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MARCH 2025

Iran And Hezbollah Set Up New Force To Knock Out Israeli Forces In Golan Heights

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Iran,  the 220 Branch of the Syrian Military Intelligence Directorate and Hezbollah are together  establishing a new force to monitor the situation on the contact line with Israeli forces near the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, local sources claim.

According to reports, the new force will be mostly made up of personnel of the Syrian Army and local fighters from the Golan Regiment armed group. Mamoun Jridah and Hazem Kabul, two local figures who are close to Hezbollah, are reportedly recruiting fighters to this new force. At least 175 fighters have signed up, so far. The force will also be tasked with contributing security efforts in the area and preventing Israeli sabotage activities there.

Despite the attempts of Israel to deter Iranian influence in central and southern Syria, Iran, Hezbollah and Iranian-backed groups maintain a significant presence in the southern Syrian provinces. Over the past weeks, the situation has become especially dangerous following the destabilization of Lebanon, the Israeli military buildup on the contact lines with Lebanon and Syria, and the increased number of incidents between Israeli and Iranian-backed forces.

If the regional situation continues escalating, it’s easy to expect that the southern part of Syria and southern Lebanon will become the hot points of the confrontation between Israel and the Hezbollah-Iran bloc.

Late on August 12, the Turkish military and its proxies in northeast Syria launched several small-scale attacks on positions of the Syrian Army and the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in al-Hasakah and Raqqa provinces. Turkish forces clashed with army troops near the towns of al-Qasmiyah and al-Rashidiyah, and with the SDF near the town of Kur Hasan. Turkish forces also shelled the Ain Issa refugee camp in northern Raqqa. Fire erupted in several farmlands bordering the camp. There are no confirmed reports of casualties resulting from this series of incidents.

Since late June, Turkish forces have increased the number of artillery strike and tactical attacks on the Syrian Army and the SDF in northeastern Syria. These ceasefire violations go contrary to the agreements reached by Ankara with the US and Russia. Some sources even speculate that the Erdogan government is preparing for a resumption of full-scale military operation in the northeast.

ISIS ambushed a convoy of Liwa al-Quds, a pro-government Palestinian militia, near the town of al-Tabni in southern Deir Ezzor. After this, terrorists also detonated several explosive devices in the path of reinforcements from the 4th Armoured Division as it deployed to the area. A truck and a SUV of pro-government forces were destroyed in the attacks. Depending on the sources, from 1 to 3 pro-government fighters died. ISIS always intensifies their attacks on government forces during an increase of tensions between Turkey and the US-Israeli alliance.

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It will only bring a war upon Syria and Lebanon, which is exactly what Iran wants. It won’t be Iranians that will die, it will be Lebanese and Syrians under our heavy bombings. Assad and Lebanon must stop them, not because I am scared of war, but because I know what a disaster we will bring on them in an all out war which can be avoided.


you are not biblical jews, how much the rabbis lie to you..only he who his true faith will be saved.modern Israel is a politically created artificial state..

alejandro casalegno

Pussy-Zion……….Israel destroyed Lebanon several times, USA-Gulf destroyed Syria………Saudis destroyed Yemen……..the resistance is alive!!!!

Icarus Tanović

Not because you’re scare of war, but because you shit your pants actually. Let me bust your face for start.


lol clown, I’m not scared of you or any other terrorist fucker. But if you want to die so much, come to our border and try to kill Israelis, or even better get a ticket to Gaza and join them when we start the operation.

Icarus Tanović

As I said, don’t hide behind Israelis, let’s do it you and me.


Don’t threaten me motherfucker, you can come here when we start our operation. There won’t be me and you, we have laws. I will not give you my name or adress as it will backfire on me, but I will be there when they call me back into duty so I can send scums like you back to hell.

Icarus Tanović

No, no, don’t be scared. Just you and me. Bust your face really good.


Haha clown, you won’t last 1 minute against me. Again, this is not a duel and I don’t need to prove anything, I do my own talking at the battlefield where I also have immunity. So stop you mumbeling and come meet us at the border, you’re so brave afterall.

Icarus Tanović

Try me out. One on one, just you and me.


Come to Israel and stop your keyboard warrior crap. if you come here I’d meet you.

Icarus Tanović

Choose neutral ground. I’ll devastate you.

Stephan Williams

Do you realize how utterly DEMENTED you sound, IZ?!? My gawd!

Why your hate-filled posts stay up while others disappear is shocking! You really are a cartoon cutout version of the “psychotic )ew”!

The word “Offensive” doesn’t begin to explain or describe your affliction. I’m starting to think you may be an invention of pissrael’s enemies. Think about it! You’re perfect as a representative of the racist and collectively psychotic state of pissrael as seen from the cheap seats where the sane sit!

Who could be a more perfect representative of that “shitty little country” than you – a sociopathic serial liar who knows next to nothing about history, religion or politics, but who remains a committed racist zionist with anger management issues?

I need to know – are loathsome, murder-worshiping, serial lying psychos the norm in pissrael? Could you be one of the hundreds of thousands of mad men and women bungled up in asylums disguised as hospitals where they stalk the halls shouting instructions out to god to avenge their treatment at the hands of sane people?

Or are you instead simply a mean little boy with complex mommy issues, a sadistic inclination to murder helpless innocents – with bad skin and thinning hair and a high speed internet connection like so many of your damaged fellow tribal members?

Either way, you’re failing. Nobody but the hasbarabot buttheads spewing their own versions of self-chosen hatred approve of you here.

The sentient among your readers recognize you for what you really are – a pathetic wanker figuratively yanking on your tiny knob while screaming out loud about how smart and dangerous you are to a room filled with people ignoring you.

You and your psychosis are getting old faster than bread left in a damp bag to rot.

It might be time to switch to a new sock puppet before everyone blocks you for being the annoying unintelligent twit we all see you as.

Whaddaya say? I’ve got a potential moniker for you:

Lyin’ Zyon.

It suits you.

Note: I know I fed the troll and some of you will be angry with me about that. Forgive me – it won’t happen again. I’m done like dinner with this rabid dog.


Like I give a fuck what you think, I am not a politician and I don’t write “politically correct” crap. I tell my own truth, whether you like it or not.

Stephan Williams

Heh heh heh … Your own ‘truth’ is as far removed from honesty as can be imagined.

Let’s face it: You’re an unapologetic LIAR. It’s what you creepy people do. You lie. You’re trained from birth for it.


Stop crying, yo ucan’t defeat us on the ground so you think we are all like you. We are Israelis, we are proud to serve and protect our country.


You will die in Syria, but it’s not what worries me. You only see you own goals and don’t care for the suffering you bring on the population of Syria or Lebanon in a war against us. You know very well you can not remove us, but you’re always welcome to try. Jsut do it with your OWN IRANIAN soldiers, use your own blood cowards.


I don’t think ali cares anymore about life and death. Neither do I, we only care about justice and equaliy of all people


‘own blood’?. just shows how much you know of history. and about the suffering part, palestinians had no issue living with jews. until UK & co imported zionists from europe to Israel. it were those that brought hatred to the region, that and the shit tons of weapons supplied by the US. you are blinded by your israeli elites propaganda. just look what France did after the fall of ottoman empire. created libanon & syria. divided the druz,christians,muslims from eachother and put these groups against eachother so there wont be a united uprising against french occupation, france actions are the main reason of sectarian violence in the middle east. classic divide and control strategy. Iran & saudi’s were handed over to the US since both had, still have the most Oil & Gas reserves in the world. in exchange what did the local population get? a corrupted goverment installed by US, 80% of oil & gas profit went to US, 20% went to corrupt goverment. and the locals stood their with nothing. all that made the iranian people revolt, and when people get desperate, they too will choose the extreme, in iran’s case they brought the khomenei & co to power supported by the russians. it wasn’t the current Iran that started doing research for nuclear weapons. when the shah was still in power in Iran, US & france provided iran with the tech to do so. it was halted after the revolution, but resumed once it was clear US want it Iran back for their resources. if you look back to colonial times, it wasn’t any different then. only difference being they don’t tell the public they have a colony under their control, but they corrupt the entire political system of a country, or stage a coup d’etat,rig elections,support opposition parties all that to put their puppets in power of a specific nation. and brainwash the local people with fake promises, propaganda via social media, reform education to brainwash the new generation and so on.

Jens Holm

Well, Yours not even liberated themselves.

You could be Osmans again. You write everything was fine there. It wasnt.

Your version oil is totally biased and mainly fake.

Fx You can be part-owner Yourself at the stockmarket. Ypu seemes not to know others are owners such as India, China and Sout Korea. And who do the job to take up the oil and gas: Not Arabistan.

And even the oil, You are lazybums and hardly produce anything in plastic even its here, the many 1000% in benefits are.

Kept down mainly is by Yourself in school, education, skills, hard work paid pr hour. Even the population grow, You have 50% in uinplyment, because Your ancient systems dont create jobs.

Women in Denmark produce the same amount of money pr capita as the men in Saudi-Arabia. Thats what You are missing too. You cant even debate it.

Vomen in this are Haram and cant be debated even motherfucker, rape and incest is fine normal language for men. 80% are owned by infective family business. If You are a man You get rewarded by a car. If a vomen now and then do the same job or better, she gets a phose or a bunch of flowers in her behind.

And corruption: Well there are systems to avoid that, but You have choosen to systems, which makes it too easy. All money goes to center – and then the one there can take a la carte.

You should at least be able to clean Your dirty own house. You live there.

Traiano Welcome


Icarus Tanović

As soon as you don’t use American one.


We have our defensive systems to counter your missiles, but can you counter ours? Shoot a Shihab from Tehran, and we will wipe out your city.

El Mashi

Can your post aggressive missiles block 1,000 Hezbollah and Iranian missiles pointed at the Demora Nuclear Research Laboratory where the alleged Israeli nuclear missiles are stored? Arabs have a Sampson Option weapon too in Israel. Demora is not defendible. Demora turns every Arab missile into a nuclear bomb. One day, even Gaza will have home-made missiles that can reach the Negev. Shalom.


Anyone stupid enough to shoot at Dimona must be suicidal, so no I’m not worried.


We are suicidal under the banner of freedom and justice


I would be honoured to be martyred by your kind

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Like Masada?

You Zionists always revert to suicide tactics, I’ve seen you in action in The Life of Brian!


It’s not like we want this, but we are protecting our people aswel against this genocidal ideology. I wish things could be diffrent somehow. But if need to choose between 99% of the world populaton and 1% who fucks it up for the other 99%, mercy will be for God/Allah and women only

Jens Holm

…And Gaza will play Teheran Airport. You certainly dont pretent, You are nice to each other.


Israel is nothing more than a den of thieves, with a whole lot of innocent people who think they are jews, but don’t understand anything what it means today. How europeans have died so your genepole could get British Palestine? Many here live in denial, but the truth will come to light someday. Hope your people have complete dominion over the earth by than, or history wll repeats itselve once more. And don’t you dear to think I like that to happen

Raptar Driver

Why are you arguing with him? You’re 2 peas in a pod.


I agree with you


Well I personally have nothing against Assyrians and you should have your own state just like the Palis. Our problem is with the Shia militias and the way it’s going now – it’s gonna get escalated fast also because Iran is continuing its Uranium enrichment program. I expect a big confrontation soon.


And? Israel has the biggest Christian population in the ME, and they have good lives here. No problem with that.

Stephan Williams

You are so full of sh_t! Christians are SPIT ON and ASSAULTED in pissrael by the religious nutters and murder-worshiping psychopaths who appear to make up the majority of the pooish population. Christian leaders in pissrael have long complained about the racist and bigoted treatment they receive at the hands of the supremacists’ bureaucracy.


Don’t write your BS if you’ve never visited here, most of them live in the North and have good life like in Nazareth.

Stephan Williams

You seem to think even more lying is going to make things right for you murder-worshipers? (Psst….it’s not working any more.)

We’re on to the creeps who control your tribe. You can’t hide behind acronyms anymore. You’re obviously collectively nasty and more and more people are learning how awful at organizing your are.

We’re going to win. Once we get moving, you don’t have a chance.

That’s gotta be tearing you apart, iz. (Gotta say I’m smiling at the prospect .)


Well goodluck with that, but as I said I am not a politician and you need to pray not to meet me or my unit face to face in combat. It’s either us or you in that case. Keep caliing me a liar as much as you want, SF idiots like you don’t even know the basic shit about me which is all good. Now come here and die.

Icarus Tanović

No, just you. Fist fight.


Now you’re threating us with nukes? shia moron. One stupid move and your country will be removed from the face of this earth.


If Far-west Cowboys agree,

move the David Star to Oklahoma in-between two Ocean, or to the Jew Oblast Staline offered you in Siberia…. !

Do Tel-Aviv has Sodium-Nitrate stockage, Karma will love nuke depot too….

NB: 89% of our Senators and Congress hold dual citizenship citizenship with Israel https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/89-of-our-senators-and-congress-hold-dual-citizenship-citizenship-with-israel/

Jens Holm

Investmentwatch is a total fake site. Alexander drunken Ampfor not evnen know how many senators and congresmen, there are in USA.

Haha – upside down in % says in his fake there might be 13% with double citicenship and not 87.

The rest is far out unless You not already is barking mad.

There is a link to his link.


Maybee Aleander Ambroisilly lost more then fingers and toes in SaudiArabia.


Anti-Judaism Hate Speech … lol


With nukes? you must be joking. We’re threathing you with extinction. Spielberg showed us how the germans should have done it


Come try me nazi fuck, I will break your fucking head and some other parts in your body.


you’re the ashkeNAZI fuck bigot rascist genocidal psychophatic narcisic maniac. I’m neo-fascist


That’s right, I am a psychopath and I just wait to meet people like you to fall into my hands. I’ll make sure you join your Hamas friends I put 6 feet under the ground, motherfucker.


The babylonian talmud is a wise book. Kill the enemy first.


and all holocaustionist cultist with them


I will kill anyone who is a threat to myself, my family or my country. Understand?


If you would repent and assimilate with the rest of humanity, I would not threaten you, but you would be my brother


How can you not understand that this ain’t nothing to do with race or religion and everything with ideology?


I don’t need to repent anything you son of a bitch, your time of killing Jews whenever you wanted is over. The tide has turned, now we hunt you down like roaches.


My biggest heroes are of jewish descent, Spinoza, Israel Shamir, Finkelstein, Chomsky, David Stein, Reuvin of jews for hitler. 150.000 jews according of haskalah law fought for Hitler,


Jewish lives matter to me, those who can see. I wish we could burry this 3000 years madness, but till today people get genocided by deception. What about what the jews did to the germans? The Russians, Iraqees, Iranians, Palestinians, Syrians, Lebanese. And now even americans and all europeans. What are we to you? Untermenschen?


My heart is pure,I have nothing to be ashemed off. I fight for my people aswell as other races and religions, not only my genepole. That’s the definition of nazism. I truely hope in the deepest part of my soul you can see that

Rafik Chauhan

you are not jews you are zionist treachherous coward


And you are not a true muslim, but a pig.

Ashok Varma

My, my what a teenage HERO :) Disney movies are having an impact.



rightiswrong rightiswrong

Who threatened Miami?


Icarus Tanović



My apologies for the self-cencorship guys. Although my argumentations and critique was respectful, accurate and truthworthy, some of them are still illegal in the part of the world I live in. I won’t go to jail for sharing truth on Disqus. I’ll make sure I first post-graduate and get a voice in politics like our… some of us who know the truth still immensly respect and love. What the heart knows, the tongue doesn’t need to say on a forum


To be clear, Southfront had nothing to do with my deleted comments, I did it myself

Ashok Varma

Big little man :)


Brave hero you are Ashok, but just like the terroristic rats you will hide in your corner when we come for you.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

ROTFL, did you study Mel Brooks for effect?


An honest international jew. You must be unique in your culture of eternal lies


The world is waking once more. Repent or bear the consequences. We are a merciful kind, unlike your vengeful ideology

alejandro casalegno


Jens Holm

So how much do You pay?

Ashok Varma

but, but you are 14 years old and quite small like most Jews, so stop this violent talk of teenagers. Now quickly use the Owen Friday login in to upvote yourself.


Adam Silver is tall …

6’3” or 190.9 cm


rightiswrong rightiswrong

LOL, you’re a cracker Ironical Zion.

Ashok Varma

He is a lonely little boy, what adult would spend their whole life on this forum :)


I enjoy humiliating bastards like you Ashok, that’s the only reason I’m here.

Ashok Varma

Don’t think so, silly little boy clown. You are a joke and just look at the tally of daily downvotes. You are shameless liar.


You have him figured out right.

Icarus Tanović

He’s a Muslim. How about that stuff between us?


Come to Israel, that’s all I can say.

Icarus Tanović

Don’t be coward, pick up neutral ground.


Look who threatens who. I said before, this big bold behind the keyboard threats are getting stale and old. You gotta think of something new. For example say “I personally come and cut your testicles, give me your address and here’s mine”.

And why not? I wish our administration wasn’t such a pussy that promises not to build nuclear weapons and worse, they observe that f#cking promise. To confront a rabid child-killer regime, we must have everything the said child-killer regime possesses.


You do that Garga, then you can watch your country goes up in flames and no, I don’t need to use threats in that case because it is something that will happen. The only rabid regime is yours and all of your missiles won’t help you in a war against us.

Ashok Varma

Go to bed or play. Enough of your childish attention seeking nonsense.


Dude, the only thing you do is throwing empty threats at everyone and describing your genocidal fantasies about killing unarmed women and children.

We don’t need no stinking missile in a war against you, you panic so much, you start shooting yourself! Like the Israeli helicopter that shot the settlement, shooting down your own UAV. Or your soldiers who bravely shot leaves off the trees thinking they are Khizballa leaves.

In addition, as long as we have Bibi as your PM, what idiot needs to fight you? Your child-killer regime devours its murderous self without any help from outside.


Like I promised you, his time will come and we will see him in an orange suit rotting in jail. I wish we had leaders again like Sharon, Rabin or Menahem Begin. So the facts are, you are sending troops and training other shia militias for a war against us, just don’t forget it can backfire on you in Syria and Lebanon.


Nooo….. not the orange suit for Bibi….. Wait, what about Miss Piggy? You forgot her.

I tell you. One of your idiots killed Rabin. Israeli politics gone insane. If you had any of those you named, you’d find a way to get rid of them very quickly. You deserve Bibi.

At the moment we don’t give a $#it about you, not everything is about you. Our advisors are training forces against terror groups which your murderous regime supported. Oh hell, I guess getting rid of the vermin makes you angry and eventually you have to protect your ISIS assets from us?

I repeat again: If you don’t like your ass gets whooped, don’t attack your neighbours. And specially don’t steal. I asked the impossible, didn’t I? :D


When our neighbours sign a peace deal with us like Egypt and Jordan, then we won’t have to do anything to harm them. It’s very simple, don’t try to kill Israelis and we won’t do the same to counter your moves. Then again, I asked the impossible, didn’t I? :)


Maybe if you gave back the lands you stole from them, they would be willing to sign a “peace” treaty with you. Also not bombing them when they are busy fighting terror groups which your regime supports would be a good gesture to show that you are interested in peace. What part of it is so difficult to understand? Don’t attack your neighbours, they won’t kill your invading soldiers. As simple as that.

But I know it’s impossible to ask Israel to give back what it stole and it’s also impossible for them to behave like a normal country, not a rabid dog. Speaking of impossible things….


Okay then, I accept it but that means you send your forces out of Syria. Can you do that?


You do that, I will gladly return home.


Israel hasn’t attacked SAA positions since the last time your militias came into our fence to plant a bomb, so I think you can start leaving.


You asked, if we do this, will you do that? and I replied yes. Then you change the field. Here’s the Zionist logic. You agree with him, he immediately demands something more.

Israel attacked SAA positions for more than 8 years. You stole the lands more than 50 years ago, the incident you described (which in reality didn’t happen) is from a week ago. You take a step, I’ll meet you half way. But you won’t because Zionists lie as they breathe.

Now that you proved what a naughty boy you are, I do my utmost with whatever in my power and my disposal, swear to god, to help and keep Bibi in power; even if I have to “pray” that “natural” accidents happen to his opponents and accusers.

Defeat me (it’s really us, but you know ehat I mean) there if you and all your friends who whine in the streets can. Go ahead and underestimate me. See if you succeed in bringing him down.


What was not clear in what I wrote? your militias didn’t leave the Golan area and infact tried to execute an attack against us, then you tell me you’re ready to leave? you wrote we bombed Syria but it was all because of you. So leave Syria and we won’t have to do anything. You are the liars here, we just act according to your moves in Syria and Lebanon. I actually proved you lie, not the other way around.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

And what about your Jewhadi proxies of ISIS?

They continue to attack all sides.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Your crazy lot assassinated Rabin ffs.


Empty threats?

That’s the Paper Tiger … Iran

Ashok Varma

Silly chit of a boy! Bold statements from a 14 year old lonely brat.


I bet I’m older than you, Ashok the Paki traitor.

Ashok Varma

Don’t believe so. You are silly boy :) and a clown.

Traiano Welcome

Older maybe, smarter, no.


Smarter too.

Traiano Welcome

Says the village idiot.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Thick Jewhadis would probably do that, nuke the Shias on the borders of their own shithouse.

Crazy b’stards murdered their own children at Masada, another crack suicide squad. As crazy as Koresh and Jones.

Rafik Chauhan

they dont need nuke to wipe zionist from the earth. cowards like you need nuke to threaten the world country. we fight with the faith in one hand and courage in the heart. cowards like zionist will not understand.


Excellent, another sound step by Hezbollah and Iran for peace in the region. Obviously the Zioterrorist/Wahhabi scum and the centers of power in DC, London or Paris are warmongering because they need to keep their profiteering machine going. Let Ziowahhabi globalist filth work to break themselves.

Ashok Varma

I am not a military man, but it is quite apparent that Iran has won the strategic game and is well established in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon and that is called establishing reality on the ground.


Then why do you care about conflicts that are not involving you? deepshit Paki traitor, go mind your own business.

Ashok Varma

You are a funny boy with daily boasts and no action :) where are the used surplus “uniforms” from landa bazaar?


Luckily I know most Indian guys are not like you, they care for their country and we israelis love India as a state. Why are you even there if you hate your own country? I ask a honest question.

Ashok Varma

Little boy, India is multisectarian democracy. But what would a 14 year old clown know? Now get lost.


You keep saying I’m 14 years old without any proof, so you are the liar here. Also, answer my question. If you are a true Hindu and not a Muslim Indian, why do you hate your own country? you are exactly the opposite of Paul.

Stephan Williams

I’m guessing he keeps saying you’re 14 years old because he’s referring to your emotional age. You come across as a loud-mouthed arrogant ignoramus like so many mal-adjusted 14 years olds do – especially when they’ve been brought up by loxist bigots as I suspect you were. Of course, I’m only guessing…

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Good guess Stephan.

Iran Zofast doesn’t like being told off and go to his room, lol.


‘loxist bigots’? pmsl

Rafik Chauhan

Paul is the treacherous anti india pig . he is more pro zionist then pro indian. there is no diffrence between you and paul


Don’t run from our debate, answer my question coward. Why do you hate your own country?

Jens Holm

Much as You were born yesterday Yourself. And are You a twin too? Accidents often adds up.

Rafik Chauhan

oh please give this crap to somebody. israeli doesnt make any friends without profit in return. if India decide not to keep any relation with zionist. tommorow this israeli will do up and down to destroy india. but it wont happen. so zionist is always there for profit even if they have to backstab old friends.


Huh ?

India and Israel are allies not ‘friends’ … it’s a reciprocal relationship …



Honestly I think he’s a troll, and a very good one


A real jew is too smart to go into debates he can’t win…

Kenny Jones ™





Iran is a large powerful country and its is playing a wise long term strategic regional game. It has vast influence and respect in the region and time is on its side.


It’s best before date was Aug 14 2020

The vile Shia Police State of the Mullahs will collapse internally

Jens Holm

Its a relative. I dont see that.

I allow me to add UAE and Jerusalem are more connected then ever.

Putin Apologist

Whether you “see” it or not. Iranian influence in the region is far greater today than at any point in time since their revolution in 1979.

Today it reaches nearly unbroken from the Hindu Kush mountains of Afghanistan to the waters of the Mediterranean Sea.


Huh? A Shia Islamist?

One word: Soleimani. pmsl


Putin Apologist

Come’on one doesn’t need a degree in meteorology to see which way the winds are blowing.


Huh? You’ve got a degree?


You’re a Muslim idiot



WTF are your jargon inflected musings about? pmsl


Prove by deduction that turkey is working against islam an erdogan is a worse hypocriet than joe biden


Triggered jûden iron zion?


The day we’ll hang you wont be that long away

Raptar Driver

You and Zion should be butt buddies.


the diffrence is, i agree with you, and Zion would rather eat his shoes than to admit this


Did I ever threaten to wipe israel of the earth? Just an honest question. I don’t think so


If he is a troll, gladly

Free man

Do you realize you’re falling into a trap? 4 Iranian tankers carrying fuel to Venezuela have been seized by the US. The Luna, Pandi, Bering and Bella, were seized on the high seas in recent days and are now en route to Houston.

Free man

You’re so funny. You changed your response three times. Suddenly there is a different perspective to the peace agreement between Israel and the UAE. You are wrong, the cowards from Tehran are shaking with fear now.

Ashok Varma

Don’t you wish.

Free man

This is not what I wish, these are the facts: 1. Iranian oil confiscated by US. 2. There will soon be an Israeli military base in the Gulf. It is always worth seeing reality as it is.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

We wait for the facts to be displayed, over 24 hours without any nation having 4 seized tankers at port.

24 hours of lies, you Jewhadis are batshit crazy.

Free man

the proceeds from the seized fuel shipments “could now support the US Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund instead of those engaging in terrorism”. https://twitter.com/BBCWorld/status/1294335267873206280

rightiswrong rightiswrong

US tells largest Porkie since they said Mission Accomplished.



Israeli military base in the Gulf? Far fetched idea … lol

To do what … from which to attack Iran?

7 Million Jews in Israel … full stop

Free man

“Israeli military base in the Gulf? ” – Intelligence, Mossad.


Intel base … you mean from the Israeli embassy?

No military base for sure … it’s too expensive

Free man

I mean an intelligence base that includes radar, drones and other intelligence equipment. Something similar to what has been reported in the past about Azerbaijan. It seems the Emirates will be happy to fund it.


That’s a provocative act … UAE already have their own … eh?

INTEL sharing has been ongoing

Free man

“That’s a provocative act” – If you read the Iranian press you will see that they are afraid of much more than just provocations.


Iran should be afraid …

Putin Apologist

“A forfeiture complaint and warrant were filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia” on July 2, 2020 for the” “Bella”, “Bering”, “Pandi”, and “Luna” but I do not believe any of these ships or their cargoes have been seized to date.


Do you have a source?

I’m sure the Iranians would respond in kind just as they did when the British seized an Iranian tanker that was in-route to Syria.

Traiano Welcome


… but who knows, all these western MSM media outlets are operated by the same inbred zionist families propagating the lies of empire …

Putin Apologist

Thanks… It’s appears to be true, as others are starting to report on it too.


This is an escalation of the ongoing war between Washington and Tehran.

Traiano Welcome

I think I remember the Iranian government (either Rouhani or El Supremo) promising that they would block the straight if they could not export oil … I wonder if this applies to this situation.

Putin Apologist

The Iranians are, as of day, denying the seizure of any of their tankers calling the whole thing “another lie and psychological war[fare] ” by Washington.


Traiano Welcome

Psychological warfare indeed. It must be a cover … but for what … ?


No conspiracy theory? What?



Jens Holm

Yes, they have 40 fingers each, are 6 billions and have big big tungs licking stamps as well…

And muslims are their slaves, because they have chosen it themselves.

Traiano Welcome

Well it seems you are their loyal slave, little hasbara troll.

Just mention “zionist” and jens the fake dane appears like a genie to defend his masters …

Jens Holm

If zionists are my masters, they treat me well or/and Im one of them.

But it helps we work hard based on school, education, skills and hard work payd pr hour.

80% of us dont work in the family business, because its so infected and improductive. Most of us instead are stockholders and by that share ownership as well as profit.

THAR makes us work harder and better – And i pays off. We dont sell and buy girls as well. We give them jobs because they educate themselves too and make a lot of money.

By that we seldom – as men – pay for divorse apart from half for the children in it.

Thats not slavery, hadbara or zionisme but common sense. We can see it on our livingstandard compared to many others. We are doing fine and see nothing better. IF WE SEE something better og a MAYBEE better, we try and change. Thats whats the matter with Your kind of people.

Your revolutions and evolutions always is back into the past. You even create Your own dark to go back decades in Assads, Lebanon, Iran to feel safe. Some are for only manyu decades as Damaskus. Others are for The Good of days of Muhammed, where most things wasnt good at all.

The same goes for the Bagdad/Damaskus Khalifat. People there were killed by despots for not believing as slaves should do. So many were killed in those days. If not it had no remained so many years.

Now another succes named Lebanon has collapsed or almost has. It was hard work. Wasnt it. Some there didnt like that and had none of those intensions.

So congratulations Hesbollah and the Invaders by Assads and all the smuglers, ISIS, narkotics and the spending by Hesbollah by money which not even was there.

Go and eat Your Katusjas, which are the reason for no peace in Lebanon too.

Its true I recognize Israel as a fact. Facts dont count in Your world. Some low life primitives never can handle fx Israel. Learn. Ypu even insist in Neocoloniatistic border made by France and GB:) So funny.

As Dane, I am my own and based on knowledge. Thats allowed here. Erdogan once was here and blamed the Danish Goverment for not controlling the press. Thats how You are.

You are open for only one oppinion and follow it. If You were told, You should put Your behinds towards Mecca 5 times a day, You would.


Thanks for your comment …

Traiano Welcome



He speaks retard like Donald Truck

Free man



It is a fabrication and dismissed by all.

Free man

Get your head out of where you buried it and maybe you will see reality better.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

All we’ve seen so far is words printed on shitepapers, without one photo or any film of said seized vessels.

Compare that to actual photos and films of British seized ships in port, and it becomes another Trump fairy tale.


No,media and the dumbassed fascists can’t do sht,seens it be100% unlawfull!


lol clown, the USN will wipe your navy out and you will swim back to your shores.


Fake Pys-ops.

The Wall Street Journal earlier erroneous claimed, citing anonymous officials, that four Venezuela-bound Iranian cargo vessels loaded with fuel, the Luna, Pandi,Bering, and Bella, had been seized by the US.

However, international maritime authorities has dismissed the reports. Iran’s Ambassador to Venezuela Hojat Soltani has denied media reports about the seizure of Iranian cargo vessels carrying gasoline to the Latin American country by the US, calling such claims a piece of “psychological warfare by the US propaganda machine”. He stressed that the ships actually seized have nothing to do with Iran and its help for Venezuela in the form of fuel shipments.

“The tankers are neither Iranian, nordo their owners or flags have anything to do with Iran. The terroristTrump just wants to cover up the humiliation of his failure against thegreat nation of Iran by scattering false propaganda”, Soltani said

Jens Holm

CNN and BBC news would have it on their frontpages, if it was true.

Free man


Putin Apologist

“The four vessels stopped by U.S. officials were privately owned vessels, originally sailing as a part of nine tanker flotilla. The other five tankers were Iranian vessels escorted by the Iranian navy,” –Fox News

That’s a far different scenario than your original; “4 Iranian tankers carrying fuel to Venezuela have been seized by the US… and are now en route to Houston.”

Free man

I quoted the news as it appeared at the time. But these are different ways to describe the fact that the US confiscated Iranian oil transported by 4 tankers.

Jens Holm

Thanks. I dont believe Fox very much, but now it might be true …

Free man

The US appears to have confiscated oil that Iran transported to Venezuela with the help of 4 private tankers.

rightiswrong rightiswrong


Was it the Sea of Tranquility that they were seized in, you muppet.


Free man

BBC : https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53783179?intlink_from_url=https://www.bbc.com/news/world/middle_east&link_location=live-reporting-story

Rafik Chauhan

that is lie . iranian should have told . they are not like US thugs who lie everythime . there is no proof or picture. so its just lie .

Free man



“All he believes are his eyes And his eyes they just tell him lies” Bob Dylan



Tehran will be rubble if Americans are attacked …

Putin Apologist

What, wait!

The Americans were “attacked” with Iranian ballistic missiles at two airbases, one in Al Anbar, Iraq and the other in Erbil, Iraq, both populated with Americans, and the last time I looked Tehran was not “rubble”.


Maybe you’re thinking of a Hollywood movie, one with Stallone or Schwarzenegger?


That’s was prearranged with a warning … the Iranians made it clear



Hezbollah … lol

Suicide trucks don’t work at 25,000 feet


Iron Dome …

Jens Holm

Are they paid in shekels or dollars?

Nothing has escalated there just becayse some morons with bad bad temper do the usual smelling diaper jumping.

One one thing has. UAE is conneted better with Israel. Thats no surprice. Saudis still dont like shiits and Assad as well.

Jens Holm

Potemkin seemes to have inspired You. Very good there are no signs of enemies:)


First they are TERRORIST not FIGHTERS dear south-front and second they are DAESH not ISIS, why you keep calling them ISIS, where is their Islamic State in Iraq and Syria WHERE?

Traiano Welcome

Yeah!!! I predicted this would happen a few months ago! Resistance emerges from the void to counter evil.

Jens Holm

Much like Ali on his first trip to mars. There was no other solution. Russia send sputnik and we send BallaLaika.


Not way ! Hezbolah-Iran can not get rid of Turkey terrorists at Idlib, Kurds at north-east of Euphrates river, or USA and its terrorists at the south. So, it is not possible to think that they will be able to recover or defect ISrael forces at Golan Hights. In addition, just take into account that the strongest force of Israel is USA army.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Russia’s also been recruiting more fighters from this area to replace the ones who recently deserted from the 5th army corps, so I wonder who’s recruited more, Iran or Russia.


if the Iranian and Hezbollah cooperation in the golan heights spells the end of the jews in palestine it should be encouraged and supported. the end of the illegal occupation of palestine by the jews is long overdue and it’s comforting to know that a major country in the region has decided that it’s been enough of jews in the middle east.

Kenny Jones ™



Iranian technological advancements?


Putin Apologist

US RQ-4A Global Hawk meets an “Iranian technological advancement”… enjoy.



Sure … we’ve seen this before from the paper tiger … yawn


Oh so tough your Soleimani Army … oops you’re top gunslinger was vaporized … luckily I saw his hand lying in the ground with a ring that identified him … LMAO

The paper tiger’s tigger got smoked …


cechas vodobenikov

the amerikans turkeys defeat themselves—rotting nations of poverty and extreme poverty w economies so indebted their currencies r nearly as inflated as the currency in Zimbabwe….as these cultural deserts transform into s-hole nations they will no longer have any money to pay their ISIS proxies…they will huddle in their caves in Topeka and Istanbul, waiting for BLM to burn their cities and the kurds to burn their decrepit buses

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