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Iran Army, IRGC Announce Large-Scale Air Defense Drills After Another Israeli-Made Drone Downed After Entering Iran From Karabakh

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Iran Army, IRGC Announce Large-Scale Air Defense Drills After Another Israeli-Made Drone Downed After Entering Iran From Karabakh

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An Israeli-made IAI Harop combat drone of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces was shot down near the city of Parsabad in northern Iran on October 20. The Azerbaijani military uses IAI Harops to target positions and equipment of Armenian forces in the ongoing war in the Nagorno-Karabakh region. The intensity of the clashes leads to a regular cross border incidents with Iran and Iranian forces do not seem to be ready to tolerate this.

Meanwhile, the Iranian Army and the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) are launching large-scale aerial exercises aimed at bolstering their preparedness for defending the country’s airspace. The large-scale drills, codenamed Modafe’an-e Aseman-e Velayat 99 (Guardians of Velayat Sky 99), will begin on October 21. Brigadier General Qader Rahimzadeh will command the exercise from from the Khatam al-Anbia Air Defense Base.

Units of the Iranian Army’s air defense units and Air Force along with the IRGC’s Aerospace Force will participate in the drills. Just a few days earlier, the Iranian military deployed additionally artillery pieces near the border with Azerbaijan.

Iran Army, IRGC Announce Large-Scale Air Defense Drills After Another Israeli-Made Drone Downed After Entering Iran From Karabakh

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Maybe some live fire drills. Fly along the border and do some drone hunting.

Assad must stay

totally understandable

Zionism = EVIL


(MENAFN) The portal of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (ICCIMA) revealed on Sunday, October 18th, that the chairman of the Iran-Syria joint Chamber of Commerce declared the official installation of the Iranian trade center in the capital of Syria; Damascus.

Keyvan Kashefi commented on the matter: “This trade center has been opened with the aim of realizing the goal for $1 billion of annual exports to Syria.”

He also added that so far, 24 Iranian companies have opened and began their work in the mentioned center.

Based on other statements made by Kashefi, this center has been bought, prepared, and put into action by ICCIMA in a part of a free zone in Damascus, taking up 4,000 square of the space.

Assad must stay

thats good but israhell just attacked damascus again and i read killed some quds soldiers, so infuriating

Zionism = EVIL

I would not pay to much attention to the Zionist parasites propaganda. These pin prick and ineffective cosmetic “air strikes” aka launching $1 million Popeye stand off missiles from the Lebanese coast are hardly going to make a dent in Syrian or Iranian capability. Iran is playing the long strategic game and winning. The same situation in Armenia where despite the army of trolls hired by Turkey and Azerbaijan from Pakistan to Zionist hasbara, the situation for Armenia is not as dire. The AmeriCUNTS and Zionist losers are on the backfoot and have severe internal problems. Just wait and see how all this unfolds and keep the faith.

Jaime Galarza

Maybe Iran should apply Israel’s policy. Anything that comes from the other side of the border should be answered in a very vigorous way: bomb them.

Jens Holm

Iraniens just made another selfie haha They are so funny…

Zionism = EVIL

Iran’s policies are very well calibrated and successful and fact remains that Azerbaijan is a kin and a Shia neighbor and there is no need to bomb them. Iran’s policy is deterrence through strength and that has paid off in Syria and Iraq.

John Brown

Russia Iran and Turkey have cut a deal on Idlib eastern Syria, northern Iraq, Armenia and Azerbaijan and eastern Mediterranean under sea oil.


If they don’t leave John, they’re goin inside giant unmarked death pits of the SyRaq……that’s how its been working so far. At least for them jihadi proxies so far.


Take Ten Million ZOGbux and flush it down the ashcan.

Never forget the Ten Million!

Zionism = EVIL

There are barely 6 million or so ZionistCUNTS in Palestine, the rest are Arabs and Palestinians who have a much higher birthrate and the ZioCUNTS are cutting deals with the corrupt Wahhabi pimpdoms in the hope of ripping them off and surviving on their money. The Emirati morons will be cleaned out by Zionist Ponzi scams.

Chris Chuba

Is Pompeo / Netanyahu condemning this as an act of aggression yet and promising to seize Iranian shipping to compensate Israel for the damages?

Jens Holm

They suddenly sometimes are so funny those Iranians.

The sender was not Israel. They just sold them the stuff.

Haha let the beards on the Iranian Santa Clauses grow long, and let them fall in it hahaha.

….Maybee I weill declare war on Japan. Last year some stole my old digital camara made by them – Banzai.


Haha Iranians beards so funny https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ee12507310c0f0bf8c82994440f38fdc8c73bd53ef33a6766da52021af6edc40.jpg


this ain’t no Iranian, but a shyster no?……he a yid of hably bably.

Zionism = EVIL

This unfortunate conflict in the old Persian Empire has been a intelligence bonanza for Iran and its correct approach in investing heavily in air defences, small specialized asymmetrical warfare units and above all swarms of UAV. Iranian effectiveness in dealing with and neutralizing the most modern Americunt and Ziocunt drones and ELINT assets has now dawned on its friends and foes alike. Now in growing Iranian military cooperation with Russia and China, expect a whole new generation of Iranian weaponry being introduced.

Jens Holm

We see that in their Jets …

John Brown

Jets are a waste of money for a country like Iran to develop on its own. Cheaper to buy foreign which they will buy from Russia now. They don’t need many as Iran is not planning on invading anyone. The biggest waste of money being air craft carriers and jets like the F35 Lemon.


smart comment John…..no kidding!

Jens Holm

Yerrh and a very godd explanation for not having money to waste for it too:)


They recently reverse engineered the GE J-79 Jens……also the turbofan pulled out of the RQ-4C is being worked on. The other accomplishment was reverse engineering the RQ-170’s small 700 kgf turbofan. Iran’s got good skills and an educated workforce. My bet is that something like that huge Chinese UCAV/ Aircombat drone (Storm Shadow) iteration is in the works, armed with long range A-A missiles and a locally designed AESA. The notorious Qaher F313 will probably get a J-79 copy inserted into it now, if not the twin J-85 clone ‘Owj’ engines. Iranians making progress…….The only thing IMO they would settle for is the Su-57 along with a TOT agreement (because India is out of the FGFA program) and Putin’s looking for a partner to pay the bills. The defense ministry announced today that all older 38 or so Su-24M’s will get refitted and the 40 or so Mig-29-12’s will be upgraded to the ‘Fat-Back’ UPG standards by Rosboronexport.

Jens Holm

Thank You very much for the many details. I try to learn about drones and there are so many of them and in different versions and copies.

We will see if they are able to upgrade to above a Mig 29 + .


These sites are for poor people from dirty shitholes to worry how Americans spend money.

Lone Ranger

So like you and Jens…

Jens Holm

Its because You are learned we are much much much lower in economy, then You ever can understand and fx Russia is much better, then they are.

And the worst I see here everyday I open here. You totally ignore facts as if You are raised into.

Denmark fx spend 2% of its money for warfare. There would be no economical problems making it to 4, 6, 8%. We have the money for it.

Sure some cant enough here too. But looking around we never has had so many m2 pr citicen and so much garbage in thembefore. Our retired persons even only with the State pension all are fine even they are ill and need healthcare and hopitals, because its free. We have so many cars and build roads and bridges, we will fill too. We have trust for Our system and 25% of the parlament has the Governess and dont need 51% to make consenus or majority rule. We are low in Covid. We are low in corruption and that errrh money thing:

USA 63.000 Denmark 58.000 and the Bolsjevic Dwarf 10.000.

And yes, correct GDP dont show everything, but it vertainly show acrivityand Russians are slow and ineffective.

China 11.000 – SAUDIS 20.000 and Santa Claus in Iran 7.300 in real money too

Saudis produce less pr capta then Our women do. ……………………………………………………………………….

And You still deny to understand USA pr definition is superkapitalistic and they have choosen that and a few things, I also dont like. But it also has ballistic results such as winning WW2 and after that a Marshall plane as well as taking over from UK, France and partly several others.

And great part of them dont undertstand us. We make social security nets here, which is in a much higher level then what they – BUT we also demand those people into education, jobs where they are usefull but more learn to work, so they later on can work lke the rest of us…They are seen as investments and it pays of even education is free as well as many other things for them and ud.

But Russia and USA are in same kind of problems, which never has been solved in Russia. If You dont educate people – all of them – they cant even copy the good parts of us and has to remain in middu treches and ditches.

I take it again: There is no lack of money in USA but people there choose whats important for them. As we sometimes see, those are aliens to too many. And the other way around. How can any expect most of the people to o to school and have an education and work hard using skills and pay pr hour.

Their parents never had jobs. The pay for them is 10 dollars an hour. They can be fired form hour to our and they have big problems if they get sick or as routine pregant as well. Parts of theit high overvcrime must be a tradition too.

I see they are more criminal then the bad ones we never has asked to come here, which we pay 3 billion dollars a year.

Russia has no choise. They look as if they soon will collapse again. A car optimized as if was made in Russia would never be allowed in the streets here.

Lone Ranger

U S. Dept per capita is $65,000. Denmark is a jihadi marxist occupied country filled with lunatic drug addicts like you… Better luck next time Jens…

Jens Holm

Drnmark is a well inegrated very Capitalistic country, where we compensate relative well by Social Demokratisme.

80% of Our companies are runned by stockholders and some are rather big even for the world.

Its tru we have too many drug addicts, alcoholicks even from young and also people comitting suicide. But its also true the livingage here is higher then USA as well as Russia,

We are not occupied by Jihadists as well. We have some more or less hidden based in Islam. We are sekulars based in Christianity having Our own kind of extremists, which we keep down well.

Lone Ranger

Capitalistic and social democratic in the same sentence…slow clap Jens… Sure you arent occupied, its already a Caliphate along with west Europe…

Jens Holm

Thats right. Communisme as system was no good as replacer for Capitalisme.

Socialdemocratisme is a supplement to Capitalisme replacing for its very bad sides.

As written before its decided by Our laws, that we have decided to have free and EQUAL schools, free education to the top even being paid for it. Free healthcare, free hospitals, free pemsion to all.

Thos money are taken from incomes and big owners and negosiated in consensus.

Its easy to understand. People worl better end more quaified for all of us, when those and many other things are covered by tax which is a benefiit for all of us.

Lone Ranger

Spoken like a true marxist…

Jens Holm

Most West European countries has Social Democratic parties in their parlaments.

Denmark has. Our Premiere minister is Socialdemocrat and they have 25% of the votes and the Governess.

Its not my fault You world semes divided into black and white isolated units.

Parlaments are for “Parle” about things and make some comptent agreements. That says we in the same parlament has liberales, conservatives and even a few socilists. We have no nazis, but they could be represented if they had enough votes and kept themselves inside the constituion.

Jens Holm

It seemes very strange to me that You can condem us for, what we are not and You know so little.

Have Youlearned that from someone – or what.. Its very much You have been lied for.

Lone Ranger

LSD projection at its finest Jens…

John Brown

Denmark is a well integrated very Capitalistic country, where we compensate relative well by Social Demokratisme.

No Denmark is conquered vassal of the empire and as such is a dictatorship whose form is an oligarchy, ruled by the empire, where free and fair elections are not permitted.

No party that is against the status quo of the empire is allowed to run in a free and fair election.

All dictatorships have elections. but they are not free or fair. Lets see someone run against fractional reserve banking and

for the government to create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credit needed to satisfy the spending power of the government and the buying power of consumers. The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of government, but it is the government’s greatest creative opportunity. The financing of all public enterprise, and the conduct of the treasury will become matters of practical administration. Money will cease to be master and will then become servant of humanity.”

Lone Ranger

P.S. lay off the LSD…

Lone Ranger

U.S. debt to GDP ratio is 136% Russian debt to GDP ratio is 12% U.S. runs a trade deficit of $800billion. Russia runs a trade surplus of $230billion. Debt per capita U.S. $65,000. Debt per capita Russia $6000. Total debt U.S. $25trillion. Total debt Russia $200billion. Yes the U.S. is ineffective indeed…

Jens Holm

I have told You as it is. You stuoidist compare systems, which cant be compared because You dont have a whole sector we have.

Thats sector part is not debt but investments. The USA debt alos is truted by insurrence from the rest of the Western Economichs.

The Russian safety is in a very low level with some hidden gold under a very small pillow.

Lone Ranger

Truth hurts Jens, try to handle it. The U.S. is broke busted and disgusted. And western EU isnt much better off.

Jens Holm

I would like links to, where its better.

Methods for improvements are welcome too.

Lone Ranger

Forex reserves Russia $600billion. Forex reserves U.S. $124billion.


Jens you are insignificant in Denmark. Don’t make the mistake of comparing yourself to a behemoth like Russia or even Iran. You’re way too small. In the end the big guy always wins…..have a look at fuckin China……or even India…….you can’t beat the momentum and the gravity of bigger nations. No need to sugar coat this fact.

Jens Holm

Well I do pr capita. Thats normal statistics in world to see how people actually live by how we run the business – small or big.

So of course we can compare and anytime say, we in almost all aspects prefare Our system, because its better.

Here You of course ignore Our good relations to EU and Nato as well as USA is a big tradepartner for us. We are Western Economics and same level as USA and China.

Here Russia is just a dwarf with many parkingspaces in Sibiria and not even able to produce a car, people will buy.


We are not the ones hoping every day the economy to crash so others become as dirty poor as we are…

Lone Ranger

Sure you do, thats why you guys are here bashing Russia 24/7. Projecting…


We don’t want Russians to be poor. If they were rich they didn’t tolerate that leeching oligarchy and their midget puppet.

Lone Ranger

You are mixing up Russia with Ukraine as usual.


Actually you are the one who wish death to Ukraine

Lone Ranger

Not Ukraine, only to traitor ukropnazis.


Agree, those Berkut who are hiding in Donbas, must be hanged.


but if this site is for dirty people from shitholes, then what you doing here bud? Come on now.


I’m living in a shithole and I’m dirty. Simple as that.


come on man……why the negativity?


No worries for me, I’m not affected. I like dirt cheap whores.


Sounds like gay porn plot. Ah John, your comment is soo biiiig… Ah son my back hurts, give me an oily massage…


got nothing relevant to add to the discussion?

Jens Holm

Normally his behind has to be shaved first too:)

Lone Ranger us it as mirror and only see himself.


You forgot to blush.


hey buddy not here to troll…..lol…..I know you’re here to troll. How about reading up on what Iran is upto? no? Actually contribute?


I have read the article if that’s what you sugesting. Any other special advice, mr. contributor?


you know, you could be at fox news no? or worse yet fucking CNN or bbc. I bet over there too you’d still be abrasive. Earlier you did mention your shit life/ society and a shit city didn’t you? Don’t fuckin bring that over here bud……just sayin…..it rubs off wrong on people.


Did I mention a shit city too? Maybe I refered only to the bumpy belt road where your mom offers her services to truck drivers, don’t worry I paid her.


Nigglets like you should be thrown out of here……you contribute nothing here except your filth.


You can shove your opinion in the dirty backdoor you came from

Jens Holm

Actually they are upgrading an old copy.


All the aircraaft carriers maintenance cost 20 billions per year, for USA these are Lemonade money.

Lone Ranger

Only as long as hyperinflation kicks in…


Still waiting others to become poor, or beter start to work hard and improve your own situation?

Lone Ranger

U.S. is already poor. Hyperinflation is only needed to destroy the CIA, MIC and the FED.


Why need the poor be destroyed?

Lone Ranger

Not the poor, their establishment. Same could happen as in Russia. U.S. could be reborn from the ashes.


As in Russia you say, you mean Russia is poor and FSB needs destroyed?

Lone Ranger

No, it has already happened in 1991. Russia has been rebuilt.


Ahh ok. The problem would be that even USA institutions reform from the ground, Russia will still be a shithole and people dirt poor and ignorant to how much thise billionaires steal every day. You are preoccupied of ither coyntries problems to forget of yours. And not any other countey, the strongest one, thinking on important peiple makes you feel important too.

They don’t think about you, they work to improve their luves and fullfill their dreams and hobbies. You are too poor to afford such thing, your hobby is to hate on them. That’s how shitholes work.

Lone Ranger

Ahh ok. The problem would be that even USA institutions reform from the ground, U.S. will still be a shithole and people dirt poor and ignorant to how much thise billionaires steal every day. You are preoccupied of other countries problems to forget of yours. And not any other country, the strongest one, thinking on important people makes you feel important too. Papa Putin is love Papa Putin is life.

They don’t think about you, they work to improve their lives and fullfill their dreams and hobbies. You are too poor to afford such things, your hobby is to hate on them. That’s how shitholes work. Fixed ?


You are very original. By chance are you Asian?

Lone Ranger

Thats wacist…


Something between i guess


Lone Ranger, block that bacon nigglet……fuck him. He’s only here to troll.

Lone Ranger



He hasn’t been ‘on topic’ in a single comment of his….This type of garbage needs to be taken out…where are the moderators here?

John Brown


John Brown

The USSA can’t even build passenger planes any more as they can’t even make proper software for them. Would you fly on a Boeing 767 Max???

Rampant corruption and criminality rule in the USSA now. Half the military budget is stolen before the first dollar is spent.


How many customers american airlines have and how many you have?

John Brown

Right now american airlines have almost no customers which is why they want bailouts while China’s airlines are getting back to full capacity. Look it up for yourself. America = corrupt zio slave losers.


If you was Chinese you wouldn’t have access on this site, how about your shithole, are your airlines doing better than US ones?

John Brown

Wrong again the USSA and all conquered vassal nations and slaves in the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic Slave empire dictatorship are much more heavily censored then in China. This site if it were on the USSA server would be banned and they try to ban it every day.

In China you can talk about Hunter Bidens emails, say there is such a thing as a man and a woman and men don’t have vaginas etc.without being censored, banned or charged with hate crimes. Not in the Zio USSA land of the enslaved.


Hahaha in China you can talk about Hunter Bidens emails. You are a living joke!

American: I can go in front of White house and say Trump is an idiot. Russian: I can go near Kremlin and say Trump is an idiot too.

Comrade, mind your vodka, and let the oligarchs plunder your country. You can’t even make the difference between private companies and government censorship.

Poor commie stay poor.

John Brown

You can’t say shit about Biden. say there is such a thing as a man and a woman and men don’t have vaginas etc.without being censored, banned or charged with hate crimes and or get fired from your job.

Not in the Zio USSA land of the enslaved. You have to say bad shit about Trump now as the empire wants him out.

Jens Holm

Much as You never has left Your garden or basement:)

Jens Holm

Thats highly incorrect. Sure China expand.

It seemes Ypu know nothing about corruption for the world. Just blaming a country and dont compare with others, makes sense but also too much the opposit way and named as filthy propaganda.


The estimates says China as well as Russia are more corrupt, bit as I wrote, we have to keep corruption down and its an everlasting job like other kinds of cleaning.

Jens Holm

So far they have made more then 10,000 Boing 737 which today os used very well all over the world.


Your version for whats stolen or not unfortunatly is a world thing, which has to be kept down better.

John Brown

Yes the USSA did use to make good jets in the past, not anymore. That time is now over. Would you fly on a Boeing 767 Max??? GAME OVER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdqyG3CcoLM The empire is coming to an end rapidly The USSA future except they are destroying themselves. Just look at USSA cites today.


Jens Holm

You represent superstupidisme of the worst kind. I anytime will fly with the many 1000 other airplanes of theirs and their ancint B52s seemes to work too.

You only use the bad sides of USA, which dont represent, where things are doing fine or OK and even blame Jews for it.

If Jews really are that Megzeise, its because You are louzy small minusses Yourself representing fx Russia and Arabistan very well in the hope Our fiascos will collpase to Your low level in free speach as well.

Most of Your kind dont know a thing about us and not even has a language for, what You do. You live in the old more or less collpased worlds Yourself.

And when we try to undertstand western economics and it has much more good sides then bad ones, You are not even allowed to try to unstand it, even it works better then anything else.

The Objective

Iran has invaded and occupied many countries. Iran is still invading countries. But they do it covertly through the Qods force. Invasion is invasion whether overt or covert. To understand this, I’ll provide some indelible sources for anyone interested to read. https://newlinesmag.com/essays/the-man-who-knew-too-much-why-shiite-militias-killed-iraqs-finest-isis-scholar/


Read these and research further. Watch what’s happening in Iraq closely, and you’ll see through the Iranian propaganda. Iran has many propaganda trolls and they are especially active on platforms like SF, Thesaker, and virtually everywhere to manipulate public opinion. But by reading wide, observing carefully, and thinking critically, you’ll certainly realize Iran is the greatest threat to Sunni Muslim countries than Israel, particularly Sunnis in the Middle East. Just a few days ago, Iranian militias killed at least 10 Sunni youths in Iraq and burned the Kurdish party headquarters in Baghdad. Shiites around the world should be ashamed of Iran.


you a Pakestani wahabbi no?

Great Khan

He Somali monkey hahaha

John Brown

Nice try.

The CFR said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and are widely known for being serial liars, pro slavery pro racist Jewish supremacism etc and are the mouth piece for the racist supremacist global Jewish Satanic Slave Empire dictatorship.

If the slaves of the empire the USSA do attack Iran on Israel’s orders the USSA economy and mliitary will totally collapse as with the rest of the empire with $400 plus per barrel oil and the end of oil production in all gulf states Iraq and Iran for the next ten years. The USSA would lose most of its air force in such an attack, the gulf states governments as they are today would cease to exist forever and there is a good chance it would result in a global nuclear exchange.

So be careful what you wish for.

The Objective

Yours is the most sensible reply I’ve got in months regarding Iran and the Middle East, and I congratulate you for such in-depth understanding of the situation.

I must note here that my comment never attempted to defend America or support its policies. I’m only exposing Iran due to the harm its causing the Sunni Muslim community. If you go through my profile, you’ll notice I supported Iran since 2018 until I learned a few months ago of their history and involvement in the murder of hundreds of thousands of Sunnis in the middle east. No true Sunni Muslim would support Iran after knowing its contribution to the current suffering of millions in Sunni communities of that middle east. But that aside.

Due to the petrodollar system, Iran is capable of wrecking the US economy, overthrowing gulf mornacies by decimating their defenses with missile strikes so the monarchies won’t be able to impose controll on their oppressed populations. The monarchies are the pillar of America’s petrodollar system which gives the US absolute control over global trade, and where its sanctions power comes from.

But sadly for you, Iran cannot risk such a regional war because: 1. It’s likely to cause a genocide of the Iranian people and invite nuclear strikes by Israel, America or both. The gulf puppet regimes will also direct hostile fire at Iran. Iran will be fighting at least 5 countries simultaneously. 2. It’ll collapse the Iranian regime. The mullahs want to win without and survive, not be a sacrificial lamb. 3. NATO will move in. The likelihood of America and NATO imposing control and order over the middle east is high. This is where it can get ugly if Russia tries to interrupt them.

I think this is the appolyptic scenerio sayyidna Ali (RA) was referring to when he said, “one-third will be killed, one-third will die, and one-third will remain”. Iran is the likeliest to trigger this appocalypse.

And I don’t agree that the US will lose most of its air force. There are currently about 300 around Iran. Most are in Europe and other locations that Iran’s precision missiles cannot reach. Especially the big planes which can deploy to Diego Garcia on short notice. Iran currently has no precision missiles to hit Diego Garcia. That’s from where America will bomb Iran the most.

I agree that there’ll be serious destruction in the region should there be a regional war. But that doesn’t mean Iran should be allowed to keep creating parallel armies destabilizing other countries while the Iranians have no war within their border. Their generals even brag that war won’t reach Iran’s borders. So they know war is bad for any country, yet they keep facilitating conditions for civil war in other people’s countries. With this hostile foreign policy, Iran will one day burn itself and the region. This, I have zero doubt about.

John Brown

Iran like Russia China are defensive military powers and their militaries are designed that way. It is the racist Supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship that is the offensive military power which again can be observed in the design of the military of their slaves like the USSA and no amount of lying can cover up this fact. You even admitted Iranian missiles can’t reach USA jets in Europe.

Iran has a strong air defense and Russia has been helping them. No way the USA can cause significant damage to Iran without committing most of its air power, jets as well as missiles.

In any war between Iran and the USSA Iran will win. Victory being defined as whose government will still exist when the war is over and that would be Iran’s. Can the USSA government survive 80% plus unemployment, hyperinflation needing a wheel barrel full of money to buy a loaf of bread? Think of the Covid economic shut down of the USSA for 5 years.

Iran will be getting lots of aid from China and Russia.

The petrodollar system is on its last legs no matter what. The empire rand the USSA are bankrupt.

Iran doesn’t want war it is the empire that wants wat as they are losing the peace.

The racist Supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship is in crisis and its slave USSA is a rapidly declining bankrupt economic and military power. They are pulling the EU down with them.

This while China and Russia, are growing rapidly in military power. Even Iran. Why would they want war when every day they get stronger and the empire gets weaker?? Answer they don’t. The empire like all empires is dying from within and will collapse not because of anyone outside and no one from the outside will have to fire a single shot.

The USSA can’t even build military or passenger planes any more as they can’t even make proper software for them. Would you fly on a Boeing 767 Max??? The F35 a multi trilliondollar lemon Same for the USSA carrier fleet. Only good for bombing defenseless third world countries.

Rampant corruption and criminality rule in the USSA now. Half the military budget is stolen before the first dollar is spent.

China is the #1 economy now by far and growing bigger at a fast pace every day.

You are thinking it is 1995 and not 2020.

The Objective

Please stop discussing America and the Jews with me. I have no interest in that subject for now. I’ll tell you more about America’s crimes. What I want to discuss with you is about Iran’s complicity in the death and suffering of millions of Muslims in the middle east. If you can’t discuss Iran’s relations with the Sunni Muslim world, then stop boring me with America’s crimes. I know all these things you’ve said and even more. Why are you avoiding the topic of Iran and the Sunni Muslim world? Because you know Iran is guilty of crimes against us. The evil empire is doing to Iran what Iran is doing to other weaker neighbors.

John Brown

I can discuss anything.

You don’t want to discuss the USSA and the racist Supremacist global Jewish Satanic slave empire dictatorship as they are guilty and you automatically lose. Unlike you I can discuss anything. Provide proof of what you say. Keep in mind I am not a moron.

So far you have not provided any proof at all just propaganda talking points from psycho linguistic, reverse speak, mind control, disinfo experts. For example, I can provide proof of Mike Pompus in the form of a voluntary confessions and laughing and bragging that what he and the USSA security services say is all lies, cheating and stealing and it gets better from there. That is the source of your bull crap CFR cult disinfo.

Are you even aware of his confession? How do you expect anyone to believe anything you say after such a voluntary admission? If all you have is CFR CIA disinfo garbage don’t bother to post it here as it belongs on CNN, ABC, NBC ,CBS, Fox news disinfo channels.

Remember nothing beats the voluntary confession. Mike Pompeo About CIA : We lied, We cheated, We stole https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RmEsPE7iq0 http://www.jta.org/2010/10/18/news-opinion/israel-middle-east/sephardi-leader-yosef-non-Jews-exist-to-serve-jews For some proof These links below on Jewish racism JEWISH FORCED STERILIZATION of blacks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZFTvvFpKUQ Video links, Racism in Israel against all Goyim / humanity not an isolated incident. They are from “SOS Racism” so again I hope you will allow it on this site for all to see. The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land by Israeli government and people it’s not just a few it’s the majority of Israel and the Israeli government Israel’s New Racism: The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land Make sure to watch from 2:40 onward at least of link below part 1 of 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA Racism vs. Africans in Israel (2/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iIZd4O5IDo&t=639s Racism vs. Africans in Israel (3/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX2ub2CyoiY Racism vs. Africans in Israel (4/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osBwvlLbBLw Jews want Africans OUT. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOGSBHqRDuw Israel: NO BLACKS ALLOWED. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA new link Ester Vorknach: Sick & tired of racism in Israel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDES2UIHXF8 Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w Ethiopians outraged over blood disposal http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3322247,00.html Ethiopian communities respond with rage at Channel 2 report that revealed blood donated by Ethiopians is frozen and disposed of. ‘There’s no difference between my blood and the blood of someone else’ says chairman of Ethiopian students union. Mada: ‘These procedures are handed down by the Health Ministry, and are accepted all over the world’ They are from “SOS Racism” some of the very few good non racist Jews left so again I hope you will allow it on this site for all to see.

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg racist supremacist Jew kill christ again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSrhJGGDqx0 Jewish racist supremacism. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXKFlts3bAY yuhttp://www.thejewishchronicle.net/pages/full_story/push?article-Sephardi+leader+Yosef-+Non-Jews+exist+to+serve+Jews%20&id=9964937 http://www.jta.org/2010/10/18/news-opinion/israel-middle-east/sephardi-leader-yosef-non-Jews-exist-to-serve-jews For some proof These links below on Jewish racism were on RT, if they could show it hopefully you will allow it on this site. JEWISH FORCED STERILIZATION of blacks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZFTvvFpKUQ Video links, Racism in Israel against all Goyim / humanity not an isolated incident. They are from “SOS Racism” so again I hope you will allow it on this site for all to see. The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land by Israeli government and people it’s not just a few it’s the majority of Israel and the Israeli government Israel’s New Racism: The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land Make sure to watch from 2:40 onward at least of link below part 1 of 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA Racism vs. Africans in Israel (2/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iIZd4O5IDo&t=639s Racism vs. Africans in Israel (3/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX2ub2CyoiY Racism vs. Africans in Israel (4/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osBwvlLbBLw Jews want Africans OUT. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOGSBHqRDuw Israel: NO BLACKS ALLOWED. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA new link Ester Vorknach: Sick & tired of racism in Israel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDES2UIHXF8 Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w Ethiopians outraged over blood disposal http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3322247,00.html Ethiopian communities respond with rage at Channel 2 report that revealed blood donated by Ethiopians is frozen and disposed of. ‘There’s no difference between my blood and the blood of someone else’ says chairman of Ethiopian students union. Mada: ‘These procedures are handed down by the Health Ministry, and are accepted all over the world’ Jews enslaving blacks

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=163&v=hyTmEdWZlqA They are from “SOS Racism” some of the very few good non racist Jews left so again I hope you will allow it on this site for all to see. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg Jewish racism and saker cause of anti Semitism video In this film you may notice that none of the Israeli racists in the film identifies as a ‘Zionist’ or showed any concern for the Zionist nature of Israel. Instead they, and without exception, express their deep concern with the ‘Jewish State’ its ‘Jewish character’ and matters pertaining to the Jewish religion and Jewish racial ‘purity’. Israel’s Racism: The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land Make sure to watch from 2:40 onward at least of link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA Racism vs. Africans in Israel (2/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iIZd4O5IDo&t=639s Racism vs. Africans in Israel (3/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX2ub2CyoiY Racism vs. Africans in Israel (4/4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osBwvlLbBLw JEWISH FORCED STERILIZATION of blacks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZFTvvFpKUQ Jews want Africans OUT. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOGSBHqRDuw Israel: NO BLACKS ALLOWED. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA new link Ester Vorknach: Sick & tired of racism in Israel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDES2UIHXF8 Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqzDSrR4L4w Ethiopians outraged over blood disposal http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3322247,00.html Ethiopian communities respond with rage at Channel 2 report that revealed blood donated by Ethiopians is frozen and disposed of. ‘There’s no difference between my blood and the blood of someone else’ says chairman of Ethiopian students union. Mada: ‘These procedures are handed down by the Health Ministry, and are accepted all over the world’ A DNA test to prove racial purity to get citizenship this is the very definition of racism how can it be more racist?? Indian Jews resist DNA tests to prove they are a lost tribe http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/india/1412777/Indian-Jews-resist-DNA-tests-to-prove-they-are-a-lost-tribe.html Indian ‘Jews’ https://jewishchronicle.timesofisrael.com/sephardi-leader-yosef-non-jews-exist-to-serve-jews/ https://jewishchronicle.timesofisrael.com/sephardi-leader-yosef-non-jews-exist-to-serve-jews/ Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRsrNMKMPuc&t=94s Jews selling blacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_BobWq2sq0 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/65272ba33698043a57e8677e4dfb9b290550d79a0d39a7be6eeff14a12a9f86e.jpg How Jews treated blacks when they ran the slave trade https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_5umimLnvM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CF8cbwOandk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRm-0SPtwEc


Bro he’s a pakestani wahabbi. He just here poking around when in all reality this guy belongs on a jihadi / takfiri taliban forum. He’s totally out of place here.

The Objective

Both America and Israel are not representatives of Sunnis. Therefore, I have not interest discussing them. The only time I comment about the U.S is about its murder and oppression of Millions of people around the world. But I also want to draw attention to other devils (Iranian Mullahs) about whom Sunnis tend to know little.

Iran fought side by side with America to kill thousands of Muslims in Afghanistan Iran cooperated with America to murder hundreds of thousands Sunnis in Iraq. Iran created a sectarian army oppressing the Sunnis and other tribes of both Iraq and Lebanon. Iran supports Armenia (Christian) against Azerbaijan (Shia) just out of hatred for Sunni Turkey, even when Turkey is one of the last countries to stop importing oil from Iran and Turkey staunchly opposes US sanctions on Iran. Iran oppresses its own Sunni population. Iran wants a continuation of the war in Afghanistan just cos they are largely Sunnis. Iran threatens to mass murder Saudi civilians in any war Iran doesn’t want an end to the Syrian war that leads to elections. It prefers the continuation of suffering in Syria than democracy. Iran amassed tens of thousands of troops to invade Afghanistan in 1998

I can provide a mountain of proof for all the above claims I make. I’ll start one after the other, that’s if you already don’t know. Just ask.

John Brown

Is the US government preparing to lie its way into another war? State Sec. Mike Pompeo has admitted to “lying, cheating and stealing” as CIA director. Rick Sanchez reminds us that as citizens, it’s our responsibility to be aware of what’s going on in our government and to hold officials to account.


John Brown

Is the US government preparing to lie its way into another war? State Sec. Mike Pompeo has admitted to “lying, cheating and stealing” as CIA director. Rick Sanchez reminds us that as citizens, it’s our responsibility to be aware of what’s going on in our government and to hold officials to account.


The Objective

I know this already. What about Iran’s lies? Can we talk about it?

John Brown

When you can show me some real evidence of what you say Iran does I will talk about it.

So no more bull crap of Iran invading Neptune, Uranus etc.

Simon Ndiritu

“F35 Lemon”I haven’t heard a better name for that expensive ostrich

John Brown

Gone are the days when the US made the best planes in the world like the F 16. Rampant corruption and criminality rule in the USSA now. Half the miltary budget is stolen before the first dollar is spent.

Simon Ndiritu

True, they make junk and force their vassals to purchase them several times above the market rate

John Brown

They can’t even build passenger planes any more as they can’t even make proper software for them. Would you fly on a Boeing 767 Max???

Simon Ndiritu

Hell No, I’d rather walk

Jens Holm

Its a usual USA term fx used for bad used cars too.

John Brown try ti integrate and be an American. He think he is related to Harpo Marx.


I’ve heard the Americans are not designing manned aircraft anymore it’s all drones from here guys.

John Brown

No way the USSA can maintain its current mlitary spending and Gone are the days when the US made the best planes in the world like the F 16. They can’t even build passenger planes any more as they can’t even make proper software for them. Would you fly on a Boeing 767 Max???

Rampant corruption and criminality rule in the USSA now. Half the military budget is stolen before the first dollar is spent.

The latest USSA planes military and civilian have been garbage, so I doubt drones will be any different

The Objective

Iran claims to have built a stealth jet.surely they didn’t agree with you when making such a claim.


There you are Jens how are you? I must say I have missed you and your commentry. What’s been happening in Denmark lately. Last time I was chatting to you you seemed to suggest you were going to kill someone have you succeeded in your quest?

Arthur Deodat Jr.

Seems they need some more samples to analyze. Technology transfer. I wonder how much cheaper will be unlicensed copy?


I would like to ask you something ZE …. but I would like you to answer me honestly. When the time comes for the TOTAL WAR conflict between Greece and Turkey … which side will Iran go to ??


Russia, China and Iran shouldn’t hold back and start dismantling these yids of hably bably, primitive camel jockey and these servant like mongols. No need to hide it anymore……just stop playing nice.

Proud Hindu

The Azerbaijan Armenia war is a smokescreen to take down the Khoneinist regime in tehran


How so? Poor Azeri’s couldn’t do diddly for the last 20 odd years despite having IDF bases on their territory? The Armenians are fighting tooth and nail and won’t back down. Erdogan or Qatar are not interested in confronting Russia, China or Iran…..Iran would absolutely steamroll Azer bhaija in a fuckin day if it came down to it….not that it will happen….lol….So why would you make that statement?

Proud Hindu

You will see it soon.Once the war enters stalemate that’s when the game begins.


its already a stalemate for a week. There’s talk of Russian peacekeeper deployment now. I just fail to understand how these two small neighbors fighting would somehow undo Iran?….lol


Highly doubt Russia will send peace keepers in Nagorno. Azeris will cry invasion and a threat to oil and natural gas exports to EU, which could result in new sanctions ans official canceling of NS2.


you think anyone cared when Donbas or Crimea were taken? or when Georgia was beaten to a pulp and Abkhazia/ S. Ossetia and a few other territories taken?? or When Iran fucked Daesh up in the SyRaq and now runs the show from Kabul to Beirut??….lol…..or when China threw the entire Uighur pop. into reeducation camps?….lol…..but according to you people in the EU would really care if Putin sends in peacekeepers in NK? ok bud……

Jens Holm

We care very much.

Its as if You ignore how much the Bolsjevics has collapsed, where we even are blamed for helping many inside EU now and also are friendly helpfull to the ones outside. The same goes for Nato.

Its very difficult for me to see who is taking who in mpuths and behinds in Caucaus. The ones which should help are the neighbors and not only Russia but also Turkey and Iran.

Someone once said its easy to make war but very difficult to make peace. And warmogols are not qualified to make peace and any good plan for the future.

Iran also has fucked up more then they helped away.


Jens, who’s goin pick sides between two busted ass neighbors quarrel? Don’t equate Iran with its garbage neighbors. Taking sides in this is ridiculous! Only if Iran sees Zionist footprints, it reacts, otherwise……it’s just a useless distraction.


…. Or how to use up all the random ingredients in your pantry.


No this is reality……nobody cares about your pantry. You poke big boys, you pay the price. Reversing it costs blood and treasure, which nobody got in the hillbilly world today. You getting the drift? Now poking the shyster or camel jockey or the mongol to pump your cheese again and again is getting harder bro. You wanna go down that path…….fuckin endless patience on the other side. In case you were wondering.


Many words, few ideas. Nobody cares… Endless patience. Kind of contradictory mixture of verbal diharea.


You stand defeated bud…..time to admit it no? Fighting big boys like Russia/ China/ Iran is hard……We can see the results. Iran’s cleaned the house from Kabul to Beirut, down to Sana. And it ain’t over yet. If you didn’t care, why we having this conversation?…lol


“Nobody cares […] endless patience” that was me quoting you. You have the memory span of a goldfish.

Asking me why you’re having this conversation, well If I explain you why, you still wouldn’t understand.

So, defeated by what, is this a battle for you? Kind of pathetic but accepting. The ball is in your court.

Jimmy Jim


Lone Ranger

Another proof Armenian air defense is deliberately offline. You can thank the CIA/soros pimped leadership.


They just got old 70’s Russian army hand me down equipment bro such as these old short range 9k-33 Osa/ S-125’s etc……designed to illuminate large fighter jet sized metal targets. Not tiny fiberglass/ composite body almost radar transparent LM/ UCAV’s or the larger Bayraktar’s which stay well outside the engagement envelopes of those old SAM systems, but can target accurately with their long range E/O missiles. Turkey is also jamming those old Armenian acquisition radars using ECM. Iran can turn this situation around in a fuckin day if it wanted to, but I think the path forward is to diffuse the situation,not escalate it. Russian peacekeepers might be deployed soon. Check the Sakers Vinyard…….lot of discussion going on there.


Sure, cause Soviet technology is so efficient against 21 century drones.

Lone Ranger

Indeed it is. They proved to be superior in Syria, Lybia, Iran. These are relative low tech drones anyways, Iran could even steal an RQ-170 which at the time was a top of the line stealth drone, the U.S. was forced to develop a new one because of that.


the Armenians got no money……what more do you want to say here?


Nothing less, nothing more.


“You shall not pass” said Ayatollah Khomeini (Gandalf) https://media1.giphy.com/media/LOoDP5px2RjBvf58pn/giphy.gif

The Objective

“Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said the U.S. deployment of nearly 50,000 troops in the Persian Gulf in 29 military installations, with more than 300 combat aircraft, and its hundreds of billions of dollars of arms sales “have enhanced neither the security of the external powers, nor of the region.”


Seems these guys are seeing a war coming


lol……youz just not very bright are ya?……try to understand the strategy of Russia/ China/ Iran…..No need for overt war when you can win and are winning geo-politically. The three act in sync now. Haven’t you noticed yet?

The Objective

It is in Iran’s power to start a war. But it is not in Iran’s power to prevent one. Suppose America launched a direct attack on Iran’s nuclear sites or military? Winning without war only happens when both actors do not want war. America/Israel can and will force Iran to fight when they see fit.


lol…..you fool, it hasn’t happened yet has it?…..lol…..In the meanwhile Iran’s fuckin cleaned up that huge swath of land off of all you ‘deplorables’ hasn’t it? All the way from Kabul to Beirut. If the US tries a direct war, then Iran will bring down the house, with full Russian and Chinese backing. Let me spell it out for you…….your boys can’t fight, ok…..you’ve tried all you could, but it failed. Iran attacked sawdi judea directly in Abqaiq and Khurais……overtly! but you didn’t have the balls to respond, because you know the shitbilly would step aside and pretend he’s a mile away and can’t hear you, while Iran will mercilessly gut you publicly like a pig. Don’t pretend you don’t know this. I am sure no one here needs to hold your hand and explain this to you. Had you any fucking guts you ought to have stormed Sana by now, but you can’t even fight them Houthi’s. And neither can your mercenaries. You lost everywhere else too……its embarrassing. How about you try getting your independence first from the UK and US first.

The Objective

From your comment, it seems you mistake me for a Saudi or at least a supporter of the hypocrites ruling Saudi Arabia. I urge you to read my other comments. My problem with Iran is the harm it’s causing Sunni communities.


What harm fool? 80% of the SyAA is Sunni. 40% of the Iraqi army is Sunni. Have you ever heard of sectarian violence happening in Iran? You full of shit pakestani jihadi. You don’t belong here, you need to go to Daesh forum run by turks and pakestani jihadi Al-Qaeda Al-Nusra terrorists. You think we don’t know you?

The Objective

End of discussion. You’re blocked from now on. I don’t comment with people who resort to insults. It’s your father that is a fool not me.


good……You ought to be on a daesh forum, where they’d sympathize with your Al-Qaeda rhetoric and accusations. You Pakestani jihadi coming here are the worst of the worst. Totally brainwashed, tali-bunny loving Osama worshipers. Aren’t you ashamed of your country? Do you not realize how you got played by the US and sawdi? and now by China? which uses you like a low budget anti-India jihadi proxy? When are you going to realize your situation? Your country is a failed state bud. I’m just being honest. You bankrupt too, in case you were wondering.

The Objective

Which was a bigger loss? Abqaiq or soleimani?


Soleimani was an old man…..he was goin retire soon anyway. The issue is not Soleimani or abqaiq. The issue is that you can’t fight Iran. Neither you nor the pakestani nor the turkish. We’ve seen this in Syria, in Iraq, Lebanon and now in Yemen. The US runs you Sunni Muslims. You can’t survive otherwise.


This is for you Armos. Coming soon to Yerevan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UgyETZ-VxI8&feature=youtu.be

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