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Iran-backed Force Released Video To Commemorate Qods Force’s Soleimani

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Iran-backed Force Released Video To Commemorate Qods Force's Soleimani

A screenshot from the video

Liwa al-Fatemiyoun, the Iranian-backed militia, involved in the conflict in Syria, released a video of Major General Qassem Soleimani’s speech after the liberation of the town of al-Bukamal from ISIS to commemorate the prominent commander.

Major General Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Qods Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the second-in-command of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units were killed by US strikes on the Iraqi capital of Bahdad on January 3.


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How did the US know of Soleimani’s location and timing. A traitor amongst the ranks?

Zionism = EVIL

Iraqi puppet military at the airport, that dude was hardly taking any precautions.


Arrogance comes before a fall. And this guy had an overabundance of arrogance and what a great fall he took. YEH!!!


You mean Trump?

Keep it Real

well dont cry because us soilders will follow in buddy bags! Guyz like you are the reason for it!

Hasbara Hunter

He obviously wasn’t afraid to Die…unlike you filthy Chickenshit Coward Jews who have Goyim-Cannonfodder to do the Dying for you


Israeli intel.

Albert Pike

Good question – also who is next in command:

‘Esmail Ghaani, the deputy commander of Iran’s Quds Force named as the force’s commander on January 3, 2020 after the previous chief Qassem Soleimani was killed in a US airstrike, in a photo taken on 19 May 2019.’


That guy’s face looks like he could be in the IDF…


I think the USA triangulated (positioned) his mobile phone but i also think it was known that he was to travel to Irak from Syria.

Jens Holm

Finfing information is vital.

Some eveil person like me could propose he had no heart and got one in secret by CIA having a GPS too: )


The drone had to be in the air waiting for the opportunity and had to know what vehicles the subjects were occupying.


It’s an international airport, he didn’t even try to disguise, wearing his ring and military clothes.

Chris Gr

God will judge him, however, he was no angel. I don’t like Ba’athists/socialists/communists and Islamist/jihadists. Hopefully, both of them have taken heavy blows and are not in a position to harm the free world. Now I expect an Islamic Union alliance which the Bible calls Gog Magog alliance.

All nations in the MENA region are oppressed by either secular dictatorships or Islamist militants.


Stupid comment.

Chris Gr

Leave the ad hominem attacks and explain yourself.

Black Waters

I agree with him, your comment it’s beyond stupid.The U.S invaded Irak, they are an AGRESSOR in the region, if someone goes to your home and rapes your wife, sister, mother whatever what did you do? A normal human will chop his head up (quite an exaggeration) or something pretty violent, because that individual not only violated the property but it committed an act of aggression to your family.

It may not seem like an issue because you are probably a degenerate or something kind of creature, but normal people react that way you know, they tend to defend themselves for an aggression.

Chris Gr

Actually, the Iraqi opposition and the Sorani Kurds called the US to liberate them.

Black Waters

“U.S LIBERATION” is like when you want you commit suicide but not by your own hand, interesting mix of words.

Chris Gr

They called them. Read the history.


So says the US Sheeple. Keep on watching Fox news redneck

Chris Gr

Are you Islamist-lover?


Gog and Magog are described in all monotheist religion. They may be, Scythians, turco-momgol-hunnico-german people.

Arabs are the ismaelite, all people around them are known, and no one claimed to descend from god and Magog. Who claims to be from god and Magog are : Turco-mongols (Ergenekon destani) Magyars , goths…. no arab, or Persian or hindi or Nubian, or Armenian or greek or berber will be with god and Magog, unlike khazars



Chris Gr

Magog is Turkey, Persia is Iran, Put is Libya and Kush is Sudan. Togarmah is Azerbaijan. Also, many Islamists from Somalia, Yemen, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Egypt, Algeria and others will take part.

42 HSabbagh

What are you saying man. You seem to be sitting on the fence and saying both sides are evil. Solemani didn’t decide to invade Iraq. He didn’t create conditions for Isis. Everything he’s done is In reaction to American foreign policy.


And the Americans clearly didn’t like his reactions especially killing lots of Americans. He had it coming. Too bad it wasn’t sooner.

Black Waters

If you invade a country you deserve what you get, does not even matter if it was 3 americans or 45 billions, they are the agressor, a foreign invader, they deserve what they got, not smart american will fight for the creeps in Washington DC, those who die where completely brainwashed.

Chris Gr

Yeah I am on the fence, however, these Islamist lunatics will hit NATO targets and my country is in this alliance.

42 HSabbagh

Yea it’s a cluster fuck. I feel like killing the general and the iraqi deputy commander just puts Americans and American troops more in danger. Earlier I seen a CNN headline saying these strikes designed to prevent future attacks. They know full well it does the opposite. And keep in mind .the word terrorist has been politicized. You can label anyone a terrorist and de humanize them.

Chris Gr

The NATO coalition has very few deaths while the anti-NATO parties have hundrends of thousands, maybe a million or more, deaths.

Black Waters

Are you one of those 6 Gorillion?

PD: I’m talking about people who exaggerate numbers or made them up from their rectus.

Chris Gr

Iraqis are celebrating in Baghdad.


Pompeo’s fake news

Chris Gr


Black Waters

Also, NATO is not a “Coalition” but a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION, targeting CIVILIANS is a war crime.

Chris Gr

NATO has many countries and cooperates with almost all of the world.

Black Waters

You sound like a fucking robot with a big list of phrases written on a wall. NATO does not do such things, but the U.S, NATO is a TERRORIST organization at this point, maintained at gun point.

Chris Gr

Nope, I am a concerned citizen.

Black Waters

No you aren’t, we know what you are.

Chris Gr

What am I? What’s your ideology? Ba’athist or Islamist?

Black Waters

A paid troll.

Chris Gr

No one pays me.

Black Waters

Sure dude, whatever your master wrote in that wall.

Chris Gr

Tell me about your masters. Are they Ba’athists, Communists, Neonazis or Islamists?

Black Waters

I have no master, i paid the price for knowing how the world works and who is in charge. But it seems that now the U.S gestapo stepped up their propaganda war machine, not only psychologically but economically, what your master told you to do with that message is to create conflict with the people woh read the message that i’m writing right now, but sadly for you i don’t belong to any of those groups, and i don’t intend to lie about it or hide it.

But i had many chats before with your kind, you aren’t a civilian, you get paid for this. And i know how they behave because your kind it’s the most stupid people that you can find on the planet. The language of money it’s pretty stoic it has no soul.

Chris Gr

US has made terrible mistakes, however, these people are extremists wanting to bring apocalypse and wars in the MENA region. Look at what’s happening. Hate the US but these people are dangerous to global security and peace.

Black Waters

Same rhetoric as Bush, same lies, different times. Any man is a danger if you provoke him long enough, i don’t see any country in the whole world as a threat as the U.S impose right now.

Im losing my time talking to you, it’s nothing personal, but im more interested in your masters, so i can’t keep talking when i can be doing other things, cheers.

Chris Gr

Yeah those people that were killed by Shia and Sunni jihadists and also Ba’athist and Qaddafi dictatorships are US imperialists. lol


Really? You mean secular dictatorships installed by the CIA and Islamist militants created and funded by the USA?

Chris Gr

US killed Baghdadi, many Taliban and also Qaddafi and Saddam and Nasser. Whatever you say is invalid.


You take pride in the US destroying some of the most progressive and developed countries back to the stone ages and killing millions???? wow.. you sare are an as…

Chris Gr

They started communist intifadas on one hand and jihadist insurgencies on the other.

Zionism = EVIL

Video my arse, take some action, the idiotic Iranian mullahs have brought this upon themselves and the fucking Jews and lardass Americunts have been killing Iranians for 40 years without any retribution.The Americunt cowards are basically terrorists who only understand violence. If Iran had a nuke, these vermin would not even threaten Iran let alone kill its scientists and generals.


If you had ham, you could have ham and eggs. If you had eggs. Well, Islamist Iran does not have nukes and will not be allowed to have nukes. Period. However, both the US and Israel have lots of nukes so if the Mullahs overstep their bounds, they will become very pretty glow in the dark dust and vapor. Just the way it is.

Black Waters

Israel possession of Nukes is ILLEGAL, soon or later this issue needs to be solved or counter measured.

Albert Pike

You are 30years late with that call…

Black Waters

I know, but i reminded him, that’s all.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

It’s only about a 1,000 km between Iran and Israel, so enjoy the nuclear fallout when it hits you, and won’t it make you even more popular with your immediate neighbours than you already are, everyone in the area, Israelis included will be sucking in nuclear dust for decades to come, bravo. Now if you’d developed those small tactical nukes like the Russians did, and then trained for their usage, along with China in that 1,000,000 man war games exercise, I’d agree you could wipe out a country like Iran and not effect it’s neighbours to badly with radiation poisoning, but Israel didn’t train with Russia or China, and they don’t have small tactical artillery or nuclear capable warheads, only the Russian do. Israel better not ever get on the bad side of the Russians, remember Putin’s Address to the Nation speech last year, he was frothing at the mouth during that delivery, did you see the video, phew he was really angry, and that was you and the US he was talking about. mmm, Iran’s not the only country that has to worry about nuclear oblivion. And in the 70’s North Korea was very widely rumored to have provided Iran with nuclear material, how do we really know the Iranians don’t have a few nuclear equipped ballistic missiles, they could have them for all you know, and they’re just saving them for a special occasion.


Dead man talking.


He died like a dog, rest in hell.

Chris Gr

He had extremist views.


Indeed, he also planned the attacks against the U.S, Israel and KSA.

Chris Gr

I don’t like KSA either.


The US and Israel started the chaos, so they will face the consequences.


Let it be so, I wouldn’t do that if I were them.

Chris Gr

Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen are in a civil war. That’s not US fault, they are killing each other. That’s what fanaticism does.

Albert Pike

Sorry but that is US fault, there were US military interventions in Libya, Iraq and via their proxy ISIS also in Syria…


Chris Gr

If ISIS is US proxy then why has US killed tens of thousands of ISIS jihadists?

Black Waters

To cover their tracks, they are the same people that feeds them.

Chris Gr

Excuses …

Albert Pike

In your dreams did the ‘US killed tens of thousands of ISIS jihadists’. They where under NATO Command and Control, to be flown around in black helicopters. You are falling into your own propaganda.

https://www.globalresearch.ca/newly-declassified-u-s-government-documents-the-west-supported-the-creation-of-isis/5451640 https://thefederalist.com/2016/05/18/why-david-petraeus-really-wants-you-to-shut-up-about-islamism/ https://www.voltairenet.org/article205314.html

Chris Gr

Globalresearch and voltairenet are far-left propaganda.

Jens Holm

Uniting people living in Syria is based on mas killing by the Italians. I am not for that intervention, but there should be at least 2 countries there sharing the oil.

Jens Holm

Voltairenet is the opposit of a reliable source.

Albert Pike

Voltairenet is Trump/Kushner friendly (which is the pathetic freemason part of Meyssan) – and it’s not just Voltairnet. Anyway you are hardcore Nato believer. You will always believe them – what ever they do…

Black Waters

They aren’t in a civil war, they are under siege by the U.S SUBVERSIVE warfare. But some of them are too primitive to see trough it, which it also empowers the U.S to create the narrative of “Civil War”.

Chris Gr

It is civil war.

Jens Holm

Yes, most of it is by mistaken made countries. They all should be more then one country.

The same for Pakistan/iran, Somalia, Sudan and fx Mali and Niger.

Chris Gr

Somalia, Sudan, Pakistan, Mali and Niger are more inter-ethnic clashes rather than sectarian.

Jens Holm

You mightbe right. But facts are they are made as colony structurees and kept as such.

I forget SeneGambia on my African list. Have a good day, if You wish.

Chris Gr

Cameroon and South Africa.


Nice describing these wars as “civil wars” while many foreign powers are involves. Very smart.

Chris Gr

They are exploiting situations because many people in these countries are fanatics.


These countries had peace, before the foreign powers intervened.

Chris Gr

Wrong. The wars started before the intervention. Look for example, the Algerian Civil war or the Afghan Civil War. No Western intervention in the beginning.


What about Syria? Was there any war before 2011?

Chris Gr

Yeah, Syrian regime supported PLO against the Jordanian regime, PKK against the Turkish regime, Polisario against Moroccan regime and Ba’athist and Islamist insurgents against the post Saddam Iraqi regime.

Chris Gr

Ah and the Hama massacre of 1982.

Jens Holm

Thats because You didnt allowed Your normal opposition to speak and not armed them for self defence too.


Lol what “opposition”? Do you mean these guys sitting in a cosy hotel lobby in Istanbul demanding something about Syria without being in the country itself? So you say the SAA should have allowed them to arm themselves to fight the SAA? What?

Jens Holm

Actually there already was chaos long time before USA was there as well as Israel was a country.

Again a memorylack from You.


There was no chaos


But he killed hundreds of US troops in Iraq. Yayyy!


He died like a lion.


How so? he was roasted, kinda like other terrorists that were blown into pieces. Don’t get me wrong here, I don’t care about Syria itself per say, only about the actions that are done there by Iran towards us and the U.S forces in Iraq.


What they did to the US was a response for the chaos they create and the terrorist supporting actions. You can’t just invade other countries and thinking you won’t face the consequences for that.

Furkan Sahin

Come on why support Trump who helps Israel kill more in Gaza and help Saudi kill more in Yemen, and kill more in Afghanistan and take more oil in Iraq all people need to wake up!!!

Chris Gr

We kill Palestinian, Iraqi, Yemeni and Afghan terrorists. They wanted the war and we are bringing it to them.

Hasbara Hunter

You will die soon Filthy Motherfucking Paedophile….you Filthy Jews & your American Assmunchers created all Terrorists

Chris Gr

I am Greek and not a pedophile.

Hasbara Hunter

Greeks are filthy fuckn Traitors…American & ISraHelly whores

Chris Gr

Watch your mouth.

Hasbara Hunter

What are you going to do about it Filthy Fucking little Greek USraeli Whore? I told you get the Fuck out of Europe! You Fucking Beggars…go start your own Union with your Pimps….FUCK ONASSIS!

Chris Gr

Greece is Europe. On the other hand, you support jihadists. Not to mention Palestinian Islamic Jihad. hahaha Cry.

Hasbara Hunter

Fuck the Greek Traitors!

Chris Gr

What’s your nationality?

Hasbara Hunter

Dutch….for at least 900 years..

Chris Gr

And you support jihadists as a Dutch person?

Hasbara Hunter

Do you Fuck little Boys as a Greek person?

Chris Gr

Nope, do you?

Hasbara Hunter

No I’m more someone who cuts genitals off Paedophiles…take his eyeballs out and place his balls inside the empty sockets…so again: Do you Fuck little boys?

Chris Gr

I am the same guy.

Jens Holm

You probatly are a hidden in niqab gay and are afrais the days, where You forget to shave.

Hasbara Hunter

Piss off Filthy Paedophile Faggot…we all know that you are the ZioNazi Cocksucker in here…

Jens Holm

You can use a white helmet. All children do that in Idlib too.

Jens Holm

He is less Dutch then Chairman Mao.

Jens Holm

He cant. He talks with his behind. Very good computers cant send smell yet. The best comming out from there is hay.

Jens Holm

It should not be allowed to descriebe Your own family like that.


Jens Holm

Factsfinding is not Your number one.

Hasbara Hunter

Links ISIS America

Found you some interesting Links…want some more? Just ask…Jens…you are such dumbass Motherfuckers….








Jens Holm

Thats Chris Gr.???

I know You are not clonesd from pigs. They anytime are more clever and probatly smell better too.

Hasbara Hunter

What the fuck are you talking about Retard? Perhaps it is Best to Nuke the entire World to get rid of Parasites like you….

Jens Holm

What the f… are You talking about Yourself: https://harvesttotable.com/how_to_grow_potatoes/https://harvesttotable.com/how_to_grow_potatoes/

Hasbara Hunter

I’m waitin’ for a War to start….have been waitin’ for that for a long time…Only Loudmouthed Bullshit up till now…whatever you prefer…You can focus on growing Zucchinis to shove up your ass

Jens Holm

There will be no kind of war as You wish. Your anemies all will be out of reach and You will be killed by distance or as proposed by me, they will lnock out all electricity in Iran or fx Bandar Abas for Aramco.

Hasbara Hunter

Unity here in Holland Cunt…we are Brothers & we Will Fight as One…That is a Fucking Promise Filthy ZioNazi Bitch….My Web goes from North to South, From East to West…Bring it on Filthy AngloZioNazis! Face 180 Nationalities here in Holland….and Perish….Bring it on Danish ZioNazi Pig….I dare you…I Double Dare You m*therfucker

You & your Paedophile AngloZioNazi Buddies are Fuckn Nothing…


I don’t support him. He is a murderer like all other US presidents.

Jens Holm

Maybee Assad should run for President of the United States.


Oh nice try to be funny. Well, unfortunately it didn’t work. Sry

Jens Holm

Ypurs did with Lebanon.


well I seen some wearing the stripes getting roasted so they all died like dogs? Well they did but thats besides the point..

Hasbara Hunter

You are just a sick Paedophile Motherfucker

Chris Gr

Hey in other comments and posts you are saying that you are against jihadists. Shia jihadists were killed there.

Hasbara Hunter

Devilworshipping AngloZioNazi ISIS-Al-CIAeda MI6 Hempher Jewish House of Saud Wahhabis are my Enemies…not Muslims in general…True Muslims are my Brothers…though there is a slight difference in perception between Sunni & Shia…but they have got to solve that themselves…First they have got to Unite to Destroy the AngloZioNazi Empire….

Chris Gr

True Muslims ok not Shia and Sunni jihadists.

Jens Holm

I certainly dont hope You are a Cook or Chef.

Jens Holm

Dont expect that much from him. In his world Iranians always and since the Choran has been invented brought only peace and wellfare to the whole muslim world.

They centuries before USA was invented condemmed them too.

Chris Gr

The regime from 1979 is far different from the rest. Ottomans and Persians were nice and noble peoples and hated Wahhabism and extremist Arabians. Nowadays, these peoples have accepted extremist ideology and this has led to civil wars and sectarian hatred.

Jens Holm

I agree in the hate to wahabism and “extremist Arabians”.

I dont like the extreme nationalisme as well. As written befoire right here, they all got their chances at least partly by the Neocolonialisme by Balfour one and too and the important adding named Lausanne.

But they have mismanged too much. They not even try t understand, that unimplyment and people being poor by no investments for devellopments maske it and create a lot of jobs as soldiers.

Chris Gr

Yeah right, extreme nationalists are Grey Wolves and the Pan Iranist Party. However, nationalists are local and not global. Sunni and Shia jihadists are making the conflict global.

Also, Ba’athism and socialism/communism did damage.

The British made a big mistake in supporting Al Sauds. They should have supported the Hijazis and the Yemenis just like they supported the Jordanians and the Iraqis.

Jens Holm

Thanks for the information. I am not familiar to the family trees there and will read a lot about it next time I can.

And yes sure, the brittish made big mistakes there too for their declining Empire.

Its difficult to predict what might happen in the future. I think Britts as well as French were confused after WW1 and USA didnt care much about the ME apart from oil from there.

To me France amputating Germany as much as they did made a Hitler. They and the Briits after WW1 should have helped Germany by investments and democrasy support.

USA kind of learned by that and gave us Marshal help. BUt the difference to ME might be we as europeans understand USA better and vice versa.

I was in Beirut, Dubai and Sharjah 40 years ago. How could anyone predict Beirut being like that. I even had 2 nights on a big first clas hotel named Phonesia.

In Dubai there where small supertankers( I was travel agent for the crews in an office in Copenhagen) and they in Dubai had fenced grass like the type we have in the sand dunes here here. Dhows were dirty ones but having radars and TV antennas, but the best was the tax was 1%. ONE Percent.

I am not for we as Europeans and westerns should do much in that region. Any there has to sell oil to us, because You cant rule if You dont give bread.

Jens Holm

I hope Your mother is well paid. Is it extra or less whit the lights turned on?

Hasbara Hunter

Hey Filthy Paedophile Faggot Jens…all of a sudden you have a pretty big mouth for a faggot like you…Feeling strong now with all your Jewish Buddies around? You Fucking Chickenshit Coward…

Jens Holm

Your friends are not here.

Furkan Sahin

Come on why support Trump who helps Israel kill more in Gaza and help Saudi kill more in Yemen, and kill more in Afghanistan and take more oil in Iraq all people need to wake up

Jens Holm

The oil is paid for. We dont take.


Killing of Major General Qassem Soleiman is act of war committed by US army against Iran. If Iran doesn’t answer this appropriately it will backfire against their interests.

Jens Holm

Of course its an act of war. If so Iran soon will look like Iraq and Syria. I kind of hope the Ayatollah will be Sunni too.


You are far too optimistic. That is so endemic for your NATO terrorist organization. You think that you will have another 3 months cowardly bombing by 20+ nations of defenseless country like it was during NATO aggression on Yugoslavia? You are dead wrong this time if you hope to have something like that.

Jens Holm

First You attacked Slovenia and next Serbs attacked Kroats and did a terrible war between Yourself killing civilians as mad people Yourself.

The Nato AND UN intervened.

You are total indoctrinated or a complete liar.


Ignorant biased NATO terrorist idiot

Jens Holm

The whole world knows You are a filthy liar ting like that. Many sources says so.




More Western NATO propaganda? NATO has destroyed Yugoslavia and now is turn for NATO and EU to be destroyed ! Soon enough there will be no NATO and EU will fall apart.

Go away or I will block you! I don’t want to talk to you any more it is WASTE OF TIME !


Jens you are NATO terrorist and idiot don’t waste my time. Can’t be bothered to answer you ! Talk to somebody else

Jens Holm

Denmark are in Coalision with the public elected Governess in Bagdad. We are not Nato there at all. And we are asked in too.

We never should have arrived to there and I have been against it since Afghanistan. Wasting a single Kroner at something there apart from buying oil is madness.

I dont write for You. I write for the normal people here, so they see not all writers here are as abnorm as You.

You are not even able to debate things. You are like our small pupils on school telling only the correct oppinion like the Madrasses.

And it doesnt matter if You are the usual total lying serb or same kind of biased Kroat. You are scum.

I take it again. Your Yugoslavia version is highly incorrect. Only Serbs says so in theirs and Your mad constructuvisme of the worst kind.

Obvious You not even know who is who in Iraq as well and only knows Americans are not Iranians.


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