign, when signing off the paperwork for the economic zone, back in Kiev, in 2003?

An example of papers being signed, but, not ratified in accordance with international law is US not ratifying ‘Law of the Seas Convention’. Which leaves the US without a voice, with regards sticking it’s nose into any disputes connected to the sea, such as the Arctic and Straits Hormuz.

Bruno Giordano

The Russian-Ukrainian treaties on the state border and on cooperation in the Sea of Azov-Kerch Straits marine territory will strengthen the partnership between the two countries and help develop political dialogue and business and cultural cooperation, President Vladimir Putin said during a working visit to Ukraine.

The President noted the big part the Russian and Ukrainian parliaments played in concluding these treaties. Commenting on the fact that the treaties were approved through parliamentary discussion, Mr Putin noted that this shows that political forces and the public in both countries support developing Russian-Ukrainian relations.

Speaking about the treaty on the state border, the President said that its signature will create the conditions for developing economic ties between Russia and Ukraine and closer relations between the peoples of the two countries.

Mr Putin called the decision on the Sea of Azov-Kerch Straits marine territory a balanced and mutually beneficial solution for Russia and for Ukraine. The President said that the treaty on this marine territory will encourage the development of shipping and also lead to stronger security contacts.

AM Hants

My agenda is zero. Like I said, whilst they are members of the CIS and the economic zone, they recognised the territories. The papers of 2003, signed in Kiev, consisted of the framework agreement, not the whole package required to ratify the borders, in accordance with international law.

‘…The CIA factbook further notes that “the dispute over the boundary between Russia and Ukraine through the Kerch Strait and Sea of Azov remains unresolved, despite a December 2003 framework agreement and ongoing expert-level discussions.”..’


Why did Ban Ki Moon state in 2014 on the Channel 5 News Programme, funded by the UK Government, that Russia and Ukraine had not ratified their borders in accordance with International Law?

‘…The UN also came to a similarly clear position. It passed a resolution that “affirms commitment to the sovereignty, political independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.”

Where this becomes a problem is that, according to a statement from UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon, Ukraine is missing borders.

Experts operating under the aegis of the UN Security Council came to the following conclusion about Ukraine’s borders: Within the framework of international law , it turns out that, since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine has not been properly registered as a state, according to the UN demarcation of its borders. According to the accepted contractual framework of the Russian Commonwealth, or Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), the country remains on the limits of the administrative boundaries of the USSR, over which the UN has no legal jurisdiction. The EU currently backs this position. The only established borders are on the European side…

George Eliason – Ukraine Without Borders, provides a nice summary of it all. Together with Dale Stewart Thesis on the 1997 Russia Ukraine Friendship Treaty, including the summary on page 60, if memory serves me correct.


Bruno Giordano

The problem with your “missing borders”, hants, is that they are not missing. Your favorite country really has borders around it, as can be seen on all maps. The problem is that “for some reason” you endorse violating them by its contracts -, treaties – and international laws breaching neighbour. Your problem is that you have ZERO evidence that Ban Ki Moon has stated that there is a problem with those borders. Because he hasn’t. “Opednews”??? LMAO. Can that be cited in scientific papers? Your problem, hants is that your hatred for that poor country blinds your rational thinking and lets you spout whatever nonsense and lies you can find.

AM Hants

The Borderland known as Ukraine. How big g was it prior to 1654 and how big is the Borderland now, thanks to Tsars, Lenin, Stalin and I no longer need to include Khrushchev, as the sensible people of Crimea voted to return home?

Bruno Giordano

Irrelevant historical blahblah. We are talking about the recent decades, hants. “Sensible people of Crimea voted to return home”? Illegal and incredible indeed. Talking about International Law… What is your agenda, hants?

AM Hants

What are you on about Bruno?

Where was Crimea, when Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt, turned up in Yalta, Crimea, Russia, to talk about creating the United Nations, based on self determination? They also discussed demilitarisation of Germany and denazification of Europe.

1970 UN Resolution 26/2625 explains the argument of self determination. US used it on 4 July 1776 to gain independence from Great Britain. United Kingdom used it for BREXIT, Scottish Referendum and Falkland Isles Referendum.

Donetsk used it in 2014.

Crimea used it in 1992, 1994 and 2014. Each time they wished to go home to Russia. They were ignored in 1991, Ukraine said no in 1994, leading to the Autonomous Independent Republic of Crimea.

In fact, back in 1994, in the released classified documents, of the UK Prime Minister, John Major, back in 1994, they state the conversation between UK and US, with regards Ukraine going to lose Crimea, owing to their own stupidity. A major factor in the language used in the Clause 5 of both the 1994 Budapest Memorandum and 1994 Non-Proliferation Treaty, issued by the UNSC, did they not?

1954, 13 out of 27 members of the Soviet Communist Party Senate had a 10 minute lunch time meeting, to gift Crimea to Ukraine, as a thank you for voting the Ukrainian Krushchev, to lead the Bolshevik, Communist Soviet Union Party. The people of Crimea never even got a vote. Let alone Russia. Not exactly legal now was it?

Tea, sandwiches and Crimea for lunch.

AM Hants

ZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzFramework agreement, which did not lead to ratification of whole package.

You are so boring me with your 5 D script. In fact why I am being so stupid as to reply.

Ban Ki Moon statement states that Ukraine has not ratified her borders, or actually acknowledge she is a nation, since the fall of the Soviet Union, in accordance with international Laws. as stated in 2014. Fully supported by the CIA. Darling believe what you want as I seriously could not care about the Galicia section of Ukraine. My sympathy and support is purely for Donetsk.

Bruno Giordano

The Russian-Ukrainian treaties on the state border and on cooperation in the Sea of Azov-Kerch Straits marine territory will strengthen the partnership between the two countries and help develop political dialogue and business and cultural cooperation, President Vladimir Putin said during a working visit to Ukraine.

The President noted the big part the Russian and Ukrainian parliaments played in concluding these treaties. Commenting on the fact that the treaties were approved through parliamentary discussion, Mr Putin noted that this shows that political forces and the public in both countries support developing Russian-Ukrainian relations.

Speaking about the treaty on the state border, the President said that its signature will create the conditions for developing economic ties between Russia and Ukraine and closer relations between the peoples of the two countries.

Mr Putin called the decision on the Sea of Azov-Kerch Straits marine territory a balanced and mutually beneficial solution for Russia and for Ukraine. The President said that the treaty on this marine territory will encourage the development of shipping and also lead to stronger security contacts.

23 April 2004. Kremlin.ru

What’s your agenda?

AM Hants

Which did not provide the 100% of the documentation to ratify the agreement in accordance of international law. As stated by Ban Ki Moon, in 2014 and the CIA. It was just a framework agreement, not full package.

Groundhog Day Bruno, now can I go back to sleep?

Bruno Giordano

Ratified by both parliaments. Ban Ki Moon? No, he did not state that. And since when is the CIA your source of information? Sure, go to sleep. Dream on, hants.

AM Hants

You lost your Dummy Bruno?

Why did Ban Ki Moon state on Channel 5 Newsa Channel dependent on funding by the UK Government, the borders between Russia and Ukraine had never been ratified, in accordance with international law?

Why did the CIA state the same?

Why do you believe a framework agreement is the same as the whole package of agreements used to support and clarify things, in accordance with ratifying international law?

Bruno Giordano

Why is “AM Hants” so eager to promote the Ukraine-Russia_border_not_ratified fairy tale? That is the question.

AM Hants

Darling, I guess it is because you keep telling me it cannot be true, because you found a framework agreement and according to you it cannot be true the fact that Ban Ki Moon when in charge of the UN, stated differently, on a Government funded TV channel. Supported by the CIA.

Believe what you want.

Bruno Giordano

Yes, I believe, errr.. no I am sure, that “AM Hants” did not reply to the question why “AM Hants” i so obsessively promoting the Ukraine-Russia_border_not_ratified nonsense. Interesting.

Bruno Giordano

Oh, “darling”, by the way, can you tell about which specific borders there is a dispute with Russia, or a not ratified issue, according to the CIA”? LMAO.

1997 boundary delimitation treaty with Belarus remains unratified due to unresolved financial claims, stalling demarcation and reducing border security; delimitation of land boundary with Russia is complete and demarcation began in 2012; the dispute over the boundary between Russia and Ukraine through the Kerch Strait and Sea of Azov is suspended due to the occupation of Crimea by Russia; Ukraine and Moldova signed an agreement officially delimiting their border in 1999, but the border has not been demarcated due to Moldova’s difficulties with the break-away region of Transnistria; Moldova and Ukraine operate joint customs posts to monitor transit of people and commodities through Moldova’s Transnistria Region, which remains under the auspices of an Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe-mandated peacekeeping mission comprised of Moldovan, Transnistrian, Russian, and Ukrainian troops; the ICJ ruled largely in favor of Romania in its dispute submitted in 2004 over Ukrainian-administered Zmiyinyy/Serpilor (Snake) Island and Black Sea maritime boundary delimitation; Romania opposes Ukraine’s reopening of a navigation canal from the Danube border through Ukraine to the Black Sea

CIA factbook Ukraine “transnational issues”

AM Hants

2 December 2014, Ukraine Demarcation – loc gov

‘…The actual demarcation of the border was not carried out at the time the Treaty was concluded on May 14 2010.

The Russian Federation Goverment issued Resolution No 720, ordering the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation to start work on concluding an agreement with the Ukrainian Government on the demarcation of the border.

Collection of the Russian Federation Legislation (official gazette) No. 21 Item 2630 (2010 in Russian). No such agreement was concluded…’

Bruno Giordano

So now suddenly the discussion is about demarcation??!! Great, so you admit that there was a treaty, that it was ratified and only the practical work, the actual demarcation, needed to be done. Border posts, signs, those things.

Oh, and when you cite some text, do it correctly. …the Treaty was concluded. [period] On May 14, 2010 ….

AM Hants


Te 5 D script gets so boring Bruno. We disagree, as usual and spend the next century going round in circles, using the same argument. I only bother replying to you, in order for others, if interested to go check out the facts themselves. No other reason.

AM Hants

Darling, only as stated it was not concluded. Local Government website and with the full link to the unconcluded document.

Now why did Ban Ki Moon, state Russia and Ukraine had never ratified their borders, in accordance with international law, back in 2014?

Bruno Giordano

So this is about demarcation, hants, not about ratification. Your “”loc.gov” site clearly states:

The Treaty Between the Russian Federation and Ukraine on the Russian-Ukrainian State Border was signed on January 28, 2003, by then President Kuchma of Ukraine and President Putin

. Furter it says

The actual demarcation of the border was not carried out at the time the Treaty was concluded.


Since 2010, the Russian-Ukrainian Commission on the Border Demarcation

has met 18 times, and only one border post was placed on the Russian

side of the border. Ukraine has placed about 235 border signs thus

far;7,000-10,000 additional signs need to be erected. The border between

Ukraine and Russia is more than 1,200 miles long.

AM Hants


AM Hants

I failed to prove Ban Ki Moon stated Ukraine had not ratified borders, in accordance with international law, when he was being interviewed on Channel 5 News, back in 2014. A channel which receives funding from the UK Government.

Link to the article claiming the CIA also stated those facts.

Believe what you want little Bruno, but, riddle me this, who is more obsessed about it? You or me?riddle me this but do local governments dictate international law?

AM Hants

central Intelligence Agency in United States of America appears to have no understanding of self determination.

Remind me, but, what argument did the US use on 4 July 1776 to gain independence from Great Britain?

What argument did over 80% electorate use, back in March 2014, when over 90% voted to return home to Russia? Wasn’t it self determination?

What argument did NATO give to justify their invasion of Kosovo? Wasn’t it self determination?

Bruno Giordano

Kosovo? What has that got to do with Ukraine-Russia borders? Same about the independence of the USA, nothing to do with ratifications

You have not provided any proof that Ban Ki Moon would have stated that Ukraine and Russia would not have ratified a treaty on their borders. Your problem: he has not stated that. Nor has the CIA Fact Book stated anything similar.

On the other hand, I proved that Russia and Ukraine did ratify the treaty about their borders, and what was actually left to do is practical implementation, demarcation, which is obviously disturbed by Russia’s illegal acts within the borders of the sovereign state Ukraine.

Why is “AM Hants” so obsessively promoting the Ukraine-Russia_border_not_ratified nonsense? That is the question.

Ralph London

Irrelevant, since ukraine is at best a colony of the usa.

AM Hants


Time to order the new John Helmer book, with regards the MH17 trial and how the defendents have to prove their innocence, owing to rule changes in Dutch Law. Used to be innocent till proven guilty, not guilty till proven innocent.

Bruno Giordano

Order the book? Aren’t you getting a free copy? Ï would think you need it for your “5 D’s training, hants.

AM Hants


AM Hants

So, with regards your link, it does not provide the details of the actual Treaty. Bearing in mind, no argument the borders are agreed whilst both nations are part of the CIS and work together in the economic zone. The only peppers that acknowledge that fact, Poroshenko made a very public show of tearing them up.

Why did NATO refuse to allow Ukraine to join in 1997?

Why did Ban Ki Mmon state on a UK News Programme, that relies on UK Government funding, that the borders of Russia and Ukraine had never been ratified, IN ACCORDANCE WITH INTERNATIONAL LAw, back in 2014?

Bruno Giordano

It does not provide the details? What more than the FACT that they signed a treaty on the state border between Russia and Ukraine – as published by the Kremlin itself in April 2004 – do you need?

On the other hand, you can provide zero evidence that Ban Ki Moon stated what you claim “on UK Government funded Channel 5 News, back in 2014”, simply because he did not.. And are you saying that Russia and Ukraine ratified something that goes against “international law”??? LMAO.

And then NATO… whatever NATO refused, or not, for whatever reasons, 1997 was 7 years before that treaty.

So what is your agenda, why do you keep spouting your nonsense, hants?

Ralph London

You’re still full of ignorant shit: ukraine – at best – is a colony of the usa, to be plundered and ripped off.


for sure


Western front soon cooking:))))))

AM Hants

Cauldrons getting fired up.

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