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Iran Carried Out Ballistic Missile Strike On ISIS Targets In Syria (Photos)

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Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) have carried out a ballistic missile strike on ISIS targets in Syria’s Euphrates Valley, the IRGC’s media outlet Sepah News reported on October 1 citing an official statement.

According to the statement, the strike, which was conducted by the IRGC’s Aerospace Division earlier on October 1, killed and injured a large number of terrorists and ringleaders of the September 22 attack in the Iranian city of Ahvaz.

On September 22, over 20 people wre killed in a terrorist attack during a military parade in Ahvaz. ISIS claimed responsibility for it and even released a video confirming this. However, the Iranian leadership has blamed the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia and the UAE for the icident.

Iran Carried Out Ballistic Missile Strike On ISIS Targets In Syria (Photos)

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Iran Carried Out Ballistic Missile Strike On ISIS Targets In Syria (Photos)

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Iran Carried Out Ballistic Missile Strike On ISIS Targets In Syria (Photos)

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Iran Carried Out Ballistic Missile Strike On ISIS Targets In Syria (Photos)

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Middle Eastern news outlets speak of strikes against Ahvazi-groups, not the IS.

Zionism = EVIL

They are same terrorists with their paymasters in Washington DC and Tel-Aviv.


I think Ahvazi might work for the Saudis, but the Saudis work for Washington, so either way you are right.


And Washington works for?

Zionism = EVIL

Zionist scum.


Nope. It was Daesh. Iran have even now confirmed it themselves. For some reason it took them over a whole week to work out what the rest of the world already knew!!!


Hopefully there was zionist Isis bosses blown to HELL, mossad CIA, etc

Zionism = EVIL

The little sheikhs of the corrupt Persian Gulf emirates should heed Iranian warnings not to push Wahhabi headchoppers into Iran, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq either, the Persians are mad as hell after the Ahvaz terror attack on women and children and will hit anyone associated with terrorism. Dubai airport will look like a parking lot if the coward sheiks keep on sponsoring terrorism for their US and Zionist masters.

Zo Fu

IMHO Iran just spent couple millions USD and hit some lizards, snakes and dust in the desert only. Absolutely not worth it.

Zionism = EVIL

No you IDIOT, even US losers acknowledged that their terrorists suffered some serious blows. You are Zio-Fu for sure :)


This ought to be a heads up to the Jew world order terror organization that Iran has highly advanced ballistic missile capability that could make life very difficult for them in any type of engagement. Iraq’s offensive punch was pretty limited during the gulf wars. Iran’s is far greater.

Brother Thomas

Message being sent about strike capabilities.

Zo Fu

lol. 1960 technology.

Brother Thomas

Laughing is a good antidote to fear, but it doesn’t change the reality. Israel was mightily distressed by Saddam’s inaccurate and paltry scuds in the first Gulf War. Iran’s missile capabilities are logarithmically better than Iraq’s were.

Zo Fu

Oh come on. Iran doesn’t have any significant ballistic missile capacity. State of the art technologies are limited only to few countries that can really produce it in good quality and numbers and those are USA, Russia, China, some EU countries like France, Israel, Japan and that’s all. North Korea made some recent breakthroughs because they reverse-engineered some advanced USSR blueprints stolen by Ukraine but they don’t have economy to build those advanced missiles in great numbers and they are sanctioned so they can’t export them. All other countries like Iran, India, Pakistan etc. use only obsolete designs which became available on the market mainly after collapse of USSR. They modified them a bit so they are not limited to liquid propellant and inertial guidance but they are not capable to make any significant damage to developed countries like Israel. In other words. Those missiles are too inaccurate, too slow, with short distance, long preparation for launching, small warheads and too expensive to be real threat. What Iran does is propaganda aimed on their own population.

Param Tejas

you are wrong about INDIA

Zo Fu

True, India made some breakthrough recently. I was not aware of it.

Brother Thomas

OK :) (Lol).


Zo must be right…otherwise why would Israel be pissing their pants over them. Why would they be accused of aiding the Yemeni with missile tech? Why? Because Iran doesn’t have any newer missile tech or ballistic missiles. All makes logical sense. NOT.

Zionism = EVIL

This moron is an total attention seeking IDIOT, ignored by all.

Brother Thomas

Except you, apparently. ;)


Chinese processors & rocket motor tech are cheap, cheap, cheap. There’s evidence that even the houthis have managed to slap some GPS guidance on some of there missiles. The Iranians claim to have multi-warhead technology and Wikipedia reports they have thousands of these things in underground bunkers. No, these are not simple scuds.


I think Israeli actions of developing David Sling and Arrow antiballistic missile system negates your conclusions. North Korea and China provided Iran with significant technological know how, which coupled with local brains produced some viable ballistic missiles.


“Iran doesn’t have any significant ballistic missile capacity”…..

I was debating on whether or not to retort to your very ignorant comments about Irans missile capabilities and on the field efficacy. Since, quite frankly, you come off as a troll.

First things first. Iran has a stockpile of around 1000+ BM of various makes, with industrial level missile making capacity (so if there is a war Iran can turn missiles out like no other). In recent years Iran has taken the accuracy of their BM vary seriously. As indicated by the recent very impressive strike agains the Kurdish militant leadership in Iraq which killed 17 of them in a specific room of a specific building using ballistic missiles, namely one of the more advanced Fateh variants. The Fateh line of BMs (which act more like Cruise missiles practically) are a ling of weapons that have been development for over a decade now. Fateh 110, 313, Mobin and the recent Anti-ship/Anti-radar variants such as Mobin, Zolfaghar, Khalijeh fars all tested extensively. Losing one or two missiles in a volley is nothing new at all. Tomahawks and top of the line Western missiles fail all the time, this isn’t exclusive to Iran or any nation in particular.

You said this very ignorant line “Those missiles are too inaccurate, too slow, with short distance, long preparation for launching, small warheads and too expensive to be real threat.” I can’t even begin to tell you how dumb this is. You say that what Iran employs currently is too inaccurate, too slow (this is just not even remotely true) with short distance (this recent strike was nearly 700km away!!!) and too expensive (this I agree with, so not completely ignorant).

I’m getting the feeling you might just not know what you’re talking about so please feel free to shoot some questions my way. At least I can educate you a little on what Irans capabilities are and how effective they can be.

Fateh-313 (range 500km) Fateh-110 (300km) Khalijeh Fars: The missile has an operating range of 300 kilometres (190 mi). It is a single-stage, solid-fuel-propelled vehicle, and is equipped with a 650-kilogram (1,430 lb) explosive warhead that uses a combination of guidance systems to prevent interception. Fateh-e-Mobin: Zolfaghar: (range 700km)

And on and on.

Zo Fu

But those missiles are mainly poor payload capacity and accuracy. And the small amount of capable and accurate are pretty expensive to waste them on bunch of terrorist. I suppose Iran have only limited numbers of modern ones.


Which missiles are you referring to exactly?


I supposed you had a brain too…we were both wrong.


You are really deep with your insights in Iranian capabilities NOT! Where do you get your half-knowledge?


Finless missiles? I don’t think so.


Lol. Look at yourself, colonial age mentality.

Feudalism Victory

60s weapons could destroy a lot of stuff.


They are literally lashing out at all their external enemies to hide the the enemy within…

Zionism = EVIL

haha Zionist idiot, there are no enemies within.

Zo Fu

In fact, Iran has many internal threats. Firstly, Iran was not Islamic country before revolution. You can see women wearing bikinis in Iran on old pictures. Secondly, there is this Shia – Suni bullshit in Iran, similar to Iraq or maybe even worse. Do you know what happened to Iraq ? Thirdly, Iran shares borders with Afghanistan, Pakistan and smuggle weapons into Iran is not a big deal. Not mentioning, that living standards in Iran are on decline because of sanctions. And what is worse, Saudi and Israel are orchestrating color revolution in Iran with the help of US deep state and CIA. Sum it up – I’ll not be very surprised if there is color revolution and regime change in Iran in couple of months.


Nope, there will be war with some of the states you just mentioned first. Most Iranians are Farsi speaking Persian Shia, Sunnis/Arabs are a very small portion of Iran’s 80 million people. Iran isn’t something Brittain & France slapped together after WW1, Persia existed as a culture before China did.

Zo Fu

I hope you are right but USA-Israel can easily destabilize region even with small numbers of minorities. Some 3-4% is enough. And Suni in Iran make 10% of population.


Actually the color revolution pattern was broken in Syria, US deep state and Israel might try old tricks that worked years ago, they are not viable today. Iran will do well during the sanctions and US attempts to strangle Iran economically will not be successful…..because Iran is not isolated. All the hot air blown by Trump about attacking Iran is just a temper tantrum by an inept administration facing a United SCO.

Feudalism Victory

Yes it is possible. May be more dangerous than the mullahs.


Kurdish separatists. Arab separatists. Sistan separatists

Several anti-government insurgencies some backed by outsiders. Civil dissidence (it’s been a little while but they have had riots). Extreme repression of religious minorities (mainly Christians). The law is loosely based on sharia (it is “The Islamic Republic of Iran”)

You, sir, are either not half as familiar with the subject as you pretend to or you’re lying. Either way, mute.

Feudalism Victory

Ive heard they were good with their religous minorities likes jews in government and the us subsidizes what some consider terrorist organizations who have engaged in violence.

Including recently but notably attacked a parade of elite soldiers in cool sunglasses.

But fuck sharia law.


Smaug, never been in Tehran? I was there working fr a western company, and we had a christian church service in St. Peters church in Tehran. Very nice church from the inside, and lots of nice people there during service.


I don’t know who you are or if you’re bein honest, but you should know that Iran has strict laws against proselytizing (attempting to convert people from Islam), apostasy (converting from Islam), and blasphemy (insulting Islam or an Islamic government. It’s not at all uncommon for religious minorities to get hard prison time or corporal punishment for these, but the more serious stuff like executions, mob attacks, and gang behaviors occur on a local level but the state controlled media doesn’t like to talk about it.

Concrete Mike

You want to see ennemy within? Ĺook at USA and europe.

Zionism = EVIL

Message is simple to US terrorists and their headchoppers, DON’T FCUK WITH IRAN!

Zo Fu

Just little comment. You really don’t want use ballistic missiles against terrorists. It is counterproductive. Just count with me. The most stupidest missile on the market comparable to WW2 V2 with some little upgrades to inertial guiding costs approx USD 1 million. Those missiles belongs to Scud B, Shahab-1 and Hwasong-5 family.

But probably you want something better because their accuracy is about 400 meters. If you want destroy command posts and others little and probably reinforced targets, you will need something in the range USD 3-5 million.

Is USD 3-5 millions worth killing some stupid raghead field commanders, who know only shooting from AK47 and screaming Aloha Snackbar ?

That’s the question. From the military perspective it is not worth the money. But Iranians want this fucking propaganda, that’s why they are using ballistic missiles.


Um…Jesus the ignorance. The missiles Iran used are neither the Shahab-1 or any other primitive BM design. They were Zolfaghar and Qiam (out of 6 missiles fired only one failed).

Feudalism Victory

Yup just for show.


So it was Daesh after all!!! So much for Iran saying that they had nothing to do with it!!!

northerntruthseeker .

Daesh or what ever they call themselves these days is a US/Israel controlled entity…. The Iranians know it!

Hide Behind

A good propaganda move and militarily it shows ISIS that there are no real places to hide. Expensive for Iran? Well they already paid to build the damn things, so why not use them.I doubt like heck that these so called low techmissles cost much more than what US or NATO 500# bombs, let alone what a high tech cruise missle or a Tow. The propaganda shows Saudi/Kuwit and UAE oil pimps that they are damn well in range. Also it sends Israel a message and not just to Israels homelands but to Israeli airforce base in Georgia and the two in Azerbejan. No Irans missles may not be as accurate as eurocentrics but they have a heck of a lot of them, and stop thinking they take awhile to set up, because they do not. Iran has enough forepower to tear up a lot of foreign grounds without going nuke, but most assuredly its enemies of NATO/US/ Israel are chomping at bit for an excuse to unleash their phallic symbol of circumvised nuke warheads.


The attack on the MEK terrorists in Iraq illustrated a good deal of accuracy in the Iranian missiles. One scored a direct hit on the conference room killing 11 of the 30 attendees.

Feudalism Victory

Sure but they need to mass produce them and fire barrages and stack aa around them.


I am unhappy. Iran You are Tough, We get it. America destroys and the Russians come, we Build we create. Iran. Please Stop and do everything in Your Power to intigrate Your Leadership with Russian Millitary. Iran Learn to coordinate Your Operations with Your Allies. Iran and Turkey. Your Hot heads will get Russia into trouble. Please. dont.

Feudalism Victory

Iranians and russians have an imperfect history. Should be better now with buffer states in between.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

great job iran keep pounding those daeshbags into hell :)))

Hide Behind

One cannot compare the cost of foreign buolt military armaments to their US built ones. It is the European/ US procurement systems( and their political bribery) with their hyper infated manufacturing by committee that causes the high cost. The US usrs a series of middlemen and false front buisness concerns that pay far more for antiquated AK style eeapons from Bularia and other ex- soviet nations, each step of way these contractors skim some off the top, as does the CIA fronts do same,but it remains in their unreported coffers. Tows. and anti-tank missles, already produced at bloated prices going to Syria are by US paid extra to middleman Israel. US manufacturing has a reason to off shore and partner with foreign partnerships, they priced themsrlves out of US markets mainly through lack of real buisness and manufacturing accumen, and a larely dumb as rocks degreed office sitters who know little of manufacturing but a lot of money management and profits by low interest gov secured loans and tax policies. US funds civilian security contactors enough to pay their dumb as rocks hirelings $60-120 thosand a year with companies makeing 4 to 7 times above that per man. The Powers That Be, (PTB) use tax money much like Roman Financial, they invest none of own money and look at cost lightly paid by a corrupt politiical Body that also has no investment in projects but becomes wealthy by voting yes f.or them.


On the face of it, some would think this impressive. But it really isn’t. Sure, Iran wanted to showcase some weapons capabilities. It has mid-range missiles. Some, perhaps as many as three misfired. This goes unreported in the pro “axis of resistance” hurray-press but it’s slightly embarrassing. The drones were mostly reverse engineered, no sign of Iran having its own programme. Lastly, how can they be so sure about whom they actually hit? Doesn’t sound terribly credible. If they have the info on the ground, it means they’re in fact incapable of going after them. Which means: Iran has missiles (we know that), which are not terribly reliable; any real power will breath a sigh of relief. Iran has reverse-engineered drones. Ok. Iran’s presence in Syria isn’t sufficient to go after opposition cells.

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