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Investigation Confirmed: IL-76 With Ukrainian POWs Was Shot Down By Patriot System

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Investigation Confirmed: IL-76 With Ukrainian POWs Was Shot Down By Patriot System

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The Russian Investigative Committee confirmed that the IL-76 military cargo aircraft with dozens of Ukrainian POWs onboard was shot down by MIM-104A Patriot SAM system from the US. As a result, 74 people were killed, including 65 Ukrainian prisoners of war who were being transported for exchange.

Experts found and identified 116 fragments of an anti-aircraft missile with inscriptions in English at the crash site. It was established they belong to the MIM-104A missile defense system of the Patriot complex, transferred to Ukraine from the US. In addition, experts found traces of hexogen with admixture of up to 10 percent of octogen on the wreckage, which is typical for explosives used in Western missiles.

Investigation Confirmed: IL-76 With Ukrainian POWs Was Shot Down By Patriot System

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The black boxes from the aircraft also confirmed that it was destroyed as a result of an external impact but not any malfunction.

Thus, it was confirmed that the Il-76 was shot down by the US-made Patriot anti-aircraft system.

The missiles were launched from the area of the village of Liptsy in the Kharkiv region.



There is only one question left whether the attack launched by the Ukrainian military or by the foreign ‘military instructors’ deployed in Ukraine, who are operating foreign air defense systems and other equipment, and who could launch the strike from some direct order from abroad. 

Kiev still does not admit its guilt. In an attempt to distract the public, Kiev is launching media campaigns. For example, Zelensky is inflating the scandal about the resignation of Commander-in-chief Zaluzhny.


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dgt horn

then the military retaliation should be against those who provide the missiles


you can’t attack the gun maker when his product is used by a killer. the killer is guilty.

Dumb, Dumber, Putin!

a russian transport plane was shot down, say what! but the pro-putin guys told me in the comment section, that western weapons were crap and that soviet russian airplanes were invulnerable to n.a.t.o. anti-aircraft fire and yet here we are!

Last edited 1 year ago by Dumb, Dumber, Putin!
jens holm

thats what their limited world are.

but im sure the patriots are better now as well.

i heard the other day all their 3 armatas are used for rehousing. the canon is connecte to a stowe.

Ukro troll tard NATO gay tard

why are you answering your other fake troll name as if it’s a different person? 🤪

jens holm

i this comment the fake ones are not me. mines makes sence even you dont like them.

i cant you just as he is copy name just like that.


you haven’t made any sense ever since your mamma dropped you on your head.

Ukro troll tard NATO gay tard

now im you. i just copypaste you name. you dont see the mail address

Last edited 1 year ago by Ukro troll tard NATO gay tard

gee, you finally figured that out, jens? who told you? don’t lie now because we know you didn’t figure it out all by your lonesome.

Last edited 1 year ago by theicemancometh
jens holm

i didn’t write that


not the same person. dumb & dumber actually knows some english. still a dumb shit but a native speaking one, probably from some hillbilly trailer park in a west virginia hollow, like his head. lmao


miss julies ebola homo jens jealous inferior bitter senile nazi


moron amerikant—1940 brazilian tech can shoot down a transport plane===amerikants and present in your colonies idiots


nejen vrah ale i ten, kdo si vraždu objedná,či ji napomáhá.mimo to, ukrajina nemá vycvičenou obsluhu ani okamžitá data ze špionážních satelitů všechny tyto systémy obsluhují vojáci armád nato !. tato krev je na us rukou,nejen dodali zbraň,ale ji i obsluhují! cíl je co nejvíce provokovat rusa k použití taktické jaderné zbraně na ukrajině jako “casus beli” k přímému zapojení nato do války s rf !.


correct greta! so no justification for jewsa to attack iran, right?

The Old Man

just give good weapons to the houthis….

Igor Nostradamous

and how on earth possible that there are patriots left? shouldn’t all have been eliminated already? think russia’s intel and surveillance sucks.


perchance ur video game loving stupidity needs a rest…


jens holm

so your real name is clown???


homo jens too bitter stupid inferior to be clown–o only village idiot


my real name is ur nightmare… faggot clown…


you deserve a better adversary than that. the guy has the intellectual capacity of a drunken boll weevil.

captain hohol

patriot missiles are expensive, russia needs to do a barrage attack against them, and then start doing preemptive strikes on all incoming military logistics into ukraine.

it’s going to be annoying to get rid of the patriot missile systems but it can be done and when it is done, russia needs to consistently and repeatedly hit ukraine in ways that prevent those systems from making it into the field.

jens holm

your kind dont decide that at all.

and your know nothing about it at all.


jens know lgbt as retired janitor scrub toilet in gay bars


jens know everything about nothing but hey, he’s an expert in it. can’t argue with that.

jens holm

your behind should be towards moskva and not you head. you are disconned to the real world.

as usual you indicate your are up against sitting duck more lever then you.


inferior holm julianna ebola–farcical idiot senile retired janitor

jens holm

i wraite shit…


no need to insult shit. it can be used to grow things. only things growing from jens’ gobbledegook are cancer cells and skin warts.


jens, you’re the perfect example of what happens to people when they watch the news in eu countries and have their brains start rotting from the inside out. don’t you ever bother to check the accuracy of the bullshit they’re feeding you or do you just swallow it whole?


up against a sitting duck? do you even know what that means? you just called ukraine a sitting duck, you moron. and sitting ducks are never clever. that’s why they’re sitting ducks.

gosh, this jens is as thick as a jar of molasses buried in a glacier.


patriots are very smart. they paint them all in nifty colors so everyone knows what they are. then they stamp them all with ‘proudly made in america’ because that’s pretty much all america makes any more and they want to be proud, like when they made more stuff long ago.


hey, america is very good at murdering its own civilians, its enemies civilians and those of all other countries… pows too. roll out the next vaccine schedule!

jens holm

its not enough.


i don’t get you, jens. are you a fascist or just a stupid tool of the fascists like so many other brain dead euros?


i hate to say this, but those uke pows would probably just been sent back to the front after repatriotization and a fresh uniform and then died later at the front from the russian offensive.


the only question is if they were captured in battle or gave up without a fight. if the latter is was true they might have just been shot and put on the list of “people killed by russia”. it is very convinient to know that all courts and all journalists in the world are there to cover you.

jens holm

thre were none. you not even are allowed to see the flight tranponders. it came from middle east.


another fart from retarded peasant homo

jens holm

you not even are allowed to see the flight tranponders. it came from middle east.


the missile came from the middle east? lmao congrats, you have now reached the final level in the great game of idiocy . collect your slobber bib prize at the door.

Last edited 1 year ago by theicemancometh
Yo mama

the dirty rats killed their own to down the military airplane. from now on russia should make them walk!

Joseph Day

finally the patriot hit something


another miracle


there’s always a first time. it’s gotta be big and it’s gotta be slow though.

me again

if russians had destroyed bridges across dnipr river, none of these systems couldn’t be positoned in eas ukraine and war would have been finished long time ago


maybe if russia nuked half the planet i could fart without anyone hearing…

dnt n dun ask for that which u can provide for…


in other words, russia is now according to international law allowed to shot down any u.s. airliner anywhere in the world.


well, that’s exactly what that unwritten rules-based international order bullshit would tell us.

Peter Jennings

i heard the transport was shot down by a french crew in response to their little mishap earlier in the month when they lost so many of their french invaders. tit for tat using ukrainian and russian lives. so like nato.


everyone is laughing at this ruzzian nazi fake bs story 🇷🇺=🤡 😆😆😆


only the braying jackasses

Huckelberry finn

there’s also the question of whether ukros knew this was a plane transporting pows or if this was an opportunistic hit. i suspect the former.


suspect it…. hockey puck….


we’ll never know unless someone talks and even then, they’ll say they’re making it up. anyway – knowing the ukies, i’d say the former too.


patriots are only good for shooting down civilian aircraft.

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