A bill obliging the government to increase the level of uranium enrichment has been approved in Iran.
On December 1, the Iranian Majlis (Parliament) approved the draft “Strategic measure to lift sanctions”, by which it obliged the authorities to abandon the IAEA Additional Protocol on verification of nuclear activities. They will be obliged to do it, if within two months from the entry into force of the bill, the parties of the Nuclear Deal do not fulfill their commitments and above all do not “eliminate the barriers to the export of oil and oil products”.
Initially, the authorities were given a month, but later the term was extended.

File: A general view of the parliament during the parliament session in Tehran, Iran. EPA/ABEDIN TAHERKENAREH
On December 2, the bill was approved by the Guardian Council that is composed of 12 members – 6 faqihs (experts in Islamic Law) and 6 jurists specialized in different law areas. The Council has the authority to examine the compatibility of the legislation passed by Majlis with the criteria of the Constitution. Now the law is entering into power and must be handed over to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani for implementation.
Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani is opposite to a bill approved by parliament, saying it would be harmful to diplomatic efforts aimed at restoring the 2015 nuclear deal and easing U.S. sanctions.
“The government does not agree with the bill passed by the Parliament yesterday, and considers it to be detrimental to diplomatic efforts,” Rouhani said in a weekly cabinet session on December 2.
Rouhani expressed his belief that the situation will be different next year, once this war and maximum pressure is over.
The law obliges the authorities to produce at least 120 kg of uranium enriched to 20% per year. Iran will have to put into operation one thousand additional centrifuges at the Natanz and Fordo nuclear facilities within a year. The bill also supposes the reconstruction of the Arak nuclear reactor.
The consideration of the document was made after the assassination of top Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh on November 27.
On December 2, Spokesperson of the Government of Iran, Ali Rabei, stated that Iranian intelligence services had identified the people who organized the assassination of Iranian top nuclear physicist.
“The Intelligence Ministry has identified individuals linked with the assassination of Martyr Fakhrizadeh and all aspects of the case are under investigation,” Rabiei said, according to Mehr.
He added that the attack will be met with Iran’s proportionate response.
Right decision Salute to Iranians especially the metalhead ones in Istanbul https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97AnkDsG-T4&t=10s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVMP2P-G_OU
You’re obviously not a metalhead xD Salute to you too tho
I play guitar too, just as an amateur Not soul genre but you may like one of our old famous guitarists/artists: Erkin Koray https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-k_Fr67bPQ
speaking of iranians they have good songs ..ı like this one.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0MSe6PmNEU
That’s interesting Nice sound
pure like natural spring water…
Greek band from Athens
Nice scenery, is it filmed in Turkey?
ı am not sure but it may be Van(van lake)..Mohsen gave lots of concert there..
Pity that it does not have any English captions.
What a load of CIA musics. Real music is love. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YimggIlkpqY
Good for what it is, not my cup of tea but the lead singer is pretty fit.
a great way to commemorate the fallen scientist
It’s Iran’s right to produce the weapons it wants. What it shouldn’t do is destroy other countries through militias. It also must avenge the death of this scientist to really get even. Imagine if it were Saudi Arabia who assassinated the Scientist. Iran would have responded by now. Your fear of Israel is quite obvious.
This Rouhani has proven to be as much a disgrace as Pashinyan and needs to go. Iran has no real option left but to test a nuclear weapon as it has been attacked repeatedly.
i agree, iran needs a stronger leader right now
Iran also needs to increase the range of its missiles into ICBM. Even DPRK has achieved that.
Rouhani foreign policy is not working; his policies have caused the death of leading Iranians and troops stationed in Iraq and Syria. Rouhani may have good intentions but he is rather naive. The new Bill is the right way forward.
Lol, are you blaming Iran for the aggressive behaviour of the U.S and Israhell? lul
It wouldn’t happen if Ahmadinejad was to be a president.
The US and Zionists killed 5 scientists and engineers under Ahmedinejad’s watch in 2011-2012 and lack of action then created this future Zionist terrorism. They will only stop if Iran has a nuke and hits back. The next four weeks are very critical.
More likely they will be nuked themself – Which kind of porridge is in Your head?
This will be the most important two issues for the Democratic party in 2020-2024:
– Talks, negotiations and International meetings about a new Iran IAEA deal. – Talks, negotiations and Internal meetings about the problems with Obamacare.
China is the biggest bear in the room. US is faring very badly with Covid and a destroyed economy as China zooms ahead. Biden’s plate is full and a conflict with Iran will destroy his presidency like Carter. Trump is desperate and vindictive enough to initiate a shooting war with Iran just to destroy the Democrats. It is all up the deep state and Pentagon now.
You forgot to mention some very interesting point in that interview. Joe Biden said he’ll seek to expand the nuclear deal to encompass Iran’s REGIONAL PROXIES. He also says Saudi Arabia and other Gulf nations will be signatories to the deal, not just the P5+1. That is the main area where Joe Biden will clash with Iran. Without these regional proxies, Iran would have zero influence across the entire Middle east. Iran’s main power to influence the decisions of regional actors
There is already a major pushback against Joe Biden’s candidates in the Republican-controlled senate. Thus, unless Joe Biden negotiates a broader deal that satisfies republicans and democrats alike, a future republican president will still void the deal. Joe Biden will seek to avoid Obama’s mistake. Obama ignored strong opposition to the JCPOA. A majority of American leaders opposed the JCPOA because it does not address Iran’s regional proxies and due to sunset clauses.
Iran is likely to agree to modifying the deal. Iran’s foreign minister, Zarif, said Iran would re-negotiate “Within” the deal. Meaning, Iran is ready to agree to modifications that do not introduce new items to the deal. This is a tacit approval by Iran of modifying sunset clauses and other aspects of the deal. Iran’s ballistic missiles and regional proxies were NOT part of the JCPOA, therefore, Zarif is saying Iran won’t negotiate on such.
Iran’s ballistic missile program doesn’t worry Israel or the GCC much. Becuase Iran already has them and needs those missiles to guarantee its safety. What these countries really worry about are two things: 1. Nuclear Program 2. Regional Proxies
The JCPOA will solve only the first problem. I can’t see Israel, the GCC, and most American leaders agreeing to a deal that lets Iran maintain its infrastructure of region-wide terror proxies. Thus, any deal that does not address Iran’s regional proxies is bound to be ineffective and will be negated in the end. The GCC and Israel wield tremendous influence on America’s foreign policy regarding the middle east. Added to American leaders who strongly oppose Iran’s terror militias across the Middle East, they form a strong team powerful enough to destroy any political agreement Biden reaches with Iran. Trump was not alone. He had the backing of a majority of American leaders from both parties before becoming president.
What we should watch out for is how Iran will negotiate concerning its regional proxies. Donald Trump is right about Iran, and Americans will soon find out. The recently approved bill to resume higher-level enrichment is a preemptive move designed to pressure Biden to lay off Iran’s militias. Biden will definitely not agree to this. The question is, would Iran compromise on the militias? What’ll be the nature of that compromise such that it satisfies the Saudis, Israelis, and Republicans? The only compromise agreeable to these people is a total disarming of the militias or their integration into their country’s official militaries. And both options are bad for Tehran’s ultimate goal of building a region-wide Shiite army to take over the Muslim’s holy sites of Mecca and Madinah. This is what the Iranian regime had tried to achieve for over 40 years.
They will not invade Saudi Arabia directly from Iran, unless Iran is directly attacked. They will stir up rebellion within the kingdom and covertly slip in Shiite forces from across the region. Their major mission being to secure Mecca and Madinah even if they cannot capture the surrounding areas.
Any other thing Iran says apart from what I’ve outlined is a lie. That is their first and most important goals, and they are actually close to it. The major obstacle now being American forces.
Ahmadinajad won’t do shit. The supreme leader has the final say over matters of national security regardless of what the president and parliament think. Ahmadinajad himself offered to mediate between Saudi Arabia and Iran just months ago. Faced with a real war, he’ll also back down.
Iran tells MBZ it will hit UAE in response to a US attack
Threat personally delivered to Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed directly hours before Emirati statement condemning assassination of nuclear scientist. Iranian parliament speaker, an ex-IRGC veteran general Qalibaf has also explicitly warned the Persian Gulf puppet regimes that in case of any foreign aggression, they will be hit hard.
Tehran “directly” contacted Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed last weekend, threatening the United Arab Emirates in the event of any US attack on Iran, a top-level US source told the New York Times.
Why didn’t it threaten to attack Israel if America strikes Iran’s nuclear sites? You guys always threaten how badly you’ll damage Israel in the even of a U.S attack. So all these threats are meant to deceive and amass support from Muslims around the world. Well, it failed.
Ianians has done it themself, so we can feel peetuy for them, so Qaum can continue to Iran by fear and bajonets.
Frankly, Iran needs a tough military leader at the helm, Rouhani and Khatami have been disasters both domestically and internationally. Iran needs to test a nuclear weapon and go on war footing for the next few months. US has evacuated embassy staff from their occupation embassy in Baghdad and Trump is spiteful loser enough to attack Iran in his final curtain days.
General Qalibaf, a veteran of the IRGC and decorated war hero who ran the Pasdaran airforce is in the running for presidency in May.
We need a nuremberg type trial. Powells, cheneys, rices….. Criminals!
Precisely what I have recommended. Iran should continue to be Mr. nice guy and hope. Erdogan waited 25 years barking and howling at the doormat to get into EU, and Erdogan is still hoping……………LOL.
Iran should do the same thing. Iran should continue to be hoping. Iran hoped the IAEA deal in 2015 would stop the sanctions and the murders getting usury loans……………….LOL. Not yet………………….LOL.
Iran should continue to hope that US/UK will keep their promises if Iran is a goodie goodie nation. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ec2973075ef9aa3d7539dd93ba6807e629e6d785835c66c301697c1678de62ae.jpg
Haha Love is this too. I havnt tryed that kind yet…