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MARCH 2025

Iran Allies Stepped Up Attacks On US Targets In Iraq & Syria, Attempted to Shot Down Fighter Jets – Report

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Iran Allies Stepped Up Attacks On US Targets In Iraq & Syria, Attempted to Shot Down Fighter Jets – Report

A Syrian 2K12 Kub air-defense system. Illustrative image. Source: the Syrian Ministry of Defense.

Iranian-backed forces had stepped up their attacks on US military targets in Iraq and Syria, NBC News reported on June 10.

According to the New York-based channel, there were seven attacks in May, as many attacks that month as February, March and April combined, and there have been a total of 29 since October. No Americans were killed in any of these attacks.

The most notable attack that was attributed to Iranian-backed forces was the October 20 drone attack on the US-led coalition’s al-Tanf garrison in southeastern Syria. The garrison was targeted with five suicide drones and indirect fire. The attack resulted in some serious material damage. However, there were no casualties. According to NBC News, the White House sent a message to Iran through diplomatic channels, warning it not to strike again after the attack.

The US has not responded with force to any attack since 2021. However, the White House National Security Council said in statement to NBC News that the US is prepared to take action.

“Not every response will be seen or visible, but Iran fully understands that the United States is prepared to respond directly to any threat against U.S. personnel.”

The channel said that most of the recent attacks, which were carried out by Iranian-backed forces, were either ineffective or easily defeated.

Most of the attacks were carried out by indirect fire weapons, like mortars, rockets and artillery. However, US officials are concerned about an increase in attacks with suicide drones. Moreover, on at least one occasion a Soviet-made 2K12 Kub medium-range air-defense system locked on two F-16s of the US Air Force over Syria’s Deir Ezzor. This attack attempt was attributed to Iranian-backed forces. However, it was likely the Syrian air defense forces that attempted to target the fighter jets.

Iran Allies Stepped Up Attacks On US Targets In Iraq & Syria, Attempted to Shot Down Fighter Jets – Report

Click to see full-size image.

The Trump administration vowed to respond if Americans were injured or killed in any attack. However, the Biden administration has not yet clarified how it is planning to deal with such attacks.

The recent attacks on US military targets in Iraq and Syria represent an escalation by Iran and its allies. However, it does not appear that Tehran wants to drag Washington to a full-on military confrontation. The main goal is likely to push US forces out from the two countries.


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Ignore this, stay in your bubble of dialects “anti-west” vs “pro-west”, both can be bad.

Iran has legal transgenderism, child prostitution, polygamy, abortion, and is a disgusting satanic nation.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mluAsZFy5Ls – transgenderism in iran since 1980

imgur.com/a/MDNMWsv – khomeini considers baby molestation legal by God

Sex reassignment is allowed based on psychological reasons, not biological hermaphrodites


Girls aged even 13 years of age can freely do Mutah in Iran. Mutah means “temporary marriage” which is basically prostitution, thousands of girls and many transgender men do mutah for cash in tehran. Stay in denial.


Good example of mutah: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omvN0XJbV5c inb4 “BBC PROPAGANDA”, all shia sources allow mutah and the minimum age for mutah is 9 years old for sexual intercourse but even babies can be mutah’d without penetration, just molestation as explained in this fatwah by khomeini, Sistani and others: imgur.com/a/MDNMWsv

Ed Theman

I don’t see any big deal about this, if that is what they want to do in their culture then let them.

Simon Ndiritu

Stolen oil is flowing out of Syria normally. That is one area that westerners are very sensitive to if push pins are applied to make this theft either expensive or very risky for perpetrators.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Deborah
hunter bidé lab pork !

fighter jets from parazites are not welcome in syria iraq !!! how many times iraq and syria as to say F Offf ???

Iran is LGBT

Southfront deleted my comments and blocked my ip for exposing Irans pro-transgenderism fatwas by Khomeini himself. Ed Theman was replying to me, you can see my comment was deleted.




Last edited 2 years ago by Iran is LGBT

Stay in denial. In Iran prostitution of children is legal fundamentally according to every fatwa by every Shia cleric. So is Sex reassignment surgery.


Says a member of Shylock nation best represented by a homosexual freak Yuval from Klaus Schwab crew. Shylock mastermind is behind LGBTQ perverts movement. And it is nothing new – in 17th century there was a prominent jewish satanist named Zev Sabbatai well recognized for his homosexuality, sexual perversion of all kind and his attempts to stir up mayhem among peoples. True Zionist of old.


Aw hell naw! What a crafty nation… Thank you for waking me up and opening my eyes. Now how about you show us just one Fatwa from one Shia cleric that legalizes child prostitution or just prostitution in general?

But gender reassignment surgery is legal and even government helps the patients if they need monetary help. The only catch is, it has to be medically necessary.


PROOF please.


Russia should send state of the art weapons to get the job done.


In the end that is the direction that will play out as US just keeps fighting Russia in a proxy war in Ukraine. The US will face the same proxy return, which will create increased military opposition to the US around the World. At the moment the US has not thought things through – the unintended consequences of their proxy war with Russia is increased deaths to US soldiers around the world and a reduction in military potency and capability. They will have created a formidable weapons supplier against themselves. Russia won’t act just yet, but the US is at the moment going down a road that diminishes itself, and its all the fault of itself, by becoming distracted and sucked in to Ukraine!


The US has fallen to the globalists of the WEF. Americans voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump in 2020 who was pulling US troops out of foreign military operations, but the election was blatantly stolen. Everything you see the US doing now is done by the globalists with the intent to destroy the US. The media lies just as it does in every other country. Despite what you see on TV, the vast majority of Americans don’t want conflict, don’t support Ukraine, don’t support the LGBT-blah blah blah crap. The vast majority of Americans are just like the majority of people in every other country. They just want to be left alone to live their lives.


the only good yankee is a….wrong—they are all immoral stupefied used car salesmen

The Objective

The cowards will never do anything. We’ve seen hundreds of these attacks. all designed not to harm any American. Iran wants the U.S out of Iraq but is scared shitless of taking the steps necessary to achieve it. If they couldn’t do anything after America killed Soleimani and after all the assassinations that followed, will they do something if America just sits and does nothing?

Last edited 2 years ago by The Objective
The Objective

Ignore these attacks. They are just a sign of frustration and fear by the PMU and its patron. They know that if they start a war in Iraq, the U.S will wipe them out and probably hand power over to a Sunni general. We’ve seen how the U.S and Gulf countries continue to try to bring back dictatorships and monarchies all over the region. A Saddam-like General will help them to manage Iran. At least, it’ll cut the land corridor from Iran to Syria. The U.S won’t fight Iran directly until Iran attacks American forces directly. But the U.S will fight Iran’s proxies after signing a nuclear deal that restrains Iran’s nuclear activities. Israel and other Arab monarchies will join the fight in Iraq, which will later be handed over to a Sunni general with grudges against Iran. That will seriously undermine Iran’s activities in Syria.


well you are as far from truth as possible. Your Shylock masters tried to incite war against Iran first in 2004 than several years later but US Navy admiral Fallon prevented those jewish neocons to drag American soldiers into nightmare with Iran. Arab monarchies would jump on a bandwagon if Arab-Persian nations go after war with Israhell. Without US support, Israhell is merely a spicy snack. Zionist may try to use nukes but that would mark end for all jewish existence all over the world. You would become world pariah and suffer the wrath of humanity. Not even your demonic “god” would be able to help you. The one who will massacre you, incinerate, kill all of your offspring, poison your wells, destroy your crops, and give you to your enemies if you do not follow his commands….but he loves you.


That’s nonsense. The USA can’t win any war anywhere anymore.

Have you watched Terry Jones’ “Erik the Viking”? Must watch, it’s like the last Monty Python movie without the collective branding. There’s a moment when the hero (Tim Robbins) self-induces himself and his crew into losing fear and they defeat the bad guys led by John Cleese, when this one protests that his men can’t fight shit, they reply: “they used to fear us so much that we never really had to fight”.

Same for the USA and its techno-googled (steam-punk?) marines: when there’s real fight, they can’t cope. They overextended their imperialist reach in the 90s and 2000s, exploiting a power vacuum and massive aero-naval dominance but that’s not the reality anymore.

Right now, siding with the USA is suicidal.


If America could install a Sunni in Iraq, it would have done so years ago. It is powerless in Iraq. The US occupation effectively handed Iraq to Iran. Soleimani ran Iraq for years and Iraq’s own security is dependant on Iran. The US are Pu$$ies and are just there to keep Iraq and the region unstable for Israel’s sake but it is costing them millions because they lose supply conveys weekly and can never therefore conduct a war for which they need continuity of re-supply. The Iranians have the impossible now ( A Landbridge to the Meditteranean and its forces and PMUs are on Israel’s borders LoL- thanks to the Israelis for doing 911 and then causing the US to invade Iraq and depose Saddam. Now Iran is building up forces month after month for an inevitable invasion of Israel while the Israelis desperately but try and bomb them out of Syria – but to no avail. The Hezb, thanks to Soleimani and Iran can flatten Tel Aviv and Haifa all on their own. Dumb F@ck Fake Joos LMFAO.

Arab monarchies have tiny, 100 percent elitist populations non of whom will fight Iran – except stupid poor Sudanese and desperate Egyptian mercenaties – both of whom are no match to the Houthis and less of a match to PMUs and IRGC who fought in Iraq and Syria for years. How the f@ck, you idiot, can these monkeys defeat Iran if they cant defeat barefooted Houthis? you are a dumbsh!t monkey with sh!t for brains. When PMUs and the hezb cross over into Israel, every Sunni on earth will join in the fight. Iranian mullahs will achieve legitimacy on the sunni street from Jakarta to Morocco and support Iran and the Hezb. In 2006, israel got the biggest hiding of its existence when the Hezb butt f@cked 60 000 IDF back to Hel Aviv. During that entire war, the Arab and non Arab Sunni street applauded and supported the Hezb. To understand the Hezb’s power and the fear Israel has of it, one simply has to look back a few days when Naim Qassem and Nasrallah announced the Hezb would destroy the thieving Israeli Gas extraction ship. The fake Joos threatened to deploy the useless Iron Dome but were quickly reminded by Iran that it was a useless system that cannot even stop primitive Palestinian missiles. Israel rapidly did a U Turn and said it would be drilling in its own waters and not try stealing Lebanese Gas LMFAO. The US is a has been empire and that means Israel’s days are rapidly coming to an end alongwith the imperial c@cksucking Gulf Monarchies LMFA boo hoo hoo

Last edited 2 years ago by JoeyBlogger

Southfront deleted all my comments on Iran being pro-transgenderism and child prostitution. Yet, they complain about censorship.


I’d suggest to use the term “explosive drones” rather than “suicide drones” because suicide is something only humans do. When I was a kid there was an attack in Lebanon with a donkey loaded with bombs, and nobody said that the donkey was suicidal in any way, the poor animal just could not know what it was being loaded with, the comparison was in any case with the much more common bomb-cars and bomb-motorcycles, not with suicidal actions, which in those days did not even happen at all, so it was a bomb-donkey and these are bomb-drones. So far drones and other robots, AIs even, don’t show autonomous willpower and hence can’t be suicidal. I’d accept the term “kamikaze” however, because that was more about the aircraft being sacrificed than the pilot (who often survived after parachuting himself at the last minute).

Otherwise quite interesting: the cold war is raging in full heat all around Europe (province of Virginia), from Ukraine to the Western Sahara, from Mali to Syria, and here people is not even realizing, or barely so at best, how this mega fire is engulfing us without remedy.

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