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MARCH 2025

Interviews With US, British Fighters Aiden Aslin And Alexander Drueke By John Mark Dougan

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Interviews With US, British Fighters Aiden Aslin And Alexander Drueke By John Mark Dougan

John Mark Douga

John Mark Dougan is a former US police officer who asked for political asylum in Russia. He was recently contacted by US fighters taken hostage by Russian-led forces on the Donbass front lines who asked for interviews to tell their stories. 

On June 28th, John Mark Dougan published the first interview with Aiden Aslin who was taken hostage in Mariupol in April. On June 9th, Aiden Aslin was sentenced to death in the Donetsk People’s Republic.


On July 4th, John Mark Dougan published his second interview with Aiden Aslin :


On July 5th, John Mark Dougan published his interview with Alexander Drueke who was seized by Russian troops to the northeast of the city of Kharkiv in June:



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Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

Hang these merc scum in the town square!

Ashok Varma

British bastards are directing this war against Russia. JAI RUS!

jens holm

Thats partly correct. They are hired for it. Ukraine has to remaine as neutral independent country still as a state recognized by UN.

From where do You know they are bastards. Whats wrong with bastards. Someone else made them. As a minimum You could blame their parents for the result.

jens holm

They cant. the Russians has bombarded them away. Its delayed. The russians now are planting trees for it.


Assange for this guy??? Not likely.


Assange is a legend this guy is dirt

Michel 17

Don’t judge. Hitler also started off as a choir boy. Demons rule all people.


Kill all English mercenaries. Why is stupid putin keeping them Alive? Open war on Russia and Putin acting so soft. the First thing ( in fact the only sensible thing) Russia must do, is to kill as many English soldiers (and not only their hired mercenaries ), English spies masquerading as British and BBC journalists and mercenaries as possible as in shortest time. That will settle the problem of the world being destabilized by the England pirate island and there will be no more plotting for wars by English pirates. But Russia does opposite! It let English mercenaries escape safely from donesk (Debeltsov enckave) in Feb 2015!


This would be a bad move. A recent survey showed that 78% of British people interviewed would want to live in Russia. These mercenary idiots are useful as bargaining chips and propaganda. The British Russophobic media would love these guys to be executed because then they can have a field day of headlines saying ‘See, proof! Putin is a barbarian’. They win the propaganda.

But if Russia/DPR show leniency and punish these guys by getting them to clean up Mariupol etc. do community work and see the damage they have been doing to the villages they shelled. Film them being confronted by people who have suffered. Film them visiting the graves/memorials to the children murdered etc. This would do two vital things.

1. Prove that western media are lying and shame them in the eyes of British public.. 2. Prove that Putin is not a brute at all to the British public. 3. Prove Ukraine are committing atrocities to British public. 4. Open people’s eyes to the truth.


Again… Speaking as an American…

Why would you want to pollute Russia with more “$hit”!?… Guess I’m old school from a day where you had a conscious and hung your head in shame for the crimes you paid for as a taxpayer to your corrupt government that failed you when you didn’t fight back in protest!…

If this was the anti-Vietnam War era and Americans were fighting and dying to get their .gov out of Iraq… Afghanistan… Libya… Syria… Yemen… and Ukraine… I would be more conciliatory on their being a reward for those Americans that fought the good fight and wanted to make a new life in Russia!…

But NOT after THIS (https://www.ae911truth.org/evidence/technical-articles/articles-by-ae911truth/845-nist-confirms-its-building-7-report-is-indefensible-part-1-of-5-the-omitted-web-stiffeners) when they did nothing to have those “questions answered” that got U.$. to this place!…

If they come to Russia with their money?… Take their money and then make them disappear!….

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
jens holm

1) There si no need to talk down Russia and Putin much. they are experts themself.

2) Investmenets in increased production into a raised living standard use money. So USA and We dont come with money. We also has some expectations where cost also makes benefits. Thats the vital for Kapitalisme in best to the price.

If there is no production there will be no tax and tax paid by thre employed. Here Russia not even has a sober tax system.

Your problem is You still think i country and we dont. Western Economy is very productive because many aconomies has joies across border in many agreements about it.

You are in mid still old Kombinates, Sovkoses. Kolkoses etc. BUT YOU COLLAPSED THEM. Didnt You.

So to be geat You have to reconsider and do something else. Here even the Russian education system is almost gone. There are not a single idea for the Russian future apart from fatalistic more and more outdated museum.

And true. We create money for investment by stockholdings which are loans. By that we the hard working and well educated ones can make milk and cheese and sell irt for more then the cow was bought for.

The oroduction can be taxed. The employed can be taxed.

By that the state gets ressources for their activities. And here You ignore the results, which are very visible in the western economies. Those certainly are not perfect. We know tgose kapitalist grappers too. We try to keep them in line.

BUT we see nothing better and not much semilar to it. So we CHOOSE. We also can make corrections by sober parlamentarisme.


A “Medium of Exchange” can never survive without a “Store of Value”!… Here’s to NOT ignoring the results (https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/944-trillion-reasons-why-fed-quietly-bailing-out-hedge-funds)!…

While the Russian Central Bank and PBOC have played the game alongside the Western CBs which has denied their respective countries investors equity in their commodities trading market(s), now comes the ultimate test to see if they will allow the market to set the price.

Because when that is allowed to happen. Goodbye American Woman!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

You make some very good and valid points and I understand where you’re coming from. As a matter of fact the British mercenary Aiden Aslin when he was trapped in the Azov steel plant made a phone call and said that he was worried he would be used for propaganda purposes if he was captured. They are indeed using him as we speak for propaganda purposes and making him confess to the world how wrong he was for his decision to come to Ukraine. The main problem unfortunately is that since the mainstream media is completely controlled in the UK and western Europe as well as in the U.S. , the truth is always spun and the media will fabricate lies and misinformation to demonize anything Russia or the people in Donetsk and Lugansk do no matter what. It is almost a lost cause in itself to try to convince the west of the truth because of the fact that the news is so manipulated and distorted to always paint Russia in a negative light. Russia has tried for years to build friendly relations with Germany, the UK, western Europe and the U.S. only to be betrayed again and again. In my opinion Russia no longer needs to explain its actions to anybody, specially the west who is the main instigator against anything and everything Russian. Those who learn the truth like myself will always stand with Russia on principle.

Last edited 2 years ago by 7even-N-6

I dislike it when Russia keeps on insisting that they are goody two shoes and arguing their point as if begging people to look and see, they should just present the truth, explain their position and carry on being upright. They should present the truth clearly so we know they are not as they are portrayed but insisting and insisting just makes them look weak and pathetic. I am GLAD that we are able to discover the truth and I thank Russia for that. Instead of begging to be believed, Russia should ATTACK the UK US for their DECEPTIONS and publically, call them out. They should MOCK them and say things like, the US and UK do not even know the difference between a man and a woman, how do you expect them to portray the truth? Overmocking would be a loser but up to a point, they should call the out, mock and attack them for their deceptions.


Well said. I fully agree with you. I’m from the Netherlands and over here the media is terrorizing me on a dayly basis with their ‘governmently approved’ news. I’m sick and tired of it. Our puppet media and capatalist dictatorship government (the latter calling themselves democratic) don”t give a shit about us. Inflation is dramatically increasing. A growing number of fellow citiziens have allready reached the point at which they are no longer able to pay for the monthly bills flowing in.

jens holm

Im sure You are welcome to leave. They have no concrite walls, fences and landmines to keep You in.

Russia seemes to need some habitants.

Your parents or You seemes to have displaced Yourself. Its the same for dutch media. They mainly try to show the oppinions shown by their parlamentarisme but they also has an opposition.

They have no censur ship and all can use the other possibilitis for almost free.

Im very well about the mixted situation in Holland. The Dutch allow them to think its still neatherland and their country. Too many incommers.

Last edited 2 years ago by jens holm

Mike, Everyone who got on the DEMENTED BIDEN and the CLOWN JOHNSON’S WAR EXPRESS HEADING FOR THE ABYSS is in the same situation. for we all have cars. But the children have invested in bikes… Me and my family have seriously tightened our belts. Fortunately none of us have mortgages, but the fuel is a problem. I’ve bought us all camping stoves and equipment for when the lights go out and the gas? All we can do is hold tight and at the very next election vote with our feet. Myself i write to all my councillors and MP’s, not that I think it will do much, but if enough of us did, they would have to take note.. What a bummer, my nephew moved over there at the beginning of the plandemic, thinking he’d escape all the crap???? Good luck there, Peace and harmony…

jens holm

There we go again. You as usual refer to mainstream medias as we also lives in the old days.

We also has twitter, facebook, google and now even the narrowminded TikTok.

Today Our 30 to 40.000 refugees here in Denmark has dayly contact to family and friends in Ukraine. We also has sober journalists from many medias. So what You write about MAIN now only is a part of the communication.

Here You ignore the communication also is both way and not RT TV one way by Putin with no human rights.

What we see is the opposite. We see the Russian one way communication is the infected one. It even pretend it know more about Ukraine then we do, even its hardly there and all is propagandised.

Sod Off!

Sod off you braindead chimpanzee!

Go suck Yankee bananas instead of farting here, no one ever reads your moronic gay crap.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sod Off!

The truth cannot remain hidden, Russia are the Peacemakers, the US are the Vampire Parasites/MAFIA that want everything for themselves. VIETNAM, KOREA, IRAQ, EGYPT, LEBANON, SOMALIA, ERITREA, ETHIOPIA, AFGHANISTAN, YEMEN, SYRIA AND NOW UKRAINE, sitting on $Trillions in untapped resources????


Correct and yet they continue to try and do so. Its odd to watch as they have this weird desire to prove they are not the bad guys? They are constantly handicapping themselves to prove it?


Totally agree. If People are not direct l’y involved in murdering civilians changing into à usefiul sentence Will be more humain and valable.


1. The truth can never win the propaganda war against the western media in the West. 2. It’s gonna be a waste of time and efforts trying to prove anything to the brainwashed zombies. Beside, the Mafia who’s controlling the zombies calling the shots. Zombies have no say whatsoever. 3. Sane people can easily see the evil has been murdering tens of millions of innocent civilians in the last few decades. There’s no need to open anyone’s eyes. The zombies are NOT considered human/people. 4. Let evils live among innocent civilians and you’ll get another disaster.


Agreed, you can’t change the minds of the people in the West. If Russia tries to pacify the West the Media will use it to destroy the Russians! No amount of good intentions will change that fact. The West Only understands Force! We are Founded on death and destruction. We have killed and murdered since our very first landing on this land. Just ask the Indians or Mexicans! Being kind to people who want to see you dead only gives them a chance stab you in the back and make their dreams come true!

jens holm

We actually change Our own minds by sober elections, wher we replace Our politics and make leaders for it.

We hve open borders and You can leave. With so many prefaring us it make no sense to blame some few here and there.

Russia also is founded in death and destrution.

The Khazars has been defeated. The Cossacs has been defeated. The Tatars had been defeated. The Finns has been defeated and Sweden too.

Russian Kievan was defeated by seveal wars as well. West ukriane was stolen from Poland.

And what about east of that. All Sibiuria was taken and even Alaska. You still can find the old fortress lines for taking Kasakstan, Usbekistan, Tadjikistan, Kirgisistann.

In Caucasus its the same thing with fortress and war roads. Grosny is a vey good example but the rest too. Part of that was taken from the Osmans and even Persia.

The Baltics were retaken by USSR and Stalin. Next the rest what divided with Hitler by Molotov – Ribbentrop.

Several caucasus states partly are posseded by Russia as well.



Russia will NEVER EVER TRUST THE WEST AGAIN. They may become trading ‘partners’ sometime, but it will be on Russia’s terms… One thing this has shown is that the Vampire Parasite States haven’t got as many ‘vassals’ in their gang as they thought. 20% of the world at best, and they are shit frightened of the mess that is coming, and can’t wait to cut the ties that bind them. Come Christmas it will all be over and they’ll be begging to be forgiven for letting the Parasites ruin their countries economies…for their own hegemony..

jens holm

You unfortunatly is right. Even so the population of the earth grow year for year. Unfortunatly its no new thing with wars. Many are not done by us. We also solve some of them in a very bad way.

Our worst mistake is to being tech and medical care to people, which spend more time in beds having fun. They should work for feeding those children, they already have and implement the reasosn for teach and medical care.


I disagree. An example needs to be made in relation to Western mercenaries operating in former East Ukraine. These individuals have been involved in the most vile and murderous criminality seen in Europe since ww2. Only this week again the deliberate targeting of civilians including young children in the LDPR Hang them and Hang any others that are captured. Send the message out load and clear to any foreign mercenaries arriving in Ukraine. We get our hands on you and you will pay the ultimate price for your crimes

jens holm

There we go again. We all know that in a mild and no mild version. You seemes to forget maidan was a reaction to Russian Militants almost taking over. You grew those nazis well.

You even name thems as representing th whole ukraine iéven they at the elections got 2,15% of the voted. Not even PMs.

jens holm

less then 1% in UK would ever live in Russia.

Western media has all about those people in text, pictures and Youtubes, so You lie about it. Your infection is real. We do support 80% being Ukras very well. We by that also has to accept the 2,15% nazis as long as they defend their own state and others helping that vital.

Pens Holm

Your infection with monkeypox is real and your monkey brain is 99% dead. the rest is just shit.


BRILLIANT you should be a diplomat. You think like Sergay Lavrov.


As an American talking about these treasonous American scum. Fucking string ’em ALL up!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

Aslin is a BRIT….


Who on earth believes that he didn’t fire a single shot in Ukraine, when he has 12 years military experience? (Drueke) I don’t think Dougan contacted the interview very professionally as it seemed he was moving around on his phone (background car noises etc).


He is a former American Marine, then he worked in the police, a distant person from the Journalist, he just earns his living that way. Not a professional. At home, he decided to expose corruption in the police, and they wanted to put him in jail. He managed to escape to Russia and asked for political asylum 7 years ago. At home, he is waiting for 78 years in prison.


And the guy is a physical wreck. Definitely takes its toll going up against the FREEMASONS and MAFIA.

jens holm

Thats the Russian Bolsjoj theatre. You forget that. They bring it so You can take side.


in USA #1 dictatorship political asylum in Russia required—nazis williams, Sawyer midge/poko molo consider LGBT brothels to be freedom

The Crunge

Dumb asses like Alex Drueke make me want to puke.


C’mon man, he said he never fired a single shot. He was there completely by coincidence. Humanitarian aid and cookies you know 😃

jens holm

Its russian propaganda.


Yes, of course, he’s just a boy scout.


A bit short in the intelligence department – Male care worker with mentally impaired or was he the cared for? Playing call of duty all day and night?Then allegedly a Security guy/ a Bouncer? Couldn’t bounce his way out of a paper bag. Knows all about the Money that has been poured into Proxy wars by the Vampire Parasite States. But didn’t know that they had been pushing for a war with Russia since 1947? RUSSIA the Peacemakers who have done NOTHING TO DESERVE THE PARACITE’S HATRED except go from strength to strength economically, taking care of their neighbours and they’ve done it without creating death and mayhem worldwide. This worm is a liar and a liability. Keep him there. He’s made his bed and killed loads of innocents for the fun of it. We are seeing the last days of the USA and I for one will cheer. They are going to reap the desolation they have sown for 200 years and it couldn’t come soon enough. Print all the money you want. it wont help anything. You cant eat gold or tanks. Lol. Lol. America is finished… The ship is sinking and the UK isn’t far behind.


Only the “first wave” https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/uk-military-begins-training-10000-ukrainians-british-soil-amid-calls-insurgency!…

Because the Federal Re$erve and Bank of England truly believe that the Au the Russian Central Bank holds is theirs by virtue of Federal Re$erve and Bank of England destroying the F-U.K.U.$./EU Empire of their own volition by setting the price https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/peter-hambro-bis-central-banks-are-rigging-gold-market-using-bullion-banks-paper-gold !…

Now why would ANYONE in their right minds “hand it over” for destroying their own economies in the proce$$???….

Having said this Russia… Why did you wait so f-ing (https://theduran.com/putin-911-not-inside-job/) long to make markets “free” that you haven’t set FREE!?… Yet!???…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

What I simply cannot understand is how is possible that Russians left so much money in foreign banks?



Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
jens holm

There are different kinds of money. Fx You of course has to be paid for selling oil and food. They are not in stacks of notes or gold.

Another is the oligarc investments here. Thye are in banks, private property and business production.

Its also very much about the SWIFT system. We have cancelled Russia as member. I understand those parts well. The rest is out of my mind.


As an American I also agree that the mercenaries deserve the death penalty. Having said that, it is solely up to the people of Donetsk and Russia to decide the ultimate fate of these criminal mercenaries. If the people of Donetsk or Russia overturn the decision and instead decide to spare their lives and hand them a 20 year prison sentence or life in jail so be it. If that is the case then they should force these heartless mercenaries to go on interviews and confess and repent until they are released from jail or until they die of old age. Its either the death penalty or PPP for life…..Perpetual Propaganda Puppets.

jens holm

In Denmark its also not alloewed to be like them. But the penalty is much lower for those fighting at Our side. Peshmerga is low. ISIS is hig as examples.


The only thing relevant to me about these ppl, is when is the firing squad, and what evidence will the DPR provide that the sentences were carried out.

I already asked the ghoul on his ytube channel, (Aiden, MI6 #1) if he would be so kind as to announce the day of his execution so I have something to look forward to…

John Mark Dougan is helping Russia’s enemies, how more obvious can this be? I’m a retired FDNY EMS Paramedic, I know cops are the criminals, at least here in NYC. All the good ppl can’t last a year in the force…


In Canada is the same. There are no good cops left. All the cops are psychopaths who love hurting people.

jens holm

Maybee they try to integrate with Yours🎈


Aidan aslin is a British not American and he was not held hostage in mariupol.. he was captured by the Russians whilst he was fighting as a Ukraine mercenary


Aiden Aslin is good, he’s at least a Major in the SAS, and he’s worth more alive than he is dead. Word to the wise ;-)


same same…i would call his mother and sister now and play them video ….like ISIS ..he should be fucked by russian gay in big steel cage…let his mother see trhat …chop of his heands -both of them and right foot and let him go back to his home sweet home to dream and figure out how to continue to establish Great Ukraina- slava Ukraini let them burn in hwell

ukraina will be “Mariupulised” …the whole fucking country




I hope that Aiden will be shown leniency and be sentenced to a long jail term. He can help through his honesty about the situation, portraying the real situation online to the British people AND being a bit more honest about what he and his soldier mates actually did do in the region. After the military op has ended and things have calmed down, perhaps he could do some community service for a few years and then be given his freedom for exceptional conduct. The death sentence SHOULD exist but it should be rare. Definitely Aiden is squirming, his voice sounds breathless and upset, keeping him hanging on the hook for a bit longer will help his character and show his character.


The mother flower is trying to pawn himself off as a member of Ukie army when he was a mercenary. The interview was poorly done too.

jens holm

Thats no interview.

PT Barnum

Killer for hire has many photos of himself but he’s captured by the people he was shelling and now he’s never done anything. What a POS coward can’t even tell the truth about anything. I hope he really enjoys his execution maybe he’ll get more “likes” of his dead corpse than when he was alive. Beware they might try to rescue him: make sure his quarters is rigged to explode 😁

Ashok Varma

Indian reporters embedded with Russians have reported that under NATO officers command the Ukrainian army began to mine the roads leading to Belarus. Mining of roads is carried out because of the expected invasion of Belarus into Ukraine. The NATO Command of the Joint NAZI Forces of Ukraine reported that the engineering equipment of the state border is underway, including the mining of the most dangerous areas.

NATO criminals are also forcing AFU to shell Belarus border villages to draw Lukashenko into the war. The Zee TV reporter heard people with British accents directing the AFU racist Nazis. JAI RUS!


These desperate steps will unfortunately only lead to more Ukrainian casualties. The day will come, that those instructing others to mine roads, will be centensed in court for endangering the lives of their own citizens, and for the lives the mines took. The mining however, will not change the outcome of the special military operation. Slava Rossija.

jens holm

Its total lie of the worst kind. You must be like a goat eating everything halal.

Ukra should be in war with Belarus too and provoke for it. Nato?

You only confirm all Russin lovers are barking mad and You even insist and support it. It seemes You are not aware of mines always are used by military farces all over the world and very much by Russia too.


“It seemes You are not aware of mines always are used by military farces all over the world”

Well, if that’s the case then we can expect the AFU’s military farce will be using them forever


The most amusing video of all was the retreating Ukranazis that had forgotten they had mined the road the week before, and blew themselves up? I know I shouldn’t laugh because they are some mother’s sons… But oh the irony?

jens holm

I didnt write that at all. Its Yuri Gagarin. His service dog laika has died.

Its normal procedure to use mines. Its routine for all militaries. No Ukras has bombarded into Belarus. PPeople writing something like that are barking mad propagandists, which should be crisified with their heads down.

How can You even refere to that kind of crap.

Who wish and want Ukra being attacked by them too. Russia only.

Pens Holm

Nah that was you. You are the dumbest cocksucker in the world.

James R

Long story short – MI6 man pretends to be a courageous humanitarian who was unsuccessful at carrying out his paymasters plan, just like when he was in Syria.


Max Schmidt

As SF is a bit slow with today’s updates, I will post some stuff here that I myself found today in the free internet: -Russian Su-35 Jets Destroy Two Ukrainian Su-25 and One MiG-35, MoD Says -Russian Forces Eliminate 100 Ukrainian Servicemen and Over 1,700 Missiles, MoD Says -Because of the difficulty in recruiting new volunteers, the Kharkov Oblast is now trying to force convicts and former criminals under parole to join the front line. Now my private take on using criminals as soldiers: It’s not the first time Kiev Nazi junta is trying this strategy, which didn’t help them in the past. You can ask any psychologist who work in jails & rehab centers – the relapses happen in more than 90% of the cases. So, thieves will steal again, rapists will rape again, murders will murder again, and junkies will DO EVERYTHING to get the next fix. That said, the last thing these people care about is to behave like soldiers or trying to become some national heroes. So, if you live in Kharkov, dangerous times are coming to you, be careful when you walk at night. And if these sickos don’t die as cannon fodder, most likely they will terrorize their own neighbors in order to fulfill their respective addictions.

Last edited 2 years ago by Max Schmidt
Max Schmidt

And just to be fair and show the news from the other side: Today Der Spiegel is saying that ‘The Wagner Group’ will also try to recruit some “volunteers” (so there is no obligation) from Russian jails, in order to send them to the front in Donetzk. I hope these guys from Wagner know what they are doing.

Peter Jennings

Mr Aslin was a care worker who just upped sticks and went, with no formal training, to Syria to fight against that gov’t, and then went to the DPR/LPR to fight that gov’t! Where did he get his training?

Mr Aslin certainly likes to fight alongside terrorists, where ever they are. He speaks Russian, so would be very useful if fighting Russians. Maybe the Syrian gov’t could have him after the people of Donbass have finished with him.

Whatever happens, his gov’t who used him, are going to hang him out to dry.


Al CIAduh scumbags posing as ignorant backwoods rednecks….”I came completely on my own…funded myself…wanted to help….” Up against the wall with these angloZionaZi contract killers and stop the BS already.

To Odessa.


Titanium Dart

How are POW’s held in captivity able to contact whomever they want ? Is this theater ?

” He was recently contacted by US fighters taken hostage by Russian-led forces on the Donbass front lines who asked for interviews to tell their stories. “


Very bad advice to ask this POW to request his exchange for Assange. He, the prisoner, is in a completely different league, no disrespect. Imagine asking the LA Dodgers to trade Clayton Kershaw for an 11-year-old ball player. It ain’t going to happen. Maybe if this poor soldier were Joe Biden, but even then, I doubt anyone would be interested.

One alone only

Before any fool tries to shoot me down yes I’m from the UK but i am pro Russian on the Ukrainian operation and very Anti our own pro Nazi supporting Government.

I see there is a lot of hot heads here wanting to see blood for the horrific behaviour of the Ukrainian regime employing a manifesto of Nazism into its God forsaken ranks, I’m angry too. but still whilst all others may well be loosing their normal state of being logical and rational in their reasoning have seriously missed the point of the Russian operation in the Ukraine, which is on a righteous cause of serving the Ukrainian people justice and has delivered remarkable well on that goal thus far…

Now to some serious stuff this man’s life is in the balance, this British Guy whom I personally don’t know at all, called Aslin, and from the vid one can clearly calculate he was clearly never ever a mercenary in Ukraine ever but was a time serving legitimately payed Ukrainian military man since 2018 until his recent surrender from Mariupol, to the forces of the DPR.

Therefore if justice is the aim of this obvious Russian sanctioned Vid then for Justice to be swiftly served, then the Verdict of all previous charges should be immediately dropped and Aslin should be kept under guard as a POW until the Russian operation is clearly over, and sent home if he wishes to his family like with the other POWS.

Aslin he joined the legit Ukrainian army some years before, and has a Ukrainian wife who he’s been living with as a Ukrainian, Aslin was not on some flight of fancy or a member of any Azov Nazi unit, but on a monthly payed wage on a call of duty for and with the legit Ukrainian Army, unlike some others who went to the Ukraine as a mercenary soldier of fortune, which clearly is a big massive difference with Aslin people in Aslin’s case who is showing us his innocent of the charges that have been applied to him at the moment, I sincerely believe he is innocent, and I think the outcome of his case will show this in the end, its as simply as that folks. It’s only my opinion.

Last edited 2 years ago by One alone only

You lost me at “taken hostage in Mariupol” but thanks for the laugh. off with his head he won’t die in vain because he will be an example for other fools that want into a fight that is NOT their fight.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x