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Interesting Details Of Thwarted Ukrainian-NATO Special Operation In Russian Bryansk Region (18+)

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Interesting Details Of Thwarted Ukrainian-NATO Special Operation In Russian Bryansk Region (18+)

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On October 27th, a group of foreign mercenaries was destroyed near the Russian border in the Bryansk region. The following day, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation confirmed the incident. The Russian military sources are still revealing interesting details about the foreigners operating on the Russian territory and the situation in the region which may help to suppose the direction of the next Ukrainian counteroffensive.

The total number of the group that attempted to break through Russian border was about 10 militants. As a result of the battle, at least four foreign militants were eliminated. The newly revealed footage has shed some light on their personalities.

Interesting Details Of Thwarted Ukrainian-NATO Special Operation In Russian Bryansk Region (18+)

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Russian border guards made a group photo of foreign tourists on the Russian territory. They had their notes with call names, schedule of the operation and other information in English with them. They were fully armed with NATO weapons.

At least one of the foreigners had his documents and he was easily identified. The militant from the so-called Legion of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine (GUR) was Corey J. Navrotsky.

Interesting Details Of Thwarted Ukrainian-NATO Special Operation In Russian Bryansk Region (18+)

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Interesting Details Of Thwarted Ukrainian-NATO Special Operation In Russian Bryansk Region (18+)

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Interesting Details Of Thwarted Ukrainian-NATO Special Operation In Russian Bryansk Region (18+)

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Interesting Details Of Thwarted Ukrainian-NATO Special Operation In Russian Bryansk Region (18+)

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Artillery Sergeant Corey J. Navrotsky, 29, joined the US Marine Corps in 2001 and trained at the Marine Corps Recruiting Depot on Parris Island. He has served as Guard Company’s gunnery sergeant at Marine Barracks Washington since June 2011. On April 2, 2012, he was promoted to the rank of gunnery sergeant. The rank of gunnery sergeant is unique to the Corps. This is the seventh rank, and a company gunnery sergeant is usually responsible for coordinating logistics for a company-sized Marine unit. It is very rare for a Marine to earn this title, because the competition for promotion is very high. Navrotsky’s awards included a Bronze Star with a valor device, two Purple Hearts, a Navy Achievement Medal with a valor device and two combat action ribbons.

While stationed at the Barracks, Nawrocki is responsible for ensuring the Marines of Guard Company are properly trained and prepared for the next step in their careers. He also handles the logistical aspects to Guard Company. On June 1, 2021, his mother reportedly congratulated him on social media on his discharge from the United States Marine Corps and a new stage in his career.

Interesting Details Of Thwarted Ukrainian-NATO Special Operation In Russian Bryansk Region (18+)

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In Ukraine, he kept with him a prayer to St. Michael the Archangel in Polish. He was from Pennsylvania, a region of the United States with one of the largest Polish communities. Google had been trying to hide the Navrotsky family’s place of residence since 2023, perhaps it was then that Navrotsky went to join special forces in Ukraine.

John joined the A3449 military unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which is the Legion center for special operations of the Main Intelligence Directorate. He received his Ukrainian military ID in September 2024 but he was likely fighting with other documents before.

The fact that such an experienced officer of the US army left his post signals that he was indeed an active servicemen sent by Washington to conduct secret operations in Ukraine even before the Russian Special Military Operation began.

Interesting Details Of Thwarted Ukrainian-NATO Special Operation In Russian Bryansk Region (18+)

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Interesting Details Of Thwarted Ukrainian-NATO Special Operation In Russian Bryansk Region (18+)

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More detailed photos of another foreign militant were shared online. He is yet to be identified. He had a tattoo of the “elite” 75th U.S. Special Forces Ranger Regiment, also known as Rangers. This is a parachute regiment of deep reconnaissance in the US Army subordinate to the US Department of Defense. Their motto is Rangers Lead the Way, but this ranger lost his way.

Interesting Details Of Thwarted Ukrainian-NATO Special Operation In Russian Bryansk Region (18+)

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Interesting Details Of Thwarted Ukrainian-NATO Special Operation In Russian Bryansk Region (18+)

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The third saboteur was also definately not born somewhere in a small Ukrainian village near Poltava.

The fourth militant is hard to be fastly identified.




Tattoos and documents indicate the involvement of US citizens in a  sabotage and terrorist attack on the territory of the Russian Federation but Washington is yet to officially comment on the incident.

The group had a large amount of highly explosive Semtex PE4/PW4 explosives made by Explosion A.S in Czech Republic.

Interesting Details Of Thwarted Ukrainian-NATO Special Operation In Russian Bryansk Region (18+)

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The amount of weapons, explosives and means of fire destruction indicate that the group intended to conduct a large operation in the Bryansk region. There was a document with the alleged plan of the operation with a wide range of tasks in six stages, including mining the area and attacks on Russian positions.

Interesting Details Of Thwarted Ukrainian-NATO Special Operation In Russian Bryansk Region (18+)

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Interesting Details Of Thwarted Ukrainian-NATO Special Operation In Russian Bryansk Region (18+)

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Interesting Details Of Thwarted Ukrainian-NATO Special Operation In Russian Bryansk Region (18+)

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This is not for the first time that the members of the notorious A3449 Legion unit of the GUR are destroyed on the Russian territory. Another group from this elite unit was destroyed near Russian border in December 2022. Ukrainians mainly used their highly motivated compatriots, mostly members of the Nazi battalions like Azov or other formation. Foreigners were operating in the rear, responsible for reconnaissance. The group of American rangers thrown into battles is a clear sign that the GUR is suffering from the lack of professional servicemen who could perform specifically dangerous tasks. However, the US Marines, who were trained specifically for conducting deep reconnaissance in the enemy rear, also failed to perform the tasks.

The thwarted attempt to break through Russian border was definately not a one-off attack. Taking into account the large amount of explosives they had, the destroyed group of foreign specialists, most of whom escaped to the Ukrainian territory under Russian artillery fire, was likely aimed to pave the way for the larger group of Ukrainian forces which should cross the border and launch larger  ground operations.

Interesting Details Of Thwarted Ukrainian-NATO Special Operation In Russian Bryansk Region (18+)

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Interesting Details Of Thwarted Ukrainian-NATO Special Operation In Russian Bryansk Region (18+)

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Interesting Details Of Thwarted Ukrainian-NATO Special Operation In Russian Bryansk Region (18+)

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The real goal of the risky sabotage attack is not clear. They could be ordered to transfer the explosive to some agents in Russian rear or perform some other special tasks. Judging by the fact that the group was spotted by Russian drones and most of them have bullet wounds, it is possible that the Russian military was aware of the operation and was awaiting for the saboteurs in an ambush.

According to the recent reports from the front, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are accumulating forces near Shostka. There is a lot of military equipment with freshly painted tactical signs of diamonds and crosses. Military trucks with trailers carrying rubber boats with motors were spotted moving in the area. The Armed Forces of Ukraine may attempt breakthrough operations on the rivers in the region. The Ukrainian military is strengthening fortifications and increased the number of military personnel in this direction. The artillery shelling in the Russian border villages also increased.

While the Ukrainian army is suffering heavy defeats in the Donbass and retreating the Russian Kursk region, the Ukrainian media recently spread reports about another Ukrainian counteroffensive allegedly coming in the nearest future. Zelensky reportedly demands the General Staff of Ukraine to launch the so-called “offensive of hope” in early November. The direction of Ukrainian attacks was not disclosed but another incursion on the Russian territory may bring new media victories in the MSM to Zelensky. Earlier, the head of the Kiev regime reportedly promised Biden two offensive operations before the start of the US election. The first bloody PR campaign was the failed invasion in the Kursk region, but the second one is yet to come. Given the reality on the frontlines, there is little hope for the Zelensky’s “offensive of hope”.


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US is becoming a shithole

dying for a clown, was it worth it.


globalist leaders don’t care about the people we are deplorable scum to them, to be discarded on some battlefield as trash. the leaders don’t go to war they start wars and set in their high towers..!

Last edited 4 months ago by Skip59

if the guys had seen “the three stooges” in their youth, instead of rocky or rambo, they might have become a baker or a plumber and are still alive today


if they did they would settle wars with slap in the face, finger in the eye and kick in the butt.

Peter Sellers

they’re spreading nuland’s cookies around the world. call them bakers’ helpers.


weren’t these the blokes who were suppose to go in and extract the us officers caught in kursk? i guess not…


there are so many nato heavy machine guns with ammo captured that it must be possible to arm all border guards better. and in case there are firefights, immediately send choppers and blast the invaders to pieces. the kursk suicide offensive was already the last hope, now kiev regime really becomes insane😉✌️💪


bunch of idiots with nothing better to do than get their dumb asses shot to pieces for jew globalist nonsense

good riddance to bad rubbish…lol

Last edited 4 months ago by williebrennan
Uncle Fincle

the dark skinned guy was shown to have what looked like a turkish style tattoo in another video on the december1991 bitchute channel.

the canadian flag is a well trick to disguise a us citizen abroad, so don’t be fooled by it.

also, the other team members are likely wounded or carrying wounded as orders are to destroy or recover bodies, as per the british sas and sbs odessa procedures.


i think i’ve seen him tranq’d up in videos of kensington square. guess he finally od’d.

Ivan Freely

yeah…od on lead.

Western Sham Politics

kursk is the textbook example of ‘garbage in, garbage out’.


thank you russia for annihilating this subhuman fascist trash! <3 more of them will come so keep up the good work. :d


they wasted their lives dying for a fake world order

The Iceman Cometh

they wasted their lives dying for a bunch of ukrainian neonazi zionists robbing their own countries blind, and if you think that’s an oxymoron, you’re right. everything coming out of the west is an oxymoron these days

but i guess what you said is pretty much the same thing.

Last edited 4 months ago by The Iceman Cometh

they’re mercenaries. so they wasted their lives for $$$.


those who live by the sword…


read the gospels – not meaning to pick on matthew, but he is the only one who records that saying from jesus at gethsemane. he also writes that “someone” lopped off the soldier’s ear. the other three gospels clearly state that it was peter who did it, yet don’t record jesus as having said that, which makes that quote controversial at least.

Peter Sellers

speaking of swords, has merkel committed hari kiri yet over the minsk ii scam? she has one hell of a head count on her. i couldn’t live with it.

Ivan Freely

merkel, like all politicians, is a sociopath. the deaths on her hands wouldn’t phase her one bit.

Western Sham Politics

maybe not all, but certainly >50%


doesn’t change anything, whatever she thinks she’ll have to pay the price. call it god’s vengeance or wrath, or karma, you have to pay for your misdeeds, and i wouldn’t like to be her at death.

Tibetan monk

looo ooo ooosers.

Conan M

fuck all of them. this post-911 american knows how many in the u.$. military knew that their own government murdered their own that day in lower manhattan and washington to ratchet up the wars and occupations for energy in iraq and to block the silk road pipeline to afghanistan…

Last edited 4 months ago by Conan M
Conan M

so it begs the question how the u.$. military could keep the war machine going based on that lie that led to libya, syria, yemen and than of course these rotting po$ here…

Conan M

along with the chinese and indian government(s) hauling away the crime scene in lower manhattan ground zero that bought their silence and that has kept them like russia in the world bank, imf and un?… when traitors committing treason unite for the worst reasons!…

Last edited 4 months ago by Conan M

that is a silly take on the 9/11 production.

Conan M

that they kept their word to purchase oil and gas below the blood and treasure of iraqis and afghans that also promoted the sale of russian oil and gas in the u.$. and europe as well as china and india by keeping their collective mouth(s) shut on the truth of 9/11?… or that it’s all truth, and the reason why these subhumans are now in is russia because they ignored the warning signs of that epoch false flag which also put the u.$. in a state of emergency that hasn’t ended since???

Last edited 4 months ago by Conan M

first off, you misspelled israel multiple times. the dancing israelis and lucky larry silverstein tell the real story but the narrators are robert kagan of the pnac and his fervent desire for a “new pearl harbor” to awaken the slumbering security state, and his wife, the putrid gasbag vickie nudleman nuland, handing out cookies and bullets in the maidan. iraq was just cowboy little bush avenging daddy and making dirty dick cheney and friends rich through oil and halliburton contracts.

Conan M

and who in the u.$. government made robert pnac kagan and his jabba the hut wife nuland po$$ible?… by the way i didn’t misspell i$rael. the u.$. government after the u.$.$. liberty, beirut barracks and 9/11 know who owns them and will keep coming back for more till their end, even when russia’s ukraine becomes their new home when tel aviv and haifa become uninhabitable -courtesy of lil’ premier “pootie-poot”!

Last edited 4 months ago by Conan M

jabba the hut vicky. was that her name in high school too? bet it was.


derpster, the us is currently in 40 states of emergency, some going back to carter.

Conan M

don’t need a history tour of the trilateral commission… but “yes” we were headed in this direction after nixon was impeached for a prank instead of the war crimes in vietnam, laos and cambodia, along with the j** side-show pedophile that won the “nobel prize” for peace ironically for starting those illegal invasions and occupations that killed millions!… nah… the worst of the worst started after (3 buildings 2 planes) which left the worst mark!

Last edited 4 months ago by Conan M

that us 911 hid a truth, the theft of usd trillion as admitted by the late donald rumsfeld. if you think about it, that was very much an elaborate “die hard with a vengeance” scripts combined with fake videos.

Edgar Zetar

wow! they have all intelligence regarding foreign fighters. even their careers, ranks, partners where they have been, guess russia is not playing right now, they are getting serious and you don’t want to poke a bear? do you? the exceptionals and their machiavellic deeds.


does this mean the us army is directly involved in attempts to seize, mine and blow up a nuclear power plant in kursk and the killing of innocent civilians?

Viet Hochi min beats the USofA

yes, this was the plan all along


was the pope once polish?


subhumans…nothing more….next


so, 2 packs of smokes, one in the ash tray, the other on the loose…. camels.


and number 4, the one in the plastic bag? is he in pices and not recognisable?

Ivan Freely

yes. it’s easier to transport body parts in a bag. the head has likely been blasted into oblivion so they’ll have to resort to finger prints and dna.


you mean the “offensive dope”.

Deception 101

the future of british/american empire rests on their success in russia . they have gradually escalated to a point where they believe they can invade russia using a conglomeration of troops to make the war more costly to russians .they may be probing for weak point with better geography than kursk


warriors against the neo nazis invaders orcs from russial vladolf


don’t worry – you’ll dine with bandera someday.

Peter Sellers

talking to a monkey like eliot is a tough assignment. they just take what they’ve done themselves and throw it back at you.

no imagination in those simians whatsoever.

Last edited 4 months ago by Peter Sellers
The Court Jester

him? he never leaves his mother’s basement, especially when she’s ‘entertaining’ guests upstairs. ;-)

Last edited 4 months ago by The Court Jester
nato homos lose again

russia thwarts lgbt camping trip.


die canadian merc scum!


mercs are better dead forever… never poke the bear.

Paul Scesniak

citizens nowadays likely nearly everywhere, and i will claim from personal experience, certainly in the west, are to learn reading writing numbers and civics, and then admittedly amid tons of information are to guide their – our – respective republics towards truth and justice and steer clear of lies and crime. yes this can be difficult. you have to spend time in the library, not just in the gym and on the range.


can’t spend time in the library in ukraine. libraries are used as nato munitions dumps over there.

Paul Scesniak

… but that is the admission fee for running law and society; the admission fee for freedom. you can’t just soak up lying cheating and stealing, winking at each other, cozying up to crooks and cronies, as a way of life. you can be corrected, maybe sharply, if you do that. you may be stopped outright.

Paul Scesniak

citizens nowadays likely nearly everywhere, and i will claim from personal experience, certainly in the west, are to learn reading writing numbers and civics, and then admittedly amid tons of information are to guide their – our – respective republics towards truth and justice and steer clear of lies and crime. yes this can be difficult. you have to spend time in the library, not just in the gym and at the range.

Dick Von D'Astard

dprk run pow camps for any nato member state merc survivors.

Last edited 4 months ago by Dick Von D'Astard
Igor Nostra

information is emerging that the one with ranger tattoo is actually serving in the us army special forces. no mercenary!

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