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MARCH 2025

Intra-Militant Clashes In Azaz Turns Children Playground Into Death Trap (Video)

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On June 15, fighters of the al-Shamiya Front stormed a children playground in the northern city of Azaz and clashed with fighters of the Northern Storm Brigade, according to the Syrian pro-opposition news outlet Enab Baladi.

A video released by Syrian opposition activists on June 17 shows that the playground was full with children and women during the clashes between the two groups. Local civilians attempted to evacuate the children and to stop the clashes, while the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Police (FSP) stood on the side watching.

Both the al-Shamiya Front and the Northern Storm Brigade are backed by Turkey, which is yet to comment on this horrifying incident.

From its side, the Northern Storm Brigade claimed that it has disarmed and suspended five of its fighters who participated in Azaz’s playground clashes. However, these claims were not confirmed by any pro-opposition activists on the ground.

During the last two months, the Turkish-held areas in northern Syria witnessed a series of clashes between different Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) groups. This latest incident is considered to be the most dangerous so far, and proves that these areas lacks any form of security.

Opposition activists hold Turkey responsibility for the current chaos in northern Syria, as the Turkish military continues to allow FSA fighters to move freely with their weapons in the civilian areas. According to several reports, many of these Turkish-backed fighters are former jihadists or even gang members.


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Note to Erdogan: you reap what you sow. This is what happens when you give AK’s to monkeys (=jihadi gang bangers)! It seems Turkey has troubles controlling their useful idiots….


His believe is ‘that’ will not visits his own home. Except it will and he’s ill suited to resist such problem.


Turkey’s policy is a dirty policy. Why Russia is using it? to perform the”dirty games” and Russia stays clear. Where a Turkish soldier put his foot there is a carnage. Like the Jewish. That’s why you can shape the jihadist but not the Turk from Turkey.


You seem to understand turks very well. Do you also understand the game the kurds are playing?


I don’t. Please explain.

Mustafa Mehmet

Bravo ?.. he is a Greek idiot


You can see the recent agreement on the “road map” of Foreign Ministers Mike Pombeo and Mevlut Tsavusoglu in the Kurdish enclave of Manbij at the same time that US-Turkey contradictions remain with regard to a number of issues for the future of the Middle East. Also, Kurdish armed men will leave after handing over the weapons and that then the safety of Manbij will be guarded by joint patrols of US and Turkish soldiers. The Turkish side estimates that the “road map” for Manbij will be implemented by the end of 2018 and, if it succeeds, will be a “model” for other areas of Syria in which it contradicts itself with the US such as Raca, the Kurban enclave etc .;So is very clear that Turkey is planning to stay in Syria, and not because is a good Samaritan.


that has been known from before they start. So whats new? The question is to see what Syria decide to do, when she secure her new borders first and what is within, then move out wards to reestablish her borders, that right now are under occupation either by turkey or the globalists.

Mustafa Mehmet

You think Americans or Kurd or France or Italy . Leaving any time soon no chance of that when it comes Turk you start barking like ? … we protecting. our borders our people. you brainless Greek priest

Michał Hunicz

FSP – Fake Syrian Police



US, UK, France, Israel and Saudis are child butchers. Shame on all nations and on their leaderships that do not retaliating to them that had brutally slaughtered 6,400 unarmed Palestinians this April, 2018 and 11,000 Yemenis small kids and women in just with in last two years in air strikes on their funerals and weddings. Even they couldn’t condemn them. They are so much scaring from Israeli and Saudi butchers. Assad: “US, UK, French and Israeli forces presence in Syria is illegitimate and constitutes an invasion.”


Syrian rescue Operation from foreign terror forces.

1. in June and July, 2018 Daraa/Golan Heights, 2. in August, 2018 Homs/Deir Ezzor ISIS pocket will be liberated, 3. in September and October, 2018 Idlib/Aleppo provinces, 4. in November, 2018 Al-Tanf, 5. in December, 2018 Deir Ezzor/Hasakah/Raqqah provinces.

At the moment 30% Syrian oil and gas land has taken by US, UK, France and Israel by fraud, tricks and using their own gangsters….


Why did you change your name from “Rob” to “Stephen”?


I was thinking the same thing. Good catch. :)


I thought only the IDF attacked playgrounds… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c23e4a465bea53cb7ca8fe37096c9f01e59e6c8688f38eafa7f53c89db9a6832.jpg


you are dead wrong…


Yeah obviously….it seems to be a hype, understandable because it is less likely that Kids Shoot back…The New Elite SocioPath-Warrior….special kind of breed… No Honour…No Dignity…No Morals.. just a Filthy Psychopathic Warcriminal…supplied with Heavy Armour to Kill Bloody Civilians…


Any prime minister or president supporting the child butchers Trump, Salman, Netanyahu and Israel is in fact declaring himself the child butcher, terrorist and thief…..


Sick irony that a battle occurred on a playground, but that’s just coincidence. The real question is where the line is between gang and militia, between governments and NGOs, between insubordinate commanders and microstates, between war and crime.

All sorts of crimes have been committed by all Syrian factions, don’t get hyped up on poetic offenses.


Okay… let’s play a game…you show me some Syrian, Iranian, Russian Factions War Crimes… and I’ll show you some US-NATO-IsraHelli-Headchopper Factions War Crimes…. See who scores the most points… be my guest…you can make the first move…gonna be fun


Here’s one US War Crime just start the ball rolling Merijn :)


Lt William Calley in Vietnam 1971.

Jacek Wolski



The Soviet Union no longer exists even if it does in your mind.


I thought Smaug could start with his Syrian, Russian, Iranian Faction War Crimes… I’m still waiting for him to make his first Move…


We wait with interest Merijn :)


The ‘fighters’ only wanted to play on the swings and the kids were at the front of the line :)


Good one Floiran ! :DDDD

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