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Iran Claims “Israeli Agent Provocateurs” Are Plotting Attacks On US Forces In Iraq

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Originally appeared at ZeroHedge

Sunday marks the one-year anniversary of the January 3rd, 2020 killing of popular Iranian IRGC Gen. Qassem Soleimani, ahead of which US forces in the region, particularly Iraq, have been on high alert.

Iran has over the past days accused both Israel and the United States of seeking to provoke a “pretext for war” during the last weeks of the Trump presidency, before Biden enters office and seeks rapprochement centered on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPA) nuclear deal.

On Saturday Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif again leveled the charge of the Islamic Republic’s enemies seeking to stage provocations in order to give Trump a “fake casus belli”. This time more specifics were offered, with Zarif claiming Israel is seeking to do this through “Israeli agent-provocateurs” – citing unspecified intelligence in a message on Twitter.

FM Zarif claimed “new intelligence from Iraq” shows that “Israeli agent-provocateurs are plotting attacks against Americans – putting an outgoing Trump in a bind with a fake casus belli.”

He then added a direct threat and warning, tagging Trump in the tweet: “Be careful of a trap… Any fireworks will backfire badly, particularly against your same BFFs” – the latter being a reference to close ally Israel and perhaps the Saudis as well.

Days prior the US flew two nuclear-capable B-52 bombers over the Persian Gulf in a strong deterrence message to Tehran’s leaders. Zarif slammed the move and had for the first time referenced a “plot” to “fabricate” a pretext for war.

It appears Iran thinks this will take the form of more attacks on the US Embassy in Baghdad, or perhaps against bases with a strong American presence in other parts of Iraq.

Both sides are poised with fingers on the trigger in anticipation of a provocation by the other side in an intensifying standoff which could very easily escalate into the very conflict both hope to avoid.

Iran Claims "Israeli Agent Provocateurs" Are Plotting Attacks On US Forces In Iraq
Via Bloomberg

However, there’s little doubt that some elements among both Israel’s leadership and the US national security establishment would like to see enough escalation for the US to respond with force on some level, which would certainly further hinder any future Biden efforts toward restoring the nuclear deal with Iran.


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Free man

Zarif’s post doesn’t show the cowardice of the mullahs regime, it shows the mullahs’ sincere concern for the safety of American soldiers in Iraq. LOL.


Surely this cannot be serious,then again there are deep state sewer rats trying in vain to commence ww3,of course they will try everything to try to keep usa in the m.e stranglehold!


speaking about “mullah regime” and ordinary persian people, watch this.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/105d289ea5516affc43ff6c778a1392c651e754779c198a52833a6cb2baba4be.png

Ashok Varma

India has the second largest Shia population after Iran. They are great moderate people.

Proud Hindu

Nice joke.So many shiites are leaving islam that iran is now a muslim minority country.Check david woods video.The same will happen in saudi,qatar,gcc countries bcoz once muslims become well to do they realize religiion and especially islam is empty with nothing but bloodshed and desert rituals.


hindus nor incests can ever destroy islam,bet your life on that too,p00fs!

Proud Hindu

But islam supports incests and how can hinduism destroy islam when muslims themselves are destroying islam by killing each other lol


how did you read,i didn’t even post this yet?

Proud Hindu

Its posted already and i can read it


I gave you an upvote because it got me beat?

Proud Hindu

The case is true for christianity and communism as well.Christianity has already collapsed and the last communism stronghold china will soon be destroyed by low population growth.All expansionist idelogies will ultimately collapse

Ashok Varma

Ignorant fool.


yeah like 1.4 billion,can’t believe it,mind you trying to see to logic to this birth control?

Ashok Varma

Please excuse this idiot, India’s Hindu population is less than 800 million and then there are 220 million Muslims, 30 million Sikhs, Christians, Jains, Buddhists, etc. This fool is not an Indian but posts to incite and foster hate.


India has over 40 million Christians too, who are persecuted by the Hindu extremists.


1.4 billion?c’mon! Not all Chistians are the same,keep that in mind!

So,why all the panick then?

Proud Hindu

I dont hate all christians only those who want to violently expand their ideology.


One approaches and murders and steals and destroys in order to reap harvest,the other was forced to defend their peoples and they whom needed to be saved from oppresion in tyranny,you may be aware of the one whom also helped india via arms to help a little bit defend the peoples homes.

Proud Hindu

Ya israel helped us while all the christian countries refused to help us during india pak conflict in 1999.

Joe Bloggs

What a bunch of wankers you are – 4 times the Paki poulation, established industries, and you can’t take on tiny pakistan. Why is it that you continuously got served by the Pakis?

Joe Bloggs

like the non violent, non-Hindu -expansionist BJP? –


Europe is post-Christian BUT South America and Africa have a growing population that are turning to Christian Evangelicals

Evangelical Christians are PRO-Israel

Joe Bloggs

“All expansionist idelogies will ultimately collapse” – so you agree, BJP will soon be on its way out then?

Ashok Varma

Abay madar chod stop this nonsense.


He knows something I don’t ,ill back off for now,lol!


Shia apologetics …

Proud Hindu

Im hindu not a fake one like that communist asshole ashok whom i have blocked

Ashok Varma

Abay madar chod kangeri ki aulad. You are obsessed with Iran, and not even an Indian. Please excuse this attention seeking idiot, most Indians are no so ignorant and stupid..

Concrete Mike

There are prostitutes everywhere my friend!


Shia apologist ….



A skewed version of reality provided by the Mullahs … lol

Frankly … Iranian Shia women aren’t reproducing … Iran’s getting older faster demographically … Global Warming won’t be kind … potable water is disappearing …

The Future is About to Land …

Joe Bloggs

They are not reproducing ‘cos their husbands are in the PMU’s on Israel’s border waiting to breed those settler scum b!tches LoL.


They’re jerk offs … like you … eh?

Pimply faced losers …


In first, Jewish population in Israel drops below 74% and future untenable

The number of Jewish immigrants hit a record low of 33.8% of the total number of new immigrants as economy crumbles and insecurity rises.


BS …. Israeli women are having 3+ children and Arabs are having less

2020 was a YEAR of Covid … the #’s of new immigrant as down … hello?

But … most new immigrants came from Russia & Ukraine … eh?

After the economic downturn in the World … the expectation is Jewish immigration will increase exponentially … eh?

After all … Israel is leading the World and will be the FIRST NATION to vaccinate their Population …. hello?


cechas vodobenikov

false—many Russian jews–all the scientists/engineers are returning to Russia—observed by both Israeli/Russian demographers


lol … denial is ALL you have

I just read on ‘Iran Front Page’ … that General Hejazi state that “‘fake claims’ and false media propaganda that Zionist regime has launched attacks on Iranian forces in Syria”

The general says there are no Iranian troops in Syria … hello?

Your crew are LIARS … nothing the regime claims are true … you follow their lead … like blind men/women … and will fall over the cliff with them … eh?


Free man

That’s exactly what I’m saying. The mullahs regime represents a minority of the Iranian people.


What’s your alleged point?

Only a few Jews on this Planet left alive?

That’s why there’s a Jewish sovereign state … to make sure that there’s a safe haven … eh?

I’m keeping score …

Whose winning so far?


Joe Bloggs

Jewish Soveriegn state – now thats a novel concept, except 85% of israeli “jews” are not really Jews but Khazar converts – anyway, Fraud’s over, , Time’s up, yankees aint gonna protect your lily white butts any longer. time to pack up and leave, ‘cos Nasrallah’s a coming


Jews are Jews … they get to decide whose onboard and whose NOT … eh?

You’re NOT … FYI

Nasrallah is dead man walking … that’s why he NEVER appears in public … he replaced the slug who suddenly BLEW UP REAL GOOD … like Soleimani … look it up

Samuel Vanguard

war will destroy both sides,iran should not pretend to not want war with israel or us because this solidifies the Ayatollahs edicts and rule in Iran also IRGC want a reason to build more missles and fund proxy forces


given the repeated aggressions against Iran from the jews in palestine, it is a corollary why Iran want the jews off the map, for good. and by god, they will disappear in a cloud of smoke and hail never to be seen again.


The Zionist criminals are really in last ditch desperation mode and are pushing the moron Trump hard to start a war, but the Pentagon knows the consequences at a time US is literally dying.The Zionists will fail as usual.

Ashok Varma

Indian Zee TV has just shown over a million Iraqis marching against US occupation.

Milion of Iraqis poured into Tahrir Square in central Baghdad on Sunday to attend a commemoration march in memory of Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi Al-Mohandis on the anniversary of their assassinations. “over a million marched towards Tahrir Square in central Baghdad on the first anniversary of General Soleimani’s assassination.



Let them gather … 1 Million marching together … a ‘SUPER SPREADING EVENT’ …

How many will be infected?

How many will die?

Any guesses?

I could give a sh Xt …


cechas vodobenikov

titz hides in basement—fightened of vicious Covid terrorist


I’m following protocol set by my government in Ontario


Zionists Will fail as usual? lol

If they had failed at any time in their 100 year history … they’d be gone … which assuredly they are NOT … hello?

Jim Allen

Twatz, 2000, 2006. 109 countries. Khazaria (big fail)


See above

Joe Bloggs

They failed , in 2000, 2006, 911 was a failure, Iraq invasion was a failure – all wars and events ziorats planned but shot themselves in the foot LoL



2000? Intifada I is that it?

2006? Hezbollah didn’t get destroyed = success? Is that your thinking sluggo? Lebanon still has massive infrastructure deficits … electricity hasn’t been restored … ask Nasrallah? Better ask the average Lebanese who sweat through their heatwaves w/o air conditioning … oh that’s right you 3rd World slugs don’t have air conditioning … pmsl

9/11 … were Saudis/ Islamists … payback is ongoing towards Arabs … Iraq is a mess



Wishful thinking … your disappointment will turn to desperation as your ‘golden eagles’ are destroyed and Iran becomes a garbage dump

Joe Bloggs

Iran was an empire – thats just how Iranians are. FakeJew Khazars never were – they’re just thieving baby killers – hardly the stuff empires are made of. Iran will persist, way after israel disappears – which is probably sometime this year


Iran ‘was’ an empire …

So … it’s sometime THIS year … eh?

One of YOU slugs might get it right … I’ve been hearing all sorts of promises … eh?

The Iranian Majlis voted on a law that Israel MUST disappoint 2041 … hello?

So … you’re a really optimistic slug … eh?



Proud Hindu

Lol nice cartoon.Iran doesnt need a cinema industry coz their army is expert in making movies instead of fighting just like the pakis and chinese


They do have the knack of deep fake,then again alot of others too. I like anything detterence,the best value any nation can adopt=peace?

Concrete Mike

Just like your an expert at sucking up to the colonial viceroy of the times. A proud hindu prostitute you are indeed!

Joe Bloggs

Thats their religion -Prostitution They make their mommas, sisters and wives prostitutes, and when they’re not doing that, they’re busy raping anything with a skirt. Why else would a 1.2 billion strong nation need Israel’s help to fight a nation 25% its size?

cechas vodobenikov

Dalit eat too much clay—brain now mush

Proud Hindu

Russian drink too much vodka and drown in black sea lol

Joe Bloggs

He’s no dalit – they hate Hinduism, it oppresses them. He’s just the run of the mill piss drinking monkey whacker.

Joe Bloggs

Yep, thats why tiny Pakistan whips Hindu butt 9/10 times. Too much Bollywood


Frankly, Zarif is right, the Zionist criminals have diaper rash and are pissing in their super diapers to have the US get into a suicidal war with Iran, but the Pentagon won’t fall for it. However, Iran will take on the Zionists in a very long asymmetrical war, the clock is ticking for that.


Israel is prepared to go to war … their doctrine has been made clear ‘Momentum’ … a blitzkreig of destruction

200,000 Dead Lebanese in the first 48 hours

Just Me

Oh Twatz… Next

Concrete Mike

Fuck off warmonger.


Aww … you’re upset? F/k off


More like 7 000 000 dead zionists in the first 48 hours.


Let’s see whose right … eh?


Want to put it to the test?


Franky, you talk way too much for someone who hasn’t even been in a war. Keep your mouth shut, because the day you meet an IDF soldiers like me in direct combat, is the day you will meet God. Anyone wanna fight us is welcomed, be it Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas or any other shit on this planet.

Ashok Varma

Iran has prepared for a long war and the Zionist regime is petrified. The US should stay well clear of any Zionist plots.


F/kn Shia mouthpiece …

Lone Ranger

Wouldnt be the first time… USS Liberty… 9/11… Deadly Mossad snipers in Iraq…

Lone Ranger

The irony is that with every of their action they have compromized their national security, so they are highly counterproductive on the longterm.


The Zionists have huge internal problems and a demographic challenge. Hezbollah has infiltrated their security forces, they are terrified of a major war and are playing their last card to goad the Americans into a death trap.

Israeli military base raided in possible largest seizure of ammunition in its history: report

The Hebrew-language newspaper Yediot Aharonot (Ynet) reported on Sunday morning that despite the heavy security at the Israeli military bases, smugglers or saboteurs succeeded in storming a military base and recording one of the largest thefts in the history of Israel.

The newspaper reported that the smugglers received assistance from inside the Israeli military base and managed to steal 93,000 bullets, anti-tank missiles and hundreds of rifleslast week from the Tsalim military base site, which is located in the southern part of the country.

According to the newspaper, the suspects have not been identified and no information is available about them.


Wow … thanks for the bs propaganda

Hezbollah has infiltrated the IDF … pmsl

No proof but it shows how desperate the enemy is … yes YOU’RE the enemy … lol

Pathetic flea that you are …


Concrete Mike

Ill gladly be your ennemy you fucken parasite.

Also get a life loser, spammming on a forum at 7am LOL!


It’s Covid time … did I wake you? TFB

Go Bills Go … Squish the Fish on Sunday


Sure … blowing up Hezbollah / IRGC / Shia Brigades targets in Syria are counterproductive to Iranian buildups of another front against the Jews/Zionists/Israelis … eh?

I’m keeping score … eh?

Whose winning so far?


Lone Ranger

Iran. They took over Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, parts of Syria, parts of Lybia, parts of Afghanistan… What did you win? Nothing. You cant even elect a proper govt lol. 30 years ago most the Free World was pro Israel, so was the UN and the EU. Not anymore. Why is that…? Let that sink in…


The World 30 years ago? 1990?

What’s happened since that time Line Ranger?

Ask Tonto … I’m interested … eh?

Lone Ranger

You know exactly the things that have happened… Dont play the dumb, it not your suit… Have a nice evening ?


Go Bills Go … Squish the Fish

cechas vodobenikov

titz fake–only interested Disney reality


What happened 30 years ago?

Ashok Varma

False flags are both US and Zionist specialty. This whole mess in Iraq is thanks to the fake WMD nonsense as we all know, how well that has worked out.


anti-Judaism hate bs

Concrete Mike

No we hate warmongers.

It just happens there are alot of jewish warmongers. Just a coincidence! We aont advocating for genocide, like you just did with your post above.

What your favorite hockey stick so i can break one on your doe head?!!


They’re easily breakable these days … made of composites … great at being flexible but brittle … wooden sticks are so yesterday … eh?

So bring your stick …. I’ve got a flame thrower ???


Do not conflate anti-zionism with anti-judaism. Judaism is a monotheistic religion. Zionism is akin to nazism. Deflection like a true scoundrel.


anti-Zionism is anti-Judaism in the 21st Century … full stop

The replacement of the individual Jew for the collective Jew

Judaism is NOT only a religion … eh?

Goyim don’t define Judaism for the Jews


GOD – belief in the the one God of the Universe

TORAH – belief in the divinely inspired words of God

ISRAEL … the belief in the Jewish People’s mission

Lazy Gamer

There are still several hours before the day ends there. Will the peace hold? lol

Rafik Chauhan

US /Zionist is not prepared for long war and dont have courage for that. But iran and resstance has nothing to loose and they are capable of very long war which will defently bad for US and its economy and people. and israel will not be able to take this and will end up losing territory . Plus Russia and china will give Iran anykind of weopeons to make US kneel down.

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