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MARCH 2025

Iran And Iraq Reach Agreement On Air Defense Cooperation As Washington’s Pressure Grows

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Iran And Iraq Reach Agreement On Air Defense Cooperation As Washington’s Pressure Grows

Iraqi Pantsir-S1 system, source: todaysmilitary.ru

Iran and Iraq have agreed to cooperate in the area of air defense to fend off the challenges facing their air spaces, Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Maj. Gen. Mohammad Baqeri told reporters on April 7 after meeting with his Iraqi counterpart, Lt. Gen. Othman al-Ghanimi, who is visiting Tehran.

“It was agreed that the countries’ air defense sectors work together and more coordination be made in this regard,” the Iranian Press TV quoted Maj. Gen. Baqeri as saying.

Baqeri explained that this coordination is aimed at facing any aerial threats that may come from Iran’s western borders. The Iranian commander was likely hinting at Israel. Many experts believe that the Israeli Air Force (IAF) will have to pass through the Iraqi airspace, if it ever wanted to strike positions in Iran.

The Iraqi Air Defense Force lost all of its equipment in the 2003 US-led invasion. Now the force relays only on 24 Russian-made Pantsir-S1 and 8 US-made TWQ-1 Avenger air defense systems. These systems don’t cover Iraq airspace and can’t intercept targets flying at high altitude. This explains the importance of the new agreement with Iran, which could boost the Iraqi Air Defense Force capabilities.

Iraqi commander, Lt. Gen. Ghanimi arrived in Tehran as part of a delegation accompanying Iraq’s Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi. In the first day of the visit, the delegation met with Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

During the meeting, Khamenei told the Iraqi delegation that they should expel US forces from Iraq as soon as possible. The request came as the U.S. is working to designate the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization.

The new Iranian-Iraq agreement and Khamenei’s request indicate that Tehran is planning to counter the US-Israeli pressure by strengthening relations with neighbors and regional allies. The Islamic country made similar steps when U.S. President Donald Trump abandoned the nuclear deal last year.

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Time for Iran to bring in some S-300 and other variants, not only into Iraq but into Syria They’ve been relying on Syrian S-200 and BUK-M1 for far too long now


Yes the build the Bavar, a system similar to the S300, when their S300 contract was held up because of sanctions they developed Bavar. After 2020 they should be able to buy more advanced missiles and aircraft to modernize/diversify their air defenses and air force.


Well-said, into Lebanon as well and Russia should step into the plate and help in this endevour!

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

it’s never going to happen. Iran is stuck in Syria and Iraq without any air protection. IAF can strike them any time any place

Hasbara Hunter

Bring it on….I’ve Heard a lot of Loudmouthed Bullshit the Last Couple of Years from the AngloZioNazi-Empire…every time they pooped their Panties & Backed Off


Wrong. Syria now has S-300’s and in process of centralizing network upgrade. Even prior to this development, coming online, back in 2018, the IAF lost an IAF F-16 to older Syrian S-200 SAM system. The F-16 crashed just inside Israel with loss of one pilot. Accordingly, the IAF ‘s wings are sufficiently clipped, they do not enter Syrian airspace proper – instead they operate in undefended Lebanese airspace. Indeed, the IAF are now operationally reduced to hiding behind the human shields of commercial aircraft to launch attacks on Syria, using stand off weapons, so that they won’t be subject to Syrian SAM response launches. As for any strike on Iran – the IAF simply don’t have the aviation range to manage a strike – the distance is 2000km each way – without refueling over another intermediary Arab state it is impossible. This is why Netanyahu has has so desperately tried to get the US to strike Iran for a decade – but to no avail – there won’t be a repeat of Iraq 2.0.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

Unfortunately IAF can easily surpass the S-300 system. It has trained very hard against it with its ally Greece and effectively found ways to destroy it and evade it 100%. As a matter of fact, IAF struck Aleppo 2 weeks ago and was ENGAGED by S-300 missiles. However, the S-300 missiles failed to shoot down any IAF F-35’s due to lack of a radar lock and the extremely advanced electronic warfare suite of the F-35 :)


The S-300 systems currently in Greece, that IAF have studied, were sold to (Greek) Republic of Cyprus – back in 1997. They are old 1990’s spec systems. Needless to say Russia has substantially upgraded systems since – and are physically networking these and other systems in Syria themselves. As general rule, IAF doesn’t fly over Syria – they hide in third party undefended airspace, and now further tactically shield themselves behind commercial air traffic. If Syrian’s don’t counter launch, it is really because they do not want risk of hitting commercial air traffic, that IAF time their stand-off attacks in close proximity to.


They bought S-300 from Russia. But are currently making their own S-300 variant like China is.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

lol Israel dares them to do that. They will be destroyed before they can be operational


in your wet z!on!st dreams :D

Zionism = EVIL

Iran has a pretty good collection of SAMs, which include domestic, Russian, Chinese, reverse engineered Americunt and French systems. However, the numbers are limited and their is no modern airforce with AWACS to monitor aerial movements over a very large country. The mullah regime is obviously not tech savvy and has had a fear of the airforce since 1979, when pilots rebelled against the mullah regime at Nojeh (then Shahroki Hamadan Tab 3) airbase and were about to bomb the idiot Khomeni and Qom mullah land. Iran in the 1970’s was the most modern pre-eminent airpower in the region with over 400 front-line fighters including F-14A, F4E and F-5E, however attrition during Iran-Iraq war and subsequent sanctions have whittled the IRIAF to a non-existent status with barely 100 aircraft airworthy as all are 1960’s and 70’s vintage museum pieces. As recent events have shown, a country can not defend itself or be a major power without a hard-hitting well trained modern airforce. The Zionists can strut with arrogance and bomb Syria at will because they know they will not be challenged. If they tried the same tactic with Pakistan or China, they would be blown out of the sky.


NK and Iran have an excellent relationship and operate joint research and development centers. NK has anti missile and aircraft defense systems called Byungae-6 which is similar in capability to Russian s-400. So it is safe to assume that Iran also has them.

Hasbara Hunter



An iron pisspot would also be useful as long as it was fill of pig piss.

Hasbara Hunter

A Castle-Moat filled with pig-shit even better

Zionism = EVIL

It is only logical and imperative that Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon integrate their militaries and air defences which so far have been the Achilles Heal. Russia is in total control of Jew scum oligarchs and has done nothing to safeguard Syria against Zionist regular attacks and Americunt and NATO faggots daily bombing of civilians in Eastern Euphrates and even central Syrian deserts now. Iran needs to create a real time OTH (over the horizon) radar and surveillance capability so that any air target over Syria can be monitored and intercepted right after take-off as the Pakistanis amply demonstrated with their textbook air ambush of Indian Russian junk when they vectored their JF-17 with AWACS and deployed the highly effective Chinese HQ-16 to provide ground cover. It is a total failure of Iranian foreign policy not to create a military alliance with China which is far more dependable ally. However this is a good step in the right direction and time to move the S-300 pot plants to the Mehran-Mandali axis from where they can cover Northern Iraq and Americunt and Zionist occupied Iraqi Kurdish regions.


Hasbara Hunter

The Middle East should be United…let Muslims be Muslims and live in peace….the Jewish House of Saud Devilworshipping Wahhabi Ideology should be banned by All…

Zionism = EVIL

My friend, the British devious bastards created the Zionist cancer in the heart of the Arab world; PALESTINE to create perpetual conflicts in Arab and Muslim lands and then plunder their resources, namely OIL & GAS. Wahhabism is a British imperialist construct, just like its Zionist cousin.They then handed over the mutating Zionist cancer to dumb ignorant loudmouth brainwashed Americunts to perpetuate the same oppression of Arabs, just like the Brits divided and ruled India, Africa, hooked the Chinese on Opium trade for over a century and wiped the native populations of Americas and Australia in the only real holocaust. The Zionist scum criminals are following the same racist genocidal course in Palestine in full collaboration with prostitute Arab regimes of Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the petro-pimps of UAE and other Persian Gulf puny vassals like Oman, Bahrain and Kuwait. However, like its Apartheid role model, the Zionist cancer simply can not survive in the long run as even a CIA report conceded, demographics and global power shifts will eradicate the Zionist cancer. Zionism is disgusting malignant tumor for all humanity.

Hasbara Hunter

I know…:) http://www.conspiracyschool.com/blog/2002-iraqi-intel-reported-wahhabis-are-jewish-origin


they do what they can, iran and iraq, under the oppressor moronistan (aka usa), soon the criminally insane and corrupt junta in washington dc will see the light and depart for home and spend the tax money on the parties it really should be spent on – the american taxpayers. unfortunately the delusions of the washington dc junta is tantamount to the delusions hitler’s coryphees so it may take some time, but rest assured the junta will have to answer for its perpetuated war crimes and crimes against humanity not seen since goehring, himmler, goebbels, heydrich, bohrmann and hitler himself.


NK has anti missile defense and aircraft systems called Byunggae-6 which is similar in capability fo Russian s-400 and so it is safe to assume that Iran has them also.


Russia should set up No fly zones in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Iran!


Russia had already done this, Its called Jewish friendly No fly zone,


Considering that the US is not bombing Iranians in Iraq, but the IDF is bombing Iranians in Syria, I humbly suggest that maybe its not Iraqi air defense that Iran needs to strengthen right now.

Hasbara Hunter

All Missiles should Point towards ISISraHell….

Negev Nuclear Research Center

Latitude: 31° 00′ 4.68″ N Longitude: 35° 08′ 40.20″ E

Turn ISISraHell into Glass & the Threat is Gone… The Solution to problems sometimes very simple

Promitheas Apollonious

i think they are already turn exactly there and not only.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

lol nice joke. Israel already has LOTS of Jericho ICBMs pointed at ALL its enemies :)

Hasbara Hunter

The Samson-Option…The Whores of Babylon Sacrificing all the Poor Jews…Just like they did in WWII right? Soros became a Wealthy Man by Stealing from his Jewish Brothers…sending them to the Camps…


The israeli air force uses the route over Jordan to the unprotected airspace of Iraq and then to SDF/American controlled airspace of Syria to make air attacks into Syrian government territory from the East. When Iraqi air defence capability is strengthened this route becomes untenable.


Two things here:

1. As majority Shiite nation, Iraq should kick out the evil American occupiers now! 2. Russia should arm Iran to the teeth in such a way that the satanic U$ and its evil allies will never, ever think to attack Iran!


Getting the US out of Iraq would go a long way towards shutting down the evil Jew baby raper’s Yinon plan. And ending the Syria partition project.


It is another small step in a direction without the Occidentals involved. These things are taking time but, are occurring now one after the other. Ten years from now, the chess board there will probably look very different. My take, I wish well to all.

Slava Slavia

Only way to battle evil is to unite and fight together. Remember what they did to Iraq! Remember what they did to Libya, remember what they did to Yugoslavia, remember what they have done to Syria.


You are exactly right! To unite and to fight the Evil Empire is the only hope for those who seek peace and justice! There is no other way!

Slava Slavia

Dont forget Israel has nukes! Only country allowed to have them on the arab peninsula…


Sccchhhh, that’s meant to be a secret :)

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

put all the air defense systems you want in iraq/syria/lebanon they will ALL be destroyed by the Israeli Airforce F-35s and F-16s :)

Lena Jones

Yeah sure just like the israeli airforce LOST to hezbollah in 2006 lol. And pray tell how will them precious f35s take off when their runways are bombed? Terrorist tel aviv will be toast in 24 hrs in the next war lol.


and Damascus will be a parking lot, Tehran will be a skating rink and if the Dog starts to bark he will be castrated along with his sons and if the Turkish Air Force intervenes then all of their aircraft will simultaneously fall out of the sky due to catastrophic engine failure and Ankara will be turned into a glass plate by dinner time and thats just on day one.

Lena Jones

Difference is that when the war dust settles, natives will return home to rebuild but you won’t see a single jew in the middle east for the next 100 years :-)

Concrete Mike

Cheerleader gonna cheerlead!!

Carne João Pasta

Who is he, Boy George or what??

R PLobo

penny a character troll.



Real Anti-Racist Action

“The Iraqi Air Defense Force lost all of its equipment in the 2003 US-led invasion” Iraq had a lot of new Russian equipment, a fat lot of good that did them. Iraq took thousands of bombing runs against them and shot down no invading aircraft. One must wonder does Russian anti-air actually work in real world scenarios? Or do the Russians sabotage the equipment it sells to the ME by dumbing down the systems so they have 0 chance against Israel and NATO plane. It has to be either A or B. Something is afoot.

R PLobo

Iraq in 2003 was a big zionazis payout. The Iraqi army took the fall and a lot of the corrupt leadership got a payout. Saddam predicted that the real war would start after the US declared victory – once Saddam failed to get any where in the Iran Iraq war by 1988 he knew his days were numbered and that the zionazis would go to plan B. Saddam was on the payroll – the Iranians were not. The US needed a reason to occupy Iraq in order to pressure Iran. Sixteen years later nothing has worked out for the zionist whore masters and the US is no longer able to continue the hegemon expansion. It is now only a matter of time before the zionists – with or without the US will have no freedom of movement. The occupiers of Palestine will end with a whimper.

Promitheas Apollonious

removing the pink glasses you seem to be wearing, it help you see better and answer your own questions.


a number of apparently insignificant details are all moving in the direction to sideline moronistan (aka usa) and sidelined they will be and when the morons from washington dc won’t be immediately respected the downfall of the hitler gang in washington dc will continue apace. I guess you could say that the world is fed up with the hitleristic methods of washington dc and will do what it takes to make them insignificant.


What they really need is thermobaric weapons, or maybe insecticide to disinfect the Green Zone. The Green Zone is an insult to Iraqi sovereignty and should be cleansed of all carpetbaggers and their bodyguards.

Brian Michael Bo Pedersen

Call me a tin-hat, but it could be a clever move from the west, to get a very good insight and overview of Iranian airdefences.

The worst deeds comes with the best intentions.

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