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Iran Builds New Long-Range Missile Facility In Syria – Report

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The Israeli media reported on Tuesday that Iran is building a facility in northwest Syria to manufacture long-range missiles and showed satellite images allegedly depicting the site under construction. The images show an alleged missile factory near Baniyas that appears to be identical to Iranian factories built in Tehran.

The construction on the site allegedlystarted last year and is expected to be finished by the end of 2017.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said last week that Iran was strengthening its foothold in Syria as ISIS was losing ground in the  country. He added that Israel was watching developments and would act against any threat.

“Our policy is clear: We vehemently oppose the military buildup by Iran and its proxies, primarily Hezbollah, in Syria and we will do whatever it takes to protect Israel’s security,” Netanyahu said.

The Israeli company ImageSat International released images that it said show factories “with great similarity to missile factories in Iran”:

Iran Builds New Long-Range Missile Facility In Syria - Report

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Iran Builds New Long-Range Missile Facility In Syria - Report

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Iran Builds New Long-Range Missile Facility In Syria - Report

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Iran Builds New Long-Range Missile Facility In Syria - Report

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Well, Syria army need this, it represents good business for Iran.

Richard M

How long is the range of “long range” missiles?

Amon -Ra- DeArmond

this is the reason the jews wanted to remove Assad so they could prevent this,funny enough it backfired at them,hard.

Truth seeker

Good work, keep it up! Push back Israeli to their habitat

Wolfgang Wolf

could be a bakery as well… same crap as Collin Powells powerpoint about Saddam and his WMD

northerntruthseeker .

This is pure and utter bullshit coming from the liars in the Jew media.. There is NO “missile base” being built by the Iranians in Syria, period, end of story here…. This is being done for just another excuse for Israel to escalate the situation in Syria and to allow them to directly intervene to save their fraud “ISIS” forces from annihilation….

John Brown

Yes exactly northerntruthseeker, at least one smart person on this board. They won’t build anything like that until ISIS – Israeli – Al Qaeda are defeated in Syria. Winning the war is much more important than building any factory to make missiles etc they get from Russia and Iran for free right now.


Yes, your right, I think, Israel is trying to justify a possible attack to Iran…..Iran is next since Syria is already destroyed. After Iran,….Russia is the main goal.


Who still believe the natural liars ???


But the buildings in both Syria and Iran are the same rectangular shape! So you think this is just a coincidence? :D


Everybody lies. You cannot blame the Anglo/Zionists for being better liars than you, nor can you expect them to tell the truth. Its the system not the people one must change. If you nationalize ALL finance and banking, you destroy the power base of Wall Street/Zionist power. The Zionists did not invent banking, the Vatican did that.


It’s false. Not everybody lies. If you are a liar, it’s your problem.

I don’t see that much countries doing 9/11 to invade Afghanistan. I don’t see that much countries lying to invade Iraq and kill 1 million+ people.

There are liars and criminal and terrorists.

If you like them, than you are a terrorist.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Templars had an excellent system of banking, the Vatican and King Philip destroyed them to steal it so the Jews could move into the business , King Philip owed the Jews lots of money Templars weren’t in the business of funding Kings.


Long range should not affect isrhell … as Short range will be more than enough !

Long range would be for others !


I see buildings which are…rectangular–and then other buildings which are also rectangular, 100s of kms away. Wasn’t it relatively recently that we had an “Assad’s mass crematorium” hoax? Would it make sense for Iran to build sensitive facilities where the Israelis can relatively easily bomb them? In a war-torn country where even the capital isn’t secured? Where Americans criss-cross the airspace?

So the Israelis, having been quiet for a couple months for unexplained reasons, are keen to get back in the action before the terrorists are completely wiped out. Will the loyalists let them?

Wahid Algiers

A zionist opens his dirty mouth and a fat lie bubbles over. If it would be like that even the zionists wouldn’ t know that. I assume that these buildings are shower rooms for zios with 11-holes-shower-heads….


Israel has the integrity and honesty of a snake.

Bobby Twoshoes

So what? Good on them, maybe Israel should have thought of that as a possible outcome before supporting terrorists.

martin aguilar

Zio-US-NATO bullshit, lies, lies,lies! ISIS defeated , they don´t know what to invent now !


“Our policy is clear: We vehemently oppose the military buildup by Iran and its proxies, primarily Hezbollah, in Syria and we will do whatever it takes to protect Israel’s security,” The Netanyahu said”…TRANSLATION…Our policy is clear: We vehemently PROTECT OUR MERCENARY TERRORISTS I.S.I.S from been annihilated, and we will MANUFACTURE ANY EXCUSE to attack the Syrian territory…And now I said to you..Woe to those who build unrighteousness and oppression and lay deceit as a foundation: for they shall be suddenly overthrown, and they shall have no peace.


This is an example of what fear does to the mind , total loss of reason or common sense . How many buildings are not rectangular ? More importantly , why would they build them in Syria , in the middle of a war ?

Samuel Boas

Stay the fuck home Israel.

Jan Tjarks

Israel needs a reason to strike.

In fact, both buildings are from Toys ‘r’ us! Yes, I recognized the clown head on both structures.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This is extremely fake , many forget the old Baniyas-Kirkuk pipeline which is about 800 km built in 1952, there is a new pipeline project that both sides started working on and this could be part of that project which both the US and Israel would like to see destroyed since the old one circumvented the sanctions until they decided to invade. This looks more like a Oil pipeline project being built than a missile plant the Israelis suffer from Schizophrenia and have some abandonment issues.


Just Netanyahu trying on his standard ‘imminent Iranian threat’ shtick to try and get US to attack Syria.


And if it’s true – SO WHAT! It would be no-ones business but Syria and Iran.


I’m curious… Israel KNOWS those are missile building sites because … they’re buildings? And they KNOW the Iranians are building them because … the Iranians build buildings?


PS. Izzie. I honestly don’t care if they wipe you off the map.

I used to think it was a good idea to have a little Jewish state because well, it adds to humanity’s diversity. But then you went and bombed Gazan children 24/7 for 22 days SOLID. And then you did it AGAIN. And AGAIN. And you’re preparing to do it AGAIN. So now – GAFWAC. Get lost. You WON’T be missed.


“He [Nuttinyahoo] added that Israel was watching developments and would act against any threat.” ————- Please. DO. It would be a PLEASURE to watch you disappear in the results.

Igor Dano

It is not Jew’s busines, what happens in Syria, ol elswhere.

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