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International Military Review – Syria-Iraq Battlespace, Dec. 11, 2015

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Syrian Arab Army (SAA), National Defense Forces (NDF) and Hezbollah are successfully advancing the in the Eastern parts of Aleppo province. The pro-government forces are now closing in on the terrorists’ positions in the town of Deir Hafer, approaching the town from several directions.

Meanwhile, the Russian strikers heavily pounded the terrorists’ gathering centers in the Darat Izza, Bashkoy, Keshtaar, Kafarina and Azaz regions of the province. Dozens of militants were killed. A large number of weapons and equipment was destroyed. The Syrian airstrikes hit terrorists’ positions in Jarouf, Ein al-Beida, al-Bab and Anadan.

On Wednesday, the SAA killed a senior commander of the “Thuwar al-Sham Brigades” terrorist group in a strategic town of Khan Touman. Abdul Rahim al-Hamoud was a defected lieutenant colonel of the SAA.

The SAA made important advances in the city of Dara’a. The field reports said that the loyalists are in a striking distance of the old Dara’a border crossing with Jordan which is commonly referred to as the Al-Jamrak crossing. Sporadic clashes between the SAA and militants were observed at the outskirts of al-Sheikh Meskeen and Atman.

ISIS militants in Iraq’s Ramadi have destroyed a lock on the Euphrates River which served as a bridge as pro-government forces advance further in the fight to retake the western militant-held city. It was the last bridge which connected the city center. Thus, 300 militants trapped in the city. This week, the Iraqi security forces and local militia seized control of a military complex north of the city and captured the neighborhood of Husaybah on the eastern outskirts of the city. Separately, Iraqi military and allied volunteer fighters cleared almost the whole area of the western neighborhoods of Ramadi.

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What happened to the guy who used to do the voice over on these sometimes? He had a lovely voice!

Matt Damon

Looks like a stalemate

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